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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by roziecakes

  1. roziecakes


    It sounds to me like your goals were not health when you got your band, that your goal was just to lose weight and not have to do any work. Well, that's tough. Life is hard work, being healthy is hard work; even for most people who don't have to have weight loss surgery. Almost every person has to do some sort of 'diet and exercise' to be healthy. I know that in the short amount of time I have had the lapband, it is NOT a gimmick, and it truly is a tool. I had lost a good amount of weight before deciding to get the band, but I was stuck in a horrible cycle. My back hurt to much to exercise, but to lose weight I needed to exercise, and for my back to stop hurting, I needed to lose weight. It was a vicious cycle. Getting the band has kickstarted everything, and has helped me help MYSELF. I love exercising! It feels great to be able to treat my body like a machine and a tool for living rather than a burden. People say that because it's true. Sure, it's not easy; but in my mind nothing really worth having is easy. Life is a gift, don't take it for granted! I assume that you want to think back someday on your accomplishments and the things that you acheived rather than just letting everything be easy and feeling entitled to not having to work for things. Human beings are a great package; but some assembly is required I am sorry that you are feeling frustrated and fed up and that your lapband is a gimmick. What makes you feel that way? What is happening to you that is making you feel like it is failing? Maybe some people on the board can help. It's hard to help you though with such an outwardly negative post.
  2. roziecakes


    Yes! Focus on your own healing, don't compare yourself to others; we are all different, and that's okay. Listen to your body and what it needs. If you're feeling low energy are you getting enough protein (which I know is hard right after surgery)? What feels best to you throughout the day? When do you feel at your best, when do you feel at your worst? Make a note of that. Just remember, every step that you take toward getting healthier is a GOOD thing, even if someone else might be doing it 'faster.' Faster isn't always better for some people. The beautiful thing about us is that we are all different from each other, and we all have our own special journey to take. Good luck!
  3. roziecakes

    port hurting more

    My doctor told me that it's possible for the port to move. I haven't been banded very long (a little over a month), and I have noticed that it hurts less now, but I can feel it more; time will tell if that sensation will change...
  4. roziecakes

    Lap Band and Divorce

    I am sorry that you are upset. From the short time I've been on this board, most people are very supportive and helpful and I really hope that you stay and participate some more. I sincerely hope that all goes well with you and your husband!
  5. roziecakes

    Lap Band and Divorce

    I agree with your views on marriage and commitment to family, and I also feel passionately about them; especially when children are involved; but I don't think that MsHawkins is evil for wanting to discuss her feelings. She hasn't actually done anything wrong as of yet, or left her husband. Feelings can be changed and worked through; as can thoughts. She hasn't actually made any bad decisions yet. Just thinking about something isn't going to destroy her marriage, or considering her feelings isn't going to destroy her marriage. She's opening up to try to work through it, which in my mind is much more healthy than keeping it inside, bottled up, and building resentment for years. The Christianity that I grew up with taught me tolerance, love and respect, and trying to keep an open mind when someone is hurting or having a hard time; and being supportive and loving even if you know in their heart that what they are doing could be wrong and destructive for them. Honestly, I think she came here for advice on the right thing to do, and was brave to post. That should be congratulated and helped. What's really wrong in my mind is walking blindly around doing bad things with no conscience, and not asking questions first.
  6. roziecakes

    Lap Band and Divorce

    Personally, I think it was brave of you to post something that some people might be bothered by, but I think that A LOT of others are feeling the same way. Even though I'm not feeling that way, I KNOW that there are probably a ton of people going through the same thing you are but they are too scared to post it. I could imagine that being with someone basically your entire adult life is really a different experience from being able to play the field a bit first and then get married. I was married once before I met my partner, and I got married too young I think (19), and it only lasted a year. I'm not sure if Greg and I will get married legally... although the commitment is definitely there. Anyhoo, again, I think it was brave of you to post. I am sure if you've made it through 18 years of marriage you have the strength in there to get through this yes. Have you told your husband that you are feeling this way?
  7. roziecakes

    I met a new goal today...

    Congratulations!!! How inspiring! I am so excited for you. I can't wait until I get there.
  8. roziecakes

    post op diet question

    I do count protein grams, that's the most important thing to me. As for carbs, I don't eat bread at all anymore; nor pasta, nor any non-whole grain processed anything; so I don't feel the need to count them. I do eat fruit and veggies though; since I don't have a problem with them. I do count calories though; religiously. I keep a record of what I eat each day magnetized to my fridge, and before I even open it, I take down the record and get a pen out.
  9. Yes absolutely, and whatever you do stop drinking the soda!! Even if you crave it! Oh my gosh you poor thing, I hope you get an unfill right away!
  10. roziecakes

    Lap Band and Divorce

    Hi there, Congratulations on your weight loss and your self confidence! That is so wonderful to hear!! For me personally, my weightloss thus far has brought my partner of almost 9 years and I closer together. He and I can do so many more things together, and we're really enjoying a better sex life, and just having more energy to have fun! We're getting excited about riding bikes, and he exercises with me in the mornings. it's been fantastic! He's 6'2" and about 30 pounds overweight, so he's looking forward to getting healthy too. I know that Greg would love me no matter what size I am, and he has always thought I was beautiful; but my health is the most important thing to him. If I were you, I would look very carefully at the situation, and determine whether you can start over with your husband and re-ignite the spark that brought you two close in the first place. What can you do now with him that you couldn't do before? What's new? What can you explore together? Are your lifestyles so different now that all hope is lost? It seems like something must have kept you together for 18 years and 4 children... examine what that is. Weigh the pros and cons of divorce / staying together. If you stay together, maybe there's a hobby or two you can take up that help you feel free and able to explore your new self confidence that doesn't involve cheating or getting divorced, or doing anything destructive to your relationship; maybe something a little daring like rock climbing or kayaking that help you find a sense of adventure! Best of luck to you, whatever your decision turns out to be! Edit; I also wanted to add this: Getting attention from new men is really just a momentary temporary thing; but having a husband that loves you and has made vows to love you his whole life and who has stayed with you for 18 years is priceless, and something that many people dream for years and would be quite grateful to have. I hope you consider that when you make your decision. I personally know that I'm grateful every day to wake up to a familiar loving face of someone who I've been through my worst with and yet who can smile and say he loves me just the way I am!
  11. I definitely burp more now. Also, I never really had a growly stomach until after the surgery. Now you can hear it across a room. I'm not really sure what the physiological reason is for it, but it certainly does happen!
  12. roziecakes

    hard time with not drinking

    This has actually been my biggest challenge thus far of anything! I had CONSTANTLY drinking something; water, coffee, ice tea, etc, etc. So this has been... interesting. Still having somewhat of a hard time with it to be honest.
  13. roziecakes


    Wow! I'm jealous! I got told 4 weeks before swimming or hot tubs (and I dearly love going to the hot tubs)... JEALOUS. I can't wait to swim though! Definitely one of my favorite summer activities.
  14. roziecakes

    Not losing weight

    I agree with Wheelchair, I think your weightloss is actually above average at this stage of the game. Don't worry too much, you're going to do just fine! Just do what your doctor says, exercise and focus on healing right now!! You're on the right track
  15. Hey there! The info that I printed, in the same box with the ticker code, I just added the wording, and used the color selector at the top of the box to change the color. Let me know if that makes sense, if I can help more I'll be happy to :)

  16. roziecakes

    What to do if you get stuck!

    I would be lying if I said I had no fear of being stuck. Fortunately I have not had one stuck episode at all. I'm on mushies right now too. I've discovered that if I just really chew everything to pieces (I say the ABCs in my head before I swallow) and eat slowly then I'm fine. Having not been stuck, I don't have any good remedies, but I have seen some great ones posted on here, and I'm sure someone will have awesome advice!
  17. roziecakes


    One thing that I've really enjoyed is going to hulu.com and typing 'health and fitness' into the search box. There are a TON of great fitness videos. You could do a different one every day and never get bored!
  18. I also was given a straw right after surgery too, didn't have any problems... but I was very conscious of how slow I was drinking too, I didn't try to gulp anything down.
  19. I think you were brave to fess up, that shows a lot of courage, and to me it shows that you care, and that you want the best answer possible for yourself. I admire that you did that. Sorry you got reemed out about it though... best of luck in the future!
  20. For me the port area was the last thing to stop hurting, especially when I bended over, or lay on that side. I think it took a week and a half.
  21. roziecakes

    ..A "chewing" question....

    I started practicing about 2 weeks before I got the band. My nutritionist said to say the ABCs in my head as I chew, and that helped a lot. I also started practicing not drinking with my meals, and sitting up at a table (I used to eat at my desk and in bed all the time!). It helped, but really, you don't really know until you get there exactly how much you'll have to chew things; at this point I'm still learning too, since I haven't graduated to 'real food' completely yet; still on mushies.
  22. roziecakes

    1 month post-op

    I'm also one month post op, yay! I have heard that some people have the shoulder pain for a long time. I'm not entirely sure why, someone else will probably have better advice for you than I do, but I have heard that there are some that do have it.
  23. Not really, it tastes like sweet milk with a little bit of an aftertaste. I think it's good!

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