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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by Kelly'sChipper

  1. This is a decision you have to make for yourself.

    When I first started I was 317. I wanted so badly to be healthy. I wanted to weigh less.

    I tried it on my own, I'd lose a little but then gain it back. It was just too hard to maintain.

    I decided to have WLS and it changed my life. I'm less than a month out, but the changes I have already seen in myself are incredible.

    I lost 26 pounds pre op. Some people asked me if I could lose THAT much on my own before surgery.... why did I need the actual surgery itself...

    Truth is, I knew I had 160 pounds to lose. THAT I could NOT do on my own.

    It's all about being realistic.

    I hope you can figure things out soon.

    If you need someone to talk to I'm always a PM away :)

    I wish I would've decided to do this at your age! You are already the cutest thing ever and are going to be seriously H.O.T. the closer you get to your goal. Thank you for sharing and I am looking forward to following your journey!


  2. I saw your post and thought "did i write this?" So much of what you said, I've also lived. I've tried Atkins when it first came out in the 80's, WW, Nutri-System when you used to go to a center, dietician, South Beach, I've done them all. I would lose weight and then get tired of counting the points, want some cake, be like everyone else and then I would find that lost weight. I also moved pretty quickly through the WLS process like you. After finding out my insurance would only pay for lapband or bypass, I decided that I didn't have the 6 months to do a physician supervised diet for a surgery that I wasn't interested in. I wanted VSG. So I did my research and have surgery scheduled two weeks from yesterday. Am I scared sh**less? Absolutely! Not of the surgery but if I can do it. I do realize the surgery is a tool and I will have to do the work but there is still that fear that I am going to be the first person to say, "wow, the sleeve didn't work for me." It's time to break up with my best friend food. Will I know what to do? Well, I have an idea but won't know for sure until I am in that position. I have set myself up with supports through friends, this forum and will see a nutrionist when i return from surgery. Will it be easy? Probably not. Will it be worth it? Absolutely! I will be 44 two weeks after my surgery. I feel like it is a new beginning for myself. I went to get a passport picture taken yesterday. Horrified! Confirmation that this is what I need to do and that I never want to get another picture taken and be horrified at how it looks. I would love to keep in touch with you as we both go through this journey!


    Thanks a MILLION Sue for sharing. My insurance also only covered the Lap-band and Bypass. If I didn't have insurance at all I would still choose the Sleeve so I made a decision not over money but what I believe is better suited for my WLS. My deductible was so high that what's another 7 grand anyway! (HA!)

    I think you and I can become BFF's during the roller coaster of feelings pre & post-op and I am very excited to have an outlet in this Forum. I'm not telling anyone outside of my family, I just want people to think I am the incredible shrinking woman so I know I will need support from people who have or are going through what I am about to do. I'm looking forward to future communications with you! (OH, and you can say SHIT[less], or any other 4 letter word around me. I am not easily offended.)


  3. Nobody can tell you what to do, but the thing is that even if you don't have any health issues yet ... and you're lucky if you're not even having joint or spine problems yet ... you most certainly will eventually.

    Most people ride the weight-loss roller coaster for several years, with many One Last Good Tries, before admitting that it's just not working and something has to be done. But when you know, you KNOW, even if it makes you nervous and you start having the "what-if" thoughts. If despite having those feelings you still know that it's time, then it's time. :)

    Thanks! I know it is time. I've had more than one "Last Good Try" and I'm thankful to know it's normal to have the "what-ifs". I do believe I should do this NOW at 41 years old before I start having multiple complications due to obesity. I am thrilled to have a place here to come and talk to like-minded people. I am keeping this on the DL, only my parents and hubby know what I am about to do and I'm sure to have lots of questions & emotions to work out here.

  4. Like any addict, I've always believed I could solve this on my own. I always said that my mind and my mouth got me into this, my mind and my mouth will get me out of it! I've yo-yo'd all my life and now tipping the scale over 350 pounds (after gaining back a lot of weight) it's now time for me to get serious about weight loss again.

    I think (think possibly being the operative word) that I am an anomaly. I know I am heavy, but I am healthy. I am not diabetic, I don't have heart disease, high blood pressure / cholosterol, or sleep aptnea, etc. My bloodwork is near perfect and I can exercise with minimal joint pain. I don't have any psychological scars for why I over eat. I just LOVE being a foodie!

    Since my insurance doesn't cover the sleeve, I decided to pay cash. My surgery date is scheduled for February 28th, 2011.

    I'm freaking out!

    My Surgeon (liquid has me mourning my friend, food already.

    If I applied myself I know I can do this on my own (again) and I keep asking myself, do I really need to be cut up in order to lose the wieight?

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