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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by silry

  1. i've been keeping track of all my food (err, liquids) intake and cannot believe how difficult it is for me to hit 800 calories. i have failed every single day since i started! i even added a meal yesterday. it's just... my hunger is gone now that i can have soup. a 1/2 cup and i am good to go for a few hours. if i could stay like this forever, i would be thrilled but i know it won't last much longer. i'm 11 days post op (i believe) and aside from port pain, i feel 100% back to normal. :myscared: no point for this either. LOL.
  2. yesterday i was driving to petsmart and i got cut off by about an inch by some blind bimbo driving a gold lexus suv... the back of her suv was covered in god stickers - the fish, the kneeling calvin, etc. when i honked, she flipped me off. no point to the story, i just thought that was hilarious.
  3. it's what they used to seal my incisions. i've been banded almost a week and it's still going strong... i was hoping to put that scar reducing stuff on my incisions, but can't b/c of the superglue. i was wondering if anyone know how long it lasts? and if there is any chance that dirt/bacteria can seep through - i worry about infection. thanks!
  4. i feel ridiculous asking this, but the band has made me uber paranoid about normal bodily functions... i've been suffering from some allergies the past 2 days and have been sneezing up a storm. now, that's annoying on the best of days, but can that slip the band? it hurts my incisions, but i can live with that... am i totally ridiculous or what?! :tired
  5. silry

    To weigh or not to weigh

    i like to weigh myself at night, after i've eaten and everything, right before bed. that way i won't ruin my day if i see something i don't like and i know if i DO see something i like, then it must be really, really great considering the time of day (err, night)!!!
  6. they're talking about us?! what thread? i'd love to snoop! (if i were a cat, curiousity would have killed me about 27 years ago!)
  7. bubblebutt (ha! i still love it!) can i have some of those atheist sites? i've never gone looking because i always knew what i believed to be true... but i've never met another atheist (that i'm aware of) so i've always just kept my beliefs to myself. i'd love to read up on what "my people" are saying. :bandit
  8. i'm so jealous of people who can have mushies!!!!! i'm on day 7thousand and 9 of liquids. :faint: i love my soups and am not hungry, which blows my mind! but i still miss EATING. i see people posting about their mushies and they were banded after me! it's turning me green with envy. LOL. my port side is KILLING ME and it's really frustrating because it didn't hurt before. in fact, i was almost 100% feeling back to normal when i woke up with hurty side. i started to get all freaked out when i remember "dude, you are only a week and a few days post op! you aren't going to be back to normal that fast!!! you aren't superwoman!" so now i'm taking it easy and chewing my baby painkillers. LOL. mm, grape. :guess
  9. i love your user name! bubblebutt! that makes me smile!
  10. silry

    T shirts that have fat messages

    i laughed so hard i now hurt!!!!
  11. this might be a long shot... short story: i have a 3 year old 3lb RES that i need to set up a nesting area for. we have to do it on the cheap since the sugery and all. she is trying to lay eggs (she hit maturity 2 years early due to the excellent care we gave her, according to the vet.:tired ) and we want her to be as healthy as possible during this process. we set up a kiddie pool with the proper mulch/sand ratio, but she absolutely hates it. so. if you know anything about turtles, :help: . thanks. :biggrin1:
  12. silry

    Last Supper Mentality??

    before my preop diet, i was all about the last meals. which was bad, and i knew it, but as soon as i can't have something, i NEED IT. but what was worse was the day before surgery, the nutritionalist said i could have a light meal as long as i stopped eating before midnight. i am 100% committed to my new lifestyle. out with the bad, in with the good. this was my light meal. not pictured, chocolate cake. edit: i shared all this with my friend. and i only had 2 pieces of pizza. LOL.
  13. silry

    February 2007 bandsters!

    WOOT!! congrats! welcome to bandland!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  14. silry

    February 2007 bandsters!

    actually i've experienced this before. i took it as a sign to slow down. i also get a little short of breath. luckily it goes away as fast as it comes.
  15. i'm not supposed to use my tummy muscles as much as possible, but it isn't realistic to not use them at all - i have to put on shoes, pick stuff up (light items), put the harness on the dog, pick up shampoo in the shower. i'm healing exceptionally well and my incisions are still superglued shut.
  16. silry

    is crab a mushy food?

    ha! funny! and that sounds yummy!!! thanks for the suggestion!
  17. just trying to prepare for my next phase... i think the thread title says it all. thanks!!!
  18. silry

    February 2007 bandsters!

    oh my god! dwilson! i can't believe you didn't talk to your doctor! i know spending the night in the hospital sucks, but you could have been seriously damaged by that! i know my doc says absolutely no throwing up for fear of slipping the band! i'm glad you made it home okay and hope you have someone to do follow up care with you...
  19. silry

    February 2007 bandsters!

    I SLEPT LAST NIGHT!!! oh my!!! for the first time in ... well, since the night after my sugery in the hospital, i had a full nights sleep. i even slept in my bed with my hubby and dog! plus my nutritionalist said i could start soups early, so i had tomato bisque for lunch and lobster bisque (minus the lobster, which of course they put loads in...) for dinner. yesterday was the first day that hunger didn't gnaw at me ALL DAY LONG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i'm so freaking happy today that i feel like my old self! i didn't even yell at my dog when he snuck past DH and made a beeline for our neighbors. :paranoid
  20. silry

    Question regarding exercise

    when i walk, i wear adjustable ankle weights. i am going to start carrying those tiny hand weights and in a few weeks, i'm going to start yoga. i find yoga is very calming to the muscles, but you can still feel that you are working them. and, as a weird side effect, i've developed patience from doing it. LOL!!! as for the eating before or after, there is a school of thought on both. my old trainer said if you ate before you worked out, that you would merely work off what you just ate. another one said to workout hungry so you are burning fat. so. LOL.
  21. oh good! that is a relief! i don't want scars if at all possible! thank you for responding.
  22. i was really weirded out about the idea of feeling something wrapped around my stomach, but honestly, i can't even tell. heck, i can't even feel my port! the day after surgery i walked to a local mall and shopped for a few hours. i think the most painful aspect has been the use of tummy muscles - getting in and out of bed, getting off the potty (LOL) and bending over. ooft! my incisions aren't too bad. i only have one that aches... but it's a dull ache. most of my pain comes from being hungry 2 days after surgery and having wicked gas pains. i'm not a wuss when it comes to pain, but i think, and most people seem to agree, that lapband really isn't that painful of a procedure! GOOD LUCK!!!!!!!
  23. silry

    Mexico Surgery without Coordinator?

    i used dr. ortiz in mexico. i communicated with carolynn directly but she was always very prompt in answering my emails/questions. the whole process of setting everything up was very easy. plus dr. ortiz rocked.
  24. silry

    February 2007 bandsters!

    just an update about me. wee. last night was the WORST. the gas pains were wicked horrible and i couldn't sleep AT ALL. :ogre my wounds almost don't hurt anymore, but i am concerned about the superglue stuff they use on them - i wanted to use mederma (spell? that stuff for scars) but obviously i can't since the superglue. i'm also concerned that dirt or bacteria can get underneath... one of them is looking kind of angry. today i am so exhausted i can barely function. i'm also running a slight temp, but the doc said that wasn't unusual and only to worry if it gets above 100. blah. i'm starving all the time to boot, argh. BUT i heard from my nutritionalist and she said i could start soups early!!! :high5: i hope it all gets better soon. :cry
  25. silry

    February 2007 bandsters!

    synicalchick! your surgery is TOMORROW!!! my gosh! congrats! :clap2: :clap2: :clap2:

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