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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Georgia

  1. Just read on FB that Dr Aceves was killed today in a plane crash! I did not know or use him but many have or were scheduled with him. Very sad to hear this! Thoughts and prayers to his family.
  2. YOU JUST MADE ME LOL AT WORK! Love it! And no, I don't think you are a druggie! ha! I know for sure I don't want to try it - I have enough trouble with the munchies without weed! LOL
  3. Good Lord! There are easier ways! LOL I had mine removed pre-wls so that wasn't an option for weight loss! Ha! But the meds thing, um, yeah, been there done that! Luckily, I didn't break a tooth but got a "fat lip" out of it when I came to on the floor! Take it easy and heal!
  4. Georgia

    Checking in...18 months post op

    I'll agree that maintenance is not an easy road! Seriously!!! I have discovered that the brain does not GET IT! LOL At four years out, I still sit down with more food on my plate than I can eat and still don't comprehend it! You'd think by now that I would KNOW that! I'd think also that I could control that carb demon that wants to take over my eatinly plan! Nope! It is a daily uphill battle for me, personally. I'll admit that I don't always succeed in my Quest but just had my four year appointment and was 5 pounds BELOW goal. Of course, a few months ago I was 10 pounds below goal! Am I concerned? No. I know that I will continue to fight this battle. But remember, folks - THIN PEOPLE GAIN AND LOSE AND FIGHT THE BATTLE TOO! It's all good - very good! From 250 to 150. I'll take it - oh, and my Dr. was ecstatic and all blood work normal!
  5. Georgia

    Gained 20 pounds

    I think all, or most of us, reach a place where sometimes you just get "tired" of the continuing effort to lose or maintain. I'm four years out, lost 100 pounds, regained about 27 pounds in year 3 and used 5:2 intermittent fasting to relose that weight. It can be done and just knowing that others are there WITH YOU is a great tool to use! You CAN do this! Just start today, one day at a time, and go back to your basics and regain your equilibrium. I guarantee you will start to lose the excess. You may have to WORK at it but it's so worth that feeling of accomplishment. Even more than the initial weight loss. Good luck and stay in touch!
  6. Georgia

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    Kim, just sending out thoughts and prayers your way this morning. I was the only one with my Mom when you passed Christmas Day 2009. Miss her more now than ever. So glad you have had the time to spend with her and your Dad and the precious memories you will treasure forever! Love to you.
  7. Georgia

    5:2 Links and info

    On a given "2" day, I will have a Protein shake (EAS 100 calorie) around 10-11 sometimes or a boiled egg, same timeframe, or 6 slices turkey (50 calories). Then around 2, I might have mini babybel cheese or an apple. I try to maintain the bulk of my calories for my dinner. Which can be chicken stirfry, or a couple of turkey franks and a packet of 100 calorie guacamole eaten with sliced cucumbers or sliced red peppers. Or homemade vegetable Soup. A snack of some sort later. I try not to eat past 7pm. The ideal is to have at LEAST a 12 hour window of fasting, better is 16. So if you eat the night before at 7pm, wait until 10 or so to eat anything on your fast day, you have a longer "fasting" window which helps speed loss. You will find it pretty easy to conserve and eat a LOT if you use many veggies and chicken or thin sliced turkey etc. Hope that helps.
  8. Georgia

    5:2 Links and info

    http://www.bariatricpal.com/topic/313875-52/?hl=%2Bfasting#entry3542432 here is one that discusses 5:2
  9. Georgia

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    Coops, your daughter is a doll and the dress and "do" are beautiful. And girl, talk about toned!!! You look great! Globe, so sorry for all the mess you ar going through. THIS TOO SHALL PASS! I believe better things are ahead for you! Kim, how is your Mom? Sar, update pics? Sheryl, that's some "toy!" Ha! Wanda, go girl! I've got to get back on the carb watch. Fast! Cathy, can't wait to see pics of your new place! OregonD, have a great trip! Chimera, can you believe there are douch bags like that guy? Did good for a few days but can't seem to hold it steady. Got to, though. I do NOT want to regain all I've lost on 5:2!!
  10. Best thing I can tell you is to get real with yourself about your overall diet, when and what is going into your mouth. We can consume a LOT of calories with little effort if they are junk. I know. If you are not tracking your eats, I advise you to do so with my fitness pal or similar. I think you will be surprised. I know it can be difficult and it is never ending. Truly. But stop It now and get back on track. Much easier when we are not overwhelmed. Good luck. You CAN do this!
  11. Georgia

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    you have got to be kidding? Bless your heart. What a crazy setup! Sorry for this.
  12. Georgia

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    I finally just started ignoring her posts. I do believe she is knowledgable but gets too pushy for me. . I have bones for the first time and LOVE THEM, lol
  13. Georgia

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    Oh my, Sar! You look AWESOME! I know you just want to look over and over to see if it's real!!!!! Wow! So you have to wear compression garments?
  14. Georgia

    I have lived through stomach virus

    ^^well, there's that silver lining but the OTHER lining (gut) well,
  15. Georgia

    I have lived through stomach virus

    Oh,no! Girl, I've been right there! It is weirder to me. But mine was vomiting too and the acid like to have killed me! I hope you are feeling better now and up and at 'me soon!
  16. Georgia

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    Been reading through but not posing much. Glad to hear most everyone is doing - including Sar! Um really kinda jealous, Sar! Ha! I don't need anything but a tummy tuck and oh, and arms not as I'm "older" I don't care. Lol. I would dearly love TT, though. Just not enough to spend the money! And if I don't get back to my 5:2 I'm going to be right back where I started. Truthfully, I have completely fallen off the wagon and INTO THE DITCH! ha! Keep telling myself today I'll do better but too much keeps getting thrown at me. Yeah, I know -excuses. Go for 4 yr visit next week. Missing Coops and others!
  17. Georgia

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    Where is this? It's gorgeous and your shots are awesome!!!
  18. Georgia

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    Just having time to "catch up" on all the happenins in 5:2. Kim, so sorry to hear about your Mom but glad to hear she is physically doing better. The other part, that is very hard to deal with emotionally. We went through it with my husband's Mom. The loss of your MOM as you have always known her was very difficult for me to deal with as my Mother grew feeble and weak. Thankful you are there for her and she has a great daughter like you. My former Pastor's Mom developed Alzheimers and suffered for years. When she passed away, he used a Scripture that really brought it home for me. He was reminded of The Scripture that says "To be absent from the body is to be present with the Lord." I had never thought of this OTHER than death, but she had been "absent" for a long time other than just a shell. That thought is very comforting to me that they are in a "safe, comforting place" even though not with us mentally anymore. I know your Mom is just beginning that journey but I hope that comforts you too.
  19. Georgia

    Long term physical considerations

    Sheryl, didn't you get some sort of best also? I really need something. Can you share what you have?
  20. Georgia

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    Well, I seriously want min by min blogs and pics so we can " journey" along. . Good luck!
  21. Georgia

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    As a Mom, I would be devastated to find out my baby girl had been struggling alone. So glad you told her. Now it frees both of you to be honest and help you going forward.
  22. Georgia

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    Okay, claiming it! 616 calories but it's gonna have to do! I am seriously really struggling here to keep it CLOSE to 500! Just fasting is a big accomplishment right now! Ha! I cannot figure it out because you guys all know I Just marched right on last year! LOL. "We shall overcome, we shall overcome.."
  23. Most definitely! I used to get some irritated with people who would say "I k owwhat you mean! I really need to lose 5-10 pounds!" I would always think FIVE TO TEN POUNDS! I could do that by without trying! Lol. Now, we ARE those folks! Ha! Keep at it,Jeff. As Lynda, Kim and Sheryl said it's the not letting it get out of control. I'm doing the same thing right now.
  24. Georgia

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    Man, it is tough when your parents get to the age where we have to become their caregivers. Thankfully, you and your husband are concerned enough to get them the necessary help. I've seen it over and over, there are usually the "doers" in a family and the "gripers" who don't really help but want to have their say. My poor Father took care of his Mom for many years while the other two brothers did nothing but try to take what little money she had! Oh well. That's my gripe for today. God bless! And BTW, quit worrying about "age based" clothing. Ha! I think you can pull off so e skinny ankle capris with ease and anything else you want to try_within reason.

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