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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by roziecakes

  1. roziecakes

    IT BURNS!!!!!!!!!!! OUCH!!!!

    Do you have any other symptoms like swelling or redness? Is the incision warm/hot to the touch? I would definitely call my doctor.
  2. roziecakes

    Hypo-Thyroid Bandsters

    Oh my gosh! Me too! You're the first person I've ever read who had the same experience! I actually got tested for a pituitary problem before I ever got tested for thyroid because of my symptoms. If I don't have my synthroid every muscle in my face will tighten up, and eventually my entire body will just lock up and it will be so painful to walk I can't even walk to the end of the block, or brush my hair. It takes about a week for me to get that way. I left my meds at home once several years ago while I was visiting some family in another state... I was SO miserable.
  3. roziecakes

    Pain pump

    The only pain meds I had was some IV toradol, no pain pump. I only took the liquid vicodin twice after surgery. Then again, I have a super high pain tolerance. Pain pumps are common after some surgeries from what I know of. I've never had one, so I can't vouch for its effectiveness personally, but I know other people who were helped immensely by them.
  4. roziecakes

    Ground Beef

    I had surgery a month ago, and I have not been cleared for it. I was told 6 weeks. Haven't tried it yet.
  5. roziecakes

    Hypo-Thyroid Bandsters

    It's certainly nice to get in touch with other hypothyroid folks, I think we face a different set of challenges for sure.
  6. roziecakes

    lower stomach noises-loud

    I used to not really get a growly stomach, and now it's screamingly loud. I swear you can hear it across a room!!! It's like, "I'M HERE!!! HI STOMACH HERE!!! FEED ME!!"
  7. I personally HATE milk. I didn't like it when I was a kid, and I don't like it now. I prefer almond milk and coconut milk myself. I find that Almond milk has the smoothest taste. Rice milk is a little thin for me, and I don't do soy at all. I have also heard of hemp milk, but have never tried. Anyhoo, try Almond milk, see if you like it!
  8. roziecakes

    Hypo-Thyroid Bandsters

    Sometimes I do... it's sort of my wake up call to re-examine my diet.
  9. roziecakes

    Hypo-Thyroid Bandsters

    I'm also a hypothyroid bandster (and I have PCOS - Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome). My hypothyroidism is specifically Hashimoto's Thyroiditis, which my father and his sister also have, so I suspect it comes from his side of the family. I got diagnosed when I was 17; and I take a HUGE dose (300 mcg/day), I used to take twice as much. I think because my levels have been regulated for a long time I'm not having much trouble with weight loss at this point; but I have been considering getting my TSH tested again because I'm curious if my weight loss will mean that I will need to take a smaller amount... It's nice to read this thread from other folks with hypothyroidism. I've considered it a stumbling block, and have gone through all the emotions of it not being fair because my metabolism SO sucks. Also, I was concerned that I just wouldn't lose anything, but surprisingly it's been going well. I think that drinking A LOT of Water and moving a lot really helps.
  10. roziecakes

    Mushy Ideas

    My nutritionist is having me get most of my protein from legumes; and my favorite thing has been 13 bean soup! I get the bulk soup mix, and cook it in the crock pot so that it really gets boiled down to maximum squishiness, and then I put it in the food processor to get it even more squishy. I also add canned white meat chicken (soft), mashed up to the soup; and some puree'd greens. It's super nutritious! In my case I don't add any fatty additives like butter or cheese to it; and minimal salt.
  11. roziecakes

    The runs!!!

    I have had problems with this since day one. It's a little better now, but I would say that 50% of the time it's been the norm for me; but I'm still doing mostly liquids mixed in with mushies for dinner and such... could be why. I don't feel bad, no cramps or anything, just a little more speedy in that department.
  12. roziecakes

    Can I lose 40lbs by November ???

    Dave, I have found your posts truly inspiring! I like to challenge myself, and I am hoping that my intensive exercise plan will continue to pay off over time to help me lose faster. Reading what you do each day gives me some great ideas!!
  13. I have been wondering about this too, and I agree; I was thinking of it more like a 'rewind, start from the beginning, and yes, reset my brain to get back on track. Interesting to know though.
  14. Hooray! I can't believe it's already my one month 'bandiversary!' So much has changed for me since getting my band! First of all, I've not been on here much this week because my partner and I moved back into Eugene from Junction City, Oregon; and we're much happier. We're right next to a beautiful running trail, and we can walk to do many of our errands. My next goal is to be able to ride a bicycle again! I'm really looking forward to it, but I'm a little nervous. So since the surgery I've lost 35 pounds. I haven't been exercising much this week, but I've been moving a lot of heavy things and sweating that way! Whew! Moving is tiring. I feel pretty good! My scars are healing well, and I don't have any pain at all. I haven't had any stuck episodes. I am, however, feeling less restriction than I have the other weeks. At first I was pretty certain that I might not need a fill, but I think I probably will. I am still eating the amount that I'm supposed to, but I'm feeling REALLY HUNGRY a lot of the time. I guess I'm really in bandster hell right now. I am still eating mushies, but I suspect that my diet will be upgraded at my post-op appointment in a couple of weeks. I must say that I've never been this creative about what I'm eating as I am now... otherwise I think I'd be beyond sick of the mushies at this point. I laugh because I was so excited to get to the mushie stage, and now I'm getting pretty tired of it. My goal for next month is a BMI in the 30s and to get on that bicycle. Hope everyone else is doing well!!!
  15. So my whole story was that yes, when I was a teenager I was EXTREMELY active. I used to run five miles a day and bicycle 15 miles three times a week, plus take dance classes, and lift weights. I wanted to be a dancer really badly, and I loved working out and exercising. Then, I hurt my back. My whole world changed forever, plus I got diagnosed with PCOS and hypothyroidism and the weight piled on. I tried to be as active as I could, but I was in so much pain that at first I could barely walk to the bathroom and back. One morning I had to crawl on my stomach to get to the toilet because I couldn't stand, and eventually had to call the ambulance to get me because I was stuck in the bathroom. At the time I weighed probably 150 pounds more than I do now. I was 19. That was the low point in my life. Since then, I've been as active as I could and have built up more and more since then, yes, so before surgery I was exercising a good amount anyway. I was walking and doing some yoga; but at this point it's become a cycle in a good way. The more weight I lose, the more I can exercise, and the more I exercise, the more weight I lose.
  16. roziecakes

    Perplexed over Pudding

    Isn't that the truth!? I felt conflicted because I've been against a lot of processed foods in my diet for a long time; but there were times when I was so grateful for that sugar free pudding, let me tell you. And like you, I pick sugar free over fat free as well; especially if there's corn syrup in the fat free option.
  17. roziecakes


    She got banded two days ago... not sure why she should be able to eat 1-2 cups of food yet. I was under the impression that it was normal to not want anything to eat right after surgery and to only be able to take in a very small amount at a time due to swelling. That was the experience I had... also aren't most folks not given a fill in their band at the time of surgery? I just want to be clear.
  18. roziecakes

    Emotional Stages of Lapband

    I must be really weird. I haven't had any periods of doubt or nervousness, except for being overly cautious about eating certain things. I did do a lot of research before I made this decision. I guess I knew for a long time that I would probably need some kind of WLS, so I had prepared myself a while ago... This is a really interesting post though, I loved reading your list.
  19. roziecakes

    Organic Natural Food Questions

    Here's another bandster that prefers natural and organic foods; I agree that a different nutritionist is probably in order; so you can work with someone who is more of the same mindset.
  20. As I've mentioned in other posts I am thinking that I may not need a fill this first time either. I've lost 34 pounds since the surgery on the 8th of June, and at first I was scared; but I realize that I exercise like a fiend, and that's probably a large part of what's getting me there; plus I started with 2cc's in the band, which provides some restriction; so I'm not terribly worried at this point. My exercise routine consists of running 2.5 miles each morning, 1.5 hours of yoga every day (although depending on my work schedule that's a little less some days), and some amount of weight lifting 3 days a week in the evenings after work. I also work outside in my yard a lot, and I love to dance. I'm going to start taking cardio belly dance classes, and I'm thrilled. Anyhoo, my point is, I don't feel that the band is what's making me lose all the weight, I think I'm finding balance with it and working with it, but most of it is coming from me; and that's awesome. I feel like this band is the best decision I ever made. And by the way, congratulations on your weightloss!! I think you're doing amazing, and it's inspiring! Don't be scared, if you're doing the right stuff your body is just doing what it needs to do. I think the best advice I can give is, listen to your body, be aware of what it needs, and go with it; as well as of course listening to the best advice of your surgeon, and follow the rules. So far, that's what's working for me.
  21. roziecakes

    weight loss

    I think your weight loss sounds on the higher end of normal actually; you're doing great! I was told that 1-2 pounds a week was realistic. Don't be discouraged, you're actually on the right path! Focus on your healing right now.
  22. Also, for those who take thyroid meds, calcium can interfere with the absorption of that too; so that's good advice to take it two hours after everything else. I personally take a multi, calcium, D; and I also take magnesium (recommended by my nutritionist because of some health problems that I had) and Iron because I have had problems with anemia since I was a teenager.
  23. When most people get banded, their bands aren't filled, so once the swelling goes down you probably won't feel restriction until you get a fill. My band had 2ccs in it to begin with, and I do feel some restriction, but not as much as it probably should be is my guess. The first six weeks are for healing, my doctor says, and then they start fine tuning the fills.
  24. roziecakes

    Getting Stuck Sucks!

    I really appreciate this post a lot, and the advice therein. I haven't gotten any fills yet, and I'm glad to know this ahead of time for when I do. Thank you so much!
  25. roziecakes

    scared to eat

    I am glad to know I'm not the only one. I am pretty scared of most things, and I'm super careful about every single thing I put in my mouth. Slowly though, it's turning more into just plain carefulness rather than fear; but we'll see how it goes when I'm moved up to real solid food. Fortunately, no stuck, sliming or nausea; so it's paying off! I'd love to see how things go for you as you progress. You're just a little over a week further along than me. I don't go in for my fill consultation until August though,

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
