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Posts posted by dargar27

  1. Thanks David! I'm getting very excited, but also nervous about the surgery itself. I've had two C Sections so I'm hoping I'm prepared for this. Just a question for you....at what point did you explain to people about your weight loss surgery? Before, after, or have you kept it a secret? I'm pretty much an open book and have told all my friends and most of my family. there are a few people who I know would be completely against it so I have not said anything to them just yet..

    Hey Darlene and Neil...big congratulations to both of you!!! It's really going to happen and your life and health will change for the better forever. I'm so happy for both of you. Stay the course and you will do fine. I was a porky 381 in August of last year when I started the program and now I'm down to 254 and feeling like I can take on the world. I've got a ways to go but i know I will get there.

    There is no Kaiser requirement of a liquid diet that I know of--I think they would rather you lose on real food so that you learn along the way. The Pre op meal plan really helped me internalize what was most important for success--healthy eating along with Portion Control. It works.

    Congratulations again and you both are in great hands with Dr. Alami. He is a SSF favorite.


  2. Hey there Chef,

    Like David said, Kaiser has no liquid diet requirement, but they are okay if you substitute one Protein drink per day for a meal. I substituted one Protein shake for Breakfast and the nurse was fine with that, although you will need to find a shake with at least 25 grams of Protein per serving. :)

    My wife had RNY in Dec (-106 lbs.). we are looking forward to the changes ahead.

    I hope I get some of the same nurses as my wife had, they were sooo nice!

    Does kaiser have a pre op liquid diet requirement?

    either I fell asleep in class- or they do their own thing with the pre-op diet???

  3. Hey there,

    Congratulations!! That's awesome, and you are right behind me. I have my pre ops on the 24th of this month, and my surgery with Dr. Alami on June 6th. I'm also in SR and will probably be looking into the support groups soon. Boy, my family sure is in for a new me and I can't wait!

    Darlene :)


    just found my home...

    SSF June 13th. Dr. Alami.

    been in the 14 week wls program in SR. doing pre-op on june 7th.

    it's getting close...

    talk to me- I'm ready- willing and able...

  4. :lol:Hi Sing,

    It looks like you and I are super close to getting our surgeries! I just got my surgery date last week for June 6th and I'm so excited! Congratulations on being so close!!

    Happy to hear everyone is doing well and reaching overweight!

    I'm 1.1 lbs from scheduling surgery! I'm nervous and excited, I've been waiting so long and things are finally going to be moving forward. Yikes!

    Hope you're all doing well. I can't wait to post that I actually have a surgery date!

  5. Hi Sherri

    I don't post too much, but mostly just read through them. I'm still in the beginnings of all this as I ended up with a hyperactive parathyroid gland that kept me from being able to schedule my surgery. Looks like my levels are only one point back to normal now, and I have about 7 more pounds to lose until they schedule my surgery...very excited. Sounds like you're doing pretty well. How do you feel these days after the surgery? I can't even imagine being almost to my goal weight since I've been in this body for so long, but I still can't wait to find out!

    Just wanted to say hi,

    I used to be over on the lapband richmond/kaiser thread but that seems to have died down. I found this thread today.

    I was sleeved by Dr Fisher on June 22nd.

    Hope to make some new friends..

  6. Congratulations on your surgery, that's awesome! I have a question for you about stomach acid. Have you had a lot of issues with it or any at all? I've heard some people are really struggling with it and are on some heavy duty prescription antacids.

    So far so good. My boyfriend drove me to the hair salon today so I could get a wash and blowdry...it takes a lot of energy to wash and dry my hair...its super long. Raising my arms up for awhile hurts my tummy as well. Its amazing how clean hair makes you feel! I have no issues showering but I get pretty tired right after. I have to remind myself not to over do it. I don't want to have any leaks or complications so I am trying to baby myself. Today was my first day on stage 2, full liquids. No problems so far. It is hard to get in all of the Water though. I got in about 40 ounces today. Though I did nap a lot so that limits my time to sip! Does anyone know how long it takes for the staple line to heal? I have my month follow up on Jan 14th and thought that the staple line healed in about 30 days....or maybe the chance of a leak decreases after 30 days. hmm...so many things to worry about! I have lost all of the weight and then some from the surgery.

    That is super cute about the build a bear! I loved having a small x-mas pillow to cuddle on...a bear would have been much better though! I thought that I was going to freak out before the surgery but suprisingly I was quite calm. When I woke up I needed lots of drugs for the nasuea and some for the pain. I kind of had my freak out moment the night that I got home. I was in a lot of pain and wondering why I did this. But each day gets better and better.Having a great doc who makes you at ease helps as well. I love dr Baggs. He made me so comfortable even while in the operating room. All of that helps.

  7. You just made me a little bit more excited. I kept all my "skinny" clothes....well, if you consider 12s and 14s skinny clothes, and I can't wait to be able to downsize and put them on...lol I have my first appointment with Dr. Alami in two weeks, and hopefully I will have lost another few pounds by then. It would be so nice to have this done in January, but I know that's a reach.

    I threw up several times on Day 2, but not since then. Until Day 4 I would have little waves of nausea, but that's all. Now I am doing well. I did have trouble swallowing for about 3 days because my throat hurt from the breathing tube. Now when I drink, it's not bad. If my drink is too big or if I take more than one drink at once, I get a little pinch and then usually burp. That's really all.

    On a side note, I was telling my husband last night that I feel calmer now. I don't really know how to describe it. I am usually the family worry wart and I stress about everything all the time. But I have felt so calm and peaceful the last couple of days, I have to wonder if there was a hormone that was being stimulated into over-production before. I am really loving this and cannot wait until I get my stamina back up so it will match how great I really feel.

  8. Hi Cukie,

    Did you have trouble swallowing for the first few days? Have you gotten sick to your tummy from drinking at all?

    I was told to start as soon as I got home from the hospital. However, I just couldn't I had to really work at just Water. I came home on day 3 and started Protein on day 5. It's now day 7 and I did manage to get in 80 grams today, and all of my fluids.

  9. Congratulations! I've also heard that day two is the toughest, but I'm glad you had a good experience with the hospital staff, except for the creep who wouldn't give you your pain meds of course. I hope you keep posting if you're up for it and congratulations again!


    Hi everyone!

    I am home and sleeved. I was also there 3 days and 2 nights. I felt GREAT the first day except for the horrible back pain on the left. The second day, I was praying for death. It was horrible. I threw up all day and had a RN that for whatever reason refused to give me meds. I have let them know about it and will be filing a complaint about him. If you go to SSF, I hope you have Ernie as your RN. He is so awesome, I can't even tell you. He is truly the reason I am home today. He spent so much time making sure I was comfortable and got past what the other one had done. Eileen and Evelyn are full of energy and are real cheerleaders. I am really happy about the over all experience.

    I am really tired, and ready for bed, but I am home and have no regrets. The only problem I am having is I am afraid to eat. After throwing up all day yesterday, I am scared for a repeat. I have been drinking all day and have had lots of Water and some crystal light (apple)

    I am so happy that you have appts coming up Heather! I am unbelievably excited for you! :)

    Lisa, you will do great, It is so worth it!

  10. Hey Steph, I knew it was you!

    I'm really glad we are in this together, and can't wait to get sleeved. You've done GREAT with the pre op weight loss too....really awesome!

    Hello everyone!

    I'm super new to this website, and started this process about a month ago. It's really great to know that there are other SSF'ers out there that are doing well! I've been going through the process pretty fast..and am meeting with Dr. Alami in a few weeks. I've noticed that a lot of you guys had him! I was wondering what your experience was like with him..? Did you guys ask him how many surgeries he has done and what his complication rate is? I know I can ask him when I meet with him..but the more info I can get..the less anxiety I will have!

    Also, I've lost 15 lbs since orientation (about 3 weeks ago) and was told to lose around 20. If i do..do you think he will schedule a surgery day right away? What was your experience?

    Thank you so much in advance!!

  11. Don,

    You totally made me laugh. I'm really glad to know that things went so well for you. I'm pretty nervous about how I will feel afterwards, and how much pain I will be in. When did you start getting your energy back?

    Hi Hi Lisa Lisa,

    To get sleeved, I was in the hospital for 2 nights & 3 days. I felt weak, very nauseous, and slept the whole time I was there. My surgeon almost made me stay another day because I developed a fever during the 2nd night.

    On the third day I was almost feeling completely normal. I had no nausea, a little stomach pain, and slight incision tenderness. After two days at home I stopped taking the liquid pain medication. I went back to work 1 week after surgery.

    Because I was feeling so great- and because I'm just a dumb guy, I decided to break the liquid diet. I experimented 3 times. I once tried scrambled eggs. I once tried a bite of toast. I once tried a small piece of chicken from a friend's lunch. Needless to say I threw-up 3 times.

    Today I start stage 3 foods. Do you know where I can get a food processor that will acommodate a large King Arthur Supreme from Round Table?

    I am happy that I got sleeved and have no regrets.

    Talk to you soon,


  12. if you eat really slowly and take your time the chances of anything getting stuck are much smaller. I have not had any problems and we are beyond mushies now. I did get sick of pureeing everything pretty quickly the good news is that is only lasts for a short time. Follow your doctors guidelines they are there for a reason. If you are going nuts talk to your nutritionist about what other options you have. They have some great ideas sometimes. :) I also like to use a lot of sauces they help the food glide easier. Just becareful of too much sugar and added things in some of them. I will admit the idea that someone posted about hotwing sauce was well received at my house. A mini hot wing without the grease, count me in. :)

    It's funny to think that soon I will be looking forward to a day when I can eat mush...LOL Can't wait!



    Yeppers, pretty much for my guideline anything that could be blended or pureed counted as a much. chicken, egg and tuna salad were staples during that stage for me. It was so much easier to get Protein in from food, and I was so excited to hit mushies.

    Hi there!

    I just completed my orientation today in South San Francisco, and they talked about food getting "stuck." have you had this happen to you?

    T<a href="http://www.weight-loss-center.net/">weight loss</a> <br /><a href="http://www.weight-loss-center.net/weight-loss-tickers.html"><img border="0" src="http://www.weight-loss-center.net/weight-loss-tickers/uploads/tickers/295bddd4fce8f54.gif"></a>hanks!

  14. Just got done reading the article at the above link. Peoples comments on the story are mostly negative, ignorant about obesity, and one size fits all opinion...

    Hi there :)

    I watched it as well, and was completely baffled by the comments at the end....really mean, judgmental, and negative comments by people who really don't know Beans. I just started my pre op diet and can't wait to get a date! :)

  15. I am 14 months out and 182 pounds down.

    post-574-13813655972056_thumb.jpgThis is my one year picture 176 pounds down : )

    post-574-13813655971763_thumb.jpg Before!

    Hi, congratulations!

    I have a question for you if you don't mind. I just started my pre op diet and I'm wondering what your meals look like at 14 weeks out. Also, how do you feel now as far as energy level, ability to exercise, etc.?


    Darlene :)

  16. I just had my surgery at So. SF with Dr. Alami. I had the newer procedure where they have only 2 incision sites. Anyway, I went to the psych appt and later got an appt with Dr. Alami. I thought he would tell me to loose x amount of weight. But, because I had been really faithful with the pre diet and RECORDED everything, he gave me my surgery date right away. I had only lost about 12 pounds.

    It isn't a hard and fast rule that you must loose so much weight. It has to do with whether the operation can be done safely on you and whether you can follow the pre op diet. Each person is different.

    Oh, that's a good idea, I'll make sure to record everything! Congratulations on your surgery! How are you feeling?

  17. At my orientation, I weighed in at 280.7. Dr. Park told me I need to get down to 260. I just did my sleep last week, and it was pretty easy. I had to sleep with a little gizmo on my finger, and then took it in to the hospital the next day. Now all I need to do it finish losing the weight! Only 4.3 lbs to go.

    Wow, that's great! I have the official orientation in South San Francisco next week, and I'm definitely curious at how much weight they will tell me to lose.

  18. The psych eval was really easy. They just kind of talk to you about why you are wanting the surgery and how you feel about your decision. They did recommend I attend the Understanding Emotional Eating class that is offered, I did and I got a lot out of it. I went back to my surgeon last week and set my date for Nov. 29th.

    Good Luck!

    Thanks! I'm hoping I hear something this week about an appointment with the surgeon :)

  19. :PHi Everyone,

    My name is Darlene, and I am new to all this. I have a BMI of 40, and I'm wondering what to expect as far as how much weight I will need to lose prior to surgery. I recently attended the orientation at Kaiser, and have my sleep study in a couple of weeks. I'm also curious about the psych eval though...what has been everyone's experience? Thanks! :)

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