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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Georgia

  1. You can do it! Your sleeve is still the best tool you have just work it correctly with the right foods.
  2. Georgia

    how much can you eat after a year?

    At almost 4 years out, it's WHAT I eat that decides how much I can eat. Things that used to be harder to eat in smaller ants now easily "slide" bread for example! Crackers. If I eat dense chicken still a few ounces, maybe half a chicken breast. And if veggie soup probably about a cup. Same with other things such as salad. A few bites, one taco, couple bites rice and Beans. Half a piece of any meat. But, oh, the sliders! ????. PB crackers is my CRACK!
  3. Georgia

    NSV lately?

    Okay update! Today I needed a belt to wear yes I said a belt. Until last year I don't believe I've ever worn belts. About four years ago someone gave me a beautiful Brighton belt. Until today I could not wear it. Three years nine months later 110 pounds lighter I have it On! I couldn't even wear it when I reach the goal originally at eight months Thanks 52 also I think I've whittled down my body size!!! Whoo hoo to me!
  4. Georgia

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    Yeah, I can understand that. And BTW, why is it when I get to where I want to be I tend to sabotage myself and ease off? Ha! Me and the PB crackers are living large right now. Fighting to stay in my bounce zone but I really want to just "enjoy" a little too much.
  5. Okay, as my Mom used to say, "play nice!" Lol We able all in the same "boat" so to speak since we are all (or WERE) overweight, unhealthy and most had WLS. I've continued to use BP and before that VST for my "community" since I didn't have a local support group. I have never, ever come away not being encouraged and inspired and challenged if I needed to be! Don't always agree with all I read but I'm human, as are we all, with a wide range of personalities, struggles, temperaments etc. At 3 months shy of 4 years post op with VSG, I KNOW it takes us All pulling together to get there! To each his own. We will never convince everyone Our Opinion is right. Because it's OUR OPINION! Keep pushing forward. Research your choice thoroughly, talk to as many as you can who are Vets (3 plus years that's where the rubber meets the road) and give it all you've got!!!! Here's to success!!!
  6. Georgia

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    Weekend wedding is a done deal! Went beautifully. I'm trying to get some rest this afternoon and de stress. Shingles are "manageable" today and I'm praying that I've turned the corner so to speak. Since meds are over. Here are a couple pics of my beautiful girl and her family! That's my boy, Corey, and my Grand, Drew, also! God is good!
  7. Georgia

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    Good girl!! Get it quick! My Dr said she will give it to me when it subsides. Hopefully, it will squelch reoccurrences somewhat
  8. Georgia

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    I THINK I like him. Problem is I don't know him well enough. He lives in Dallas. She lives AR. Introduced by mutual lifelong friend who I trust. They have been dating about 4 months but as said, they know what they want. They are both 37 years old and just know ( according to them) this is good. Want permanence. He is good with girls but.. Like I said, who knows anyone til they KNOW them. Lol. It's just such an abrupt thing and her Dad is fit to be tied about it ( more stress on me) since we have been killing ourselves to get her thorough nursing school at mostly our expense and raising practically two grands. Willingly. But the focus should be right now on getting this year finished and the girls stability. Oh well. It is what it is. I am praying this is a GOD THING and all is good!!!! Thanks, M2G
  9. Georgia

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    Been reading when I get a minute. So much drama going on right now been unable to post. Things I have found: 1. Shingles is DEF stress and pressure related! 2. Wed horrible day. Much pain. Heart racing. Huge stress added to fact both grand girls have been at my house since Tuesday 3. Yesterday off work because of girls Dr Suess day at school. Had a pleasant morning. Nails done. Shopped a while. NO PAIN ALL DAY. AND I have an impromptu wedding this wknd at my house. Daughter getting married. Not too happy about it. Too soon but she's 37... Decided on Tuesdat to get married. . And on top of that, Dr office called Tricare won't cover my colonoscopy now until two more years! Have a history of polyps so mine are every 3 years. Nope. So I guess I will pray no symptoms til 2016. Thanks, Obamacare! This too shall pass. Has to. Ha!
  10. Georgia

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    It feels much different from chickenpox, though. Not much itching but internal burning and stabbing pain.
  11. Georgia

    What is your theme song?

    Or R SPCT as barrack Obama spelled it this week.
  12. Georgia

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    Yes, I'm on anti virals, steroids and pain killers as needed. Thanks, Girls. Sometimes not bad. It's just a weird thing. Today bad. . Def stress increases the intensity of symptoms. Had stuff going on with kids so....
  13. Georgia

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    Sarah, Not so hot. Mid day is decent but night and morning are hellish! It is the weirdest sensation. The areas are NUMB yet like little knives being stabbed into you over and over. And I'm hoping these Will not last for the "weeks and months" the research indicated. Thanks, All, for checking on me.
  14. Georgia

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    Most people think THEY are the only ones who ask. That might mean searching a little bit! Ooh, did that sound "snarky?" Well, I'm feeling kinda snarky! Me and my SHINGLES! Grrrr
  15. Georgia

    Shingles? Possibly?

    IF your Dr will give you a prescription. Mine wouldn't til 60 . Changed des yesterday. (
  16. Georgia

    Shingles? Possibly?

    Thanks so much!!
  17. Georgia

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    Got my meds ( thank you, Jesus!) and it is shingles. Will take vaccine after I am well If you are over 55 and your Dr will give it, get it!' Very very painful.
  18. Georgia

    Shingles? Possibly?

    Got my meds ( thank you, Jesus!) and it is shingles. Will take vaccine after I am well If you are over 55 and your Dr will give it, get it!'
  19. Georgia

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    I finally got appt today at 2. 100% sure it is. Rash w blisters over the area and excruciating pain. Wish I gotten the vaccine. My dr wouldn't give it until age 60. ( turned 60inJan)
  20. Georgia

    Shingles? Possibly?

    Thanks, All. Miserable, miserable night and no let up of pain. Gonna try to call Dr or go to ER if I can get down road later tpdah
  21. Georgia

    Shingles? Possibly?

    Man, that's horrible. No blisters yet but buy, pain!!!!!
  22. Georgia

    Shingles? Possibly?

    Great! And we have 2" of pure ice/sleet in our areA right now so doubtful I can even get to dr tomorrow. Yes, Lynda, I wish I had the vaccine already.y dr wouldn't give til age 60 and I turned 60 Jan. 2.
  23. Georgia


    Did the same thing! Lost 100 since 2010. At year 3 gradually added back about 27 lbs. used 5:2, MFP and discipline to get it off and another 10! Now, I've gotten in the carbs for the last couple weeks! Lol. Still doing 5:2, though, so I'm holding but want to lose another 5 pounds! We can do it!!! Good luck. You know what to do.
  24. Georgia

    Hello all

    Awesome, Pasquini! I just thought this morning about the fact that I am 3 months from FOUR YEARS! That a almost hard to take in! So proud of all us "old timers" here!

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