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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by roziecakes

  1. roziecakes

    1 year anniversary

    I haven't had the band a year yet, but I wanted to tell you that you are doing a great job!! Keep it up. Very inspiring
  2. roziecakes

    this dang port

    I felt like this for the first week and a half or so when I would bend, but it has stopped. How long ago did you have surgery?
  3. How exciting!!! I'm definitely inspired by your post. Thank you for sharing!
  4. roziecakes


    I am so sorry you're feeling sad Just remember how proud of yourself you'll be when you get through this, and can look back on it with a sense of accomplishment. Look at each moment you do the right thing for your health as a small victory. You're winning the battle as long as you keep at it!! One thing that really has helped me is sugar free popsicles. They're like a great treat with not a lot of calories, and awesome in the summer of course! And also, look at how far you've come right now. Is it worth 'cheating?' How strong can you be? I bet you can resist it! I agree with other posters to say that you should try some Protein shakes. I puree some fruit into mine so that they taste better. Best of luck! Virtual hugs across the net.
  5. roziecakes

    Numerology anyone?!

    I think that a lot of my quick weight loss is Water weight. I have a fairly large amount to lose; and I've heard that sometimes people who have that much to lose tend to lose faster at first... But yes, it's been a lot; and thanks for the compliment!! I appreciate it! I think that you're doing great too!! Every pound is a victory and deserves a celebration I think. And yes, this universe works in amazing ways! I'm glad that we're all going to be here to enjoy it.
  6. roziecakes

    Hair Loss?!?

    Wow! Thanks for this thread; I haven't experienced any hair loss, but I've been worried that I might. Honestly, I'm fairly vain about my hair. I have almost buttlength red hair that I take very good care of. To be honest, it's been a little fear in the back of my mind... of course I'd be bald if it meant infinite health forever, so if it does happen I'm willing to deal with it. Thanks for the information about GENESIS, I am going to look it up.
  7. roziecakes


    I couldn't feel mine until last week. Now since I've lost some more weight, I can feel it. I have heard that some people have a hard time feeling it even months after surgery. As for your heparin shot, maybe they gave it to you while you were still out? I would say call your doctor to double check, there's no harm in asking I would think... congrats on getting your band! Hope all goes well for you
  8. roziecakes

    Extremely Hungry Today

    I was actually hungry from DAY 1. (blech). I have found though that over time (although I've only been banded a little over three weeks) that I was much more able to ignore the feeling, and that I think it's actually subsided somewhat; although I have a few moments occasionally where my stomach starts up a good roaring... funny because my stomach never growled before I got the band. Also, I think that having mushies has helped me be less hungry, since they are more satisfying. You'll get through it!
  9. You've gotten some great advice so far, but I wanted to add that I recommend Pacific Natural foods brand soups like Butternut Squash (especially with a little plain yogurt in it), and if you can tolerate it the roasted red pepper and tomato, carrot ginger, curried red lentil or black bean soup. They are all puree'd and oh so yummy! I found them to be much more interested than puree'd ol' cream of potato from campbells, which I got SO SICK OF.
  10. Congratulations to you!! I love reading these stories
  11. roziecakes

    July 4th Cookouts Muuuuaaaahhh!!

    I agree, I think you're being totally reasonable. In fact, I think you're being generous by allowing everyone to come over and asking that they bring the food they want to eat; I don't see anything wrong with that at all! I think that's a great compromise. Happy 4th of July!!
  12. roziecakes

    Numerology anyone?!

    Happy Birthday, and congratulations on your weight loss so far! I am sure you will have many more fantastic birthdays to come. Congratulations for getting healthy! As for numerology, I am fascinated by how numbers work sometimes! My mom and dad have the same birthday, their mothers have the same birthday and they both have brothers named Richard and sisters named Carol.
  13. roziecakes

    Mental hunger

    I admit that head hunger has been a bad one for me, and my partner is always eating things like nachos, burgers, hot dogs... and my brain goes crazy (OMG, you want that yes you do, oh yes you do, OMG); BUT I've noticed that since being banded, it's a lot easier to just say no to those kinds of things. I used to have not a bit of will power; especially when it came to nachos and pretty much anything with cheese. I think you're certainly not alone!! I'm still on mushies, and you have no idea how much I want a steak.
  14. roziecakes

    85 lbs in 1 year??

    I think it's totally doable, I agree with other responders when I say that you should set small goals. That's something that I've found to be really rewarding for me; and they don't even have to be 'pounds lost' goals. I have been setting goals like, in two weeks I want to be able to run a whole mile, or in two weeks I want to bench press such and such amount. For me personally my next goal is to get my BMI into the 30s (I can't wait!) Best of luck to you! I think you can do it if you do all the right things
  15. everyone's given you great advice already, but I want to know... how are you doing? Are you okay? Feeling better yet? I sincerely hope all is well. Thank you for sharing your experience; it gives us noobs something to think about and consider.
  16. roziecakes

    Any june 2011 Banders???

    Oh, and my next short term goal is a BMI in the 30s. I haven't been there in a LONG time.
  17. roziecakes

    Any june 2011 Banders???

    It's July now, and I wanted to give an update. In five days is my one month bandiversary. I am serious; this is the best decision I have ever made. I think part of what has helped me is that the only expectations I am placing are on myself to work with the band, and not on the band to help me. (Hope that makes sense). My weightloss had slowed down this week from 2 pounds a day (water weight), to about 5 pounds over the whole week. I am running 2.5 miles a day instead of walking now, and doing yoga for an hour and a half; plus I've been a ton more social and wanting to go hang out with my friends more often. I am sure that I'll come to some roadblocks and have some challenges at some point, I imagine everyone does; I'm trying to be realistic... but at this point, it's all good; and I'm LOVING it. I can't wait to go for my 6 week follow up soon. One really great thing that I want to share is that my partner Greg was very worried about the surgery and thought I would get an infection or would throw up all the time, or that something bad would happen, he was upset that I would look different, etc; but now he LOVES it, and he's really happy about the health that I'm achieving. He's even started exercising in the morning with me (He's got about 40 to lose himself). I'm just thrilled. I sincerely hope that everyone else is doing well. Congratulations to all of you for giving yourself the gift of health. ♥
  18. roziecakes

    Not eating much

    I did not eat much of ANYTHING at all for the first few days, but I sat with a water bottle next to me the whole time. As long as you are hyrdated you are going to be just fine! Sugar-free popsicles, are awesome by the way. They were my favorite thing after surgery.
  19. roziecakes

    Pain Level After Surgery

    I have an extremely high pain tolerance after having been in chronic back pain for years (which is a lot less now, by the way); actually the lapband was my trade off for back surgery. If I could lose enough weight to take pressure off my back then I won't have to get back surgery... I'm almost out of the woods at this point! Woot. Anyhoo... when I first woke up, my pain was a 5; and they gave me some toradol, which brought it down to a 2; and that's where it was. I have been completely out of pain for about a week and a half, and I'm 3 weeks post-op as of yesterday.
  20. roziecakes

    2 Weeks Banded No Losing

    Yep, I'll agree with everyone else that it sounds like you're doing just what you're supposed to do! My doctor says the first six weeks are for healing, and anything else I lose during that time is an extra bonus!
  21. roziecakes

    Pre-surgical tests..???

    I was self pay and I had these tests: blood work, EKG, Barium Swallow, Chest X-ray, psych eval. Of course every doctor is different... good luck with your surgery!
  22. roziecakes

    removal of the lapband

    What a tough decision for you! Congratulations on all your success. I think personally the most I would ever go, is maybe I would unfill it all the way, but I don't think I would ever get it taken out unless there was a real problem. Then again, I'm still so new that I don't have the perspective of time or even fills yet to really be able to give any good advice; but this is a really interesting thread.
  23. roziecakes

    Trouble Sleeping

    I could sleep on my right side after about four days; and but it took almost a week and a half to be able to sleep on my left side; I got banded on the 8th and I can sleep any ol' way I want to now. I took Shirley54's advice the first few days and slept in the recliner; it really helped!
  24. roziecakes


    My doctor said no swimming for a month, and no hot tubs or soaking either.
  25. roziecakes


    That's interesting! I wonder if it's because pineapple juice is acidic. My doctor told me not to drink anything if I have a stuck episode. Fortunately, I haven't had one yet...

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