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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by brbm6

  1. Be kind to yourself. You have been through a lot. You are in my thoughts and prayers.
  2. I still have constipation. My morning ritual consists of Miralax and Benefiber washed down with a cup of black coffee. I also make sure to drink at least 100 oz. of water a day.
  3. brbm6

    Fill question.....

    I had 2.2 CC's in band after surgery. Next fill he gave me 2. Second and Third fill were .5 each. My surgeon won't do more that .5 either. He said that is the max he gives after the intital. Hang in there. It is so hard that is why I track everything on myfitnesspal.com.
  4. Drink some warm tea. Warm beverages seem to help me when swollen. If you don't like tea maybe decaf coffee.
  5. Oh my goodness! Your post made me giggle....I apologize because I would not have been happy had I woken up wet! Maybe it got you better service though......so that in itself is a blessing in disguise. I am sure the nurses have seen much worse!
  6. brbm6

    1/2 a cup

    I have to say I totally agree. This 1/2 cup business is nonsense. My nutrionist won't even talk about anything other than 1000-1200 calores per day. I have been continually loosing since pre-op by counting calories. Please people, use some common sense and realize our bodies need fuel to keep going. 1/2 cup may be fine RIGHT after surgery but 3 month or a yr. out it will cause malnutrition and Vitamin deficencies.
  7. Yeah you!!! I hope I am as successful as you have been! Happy Anniversary.
  8. I felt the same after my first and second fill.........it takes a few days for the swelling to go down. That is why it is really important to eat liquids for 24 hrs. after then progress to mushies. My tightness went away after about 48 hrs.
  9. brbm6

    So Upset :(

    This sounds just like my family! Except it was my mom who told people. She also didn't do it to be mean but it is like I told her..........this is my journey and I should be able to tell my good news when I want. But, there is nothing we can do! They are just excited for us. Congratulations on your success.
  10. Be careful with anti-depressents because some of them can cause weight gain. I know my doctor put me on Wellbutrin because it is not supposed to cause weight gain. I'd ask him which one would be right for you.
  11. I have a gurgle gurgle in my throat when I am at my "done" point. If I take another bite I am doomed!
  12. brbm6

    Fiesta Nght

    After the pre-op liquid and post-op liquid diets......anything sounded good to me! I probably would have loved shoe leather is it was seasoned!
  13. brbm6

    Had my lap band placed yesterday

    Yes, dry mouth was the worst. I was not hungry for several days. Just drink your Protein shakes a little at a time if you can. Congratulations! Welcome to the banded side.
  14. I count every calorie that enters my mouth. My nutrionist wants us to eat around 1,200 per day. I have been doing that since pre-op and have been really successful so far. I use myfitnesspal.com
  15. brbm6

    Sugar vs. Calories

    I use myfitness pal.com it will calculate calories, carbs, protein, and fat. Great tool. It will give you daily goals in each category.
  16. brbm6


    When I get stuck.............it is the most painful thing! I am not one of the lucky ones who get something stuck and quickly throw up to relieve the feeling. I feel like there is something sitting on my chest and I can not breathe. Then if I am lucky in about 20 minutes I either throw up or it will go down. I have found drinking something warm (like tea) will ease it up. That being said, I love my band. I just avoid things that will get me stuck. You will learn really quick what you can and can not eat. P.S. Ask any questions you want! That is the only way you find out the "real" answers from people who are banded. Dismiss the rude comments. Welcome to forum.
  17. brbm6

    Just starting & lost

    Congrats on your decision. I too suffered from depression. Yes, mine too was weight related. Since loosing weight I feel really good! Much more energy, not so sad and the future is definately brighter. This has been the best choice I have made for myself in a long time! Good luck with your journey.
  18. People are much friendler to me now and look me in the eye. Shouldn't happen but it does.
  19. brbm6

    Chicken poop

    This was the easiest surgery....in and out! I chickened out 2 years ago (and gained an extra 20 lbs. that I now have to take off). The surgeon just wasn't the right fit for me. It was a blessing in disguise because I adore my surgeon and his staff. Just remember........the band works if you work with the band. You will still have to watch what you eat and excersise. It is not a magic cure-all. But, it is so much easier with this tool in place.
  20. a heating pad.........that was the best thing for my gas pain
  21. Congratulations! You deserve to do a victory dance!
  22. brbm6

    I cheated a little...feel so bad.

    Don't worry...you are fine! If cheating is "soup" then you have a great mindset!
  23. brbm6

    using myfitnesspal.com

    I am a myfitnesspal user. I have been using it for about 3 months...everyday! I love it. It makes me very accoutable to every bite I take. I say find what works best for you. You may need more calories.
  24. brbm6


    Yep! Isn't it lovely? I can belch like a man now.
  25. I have read about people who get two scoops of protein powder. There is only 30 calories per scoop and it really ups your protein. If you get skinny lattes they use sugar free syrup and skim milk.

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