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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by silry

  1. did anyone else (or is anyone else) having crazy weird pre-op dreams?! last night i dreamt i was in the hospital (which looked an awful lot like a 7-11/cheap motel combo) laying in a huge bathtub filled with bubbles while my nurse was busy making a bunch of big gulps. i drank part of one and she yelled at me that my surgery was going to be postponed if i continued to drink soda. so i sat in the bubble bath and nervously waited for the other nurse to come draw my blood. i panicked that i forgot my laptop and was scared that i couldn't find my friend to help me go through the surgery. the water got cold and then i woke up. i also had a dream that i was already banded and was on a roller coaster. we went over a HUGE hill (hill?) and then went down a dip super fast and i threw up my band! never mind that it's on the OUTSIDE on my tummy. i woke up freaked out a bit. LOL. i have WEEKS to go and i'm already having crazy dreams every night. can't wait to see what my mind produces as the date gets closer!!! :heh:
  2. silry

    February 2007 bandsters!

    my doc gives a few choices. you can do in the induction phase of atkins for a few weeks, do 12 days of 2 shakes a day then one light meal for dinner, or one other that i can't remember. i chose to do the 12 day preop diet of the shakes/light meal. every doc is different. did you doc give you any instructions for preop? from what i've read, most people get some sort of preop diet. although i did see one lady who only had to drink clear liquids 12 hours before her surgery! consider yourself lucky if you don't have to do anything!!! i'm totally dreading my 12 day diet. if i could stick to 12 days of dieting... well... i wouldn't be on this journey. LOL
  3. silry

    Lower BMI Bandsters!

    the one site suggests getting hypnosis cds to help with the head hunger. i've always been curious about hypnosis but skeptical about it working in cd form. i'm not going to spend $60+ dollars to find out! LOL! i checked out the other links, but the information i find here is SO much better!
  4. silry

    Lower BMI Bandsters!

    there. this one!
  5. silry

    Lower BMI Bandsters!

    it was on the link on the bottom of you post on the previous page. you had a few links listed, it was the first one. :rose:
  6. silry

    Lower BMI Bandsters!

    audree - i went to the BandsterME.com website. did you buy the cds?
  7. i'm really glad i found this tread. a girlfriend and i have been doing WW for the last 7 months. i only lost 15lbs and that just crushed me. but i loved our leader and spending time with my girlfriend (without our boys) and i loved the support from the group. it was a hard decision for me to make to get the band b/c i just assumed i would have to give up WW. but after reading this, i think i will continue to go! thanks guys!
  8. silry

    Lower Body Lift Fun!

    i was heavy (ok, fat) almost all my life. when i was in my early 20s i was going to europe for a month and didn't want to be fat in my photos so i crash dieted. i lost 30lbs and had a blast in europe. when i came home, i stepped up my efforts. i was barely eating and working out 2hours a day. granted i did lose over 70lbs and looked smokin', but i didn't FEEL any differently... until i started attracting gorgeous men. and i played around. a lot. oh, i had fun. but after 2 years of living an exciting but totally superficial life, i crashed and burned. i started gaining weight again... after i got "too heavy" for my ex's motorcycle, he dumped me. i swore i was DONE with the superficial, gorgeous guys. then, in one of those strange twists life throws at you, i met the single most gorgeous man i had ever laid eyes on at a bar. we hooked up. we'll be celebrating our 3rd anniversary soon. turns out not all gorgeous men are players or superficical. my husband is the purest man with the most generous heart and spirt. basically what i am saying is that you are trying on a new you. like a teenage with a new car. soon enough you will find the RIGHT guy. or you'll learn how to live with the new you. (does that make sense?) anyhow, i've been following your progress from afar and am impressed with your attitude. you sound like a smart cookie with a good head. :hug: good luck!!! and keep us informed on your progress. :clap2:
  9. silry

    When will it stop?

    AWESOME!!! about breaking the plateau, not the cake. LOL. there is no way i can have cake in the house. i don't even allow my neighbors to have it in their houses. LOL!!! have fun on the treadmill and keep up the great work, ya loser! (<-- i can't wait to be called a loser!! only 22 more days!!!) :clap2: :clap2: :clap2:
  10. i think one of the scary things about the band is the fact that nobody really has a concrete idea of how long it will last. it's not like it's been around for 50years... but i'm willing to take that risk. the alternative is far too unpleasant!
  11. silry

    When will it stop?

    kat817 - you are very wise and responded very tactfully. i am continually impressed at the sound advice and comments i find on this forum by people such as yourself. good job.
  12. silry

    February 2007 bandsters!

    AWESOME!!!!!!! congrats!!!!! :clap2: :high5:
  13. silry

    February 2007 bandsters!

    b russell - i feel the same way. i've been stocking up on supplies, am excited about the band, but i keep having these episodes of panic. i just wish i was getting banded RIGHT AWAY - less time to sit and stew. you made the right decision - we both did - now we just have to take deep breaths and get though this!!! :hug:
  14. silry

    Lower BMI Bandsters!

    wooot!!! good luck and have a GREAT workout!!! :clap2:
  15. silry

    Lower BMI Bandsters!

    LOL. i do that too!!!
  16. silry

    Lower BMI Bandsters!

    hi audree! do you have a plan for how often you are going to weigh yourself? i'm so anxious to see how awesome you do! it's reassuring to see you doing so great... especially as i'm getting so close to my banding date! it seems like a lot of people are really excited for you! :clap2:
  17. silry

    What Peeves you?

    i know someone already said these, but boy do they chap my butt... it's not "i want to LOOSE weight." it's LOSE. if you are on a site about weight-loss, at least know how to spell LOSE. your clothes are LOOSE after you LOSE weight.:faint: PEOPLE WHO TYPE IN ALL CAPS. what? is your caps lock button broken?! People Who Type Every Word With A Capital Letter. it's a pain to read and just plain ole obnoxious. (now, i realize i don't capitalize anything, but it's a lot easier to read then the above examples. LOL.) people who don't use turn signals, who BLAST their crappy music out of their car (hey buddy, if i wanted to listen to the crap coming out of your stereo, i'd be sitting in your car.) people who talk during movies. i did not just spend $10 to listen about how your sister's cousin's uncle's mom got food poisoning from eating a taco king. OKAY? people who leave their dogs outside all day and night so they bark ALL DAY AND NIGHT. *sighs* i have a LOT more but i don't want to get myself all worked up. LOL.
  18. silry

    Curves Vs Gym

    i used to be a total gym rat. 2 hours a day, huge complex workouts... but then i got distracted by life (ie: boys) and stopped going. of course i ended up gaining a lot of weight... so i joined curves. and gained MORE weight. turns out that under that extra 25lbs, i was too fit for the curves workouts - i busted my ass AND did the circuit an extra time. by the end of my curves stay (which was only 9 months since i broke my foot) i had gained an additional 15lbs. the good thing about my current gym is it has a woman's only gym in addition to the big gym. i've found that working out in the main gym isn't as bad as i orginally thought it would be. i'm a lot less intimidated. plus as my fitness level grows, the choices at the gym will be able to accommodate me. so, i think curves would be good for you if you never have worked out before, have a really sedentary lifestyle and have a good deal of weight to lose. the ladies were really friendly, did fun little games to help the workouts pass by in a fun and quicker manner, and they changed things up a bit every so often (like rearranging the machines) to keep things fresh. my 2 cents. :rolleyes
  19. silry

    February 2007 bandsters!

    on feb. 10th i start my liquid diet - well, liquid for 2 meals and then a lean cuisine for dinner. :confused: that isn't going to be a lot of fun. if i could stick to something like that, i wouldn't need the band! but i will do my absolute damnedest because i want this to be a SUCCESS!!! anyhow, i ordered some medical grade protein powder online to halp the process along and to use after i'm banded. stocked up on sugar free carbonation-free soda (well, fruit punch in a can. LOL.) i even bought caffeine free coffee beans although that was a little too soon. LOL. i have lists and lists and lists written out planning for every little thing. what's killing me now is a.) the waiting (of course) and b.) the last-meal syndrome... "i have to eat this now because pretty soon i won't be able to...!" :confused: BAD SILRY, BAD!!! today i saw a very obsese lady at the sub shop where i got lunch and it reminded me of why i am getting this done... i do not EVER want to be that lady. well, that's about it for tonight. tomorrow i am going to try to go back on my pre-found-out-i-was-going-to-be-banded diet. ie: weight watchers. if i am expected to lose 5% of my weight before my surgery... i need to get cracking!!! good luck to all you pre-op dieters!!! i feel for ya, i really do!!! :hungry:
  20. silry

    Hey PRE-Banders...!

    i can't wait for my boobs to stick out further then my belly! i live in vegas where the summers are H-O-T-T-T-T and i can't wait to wear lighter clothes - normally i'm so embarrassed by my hugeness that i wear a lot of clothes to cover meself up. BUT this summer - uhuh! no more extra sweating for me! oh, and i'm also looking forward to, uh, more...
  21. silry

    Lower BMI Bandsters!

    audree!!!!!! awesome woman!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :clap2: :clap2: :clap2:
  22. silry

    Lower BMI Bandsters!

    unfortunantly i do not. :cry we first applied with surgeryloans.com... they gave us a 14% interest rate. i have horrible credit (darn those student loans) and he has impeccable credit but that was the best they would give us. luckily he has discover card with a very low interest rate so we just charged it. i'd do a google search for bad-credit loans. also, it doesn't hurt to try to repair your credit in the meanwhile. there are lots you can do on your own. you can apply for a few credit cards as well. my doctor is letting us split payments b/t 2 cards. if you get 2 with a low introductory rate... you could use those! GOOD LUCK and *hug*. sorry i don't have more to offer.
  23. silry

    Lower BMI Bandsters!

    paperwork is filled out. deposit is in. airfare is reserved. time off from work is requested and approved. :omg: now i am panicking. it's all SO REAL. i keep having... moments of, well, freakingoutness (new word!). so many questions - am i doing the right thing? will i lose what i need to lose? am i making an almost $9k mistake?! but i'm also really excited. i am READY to make this change. i'm ready to change my life. i just wish i knew for sure if i was doing the right thing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :paranoid
  24. silry

    February 2007 bandsters!

    holy moly! i got my paperwork all done and sent in. deposit has been made. airfare is set. now i just have to wait until 2/21!!! i have to admit i wasn't prepared at all for this feeling... half thrilled to pieces and half scared to pieces! i've been emotionally eating all over the friggin' place. i am SO ready to be done with that. is anyone else freaked?!
  25. silry

    February 2007 bandsters!

    hi guys! i am going to be a february bandster!!! my date is set for feb. 21st with dr. ortiz. i am SO EXCITED. i might die from antisipation though! :faint:

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