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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Georgia

  1. Globe and FYE, I did the same thing in the store yesterday. Was trying on some shoes and went back and looked again because my legs were so SKINNY! LOL I LOVE skinny!
  2. Georgia

    Shingles? Possibly?

    I am SOOO jealous!!!
  3. Georgia

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    And I don't get why we lost two good BPers. I know they were upset over the Run in's with a couple idjits but hey. Why punish the rest of us? (I hope they are lurking).
  4. Georgia

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    Oh , girlfriend. I'm "fixin" to start kicking too! I am now on Vets Forum. . Haven't had time to get started. I'm always on Vet so dropped The age specific forum and Alex addede to Vet. Sick em!
  5. Georgia

    Gas, Gas and more gas

    Yep I have days like that to and especially if I eat the sugar free crap!
  6. I'm 2 months from being four years out. It definitely is a tool and it will keep you under control if you use it correctly. With that said at around three years I gained back approximately 27 pounds. Got serious about finding something that worked for me and stumbled upon the five- 2 diet. With alternate fast days twice a week of 500 cal. Me and several others launched onto it and took off the excess weight some of those had never reached go and finally reached goal. Again it has to become a way of life and this is a tool that helps my sleeve do the right work. now if I eat a lot of sliders which the last week I have you will gain. For me I know it is a lifelong challenge. we are not originally skinny people. we will gain easily. we cannot look at life and maintenance the same way as others. It takes much less calories for me to gain than others because I believe my body is metabolically altered. I love my sleeve. I would do it again tomorrow. and four years out it's a new life for me!!!
  7. Georgia

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    Mine does me That way too. If I step on and off every time I step on it pretty much a new number. And then other days I'll step on it stays right there come back same number. DIGITAL!!!
  8. Georgia

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    Yes, we have krogers and it's the ONLY kind of yogurt I buy because it's good, cheap and low carb!!'
  9. Georgia


    How far out from surgery are you now? What time frame did you regain? I regained 27 pounds over a couple years but took it off from June-Oct with an addl 10 pounds. It's MUCH harder relosing the 2nd time around. I'm hoping you are putting a good plan in place now. We had success with 5:2. Keep at it! You can do it!!!
  10. Georgia

    how much can you eat after a year?

    I think that was Bowl!!!! Bahahaha
  11. Georgia

    Vets help. I am losing my hair

    Mine has never recovered. Four years out but age, stress, no hormones etc have all played a part
  12. Georgia

    PBS Documentary on wls

    What is BBW?. Big beautiful women?
  13. Georgia

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    Yep! And my BP was a little bit high normal. My PCP said probably caused by pain and to cut salt etc. Umm, well....
  14. Georgia

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    I, too, am having somewhat hard time sticking to fast day cals. I've been coming in around 600 so I'm okay with that but my Non fast days are out of the roof !!!!!! Seriously, yesterday ( day after fast) started well. Oatmeal for breakfast and then lean cuisine lunch with small snack THEN went to small group meeting and had small amt spaghetti, 4 green bean bundles (small), piece garlic toast and A BIG PIECE of homemade strawberry cake! Came home and the GB bundles BLEW OUT OF me! Lol. Seriously, grrrr osssss! So then once settled down, I proceeded to eat four packages of PB crackers! Ha!!! I think I wound up at 2500 calories!!! GOOD LORD!!!!!! That's not a norm but again, Good Lord, Georgia!!!
  15. Georgia

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    Yep,sounds like you might have a touch of a bug. Maybe try some "defizzed" Sprite or 7up and a few crackers. You look very cute in the pic and that Water!!!!!!
  16. Georgia

    26+ Weeks Pregnant

    You look soo cute!!!! Congrats!
  17. Georgia


    That's exactly why I decided to have VSG! My Mom developed Type 2 Diabetes, HBP and arthritis. I found her on the floor w3ith a massive stroke Christmas Day 2009. She didn't make it. THAT decided me!. Now, 3 1/2 years out - 110 pounds lighter - size 6/8. I'm 60 - no meds, no sleep apnea and no diabetes. It will pass quickly!!! Good luck!
  18. Georgia

    Irregular period

    Not sure about this, but many of my friends who are "more mature" (as in older) and were in the middle or almost through menopause started having a period again after surgery! It definitely affects the female hormones. Here's what Web MD says, If you are not pregnant, other causes of missed or irregular periods include: Excessive weight loss or gain. Although low body weight is a common cause of missed or irregular periods, obesity also can cause menstrual problems.
  19. Georgia


    Well, I have always had a very sensitive, "um" smeller! LOL But, yes, right after surgery everything was gross and if it has ANY smell to it, I cannot stand it! It does get better - some of it is just the nausea of ANY food smell to me. My stomach sorta revolted at the mere thought of food! This too shall pass!!! And then you might wish it was still stinking to you! HA! Good luck.
  20. Georgia

    Disney Fit Challenge

    My idea of fun at Disney is riding the rides and laying by the pool! Ha! It DOES look like a great challenge and in a GREAT PLACE!!
  21. Georgia

    I'll show you mine... (LBD's)

    You look awesome and I love the dress!!!
  22. Georgia

    PBS Documentary on wls

    I've got my DVR set to record!!!!! Hope they follow up with a series.
  23. Georgia

    Acid pills

    I never had to take anything until just recently. (3 1/2 years out) Some people who have had reflux prior will continue to have excess cid or GERD and others who never had it, develop it. It seems to "crop up" around year three if not before. My PCP prescribed Prilosec as a maintenance drug when I had to take some severe steroids for a cervical problem and said, "I'm of the opinion everyone should take a small dose acid blocker every day!" So It's not unusual. What IS unusual is if it really kicks up and causes extreme issues. Be on the look out for this - if not treated correctly, acid reflux can cause esophogeal cancer and ulcers.
  24. Georgia

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    Well, just had to share this NSV with my pals. Somebody gave me a beautiful Brighton belt about four years ago. Of course, you know I couldn't remotely wear it! Today, almost four years later I have it on! I couldn't even wear it when I reached goal the first time! Thanks, 5:2 and an additional 10 pounds down! I seriously couldn't believe it when I just reached for it today and buckled it right up!!!! AMAZEBALLS, Coops!

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