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Posts posted by livinglifelikeitsgolden

  1. Thanks everybody for all your kind comments. *tears* I think you all are right and I know that I am only drinking when I feel down and depressed. I have some medicine but don't like taking them but I am and I will get this under control. @sugarmamma7 it was very encouraging and I really needed to hear that. So as of today I am going to pick myself up and try try again. Luv ya!

  2. @ Rosalind, I too think i was getting enough calories in as an result to my slow weight. However, it is hard for me to get in many calories without the additional carbs or fats. I had my surgery May 16th 2011 and have only lost 28-30 lbs and this was my first few weeks during the liquid diet. Im am so glad to see others going thru this cos i have been discouraged from this site due to others success and me constantly comparing dates, weights etc. I know I should have lost alot more by now. It is so discouraging but I just don't wanna give up. I have still been making different choices but some days are better than others.

  3. I had my surgery on May 16th 2011. I was so excited due to my rapid lost which was like 27 lbs in just a couple weeks. Once i began eating normal foods I watched the scale come to a complete stop. I have been on a stall since my 3rd week. Sometimes i would notice i lost 5lbs but that would slowly creep right back up. I feel so helpless and depressed. I used to come to this site to be encourage but now I feel so alone because everyone is losing the weight and yet I am lagging far behind. Due to this I have notice that I have started drinking alcohol which i think isn't good due to the calories. But I feel like I have really given up or having a very nonchalant attitude about losing weight. I get full quicker but still not losing weight. I just don't understand. I have changed my diet and am eating alot healthier and still on a stall!!! AHHHHHH, i feel like screaming and hiding. Someone help me plzzzzzz........

  4. Hey all. I was so excited to report that my 7 days post op i lost 19 lbs. Then in my 2 week i was down 28 and now in my third week i completely stopped. As a matter of fact one day the scale said 250 which was my first goal to the very next day saying 255. HUH??? Im confused, i keep losing and gaining everyday. its been a week and i may have lost maybe a lbs but can tell cos my scale isn't digital. I feel like im doing something wrong or im not going to lose the weight. Of course im afraid of failure cos all the other diets were failures.

    Also, Im on the 4th stage which is reg soft and moist foods. however, i keep vomiting and i don't know if it is cos im eating too fast or what. When i eat, i actually have pains in my stomach that hurt alot. Please tell me this is normal.

    Love ya each.


  5. Not only did I sleep alot just to make time pass, I had major nightmares my first week. All I can say is Im feeling you. It has been 2 weeks for me but i thought i was going crazy that first week. Couldn't drink all that damn gas was ridiculousness so was the diarrhea and nausea. But GOOD NEWS...get definitely gets better!!! I still get cramps but not much gas. However, im still having problems getting my fluids in and taking my Protein. But i went back for dehydration and you don't want that so drink, drink, drink.

  6. @ mbridgeman- you are correct. You will lose weight alot slower because you have less weight to lose. Thanks to everyone else. I only did liquid diet the day before surgery. But my weight loss was from the day of surgery and the 8th day. Now im a little more than 20 lbs lost in less than 2 weeks. 278 to 255. But im sure it will slow down. Im just afraid that i will not get enough fluids in my system because i keep forgetting to eat.

  7. @ twostepsback

    I feel the same way when i see ppl from my past. I tend to try and avoid them or not speak to them just to avoid the comments " hi....u gained weight". But i could imagine that when i lose weight i wouldn't want ppl to say you look so good because it's like an insult. I think im beautiful big or small.

    A lot of things have changed in my attitude since surgery actually. I hadn't really thought about it, but reading your post has brought them to light.

    Before my op I used to see people I hadn't seen in years and feel like I wanted to run and hide before they spotted me. I also felt angry and bitter towards my friends who didn't have weight problems. Although they were never mean in any way, and understood how hard it was for me, a little part of me HATED them. I remember a friend of mine talking about some modelling work she was doing and I just told her to "shut the **** up cos I don't want to hear about it!!"

    Now I don't feel angry. I still feel a twinge of jealousy if I see a particularly pretty girl on the tv or whatever, but now it is to be more about her hair, face or clothes than her weight.

    One bad thing though... I sometimes now find myself seeing people who are a bit bigger than I am now, (but definitely slimmer than I used to be!) and thinking "God, she shouldn't be wearing that at her size!" .... Or seeing a celebrity and thinking "Gosh, she's put on some weight!". In the past I would have done anything to look like those people, even at their heaviest!

    I don't think I could ever turn into one of those "mean skinny" people, but my attitude is different for sure. :(

  8. @ coops

    LOL. One of my most embarrassing moments was when a lady look at me and said " awww, when you due?" OMG, im not pregnant. LOL i was so shocked cos she didn't say i was pregnant but that i looked due!!!! LOL

    Interesting post... I've had a few weight related comments over the years, the one that springs to mind the most is an old 'friend' who I hadn't seen for a while walked passed me... I stopped him and he said 'God, I didn't realise that short fat person waddling towards me was you!' NICE!! I remember feeling really embarrassed and just made my excuses and left, waddling off!

    I've always been the bubbly fat one, the one who made everyone laugh or blended into the background, depending on my mood.

    Now, 60lb lighter, I seem a little more reserved. I think it because I haven't reached a comfortable weight and I still feel self conscious.

    I don't plan any real 'revenge' for any nasty comments ... it will just take the form of feeling and looking good! =]

  9. Hello Funnylady,

    I went back because i was very weak, lots of diarrhea and some vomiting. They said i was dehydrated but everything else was cool. So they gave me plenty fluids and sent me home.

    Hello: I have yet to have my surgery scheduled; however I am wondering why you were re-hospitalized. Hopefully, you are doing well.

  10. I actually had very few people ever comment about my weight and I don't remember any comments ever being inappropriate. I am tall and supposedly "carried it well" whatever the hell that means. But, a little like Tiffykins, I maintained an aura of confidence and it was always inherently clear that I wouldn't tolerate being bullied or demeaned. Now, for my part, what a lot of people saw was an act because I was NO WHERE NEAR as confident as I projected. What I am finding is that as the weight comes off I don't have to fake the confidence anymore and that feels great!

    As for people who have wronged me, I have always been a big fan of taking the high road. I feel the need to be the bigger person and not sink to their leve- in my ming that make them that much more pathetic. :) It often helps me to think that something in their life must be hurting them so much that they need to behave this way to make themselves feel better. If the behavior is overt, I would say something in that moment but then give them a wide berth- hurting or not, I don't need those kind of people in my life.

  11. Hi my sleevers friends

    All of us know what it feels like to be picked on, teased or simply people making comments about our weight (some more than others). I have like this attitude toward the people especially family who made me feel like being fat was the end to SHEENA WHITE as a person. One person told me that she knew i was there somewhere. I see people after years and they either 1 turn their head and act as i don't exist or 2 say ' dang you got big". So although i did this surgery for me to be healthy and confident, I gotta ask myself, how am i going to act when i lose the weight. I don't wanna be as mean to them as some have been to me but i bet it would feel nice. So your honest opinion, have you felt this way about a person in your life and you know your tool is going to give you the opportunity to be smaller than them? Have you attitude and self image changed for the better or too much for others to handle? Im not a nasty person but i think because im fat, people expect me to be extra nice and let them run all over me. Anyone in the same boat?

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