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Posts posted by TynMcsMom

  1. I know I should probably wait till I hit the 100 mark to post this since I am so close - but I am floating on air. I am 99 pounds down from my highest weight. I am so excited! Only 15 to go till I hit my first "skinny" goal and 30 till I hit my ideal weight. It is such an amazing experience!!!! I can't even begin to describe how incredible this journey has been. I would love to hear from other people about all of your successes as well!!!!

  2. I just have to shout it from the rooftops - "Dr. Frank Chae is the most amazing surgeon!" He is in Lone Tree, CO at the Sky Ridge Medical Center (food you eat, and the why of it all. She really cares about her patients and enjoys her work. She goes so far as trying the things she tells you to do (for example, they recommend that you start cutting out soda so she stopped drinking soda for a month to see what it was like). She won't tell you to do something she hasn't done herself (now that is dedication if you ask me). She has a depth of understanding about weight issues that I didn't think was possible from someone who hasn't had weight issues. She is as much psychologist as nutritionist. It is refreshing and puts you at ease.

    He also offers a support group once a month. This is run by Kelly Elliot and is FREE of charge for the rest of your life if you like. Who else does that? The groups are great in that you get to talk to people taking the same journey as you and Kelly brings in speakers to help answer questions you may have about an assortment of different topics.

    I cannot express enough about the kindness, understanding and expertise Dr. Frank Chae and his team.

    p.s. Just so you know, I am not affiliated with Dr. Chae or anyone on his team. I just want everyone to have as amazing an experience with this as I have had!

  3. You know I get hungry about 2 hours out too. The only difference for me is that with the sleeve it seems a lot easier to get my mind on something else. I also find that happens more when I am dehydrated - but that's just me. I don't drink nearly enough Water...

    Things are going well, weight loss wise and I am doing good with exercise. The only problem I have is that when I eat I get a gas bubble and food just doesn't feel good going down. Of course, this is a life change from a person who enjoyed eating so much. I can't say what others say, "I love my sleeve.".....YET! I will be 6 weeks out on Monday and I know it getting better. Other than that, I feel excellent. No problems at all. I have been 100% since week 4.

    The only thing I have to laugh at is the whole "you won't get hungry" thing (hormone?). I am starving 2 hours after I eat.

  4. I remember that phase but if you want to know the funny thing - I only remember it when someone else brings it up. So know that it will fade (and pretty quickly too). That first 3-4 were pretty tough. But then everything gets better and better as each day goes by. (Hope it continues that way!). I still don't do consistent exercise. Bad Me! But it's more than I used to do. So there's that.

    Well, I am only 2 weeks and 2 days out. I have mixed feelings still. I am glad that I did it, but it is a life change. I want to eat stuff sometimes, not because I am hungry, but because I am so used to eating whenever I want. Other than that, I am tired a lot still. I can't wait to get more calories in so I can function better and do the stairs in my own house better. I know it will all get better so I take it as it comes, a little better here and there. I am happy with my weight loss and hope to start working out at 3 weeks out, just walking, but worry about my energy level. I will take it easy at first, every little bit helps.

    I am getting in my Protein, so that is good. Just waiting for the day that I can eat some food and function a little better. Then I know it will all be worth it!

  5. I am only 4 weeks out and had the same question. I don't know if they will help you or not. Split pea Soup, veggie drinks (like V8), overly cooked broccoli and cauliflower. I haven't had a chance to try the broccoli and cauliflower but maybe that will help.

  6. Thanks all. Very helpful! I appreciate the ideas. Never thought of V8 and I have honestly forgotten to take me Vitamins. Oops! Have to get going with that again.

    It is funny how the taste buds change. I am drinking a protien drink that is sickly sweet now (I had to "water" it down with milk) and before it was never too sweet. Don't know why it happens but I'm not going to fight it.

  7. I posted the same thing. Everyone told me that sometimes you stall or even gain. It's like your body taking a breather to adjust.

    Do you ever watch "The Biggest Loser"? If so, you know how in week 2 nobody loses no matter what they eat or how hard they exercise? It's the same concept. Your body just needs to adjust to the changes.

  8. Thank you. I have taken your advice. I am only doing weekly weigh ins now. Thanks again

    Yep, been there done that - today in fact - gained a pound back.

    Water plays a big part, we can retain quite a bit, 10 lbs or more according to some. It makes a difference if you have a bowel movement too.

    I would advise to switch to a weekly weigh in rather than daily, then you won't get discouraged with the "bumps" in the road.

  9. THANK YOU!!! It is so good to know that it is normal. I think I am going to get rid of the scale and just pull it out once a week. It's a bit disheartening.

    I really do appreciate you taking the time to let me know that this is normal. You have no idea how relieved I am!

    Don't worry!!! It happened to ALL of us :-) Just keep doing what you are doing and it will come off. There is something about that 3 week mark where your body just wants to hold on and sometimes even gain - but it is temporary! I've been having stalls for a week at a time now and I am almost 4 months out. But the good news is that ultimately the scale keeps going down (eventually) and in the past it would have been only going up!

  10. Help! I am 3 weeks out and I haven't lost any weight for 3 days. As a matter of fact, today I gained a pound. Now I do have a $17 scale so I am not sure how accurate it is - but I am getting pretty freaked out. Am I just a lost cause? How can I possibly be screwing up this bad?

    I am drinking protien shakes and don't eat more than 1/2 cup of food (usually a lot less). I am not getting as much Water in as possible and when I do drink it, I drink Crystal Light.

    What am I doing wrong? How is this even possible?

  11. I just want to shout it out from the roof tops! He and his team are the best! He works out of Sky Ridge Medical Center in Lone Tree, CO

    If you want to research him - his website is http://www.nationalbariatrics.com/

    If it wasn't for his office manager, Connie, I would not have gotten my surgery until this 2011 and that would have cost me THOUSANDS of dollars. She was helpful and makes everyone in the office a top priority. I don't know how she does it without going completely insane but she does. She is always calm and patient and extremely positive and understanding!

    Another invaluable member of his team is the nutritionist he works with, Kelly Elliot. I know she works with a few other doctors in the denver/metro area as well. It is definitely worth contacting her to see if she who she works with if you are shopping around for a doctor. Also, if your insurance requires a nutritionist or you just want to go to one before the surgery she is reasonable and SO VERY knowledgable. Her website is http://www.bnrllc.com/. Though it may seem like you don't need it - she offers a 5 hour class on what to do after the surgery. The 5 hours fly by so don't let that deter you and she spells out exactly what you need, what to do, what not to do and why. Invaluable information! I know people who have had the surgery without the class and it takes that about the first 6 months to a year to learn on their own the stuff Kelly teaches in that class. As a result their weight loss is slower.

    I cannot say enough about her!

    He also works with an fitness coach Taralyn Jenson-Jones. She is so understanding and wonderful at helping you make small, attainable exercise goals and learn ways to follow through. Her website is http://tjlifefitness.com/.

    I am not getting paid by anyone to give you this information. This is just an honest opinion based on my experience and the experiences of other people who have both gone with Dr. Chae and have not had the surgery with him. You won't regret it!!!!!!

  12. Sorry to hear you're struggling. You're on the liquids only stage so hopefully it'll get easier for you once you get on to mushies! rolleyes.gif

    It's good to hear that you're positive about the whole and I hope you continue to put your best foot forward.

    Thanks so much! I feel much better now. I had 2 very tiny sips of a protien drink (though technically I am not supposed to go on protien until day 10) and that was all I needed. I think it's probably mental - but this whole thing is a learning process.

    I am just so excited to see where all of this will take me.

    Thank you again!

  13. Today is day 6 out for me. I was not supposed to start full liquids until day 5, but I was so hungry and couldn't stand just broth anymore, that I had to have some cottage cheese (which is on my full liquid list) on night 4. I had 1/4 cup of C.C. and I felt so much better. I think I even slept the whole night after that. Now, when I wake in the morning, I am super hungry, but three bites of C.c. and I am full. The rest of the day, I only get minor hunger. And one or two bites does it for me.

    I remarked to my hubby today, that I am maybe eating 3 cups total of food in a day, where as before I could eat 4 cups in one sitting and come back for more 20 minutes later. I know I will ever go to a buffet again. There is simply no need for all that food.

    So I would say once you start on something more substantial, you will feel more fulfilled with smaller amounts. I have been doing my full liquids for 2 full days and usually 1/3 cup is comfortable for me. Before, I would feel like I was missing out with 1/3 cup food. It's great! I've been eating yogurt, cottage cheese, mashed potatoes

    I also eat out of measuring cups. It helps me to see what the actually serving sizes are and boy did I over eat in the past. Never realized how little food you actually need to survive.

    I was the same way. I just shovelled food. The faster I could eat the more I could shove down my gullet the better (as far as I was concerned). This is such a cool thing!!! So glad I found out about it! Good luck and keep on going!

  14. So just wondering if I was the only one that is really hungry? I am only 4 days out so I have 6-10 more days of liquid only before I can go to the pureed food and I am just hungry. Milk, Crystal Light, Jello and Water are just not cutting it. Please tell me that, once I can eat I won't be this hungry anymore. I was under the impression that my ghrelin levels would be much, much lower so I wouldn't have this gnawing hunger.

    Well, as everything, this too shall pass...(I hope).

  15. So I am 4 days out of surgery. I am handling everything pretty well. Just going to take it a day at a time. I was in a tizzy trying to get approved before the end of the year. I got approved on the 29th and had the surgery on the 31st. It was a 3 month whirlwind. Now it seems a bit anti climactic. Sort of like "Now what do I do with my time?". I don't have a scale yet so I am not sure how much, if any, I have lost. I had an incredible doctor (Frank Chae in Lone Tree, CO) and an incredible team. I also have to say that, for the first time in my life, I have nothing bad to say about my insurance company. Go Aetna!!!!

    I am trying very hard to concentrate on following the doctor's orders and not think about what I can't do or have any more. Every once in a while I get a fleeting moment where I imagine what it feels like to just have a giant mouthfull of food but that passes pretty quickly.

    I am starting to work on the reasons why I use food. I signed up for an online program called "Shrink Yourself" about how to get rid of emotional eating. When I tried it before the surgery it would trigger binges; but now that I don't have a choice I think it's the perfect time to do some work. Has anyone else used this (or any other system)?

    I am concerned about telling my husbands side of the family. They are a bit judgemental. But, I can't control what they think or feel, so I will just have to plow through and tell them (when they notice) and let the cards fall where they may.

    All in all I am VERY optomistic about the whole thing. I am going to a support group meeting on the 20th that my doctor offers, free of charge for as long as I want to go. Pretty great!!!

    Thanks for the ear...

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