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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by MelissaNY

  1. MelissaNY

    gained 25 pounds back

    yes, need to get some test, def should not be gaining weight =( i knew from extreme pain for hours
  2. MelissaNY

    gained 25 pounds back

    what are you eating for gods sake? and how much?
  3. that last fill did the trick, hunger....have not met u in days and i love it

  4. MelissaNY

    OMG this is delicious!

    sounds gooood !!! i can not try it though, our shakes have to be 100/150 calories =(
  5. I agree with DMG, we also share the same bariactric dr office. It is very easy to stay low carb and or atkins diet. I have done atkins off and on for my whole life being overweight. The only difference i have found now is that i stay away from the high fat stuff. On atkins pre band i would have a burger with no bun and xx cheese or chicken wings, lots of cheese on everything , not now. I stoped eating red meat a year b4 being banded . i will once in a while have a 1/2 of cheese burger with no bun, but i make sure i walk that off the next day. I also will have baby bell light cheese or try to have low fat string cheese for my cheese fix. i try to eat a mix of atlins and south beach lol i eat about 20-50 grams of carbs a day and i stay under 1000 calories a day, Its very easy to eat low carb being banded. it helps if you track you food also, do u do that currently? i use my fitness pal and its great , alot of banders are on there and its nice to see everybodys food diary ! sometimes when u see what you eat it helps. just watch your portions !!
  6. MelissaNY

    when will i poop

    u need to drink milk of magnisia
  7. thats good, too much is a horrible way to live, small steps are good !!! so try this out and we know u can always get more, sometimes is just a little bit that makes a diff. I got a .50 fill yesterday and i allready feel it, no hunger at all last night which is just what i needed. my dr says 1/2 lbs a week loss is good ! i have to agree so we will see !! keep up the good work !!
  8. lost 6 lbs over night, omg water weight

  9. MelissaNY


    Ladies- does anybody have thoose 2 :angry: :angry: or 3 days where they are sooo hungry, and no matter what can not stop snacking? well i do. Im fine all month long, strick and follow the rules, but once a month the week or so b4 my perios, its so bad, I graze all night long, I try to graze on low fat cheest, ice pops ect. BUT then the salt and sugar crave creep. 3 chocolate chip cookie and 2 hand fulls ok 3 of doritos. =( i know today is a new day and i can get right back on the wagon, but its so hard these few days. Its like i have no band at all and theese female hormones kick my A## !!! Anybody else???
  10. MelissaNY

    O M G ! What a Day !!!!!!!

    OMG !!! THATS CRAZY !!!! Can u sue or anything for mis diag? thats horrible, but glad all is well !!!!
  11. just a silly thought, is it your BRA? i had real weird pain a few times, i bought new bras ans they were too tight and hurting me, i switiched back to my old brras and never had it again
  12. love your new profil pic !!! GOOD JOB !!!!

  13. fingers crossed !! i just had my 3rd fill since my slippy. i hope to be good now. I lost 2 lbs since my last fill ( 2 weeks ago) and i was not happy with that. B4 my slip I felt good, no snacking or hunger at night. so my NP asked me if i wanted another, i said yes, i am not satisfied after i eat. I eat 1 meal a day and 2 protien shakes . Keep us updated !!!
  14. magic fill today, i know it !!! 6.5 now , i hope this helps my portions and night time snacking

  15. Hi Melissa, Im Melissa with a slip also. mine was my first ever and i had to have emergancy repair surgery. My Dr does not do the sticking of the tummy over the band to keep it in place. my slip was my fault, i ate something with my hand, and it got stuck....extreme pain that i would not wish on my worst enemy =( after 4 calls to mr dr office and being told i have to wait it out, also after dry heaving for hours and hours, i went in at 9pm to my dr office. my dr met me and did a unfill. not better so he did a xray and came back and said go to the hospital =( a few hours later repair surgery, and i woke up and felt 100% and went home 30 mins later. Since then i am scared, i do chew my food so small its mush. and i take litte bites, which i didb4 my slip. but now i am very carefull. i am back up 6cc in my band , i was7.5 or 7 when i slipped. it was so painfull for thoose 8 hours, omg i never want that again. it was 3 months to the day that i had a slip. when the dr told me i slipped , i was all ready crying from the pain, but i cried harder, i thought it would have to be removed. he did say that may be the case, he would not know till he got inside and saw. but now im fine, one thing i notice now that i did not notice b4, is after 5 mins ore so of eating, i let out a hudge burp, then i eate more, its like that is the food moving or something, but it def happens every 5-10 mins, its weird, feel free to aske me anything !! hope all is well
  16. MelissaNY


    well we can get right back to normal, and yes it was much worse pre band, id eat pints of Ben and Jerrys also !! it really does stink, its really like no band at all as for the hunger, i snacked and snacked, i even took mini baby bells to bed with me !! I too get tight the day b4 my period starts, thank god, its strange how the band gets its period too !!
  17. loves not being hungry =)

  18. MelissaNY


    im banded and still do =( boooooo
  19. MelissaNY


    yes you are not alone =) and yes you are right, b4 band it would have been a lot more and continued for days lol. 3 Cookies and some doritios isnt so bad as 3 bags lol
  20. OH PMS, why must u make me crazy, band or no band ....doritos and cookies still go right down =( TODAY IS A NEW DAY

  21. MelissaNY

    #'s on the scale

    good girl !!! Keep it up !!!
  22. come on onederland, you are less then 20 lbs away !! i so want to see you this summer !!!

  23. hey everybody, well ladies =) yesterday i had a really odd pain in the middle of my chest, it was so uncomfortable it was hard to stand up straight. I had not eaten a thing since the night b4 so i know it was not anything stuck. i felt it hard to breathe and it was painful. it was almost throbbing and was sharp I decided to unhook my bra ( i have big boobs so i wear a parachute lol) and after about 2 mins it was gone. I thought how weird that it? i wonder if my over the boulder shoulder holder was to tight on my band? or is the 2 were not even connected i ate dinner fine last night, i do seem a litte sore in that area today with a different bra on. its like when i sit too long, anybody else have anything like this????
  24. MelissaNY

    strange pain, ladies only

    mine got bigger !! i think is just because they are longer now hahah
  25. MelissaNY

    Can't Eat with Bra On

    Glad somebody showed me this thread, i just yesterday had a issue with i think my bra. i posted a topic today about it to see if there was anybody else. I had terrible pain yesterday, llike gas or pressure and i did not eat anything, and i could drink fine. it was right between my lungs, in my chest , it hurt to breathe and i could hardly stand up straight with our pain, it lasted a bit untill i unhooked my 38ddd parachute and with in minutes i felt fine ! maybe a good case for breast reduction ??

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