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Posts posted by Loooou

  1. plz louuu send me your number

    im sending you private msgs but it dont delivered to you


    Thank youD1NOnlySexyLady .. I hope I can help Sally in a way to understand that this process is so different than what she is been through her whole life, I bet her surgeon doesnt care that much cause if he does .. she wont have that many negative thoughts about the process!! I blame

    Shim/her not Sally!! he didnt take the time to talk with her for sure. Sally I sent you a message, Check your inbox for my number and everything.

  2. Sorry guys! I WILL DISAGREE WITH YOU!!

    If she is from Egypt, She will find no therapy to help her. There is no concern about this emotioanal wreck here! all they will say that you need to push it and pay money so we can give you a guided diet.. but therapy like in the whole world about weightloss! it aint existing here:(

    Sally, I have been there.. felt every single feeling you have wanted to cut the fat.. wanted everything but it was just a period of the day I have this feeling.. then I learned to pick myself up and go to the gym or talk to my friends "which was the hardest part" It may seem easy to say it here to complete strangers. So I am here to tell you that the sleeve will be everything you have dreamed of! PROMISE!! just stop the obsession of "NOT EVER GONNA BE FIT AND SKINNY" this time its gonna happen and it will take its time! you can contact me in person on here, and we might exchange numbers if you want. I can help you I am from same side of the world.

  3. YEAH! It can:(, It makes your body holds to every little bit of sodium in and therefore the stalls and sometimes gaining! it is such a big goal everyday for me to keep drinking water! but it is either that or I Will suffer not only stalls but many other issues, like skin dryness.. smelly sweat.. headaches.. and many other unwanted stuff.. so challenge urself and o your best on your Fluid intake.

  4. Praying for you and ASSURING YOU it gets soo much easier! The first few days are the hardest of all!! you will be so proud you have passed them strong and willing to go on!:) it is actually the most mentally challenging part of the whole process:)

    This will pass and you will look back with a little smile on your face about how strong you were to go through such a hard time.

    My only advice is to try to search the board for more ideas about the liquid phase, may be you will come up with something more satisfying.

    Hang in there:)

  5. I had my first sushi meal 1 month out.. I was so cautious and removed most of the rice, made it like a sashimi. It was fine, Actually I think may be its the orange ans vince mentioned. Dont worry it will get better, some kind of foods I couldnt tolerate before are just fine now, may be you had too much rice in those 2 pieces, Just go for sashimi now, and dont be scared, this phase is all about trials and errors :) and success:))

  6. I just love checking back on posts!! and looking at every post here, realizing how far we have come! means more than losing layers, but gaining A STRONGER MENTAL LAYER of our own!! CONGRATS EVERYONE!!

    and for all the slow losers/doubting minds/or just not a full believer there! KEEP HANGING ON!! :) and KEEP STEPPING UP! no matter how many bad weeks or horrible thoughts u had.

    I AM about to be one year out in a matter of few weeks! and I couldn't have asked for more. Slow and even not steady will get me there.. but anxious and stressed me will just get make me step back.

    72 pounds down is all dedicated to this board and ME:)



  7. I just love checking back on posts!! and looking at every post here, realizing how far we have come! means more than losing layers, but gaining A STRONGER MENTAL LAYER of our own!! CONGRATS EVERYONE!!

    and for all the slow losers/doubting minds/or just not a full believer there! KEEP HANGING ON!!:) and KEEP STEPPING UP! no matter how many bad weeks or horrible thoughts u had.

    I AM about to be one year out in a matter of few weeks! and I couldn't have asked for more. Slow and even not steady will get me there.. but anxious and stressed me will just get make me step back.

    72 pounds down is all dedicated to this board and ME:)



  8. Thank you for your post it has affected me more than you know smile.gif Thanks for helping me realize that I am worthy of this new gift of life. That I should be doing this for myself and not just for my kids because I deserve it. You are right about everything that you said. I think each pound of fat was a layer that someone had to get through so they couldn't hurt me. Well no more hiding here I come world. I deserve this lets do this! You made me realize that I am a hero for standing up for me and for fighting for me. My parents don't want me to get this surgery but I deserve it ! I don't want to be the victime anymore. I want to be strong. Thank you for your post you are truely an inspiration to us all! smile.gif

    I think you should add a WARRIOR next to HERO TOO!! you are fighting the good fight and you are more than half way there:) NO ONE CAN TAKE THAT FROM U!!:)

  9. Looouu, thank you so much for this post. . . i was this victim for a long time. . i had the sleeve done Dec 29, 2009 and on January 2011 my weight loss stopped dead in it's tracks. . . here came June, then July and still never losing, it was heartbreaking to me. . . i felt that this was the end of my journey and there were MANY reasons. . . many reasons but never one which included ME. . . then i read your post and it turned me around 360 degrees! Now I've started dieting for the next 6 weeks. . . I told myself that it is ME who controls what I put into my mouth. . . it is ME who controls whether I lose, gain, or stay the same. . . it's definately NOT the stress that work causes, or the bad day that the patients gave me, or the sadness because my hubbie is upset with me. . . IT IS ME. . . and because of these words, I have the ability and the will to change MYSELF. . .

    Thank you so much for those very very wise words "YES I AM A SUCESS cause I chose to be" How wonderful and how very true. . . I'll let you all know how much I've lost each and every Friday. . . thanks again Louu you are a total inspiration. . you have changed my way of thinking in more way then you can ever know

    and now I WAS CHECKING BACK AND U ARE 12 LBS below goal!! WOHOOOOOOOO FOR all that success!!:)))

  10. The solution is on the way:), "TIME"

    give it more few weeks and u will be amazed by the energy levels that u will start to have:) thats completely normal in the first few month , I remember regaining my energy in the first week of my 4th month. just go easy on urself now.

    My work outs were a medium intensity of 30 mins long. Are you taking any B complex supplement?

    B12 is great, I hate shots so I took them in the form of pills.< /p>

  11. yes, thats normal, when u are body is used to a certain routine "running and weight" for a period of time and then you start doing a new routine, it targets new muscle group or a new moving techniques that might leave u sore or hurt for sometime.. My best advice is to keep going so the soreness will go away and automatically you will be elevating ur fitness level, Like when I stop doing lunges and go back to doing them I feel sore again then I keep doing them for about 10 more days and baam the muscles get stronger and the soreness goes away.. so i suggest f u are feeling really hurt that u go to an easy mile run with, slower pace.. and get back to ur routine by the next day.

    Cardio is essential on the weight loss phase.. I resort to aerobics when I am just bored with my cardio routine.

    Weight training is just as important as cardio, u are building muscles = burning more calories.

    I am not a weight training person but now while I am getting closer to goal, I have to try to stick to it, It will help me to tone my body and to maintain on the long run.

  12. Everyday I see that in the mirror I have to tell myself thats okay! it is just the tax I have to pay for looking absolutely someone I cant recognize. I have to find some words of encouragement to avoid getting depressed about it. I think at the end of the road it is either gonna resolve a little bit by doing bunch of squats & lunges or Surgical interference.

    Either way I need to accept myself the way I look now and the way I feel.. Cause even if i got it vanished by a surgery there will still be scars and unfinished saggyness.. I am still 30 yrs old and having an 80 yrs old saggy thigh but a 20 yrs old spirit I think lol:)

    Talk to a surgeon, trainer or a doctor but the best talk I Do is talking myself up about it everyday and pushing harder with all kind of squats.

  13. We are been there:) LESSON LEARNED THE HARD WAY , I know.. the feeling is yuck! but it passes and next time u will have it on ur mind when you are put in the same situation. A few month later you will be able to eat some sugary stuff, but in such an amazing restriction:) but the first few month are just not the best friends of cakes and sugar.. I still remember my first ice cream incident 1.5 month out, eww!

    Best of luck

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