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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by ButterflyM

  1. I am 9.5 weeks post of, and things are going very well- LOVING my BAND! I have only one question: WHERE IS ALL THIS DARN GAS COMING FROM???? And I mean the kind you expell! I just don't understand why or where it is originating from. i am not drinking from a straw & I do not take in air when i eat. It is loud, sometimes frequent intervals, & excuse me but sometimes very smelly! I just want some answers. Thanks for all your input.

  2. I also would have said wait until after vacation- but for different reasons. I have read that when on an airplane that can cause restriction in your band, so I would say wait just to be safe that you are not SICK while on your vacation. Hope you had a good time! From reading your stats, sounds like you are loosing at a very good rate!

  3. I was given a blood thinner injection the morning of my surgery. I am not a person that bruises easily and that area on my arm was sore and bruised for about 5 weeks. In your case since you are prone to bruising this just probably made that a little worse, sounds like you will be just fine. Good Luck fellow bandster!

  4. And I know that if i "wanted to" right now I'm sure that I could eat larger portions because I do not have any liquid in my band yet. I am only on Post op Day #13. but i measure my foods as instructed and thats all I have. An hour after meals, i drink my 16 oz Water and that's it. I also have my milk 30 mins before my meals. not sure if this helps me to stay full, but I am NEVER hungry. And I eat my 3 meals approx every 4- 5 hours. Hope this helps.

  5. I'm confused, u say that you are doing everything that ur Dr tells u to do, yet u can eat "same size portions pre-band" ???? If u r measuring out your Protein and veggie portions then how would u know that u can eat the larger volumes of food? ? If you are still hungry 30 mins after u eat, then drink some Water. And I would call the Dr and discuss this with him. Also if your office has a nutritionist on hand may discuss with her exactly what you are eating and go from there. Also you can have a sf popsicle if you are still hungry. Good Luck.

  6. Every surgeon is different as far as the post-op protocol. U should call ur Dr's office and find out what their particular post op diet says you should b drinking. Some Dr's keep you on shakes for 2 weeks afterwards, some only a few days, so to be safe, Check with YOUR Dr. I had a Dr that has a rather strict post op diet, but they don't have many compications and their pt's are pretty successful when following the recommendations. GOod Luck to u and CONGRATS!

  7. I just started mushies as well and I have to say the fat free ricotta/spaghetti sauce/ low fat mozzarella string cheese bake was YUMMY! I think most bandsters refer to it as some kind of lasagne, but I can see this becoming a staple meal for me not only in mushies but from here out.

    This does sound good. Question, y do u have to use string cheese?? Y not low fat moz. shredded cheese? And do u mix it all together and bake it or layer in the order of the ingredients? THanks, going to store today!

  8. I feel ur pain. I have not returned to work yet, I took 2 weeks off. However, when I return, there should not be a rumor mill problem, since I told them I was just taking a vacation. I only told 3 people at work, my manager, & 2 other co- workers, 1 that attended the initial information session about the Band Surgery ( she was considering it as well). I'm not sure how I will handle or how I will respond to people who approach me. Since this was a very personal decision, I may just respond that way. "I've made some personal decisions and they are just that, PERSONAL and it would be nice if people respect that". Nice and sweet.

  9. Ok I was doing my Protein Shakes 3x day with 3dairy supplements. Kept getting sick everytime i went out so Dr advanced my diet to Puree a few days early. NOW I know I am NOT suppose to weigh myself daily in these first few weeks, but I just CANT HELP IT! :D The scale is going in the WRONG direction! It's just a few pounds but, it this normal?? I mean does this happen to EVERYONE when you go from liquids and return to real food? I am only eating 3 oz of Protein and 2 oz of vegg/ or fruit 3x a day and 3 servings of dairy ( i choose lowfat milk) . I calculated my caloric intake and it is between 825- 950 daily. I am getting my fluids in (min 80 oz) & protein ( 79- 99gm). So WHAT IS HAPPENING????? I even took a 30 walk yesterday on the treadmill, since I FINALLY felt good enough to start exercising. ANY advice or words of encouragement would be GREATLY APPRECIATED. THanks fellow bandsters!

  10. I was told that post lap band you can never take Ibuprofen of NSAIDS, Aleve, Advil, etc. Only take tylenol and what was prescribed for you, Tylenol #3 or Lortab. For the gas pain, it didnt hit me until POD # 3-5; The first couple of days, I walked every hour for 5 mins around the house and I think that kept it at bay. But I slacked and on the night of POD #3 when I had been sitting on the couch for tooooo long, I paid severly! I finally had the Horrible gas pains that I read about! I walked alot and had my bf hit me on my back (burp me lol) and used my heating pad on my upper chest shoulder area. It really did help but sometimes the gas would just move around and not come out until early a.m hours like 3 or 4 am!! But boy was I a happy camper! Never been so glad to expel gas!! ( I know gross, but it is the honest truth! ) Just dont put the heating pad on or near your incisions. Good Luck. I am not POD #8 and No gas pains for a few days, thanks goodness I think they are gone!

  11. Scott, I am RIGHT THERE WITH YOU! lol I was banded on July 29; did 2 weeks of shakes 2 weeks prior to Sx also and 2 weeks shakes post op! Had follow up appointment, wasnt getting my Protein in becuz the milky sweet shakes were making me sick (really gag'g). So I switched to Isopure, much better, & they told me I can go to mushies 2 days earlier- So Wed is my day!! I did CHEAT 2day, had 3 cheetos puffs (HEAVEN!!) and that satisfied me! Just cant wait til Wed! Already went grocery shopping today! lol We can do this! And for the food police- Cheetos puffs dissolve to nothing! so I didnt swallow anything! Good Luck to all of us!

  12. Ok, maybe its just me but I am so not there yet! I NEVER use to nap B4 I had this band, but now, it seems all I do is NAP! Discussed this with my Dr at follow up appointment yesterday and she says that since I am not quite meeting my daily Fluid or Protein needs, and that I did just have surgery, my body does not have the reserve. I can't WAIT to have all this evergy or actually to just return to my preband energy level! I was very active pre band and never a napper and always on the go. Well perhaps I will feel more energetic after I get to Post op week 2! Good Luck Fellow Bandsters! Going to venture to the grocery store and wak around a lil!

  13. I'm a little confused, even if a "non-banded" person ate a turkey sandwich, that is very filling for a "regular" size stomach, so Y r you hungry 2 hrs later?? I just don't get it. It just seems like that should be filling for a regular person banded or not so y is this not filling you?

  14. I agree, everyone hit it right on the head- sounds like your blood sugar was low and your Fluid intake was a little low.. I did that the day after I was banded- "BAD IDEA" I felt so bad when I came in from walking! I had a follow up Dr's visit today and told them I have NO energy to exercise! When looking over my fluid intake and total Protein intake for the past few days, they just re confirmed what i knew that I was not hydrated enought and not taking in enough protein- which all adds up to low energy output. I walk around in the house (temperature controlled) for 5 mins every hour and that also helps the gas to move around and out! I think when I advance to puree, I will be able to walk outside since I will have sufficient calorie intake at the point. Good Luck to you, hope this helped!

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