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Status Updates posted by Coookies

  1. OMG i can't believe that the last time i posted was in 2011~!!!

  2. ONEDERLAND TODAY!!!!! WOOHOOOOOOO!!!! Yay!!! am soooo very happy!!!

  3. was called a skinny b***h (in a good way) by one of my friends!! <3 hehehehe~!!!! luved it!!

  4. 4.6 pounds till I hit Onederland... i can't wait!!! :)

  5. 4.6 pounds till I hit Onederland... i can't wait!!! :)

  6. curry... a natural laxative... just an idea for any of you out there suffering....

  7. oh... liking the new VST page!!! so FB!! cute!!

  8. time to focus.. i have a pair of size 10 denim slacks just calling my name...

  9. Oh WOW.. just realized it's my 6 MONTH SURGIVERSARY.... ok... I am down 84 pounds from my pre-surgery weight.. I am currently 214 pounds... a comfy size 14 or a slightly tight 12...

  10. carbs = a slippery slope.... I have given myself 1 full week to enjoy carbs.. haven't gained or lost weight, so I'm cool... glad to be giving my body a break, and good to see what my body can no longer handle...

  11. stuck again :( darn it!!

  12. walked a 5k marathon today with my friend's 22 pound- 1 year old strapped on my chest :) it was fun!!

  13. 16s are really really comfy.. practically falling off comfy... oh well... 2 more sizes and i'm offically screwed, cuz i will be out of clothes, and i tried buying pants here, but their idea of an extra large is an American SMALL and they are highwaters cuz I'm 5'8" and that is really tall for a girl here :( .. oh well i will be back in TX in 2 months..

  14. i love my 5th grade private student... i walked in the door and he stares at me looking shocked and then "wow.. teacher.. did you lose weight??" then runs off to tell his mom... who complimented me on my collar bones :) .... i <3 him! LOL

  15. i can't stop touching and looking at my collarbones... i love the way they are showing and i love the bony feel!!! i'm so weird!!

  16. Yay!! Kilo-- Onederland!! Today I was 99.6 kilos!! Finally!! :) Now for pound Onederland!! (its exciting for me cuz in Korea we use Kilos, and my scale measures Kilos.. then I have to enter it in my Excel sheet and see how many pounds it is..)

  17. .2 kilos from kilo onederland ... ughhh!!!!

  18. NSV--- my slutty thigh high school girl socks I bought in Japan now fit, and my Large men's t-shirt is roomy... oh, and i put on a swimsuit that someone gave me.. i think its a miracle suit, cuz damn.. i'm actually considering wearing it at the upcoming beach volleyball tourney!!

  19. Yeah.. 5 day pouch test just became LilMissDiva's (Irene's) version...like the Slim Fast diet......Today was day 1 of the "pouch test"... I was fine until tonight but after 75 mins of Aikido, i realized it was either eat or die.... seriously... so i had 100 grams of lean sirloin and 2 bites of salad... not bad I think :) feeling much better!!

  20. So... I decided that if I'm going to make it Onederland any time in the near future, then I need to get my ass in gear!!! ~~ this being said, today I did: an hour of Taekwondo Poomsae (forms)--1018 cals.... and then 30 mins hauling ass on my stationary bike (458 cals)...... and only ate 396 cals with 27 carbs and 55 protein.... Tomorrow I'm doing the "5 Day Pouch Test" ... time to kick some booty!!!

  21. hovering at 101 kilos is frustrating.. i want kilogram Onederland!!!

  22. stomach is good.. no leaks and no ulcer!! yay!! no more worrying!!!

  23. my pleasure Ruby!!! :)

  24. way too many carbs today, but it is thanksgiving day here.... so my 1 cheat day!!! feeling a little guilty..but not sweating it!!

  25. Thanks MRSKOUBiK!!!! :) u rock!

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