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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by M2G

  1. M2G

    December Fitness Challenge

    Hang in there GG. Remember doing SOMETHING is better than nothing. You don't have to run a marathon or be in the Olympics...just go for a simple walk. Clear the brain cobwebs and you will feel better, I promise! I did manage to workout today even though I wasn't able to go to the gym. I did 3 miles on the treadmill, planked (wow, thank you my fellow plankers for the inspiration!) and did some weight lifting. I think my little sick kiddo MUST be feeling better because she slept until noon and then was a bit sassy with me. Ah, there's my girl...back to being a bit sassy instead of lethargic on the couch! I'm starting to think that the $230 I paid for Tamiflu (with insurance!) might have been worth it.
  2. M2G

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    You know what? I hadn't thought about the WAY that people actually date now. I met my husband when I was all of 20 years old (I will be 42 next month!)...before the internet really existed, and way way way before people met potential mates online. So I didn't consider that aspect of it being "like shopping at Amazon"...that actually has me giggling a bit, and I know this is a serious subject but wow, when you put it in terms like that. Like automatically my mind says "I would like to auto-build a man. He should be at least 6', broad shoulders, dark hair, green eyes, easy smile, (straight teeth please and none missing ...that just is NOT an option) and he should have a great sense of humor, and be good with kids, pets and older people." OMG, if it could all just be THAT easy. I don't mean to make light of your frustration, (so please don't be offended) but I do love the way you explain how it is. And I imagine like you said that is just the first step, never mind his education, his emotional (or G-forbid physical baggage) his family situation, or like you said even if HE WOULD treat you well if you actually GOT to that point. Bah, that is just enough to make a woman want to throw in the towel and sign off forever. Ugh! And while I feel like I met and married my soul-mate, I had a couple of non-soul-mate relationships before meeting him and yep you are right, that fear of not choosing wisely. All I can say about that is you are NOT the same woman you were 10 or 20 years ago (heck probably not even the exact same person you were BEFORE surgery) so trust your instincts. At least you know what you DON'T like.
  3. M2G

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    GT, I have hopes that things will sort out...you are so strong to be facing all of this. Not an easy task and as Dee said none of us are in your exact shoes and we ALL have stuff that falls through the cracks. I am a praying person and right now you are in my prayers that things will fall into place for you. 1,300 cals is nothing...you showed some control and restraint there...half a corn dog? You could have easily eaten the whole thing but you didn't. SO HANG IN THERE!!! Love you also chickee! Yes to all who said FUDGE = CRACK totally 100%. I've been doing things like chewing gum while making it, so I won't be tempted to "lick the spoon" etc. But just being so immersed in chips, marshmallows, sugar, butter...ARGH! WHY AGAIN DID I SAY YES TO THOSE WHO ASKED FOR FUDGE? Next year I'm saying NO. Remind me of that in a year, k? Cathy - hang in there, you are having your fair share of stress at the moment, keep looking for positives and bright spots! Hugs! CGJ - Wow, sorry about the DUDS. Can I be honest with you? I wouldn't worry about the HEIGHT of a potential mate. I know it's easier said than done, but putting a height restriction on a someone...well, you might just miss out on someone who is fantastic because he doesn't fit on your "list". Look I like tall guys too, I'm 5'6" and yet when I met my husband he is all of 5'10"...there are days I feel as tall as he is if I have on heels and he is in socks. Or there are times when he has shoes on and I'm wearing flats or flip flops and I feel like he towers over me. I guess what I'm saying is definitely toss out the guys who don't fit in with the more IMPORTANT things on your list...like 1. treats me well, 2. has a good sense of humor 3. is on the same page with me from a mental standpoint, etc. But to just automatically discount someone because they aren't as tall as you like...well, kind of reminds me of the old Seinfeld things...man hands, she eats her peas too slow, her hair isn't the right color, etc. And you have admitted as much...you are picky...I'm not saying don't be picky. You should be picky...just don't get hung up on the wrong things. Finally, thank you all for a sane place to come. I had to get out the boxing gloves for this showdown...just goes to show me I should just stay OUT of some threads. This one had me pretty teed off! http://www.bariatricpal.com/topic/290025-my-surgeon-doesnt-require-a-pre-op-diet/
  4. Beautiful dress! Life is so much easier when you don't have such a small selection from the "plus" size section. Glad you got to have a different experience this time!
  5. I don't know you. I know what you wrote. You wrote "I don't think there is a tool or any such thing" THAT IS WHAT YOU WROTE. So you don't THINK there is a tool or any such thing, but now you say that you understand that there are "separators used." Please don't confuse people with your double talk. There is a tool. My surgeon uses it. Period. End of discussion.
  6. M2G

    December Fitness Challenge

    also hope your baby feels better soon! :-) Thank you so much Proudmom. At least if I PUT IT OUT HERE, then I will HAVE to do it. LOL And thanks for the well-wishes. She was feeling horrid yesterday. Was diagnosed with a sinus infection at a clinic on Sun. but by 7pm yesterday her fever hit 104.6...NOT GOOD. So we went back, and she tested positive for Influenza A.
  7. I don't think there is a tool or any such thing. Pre-op diets are to shrink the liver if enlarged which is easy to find with liver function tests. If they are normal you don't need a pre op diet. Actually THERE IS A TOOL. I'm sorry that you have the incorrect information about my specific surgeon, but I've spoken with him about this. In fact, I gave him permission to VIDEO TAPE my surgery and the tool is there. Please don't spread misinformation about things you don't know about. Just because I don't know the name of the tool doesn't mean it doesn't exist. Let me also repeat, HE DOESN'T REQUIRE ANY PATIENT FOR ANY SURGERY TO DO MORE THAN 24 HOUR CLEAR LIQUID. That is his protocol, it's not based on liver function tests. He uses a tool.
  8. M2G

    December Fitness Challenge

    UH OH! I'm going to miss my regular workout today. :( I have a sick kiddo (flu) and while normally I would leave her with my husband while I go workout, he has to pick up his parents at the airport at the SAME time as my two classes. Sigh. So my mini-goal for today is to do some running on the treadmill and scrape up a weight workout in my very own basement. Maybe the temps outside today will even get above 25...that would feel downright balmy! Anyway, it would be MUCH easier to sit around in my sweats and do nothing, but I'm determined to do SOMETHING!
  9. M2G

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    Thanks for sharing that I am not alone in my struggle to only consume small amounts of something like the honey-glazed nuts. Oh my gosh, I still remember the feeling when they were all sitting on the floor covered in glass shards, and it sort of snapped me out of my sugar-coma. OMG! And I'm also sorry about your friend who lost by starving, purging, and exercising like a demon. I hope she can eventually find something that works for her. I think a lot of STELLAR weight loss (that isn't related to WLS) has something of a darker side to it. Just reading all about the dehydration and awful things that the actual contestants on The Biggest Loser go through in order to put up stellar 10-15lb drops in ONE FREAKING WEEK really does show a disturbing trend on the quick weigh loss that some people can experience. And I just *love* what you wrote about tattooing what Kim wrote on the back of your eyelids...ha ha! I LOVE THAT! So true! GT, I know you are frustrated and I'm just sending you a hug. I hope something comes through for you with your disability and you get some answers so you can make a plan!
  10. Well my surgeon also doesn't require a pre-op diet of any kind. His protocol: clear liquids for 24 hours prior to surgery. Regardless of surgery or BMI. WHY? Because he uses a special tool (I don't know what it's called) to hold the liver OUT of the way while he is performing any type of bariatric surgery. So he doesn't need to "shrink" the liver. Every surgeon is different and everyone has different protocols to follow. Follow whatever YOUR surgeon requires. As for NEVER feeling hunger again. Well, yeah that was true for about 18-24 months post-op...I was NEVER hungry. But now I'm 3+ years post-op and I definitely feel hunger. Is it the same as it was PRE-SURGERY? Nope! I hope I never go back to that bottomless pit feeling...but yeah hunger still exists. For me.
  11. M2G


    Just a friendly note here: I went ahead and moved this topic from "Success Stories" to the "Pregnancy" forum as it fit in better over here! Thanks!
  12. M2G

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    Hugs Dorrie...that sounds like a terrible emotionally-filled battle. Can you and hubby SIT and figure out what exactly you would like the two of them to do. Then take what you guys have agreed upon to the kids and sit and have a very adult face-to-face meeting about expectations and see how to best accomplish everyone's goals? Oh that's not not good! I would be in serious distress over seeing that daily! The only good thing I see there? Those cheap asses are charging for that crap! If it were free? Would be like "oh you must grab you mustn't pass up free food it might come in handy" ...yea, when the zombie apocalypse comes, I want to make sure there are some snickers bars in my coat pockets just in case! We had a guest staying here the last couple of days, and it shot my fast day all to hell, then this morning I got up early and made scones, healthy ones, but still 300 cals each... I ate two before 9am! I'm not even sure how I fit them into my stomach! Then I snacked on some potato chips... guest food! I really had no self control this morning.. I somehow managed to pull in the reins later in the day, and ate like a fast day to just get back on track...and stayed within my MFP goals... but really, this morning was crazy head behavior. It was as easy as falling off a log eating those two scones. Well, I did get in a bunch of fiber in!!! Thats for sure! 22gms! HA HA, zombie apocalypse...you know what they say about those...best place to go is a good Costco! Everything you would ever need! Oh my goodness, please rant away about her!!! I have a very dear friend who upon finding out that I was in the process of getting the sleeve, promptly went back to Weight Watchers and in the space of about 6-9 months lost around 55lbs. She was eating things like radishes for breakfast, green beans for lunch, raspberries for a snack and a salad for dinner. She was relentless. I was so happy for her but I worried about her not being able to sustain that kind of eating. She couldn't, of course, and eventually regained most (or maybe all ...I was too scared to ask) of what she lost. And instead of feeling somewhat victorious...that whole diet thing...gah even though I'm doing it now and I know it's a struggle...sleevie makes me so happy to be SATISFIED WITH LESS!!!...I just felt horrible for her. Sad that she couldn't maintain the loss, etc. She got rid of all her clothes and had to start over when she regained the weight. We are still very close friends and I'm quite sure my having the sleeve was the "catalyst" for her to start with the incredibly tight diet, etc. But at the end of the day I'm just sad sad sad that it didn't work for her. I guess my rambling point is that everyone has to do what works for them...if she is a good friend and loves and supports you no matter what, then just keep encouraging her...but if she is the type to just throw it in your face and be snarky, well then see ya! I know...easier said than done... Anyway, thank goodness we can rant here, right?
  13. M2G

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    OMG, I am SO SO SO much in just survival mode right now. Hanging on by a thread. I just bought a shitload of marshmallows, sugar, butter and all varieties of choc. chips to make fudge. It is a holiday tradition...So I gotta be strong. MOST of it is going to be made and given away as gifts to people who actually ASK for it every year. Gah! Survival mode: clicking the ON button here!
  14. M2G

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    Love this and I'm "chuffed to beans" for her!!! YAY for B! She will do great at this!!
  15. M2G

    Spinning Class - Eeekkk

    I *love* spin, I do it twice a week for an hour each session (and once in a blue moon I show up at the 1.5 hour session) but I truly do love spin. Remember to bring: Water, a towel, possible tissues (my nose sometimes runs with intense exercise) and good tennis shoes. Speak up, let the instructor know that it is your first time (you will need help/advice about setting the bike up to proper levels based on your height, arm reach, etc.) and hopefully the instructor will let you know that if things are too hard, that you don't have to follow along with the group. For instance, people who are new to spin, might take their resistance level a couple of notches lower, or someone who is recovering from an injury may opt out of getting "out of the saddle" (where you are standing and pedaling.) Remember that it is about your legs, and don't hunch up your shoulders in a tight ball. Shoulders back and down...ie. relaxed upper body. Oh and if your spin is at all crazy like these...then find a new class! http://www.bengreenfieldfitness.com/2009/06/a-spinning-indoor-cycling-instructor-gets-a-bit-hot-under-the-collar/ You shouldn't be doing crazy aerobic moves while on your spin bike. Just saying...I personally have never seen the types of classes that this article references, but apparently it does exist. Scary! Most of all have fun...maybe you will become addicted like I am!
  16. I got to go home today, yay me! We beat the weather in so that was great! I still can't sleep, I'm pretty sure it's the steroids for the Addison's disease. But maybe my ambien will help tonite. I feel really sleep deprived. But other than that I'm all good! Thanks for asking! You are home, that is wonderful news. Praying for some good sleep and some time to recover from the latest surgery. I'm so glad you were able to go home though!
  17. Fiddle, wow, I'm so sorry about the diagnosis. Back pain is NEVER fun, and it sounds like you have more than your fair share of it right now. My own dad battled back issues for a very long time as a result from having a physically active job his whole life (he's NEVER had a desk job.) He spent many years researching and modifying the way he did things in order to ease his back pain. He finally opted to have spinal back surgery as eventually it was discovered that a few of his disks were "offset" and a nerve was being pinched to the point that his legs were going numb and he could barely walk. The surgery was NOT an easy one but we woke up from surgery feeling 100% better (the actual recovery time ended up being about 4-5 months) BUT when his Dr. and nurses asked about his pain level his answer was "what pain? I feel amazing!" because in all honesty he did NOT realize how much pain he had been living with...until it was gone. He felt like he got a new lease on life. I'm not saying that this is what will happen to you and I certainly hope that it doesn't come down to surgery (usually that is the very last last last option for many people!) But I'm just sharing his story because the part about how he didn't realize how much pain he was in until he got some relief. Gamergirl...wow, what an incredible insight to what Andy is dealing with and what great advice!! Now that you have a diagnosis I'm sure you can start working on a solution. The one thing I would ask is if you have considered consulting a specialist. Your PCP may not have all the latest and greatest information regarding your specific problem and sometimes a specialist can help in that area. I really hope you not only find some answers but also get some relief.
  18. M2G

    December Fitness Challenge

    Haha! Where I keep track of my food caloriecount.about.com YOU CAN enter things like housework, vacuuming, and show shoveling! I love that it lets you do that. I usually don't count that kind of stuff as exercise, nor do I try to eat back the calories burned through exercise, but everyone is different.
  19. I am in the camp of resisting taking pain meds unless I'm physically HURT. I get sore all the time from my trainer just whipping us into shape but I won't take something for being SORE..if that makes any sense. I do like being sore as it tells me that I'm getting a good workout, but I certainly don't feel like SORE and PAIN are the same thing. I think if you are in PAIN from your workout that might mean that you have overdone it, torn something, pinched something, etc. Being physically active shouldn't put you in constant pain.
  20. M2G

    December Fitness Challenge

    Oh and I forgot to update my own stats: 33 miles so far, biking and walking (couple of those were walking while carrying 20lbs worth of weights...fun fun!)
  21. M2G

    December Fitness Challenge

    So I realize the limitations at your crossfit place, and it makes sense that you wouldn't just run wall to wall zig zag-ing through equipment etc. But since you didn't feel so hot after running outside I think I would just opt out of doing that again. I realize there is quite the competition mentality stemming from crossfit and I'm totally on board with a bit of healthy competition, but if I wasn't comfortable doing something I certainly wouldn't follow along just because it's the "prescribed WOD" I would speak up and say "no thanks, I will do XYZ in HERE while you guys are out running in the cold." And I might be a tad sensitive today because our HIGH TEMP for today is like 3 degrees. So we are in a wicked cold snap and I'm honestly just sitting here thinking...at what point do you say NO... I don't like the way this makes me feel so I will sub something else for this portion of today's programming???
  22. Yes it will get more normal, but it will never be what it was pre-op. However, I have to say that eating this way IS completely normal for me now, and it does take some getting used to. You will never again go to a restaurant and not box up leftovers from an entree. Only if you can order something from al la carte (like 2 eggs or something like that will you NOT need a box!) I *wish* I could have been able to eat like this pre-sleeve, but having a whole stomach, yeah, well, notsomuch. I'm rarely frustrated by the portion control my sleeve enforces, usually it makes me quite happy! The first couple of months are the hardest and then it gets easier.
  23. You will totally get used to not eating much, and after about 6-9 months your sleeve will relax (ie swelling will go down) and you will be able to consume more. I'm 3+ years post-op and usually my meals consist of 3-4 oz of protein and 1-2 ounces of other (veggie, whole grains, fruit, etc.) Congrats on your sleeve, sounds like you are feeling great!
  24. M2G

    Out On The Table

    Thanks pear425...is that kind of like the Rose procedure? I'm glad it's working for you, and honestly I just don't think ANYTHING can compare to our original losses when were were a month or two out from surgery. Slow and steady wins the race, eventually.
  25. M2G

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    Forgot to say that my goal on FAST days is 50g protein. I usually hit just around that sometimes a tad less and sometimes a tad more. I spoke with my NUT about it and she said that was fine. There was something about the Michael Mosley video where he talked about too much protein, and I think it was sort of in a negative way (anyone remember what he said???) Anyway, I'm guessing liberties need to be taken with regards to the amount of protein we need being post-WLS, just like we don't eat 2000 cals on a feed day.

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