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Everything posted by juzmejnee

  1. Will i know when to stop eating? LIke today i almost fiished one scrambled egg for breakfast. Stopped because i wasn't sure when i was full or not. FOr lunch i had half a scrambled egg and some cottage cheese. 3 hrs later i had few bites of cottage cheese again. I haven't felt the "full" feeling yet. And i don't want to eat to the point of being sick. But im not sure when and if ill feel full ?
  2. Thank you! This give me great ideas!! THANK YOU
  3. hi becky! how are you?? Hope you enjoyed your egg today!! i will be loving mine tomorrow!!!!!!!!

  4. Hi! I was just wondering if there were any sleevers that still ended up having a complication after they followed their surgeon's instructions and diets correctly. Im so worried about leaks, as im reading that some have had one even a month out of feeling great! I start soft foods tomorrow and Im sooooo ready for it. But im scared too. What are the chances of following the post op diets exactly, and still end up getting a leak?
  5. When you first transitioned to soft foods, how much were you able to eat in one sitting? Thanks for your info!
  6. juzmejnee

    Stomach closure???

    I Just saw the pics, Thanks! Amazing how our bodies heal !! Thanks for sharing!
  7. juzmejnee

    Stomach closure???

    hi! would you mind sending me your pics? I would LOVE to see how they look like. If its ok with you, you can message me at jenalenn@msn.com Thank you!
  8. I am 13 days out and have been at the same weight now for 6 days! Ive increased my walking, my water intake and i too cant' seem to lose! Is it possible to get a stall this early out?????
  9. I may not see it so much yet in the mirror, but I can definitely feel a difference from losing the first 21 pounds off my body. I can walk up stairs without being out of breath, I can sleep on my back without being woken up from my gasping snores. My size 18 pants fit loosely while I was wearing size 22 my blood pressure has been normal ever since. This one is TMI, but after I clean myself after using the bathroom, I am not short of breath like I just walked up a hill. I noticed I'm smiling more, and that people are smiling at me. I guess I used to not have good eye contact lol. I can walk in a mall with my energized hubby n son and not have to stop n sit for a few minutes because I'm tired, and my back hurts. So far this is just a few things I've noticed. Can't wait to keep going ! Can't wait to see what 50lbs loss will do to my body! Thanks for listening!
  10. Thank you everyone! HOpe everyone had a fun and safe independence day!!
  11. When u guys first started soft foods, how much did u start with? I too could probably eat / drink 4 oz soup or liquid in one sitting. And thinking that ill be eating only 4 tablespoons seems so impossible to me.
  12. juzmejnee

    Im Hungry

    How far out were you when you could have egg drop Soup and eggs?? With the soup did u drain it, or just ate it so curious! I'm 11 days out and want eggs so bad!
  13. juzmejnee

    question about post op diet

    I haven't tried those yet!! I love egg drop soup? Do I still need to drain the egg?? I'm soooo ready for eggs and would. Enjoy that soooo much! I know u will probably said yes I still would have to drain it I only have 4 more days till I can officially have it so I can make it! But I will def try those soups! Anything to mix up the soups I've been having ! Thank u!!!
  14. juzmejnee

    question about post op diet

    Hi! Yes that's what I was told. I too am a bit confused because all suirgeonss post op diets are so different! From my understanding yes we lcan puree what we want to eat. But no lumps or chunls!? My mom had made me chicken soup with sum achicken n veggies and she blended it up. Its a bit thick and some people told me I should hold off on it. But if I go by my suirgeons orders, technically I guess I really could! But to be safe I froze it instead and decided to wait because I'm so scared of ruining my stomach. So now my new found fav is soups fr traders joe that is liquidy yet it tastes yummmmmy with some added cheese. Also makes it a little thicker to appear like real food hheehheee. 4 more days till soft foods for Me. And even though my doctor said it was ok, I'm gonna stick to liquidy stuff till I advance in 4 days ! Longest. 4 days!!! Take care and good luck! I wish they had like a general post op and pre op diet that everyone uses! So it won't be so confusing!
  15. Thanks everyone! I'm very happy and very thankful! Ill be a bit happier when I can start on soft food heehee
  16. I am on full liquids, surgery was june 23! And I'm hungry! I think its because we are only getting liquids in. And we won't. Start getting full till we start eating soft and solid food. I had my post op yesterdat and my surgeon said its ok to be hungry ( I was hoping he would advance me early to soft foods. But he didn't my stomach growls all the time before during and after I take something in. But I am starting to realize that my head is what's telling me I'm hungry, my stomach is just talking!
  17. I am newly sleeved and seem to be able to drink fluids with no problem. I'm scared to stretch out my new tummy, but seem to be able to take in more liquids / soup than I thought. Do u know how much liquid it can hold without causing any damage?
  18. juzmejnee

    3 Days Post-op

    i was sleeved on 6/23/11 and im in the same boat as you!! Stomach is LOUD as heck, burping 24/7. And im hungry
  19. juzmejnee

    one week out

    That will definately be one of the questions I will ask my surgeon! I see him friday. Post op diets are so different! R u able to have soups! ? My doc said I could eat anything I put in a blender n that will fit thru a straw. I haven't really done that cuz I'm scared. But tonight I added cheese to my creme of chicken soup and it made it more tasty. Like a real food, kinda anyway!
  20. juzmejnee

    one week out

    I was sleeved on june 23rd and I too am struggling with getting all my liquids and protein in. However I am hungry!! And need more than just liquids n soups! Am I the only one hungry? hope there's nothing wrong with my new tummy! I feel like I can always take in more soup but stop because I'm scared ill over eat
  21. Im curious, after you went thru the different phases and was finally able to eat solid foods again, what did you eat? Im 6 days post op and pretty hungry and can't wait till i can eat eggs But i know i can't go crazy when im able to eat regular foods. So what did you eat that kept your calorie intake low? THANK YOU
  22. that sounds sooooooooooo good right now! Are these foods like low cal or just regular foods? How long does it take you to finish a plate ? Or can you finish a plate? wow im soooo hungry now!!!
  23. juzmejnee

    So Cal Newbie here

    YEs please do send me the info!!
  24. Everyone is different, but i woke up with no pain no nausea. I was sore, but not in pain! I was tired the day of my surgery so i only walked once that night. But the next day, i was up and walking every 15-20 min. I am very thankful i wasnt in pain or throwing up. I would bring an extra pillow for your tummy when you sleep. I still do that now, to support my belly since i sleep mostly on my side. You will be amazed how great you feel, in such little time. Thursday was my surgery, Saturday went home. My first day home, i hung out at the pool under the shade, and then did a little grocery shopping after. Back to work on Tuesday And still feeling good! gOOD LUCK TO YOU

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