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Everything posted by beckyboop74

  1. I was wondering if any one else has this problem. I have always had a flat butt but it is way worse now and all my pants slide down in the back. Regular button fly pants and shorts are the worst because I can't get them to stop. My belly is extremely big so the pants are very loose in the back, even at the waist but they fit or are tight in the front. I know I could do a belt but that woudln't be comfortable with my big belly right now. Has anyone ever used anything to pinch the material in back up? I am not even sure if I can find a belt to fit me, it has been so long since anyone has. I am afraid that the best would just cinch the front more and dig into my skin. I am proportioned really weird - skinny legs, smaller arms but big boobs and big belly but my back and butt are losing the weight faster than the front. It feels like I could wear one size in the front and one in the back!
  2. Hi all, I was sleeved on the 23rd of May. Things are going well and I have high hopes for the future. I am so glad I am off pain medication because I felt like someone took my brain and put it in a garbage disposal! It is nice to feel more like myself now. I would love to get together with other Marylanders (or DC or Northern Virginia members) for support, fun times and exercise. I started this group to try to gather us all closer together so we can have a really strong local support group online - and hopefully offline as well! I welcome any suggestions, articles, ideas and help with making this group as good as possible! Love and best wishes to all, Becky
  3. For me, it has been the gradual increase in energy. I find myself able to do more in all areas. I am in my 230s now so I just started running - doing the Couch to 5k program. My ankles are so sore but the rest of me is great! I will keep trying to keep up with the program. Its hard at my weight now but so was Zumba and water aerobics when I first started exercising. Now all I need is more motivation to clean my house! Too busy exercising!
  4. Hi all, I am struggling to keep my spirits up right now. I got sleeved on May 23rd so I'm almost two months out. I've haven't had much issues with the surgery or recovery. Even though I have restriction, I can eat most things without too much issues. However, I have been sticking with healthy items and most days my calories are between 700-950. I am getting my Protein in and get a minimum of 60 g a day but I have gotten as much as 90. I am mainly sticking to low carb and staying away from bread and only getting carbs from vegetables and fruit. I lost 58 pounds before surgery through diet and exercise but I've only lost 20 pounds since which I think most of the weight was the first week. I see everyone on here that seem to lose so much weight the first two months - how it is flying off, etc. That is just not me. I exercise at least three times a week for an hour - Zumba, kickboxing, swimming with Water aerobics mixed in are my usual choices. I plan on adding more time soon but I am building up to it again. I still find myself tired since the surgery. My back keeps hurting too so I do better if I take a days rest between exercising. I keep telling myself that it is because I lost so much beforehand and that everyone loses differently, etc. I guess what I am wondering is... is there ANYONE out there that is losing this slow? Also, I started off at 315 and am now at 237. So I would like to get to 150 so I had 165 pounds to lose so I have about 87 pounds to go. I guess I am at the half-way point. How is the weight loss for those at that point? I feel like I am doing something wrong. Only thing that I still struggle with is drinking enough. It is so hard to get it in while I am busy at work and it takes me SO LONG to drink even 8 oz. I have never been a fast or a big drinker of any kind except when I am really hot and outside. I know this may be part of my problem but it is frustrating. I'm going to see a nutritionist next week and will give her my food journals but I need to hear feedback on what you all think. No matter what, I will stick with healthy eating and exercising because I need to do so for my health so don't worry! I just wish this could be more exciting with seeing the weight fall off. I am still glad I got the surgery, I see a big difference in the amount I am eating and it does stop me from overeating. I just expected... more! Thanks for listening to me complain!
  5. beckyboop74

    Almost 2 months - down 20 pounds

    Thanks to all of you for posting. It feels so good not to be alone. Like all of you, I try not to compare myself to others but it is hard to do even when you use this board to get good tips on eating, exercising or the weird symptoms we have. I also retain so much Water when I have my period so I know that may be the reason why I haven't lost anything in the past week +. It is frustrating because like two weeks out of the month, I either don't lose anything or I gain a pound or two. Then the following two weeks, I may drop several all at once. Ugh! I hate being a woman some days! I think I may start weighing myself just once a month because the fluctuation with my water weight is horrible. I can always tell because my rings go from falling off of me to snug again, I swell up so bad. Maybe I need to talk to my doctor about that? I think I may start keeping track of the amount of sodium I consume too. I don't like to be a complainer but I think we slow losers need to stick together too because it is hard to stay positive and focused when you are not seeing the dramatic results. I am so happy about what I have lost so far and do feel tons better and am more active. Everyone around me is amazed at how I look and sometimes I can be too but its harder when you see yourself everyday. It is not as obvious. So then you stop totally believing others comments, think that they are just being nice. It is also hard for me because every time I talk about what I am eating to my mother (who is not in my state and hasn't seen me since the surgery) she acts like she thinks I'm eating too much. She is not a positive person by any description so I try to let her comments go in one ear and out the other. My husband is amazed at how the quantity of food I eat has changed. He sees me every day so I think I have to trust his opinion. I go to the nutritionist next week so I am sure her review of my food journal will shed some light and tell me if I am doing okay or need to make changes. Thanks again to you all! Feel free to contact me at any time if you need to talk!
  6. beckyboop74

    Am I being unreasonable?

    I definitely feel everyone here who id dealing with a bit of depression because figuring out what to eat, taking supplements and exercising is a bit overwhelming, especially when we have deal with our jobs, family, etc. SleeveGirl- TX, I was thinking about going to a counselor just to have someone to talk to about this that I won't drive crazy because it does become one of the main things on your mind. How did you find a counselor specializing in weight loss. I haven't seen any that advertise that around here, so to speak. I'm not sure how to find someone experienced. I thought about going to someone specializing in eating disorders but I don't believe I really have an eating disorder, so to speak. I've always just liked food but I am a little suprised tht I miss it more than I thought.. Food makes me sick now so even if I want to eat it, I don't enjoy it anymore. I do get hungry, both physically and mentally so I have to eat and do eat. I guess food is no longer a comfort to me. Hard to explain!
  7. beckyboop74

    1 Month Post-op - Advice Appreciated

    Hi all, I had a May 23rd surgery date too. I know what you are going through. My scale is wacked out. I lost ten pounds the first week and then nothing the second week, a pound the third week and then a pound this fourth week. So 12-13 pounds in a month is really disappointing. I keep telling myself - its okay because I lost 58 pounds before surgery (10 pounds during pre-op, after I gained some back during my food funeral). I know that comparing myself to others is not good because some people didn't lose that much prior to the surgery so they are in a different place with their weight loss. But it is very frustrating. I am not eating too much, not too many carbs and am getting my Protein in. I think I may have eaten too many carbs the first two weeks because the only thing I could eat was cottage cheese and other dairy products that rose my carb levels. Now, I'm all about the protein and keeping bad fat and carbs low. The only thing that I think may be a problem is that I don't always drink enough so I will work on this now. My husband gets mad at me when I get upset with the scale and tells me that he is going to hide it. I am not obsessing with it so I only "count" the time I weigh in on Monday morning. He thinks I'm being impatient and unreasonable that I am upset on what I've lost. I guess I just expected it to come off much quicker. This is the ultimate weight loss period and I'm afraid I won't be a success. I really want to get smaller. Everyone I know knows about this surgery so it is hard to say nope, no weight loss when people ask about it. I am an open person but now when I'm not losing it is hard to say that to people who are asking. Any thoughts of this being an easy process are out the window. I thought it would be easy to lose weight the first couple of months, at minimum and expected a battle after I got below 200 pounds. My scale fluctuates like crazy, even when I do weigh myself at the same time of day. I think maybe a new scale? I could see a couple of ounces but like 3 pounds between today and yesterday? It is not period weight, because I just had that less than a week ago. I don't know, I may go back to not weighing myself because it doesn't seem to help. The surgery is done, I plan on eating healthy and exercising regardless of the scale so I have to do my best. Also, weird question below - sorry if it grosses you out! Does anyone know how often we should have a bowel movement? I never (NEVER) had problems with constipation or being backed up so I don't know how often we should be having a bowel movement at this stage. I think I may be backed up but I don't want to take laxatives or stool softeners unless I truly need to. I don't know how to tell if you are (I know weird). I used to go at least once a day but I now go at least a day or two inbetween any bowel movements. I will ask my doctor about it when I see them the middle of July but wanted to see what you all thought.
  8. beckyboop74

    Weight gain post surgery

    Yep, you gain a lot of Water weight due to IV and water weight. I lost weight the first week but then I gained pounds back the second week, its really weird. I wouldn't worry too much for the first month because your body goes into shock after the surgery. I am a month out now and am starting to lose good now. Thank goodness!
  9. beckyboop74

    Surgery Canceled - High triglycerides

    I'm glad everything worked out for you. All the advice given on how to lower your triglycerides will help you during your losing phase. Good luck to you!
  10. Tatum looks beautiful. Congratulations on your baby girl. That is so great!
  11. i didn't think it was possible either but any hint of fat is sliding off so quickly there. I wish my stomach and arms would listen up a bit more. I guess I will try to tackle that starting next week when I start exercising hard-core again. My trainer did this "fire hydrant" where you go on all fours and then lift your leg like you are a dog peeing on a fire hydrant. It is really good for the abs and the butt. I am sure they show it on Spark People. I am going to work it like crazy so maybe I can get my stomach smaller but my butt muscles built up to get more of a shape.
  12. That's a good idea. My husband said suspenders recently but I couldn't picture wearing them all the time over clothes so underclothes may work out! Thanks.
  13. beckyboop74

    PRO GO

    Hi, Has anyone tried this Pro Go yet? I am trying to find something that doesn't have the ucky aftertaste that I can put in Soups and hot foods. I like Bariatric Advantage and Chike for shakes but I can't find a good tasteless as possible Protein. My nutritionist wants me to take whey protein isolate as opposed to a blend or other kind of protein.
  14. beckyboop74

    Surgery Tomorrow!!!

    At my hospital's support group, we have mainly VSG patients and only like 2 people with the band. You can tell the difference with the weight loss and attitude as well. I think you will do great. Good luck on your surgery! I had mine on May 23rd. The worst part for me was using too much pain medication the first day or two. I had a pain pump and because I was so medicated up, I don't know how many times I pushed it but once I got back to my more normal self, everything was a lot better. Not that I think you should stay in pain - but it is something that can make you so out of it, groggy and can make it hard to walk around as much as you should so keep it in mind! Good luck!
  15. beckyboop74

    70 lbs Down today!

    You are doing great and you look like you have lost way more than 70 pounds by your pictures. I am at 68 pounds and although I can tell the difference in my pictures - you can REALLY tell in your pictures. Stay strong, keep working on your journey and you will continue to do great!
  16. Congrats on your pregnancy - I can tell from your various posts how absolutely thrilled you are about it. I hope everything continues to go well for you. I am sure your new child will be just fine since you have been leading a healthy lifestyle for so long! And, yes, you are pregnant but you can tell from the pictures that it is all mainly baby. I have two friends who looked just like you did and were able to go back to pre-pregnancy weight. Granted, their stomachs had a bit more stretch to them but then you already have them beat because you probably have a bit of extra skin already to give some room for Sprout. Please keep posting because you are so informative, supportive and real. I know VST wouldn't be the same without you and you have made a difference in my life and my journey through WLS thus far. Take care of yourself and your family!'
  17. Hi all, I know I am probably just being worried for nothing BUT today is the official second week mark and I gained almost two pounds. During my pre-op, I lost ten pounds and then after the first week being sleeved, I lost another 9-10 pounds. I was really happy with that and didn't expect to lose that first week. But what is it with this week? I don't think it is the time of the month because I have no clue when I am due again since stopping my birth control and I was never regular anyway. I have just been counting Protein grams, not calories or carbs because getting enough protein has been the biggest hurdle so far and I don't make it every day. I am going to start counting calories and carbs starting tomorrow to get a better picture but UGH! I usually drink a Protein Drink or smoothie mixture once a day. I will usually get 4-10 ounces of a Soup - usually cream soup or tomato puree of some kind. I can tolerate cheese so I have about 3 oz of that a day (maybe that's the culprit?). Sometimes I eat some yogurt or cottage cheese as well but usually on those days where I eat less soup. Some days it is hard getting anything in but I try to force myself to get protein rich meals in. I've heard of the dreaded 3 week stall and expected that but has anyone else stopped losing weight and actually gained weight this early? I really need to hear from someone who went through this. I'm only two weeks out! Ugh! Also, I woke up this morning with my stomach killing me and it didn't really let up until this afternoon. Regular Tylenol kept the pain at bay. But at one moment, I felt something pop and then the pain went away totally. I am really tired today but no other symptoms. Should I be worried? I am going to see my doctor on Wednesday for my first check up so I will tell him about it then but I figured I'd post about those symptoms now. My stomach usually only hurts me right after I get up or if I walk too much.
  18. beckyboop74

    Food Journal

    I am a big fan of Spark People. I stopped tracking for awhile but I am going back to using it soon. It would be a good idea to have something electronic to keep record I can show my nutritionist.
  19. thanks so much. In my head I know it will be okay BUT it is very good to hear on these boards that I shouldn't panic yet. I have never been good with patience!
  20. Thanks so much, I know you are doing awesome - I always like your posts so that makes me feel better. I think I also need to drink more Water. I've never been a big drinker before so it is doubly hard on me now. I usually can only drink a lot when it is really hot outside (and I'm in it) or if I am exercising.
  21. Hi everyone, It has been a bit over a week since my surgery on the 23rd and tiredness is setting in big time now. Maybe its hormones, maybe its the tiny amount of food that I am getting in - compounded by the two week pre-op plus this week and two days? I don't know - ugh. Its hard to be motivated to try and do the research about how I am now going to eat from this point forward PLUS do so soul searching and take this time to really figure out how I got so addicted to food to begin with. I spent a lot of today going through this forum, doing web searches etc and I found some books that I ordered online and some I requested at the local library on adjustments after WLS and also cooking after WLS. I got the usual suspects found on the lists here at VST but I am also thinking of getting the following books or at least checking them out from the library: 1. TheEverything Post Weight Loss Surgery Cookbook - Jennifer Whitlock Heisler, RN 2. TheBiggest Loser Family Cookbook 3. The High Protein Cookbook 4.Cookin For Weight Loss Surgery Patients - By d**k Stucki "The UltimateGourmet" 5. Extraordinary Taste - Shannon Owens-Malett, MS,RD, LD I think I got some of these from a list online here that I found. Here are the ones I just bought or am checking out from the library: Exodus from Obesity... by Paula Peck Before and After Living and Eating Well after WLS by Susan Maria Leach Eating Well After WLS by Patti Levine recipes for Life After WLS by Margaret Furtado I am a big reader so I don't mind trying to read as much of these as possible and to learn as much as possible. I also found this website for recipes: WLS Journey Recipe Central = dinner. I love the idea of the bites Michelle has on this page. Seems like they would fill my mental cravings in a nice healthy way! So, from what I can tell with all my research thus far, I think if I try to stick to as much low carb and low fat as possible, I should be okay in the future. I would love to hear from the rest of you on what you have found really helpful in whatever format, meetings, books, web, etc. Take care! Becky BTW I lost 10 pounds my first week. I am so psyched! I couldn't resist weighing myself on Monday. it was a good surprise! 68 pounds from the beginning of my 6 month pre-op to this first week. I am proud of myself but also know I need to keep up what I have began to keep losing and keep the weight off in the future. I need all of your support to do so!
  22. Tired today! Hanging in there and am trying to take it easy.

  23. Thanks for all of your responses. I think I am too hard on myself sometimes. I definitely want to do as much as I can while I am off work to figure out as much as I can but I will only be in purees when I go back. My boss seems like he is willing to be flexible when I get back so I can leave early or come in late once I come back. I'm taking off a month (June 20th is my first day back) so I am going to try not to do that unless I absolutely need it. In my head and logically, I knew I needed as much time as I could get to get used to eating and get my strength back. Knowing it logically and really feeling that I am more tired than usual is another story. I think I'm superwoman sometimes. I am grateful to my work for giving me the time I need (albeit on disability) but it is weird not being there. I think they are also really getting an idea of what my job is like now from speaking to one of my friends there. Oh well, now is the time for me so I need to do what I can to set myself up for success now. I would love any advice from any of you on what you have learned! SavedURI : Show URL SavedURI : Hide URL http://www.verticalsleevetalk.com/index.php?app=forums&module=post&section=post&do=reply_post&f=3&t=18808
  24. I know the feeling - I am about 9 days out now and I am so BLAH today. I'm tired and feel like I am PMS-ing. I am really sensitive to everything - fans blowing and my hubby just being himself. I know I will be okay but I feel so grumpy! It is good to be able to explain it to people why I may be more emotional than at other times. My hubby keeps saying (jokingly) "Please don't kill me". Wimp! ha ha!
  25. I know the feeling - I am about 9 days out now and I am so BLAH today. I'm tired and feel like I am PMS-ing. I am really sensitive to everything - fans blowing and my hubby just being himself. I know I will be okay but I feel so grumpy! It is good to be able to explain it to people why I may be more emotional than at other times. My hubby keeps saying (jokingly) "Please don't kill me". Wimp! ha ha!

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