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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by dargar27

  1. Hey Wine,

    I'm only 4 weeks out, but I haven't gotten sick yet. I've definitely eaten too much and felt super full, but nothing has really upset my stomach. I've probably eaten things I should have too, but had to try it. So far, no ill effects....really wish I could have a salad though! The nut told me I need to wait another 2 weeks before I can have a salad :(

    Is there anyone out there who didn't have vomitting after surgery? I REALLY hate it!!

  2. That sounds awesome, thanks for the recipe!

    Dargar- tuna was good- 3 crackers and 2 oz.

    1 can = 3 meals :D

    Lee- my tests came back normal... besides drinking all day long... I am going to make effort in eating

    the Protein today, shake has 54g and lunch will be tuna...


    I am making a lasagna today...

    going to grill veggies (red peppers, onions and zucchini)

    then cook ground turkey, add seasonings and chopped spinach. when cool add ricotta and parma cheese.< /p>

    then layer the grilled veggies where Pasta should be, ricotta meat mixture, sauce and mozz. cheese.

    3 layers with sliced fresh tomatoes on top

    bake it up...

  3. Hey Neil,

    How did the tuna go down? I'm only a week ahead of you and have been a little afraid to try tuna. I've had deviled eggs and avocado too which was delicious, but I can't really do the egg whites yet. They gross me out a little.

    Lee, Dargar,

    I am suppose to transition to things like eggs, tuna, cooked chicken (can) deli meats, cheeses

    as well as stage II foods.

    so far the lil rascal likes chili, egg salad, scrambled egg, cheese, tuna... and yesterday 3 bites of a dressed turkey burger... I shared with my wife, and gave the rest to my doggie...

    deli meats and mashed potatoes not so much.

    went in for a CBC. don;t know where the surgeon is going... also told me to stop Bp meds-

    I haven't taken any in 2 years...

  4. Hey Neil,

    I know Kaiser pushes 3 meals a day, no Snacks, period, but I haven't been able to do that. I eat very small meals and will always have a snack of some type in between to keep me going. String cheese is a favorite along with a piece of lunch meat. Hope you are feeling better soon :)


    I have e-mails into my PCF, dietician and surgeon... I suspect they all were out late last night at fireworks... :)

    I am not on Bp meds- been off about 2 years.

    I am more worried about my blood sugars.

    reading on the net- and prior surgeon consult said liquids- I am working on making it over 80 oz. today.

    the dizziness started yesterday right before lunch and lasted about two hours....

    my suspicion is I may not be eating enough. the transition to stage III has been hard.

  5. Sounds like you have a good list! I was able to eat mashed potatoes with fat free brown gravy on top at this point as well, but it's not the best option as there isn't any Protein. Also, have you tried the almond cheese from Whole Foods? My husband is lactose intolerant and loves this cheese. He likes the almond cheddar the best :)

    I haven't seen a whole lot on this topic so I thought I'd chime in... I was lactose intolerant before the surgery and I was told that wouldn't change after the surgery. The liquid stage was fine, my Protein Powder was lactose free and if I wanted milk, Lactaid to the rescue. But, during the mushy stage I made some mistakes. I thought since I was eating such extremely small quantities of dairy, I would be ok. The biggest food suggestions from my NUT at this stage were cottage cheese and yogurt. Big Mistake...Big Gas...Big Diarrhea...Big TMI, sorry! It was tough to get variety and Protein in without cheese and yogurt. I SOOO DID NOT want to go back to drinking so many protein shakes at this point but it was inevitable. I was weak and dizzy and probably verging on dehydration. July 4th I move on to soft foods...and just in time...I figure I can eat more meat now and get that protein in without suffering dairy. (Oh, and couldn't take lactase pills just before meals because they took up too much room in my stomach and then I couldn't eat anyway.) So, I wanted to share my short list of non-dairy protein food choices for the mushy stage...and if anyone has add'l ideas please let us know. Thanks!

    -pureed chicken breast, tuna, deviled ham (watch out for fat content)

    -scrambled eggs

    -refried Beans, lentils, split pea Soup


    -tofu (I couldn't bring myself to try it)

    -soy yogurt (I couldn't find one low in sugar, maybe you'll have better luck)

    -avocado (not much protein but tasty and good for moistening meat and adding calories)

  6. Hey Nurse,

    I had diarrhea probs the first week after my surgery as well, but it cleared up. I also had back pain that went away and then came back with a vengence. If your back pain does not go away, go to your doctor. Mine was a kidney infection and a bladder infection from the catheter during the surgery most likely. They gave me antibiotics for both and sent me home. I waited WAY too long to go in, and was in ridiculous pain with fever, chills, etc., so if the back pain continues please see your doctor before it gets out of hand like mine did. I was also on Protein drinks by the time I left the hospital and could eat phase II foods like Jello, Soups, Protein shakes, and puddings. Hope you feel better soon!!

    Surgery was Monday June 27th, home now and feeling dehydrated and having a lot of back pain. Had a lot of diarrhea. anyone else with these kind of problems? Any solutions? Had a rough time with the Protein Drinks kept having N/V from them. Had to go to the other clear liquids and they are all causing diarrhea.

  7. Yeah, I've pushed it a few times too and paid the price, although luckily I haven't gotten sick to the point of vomiting yet. I'm still getting used to phase 3, and need to keep reminding myself how big my tummy is now. Or rather, how little it is now.

    YIKES! I tried to eat leftover last nights dinner-

    3 bites and I was ready to burst then spent next hour with dry heaves...

    finally it came up...

    i'm stepping back down to the softs... 1 cup of apple sauce I'm good to go...

    why bother...

  8. I'm not quite 4 weeks out and this sounds delicious! Thanks!!

    Well was going over the recipe section and found a Peanut Butter ball recipe:

    1 cup Peanut Butter (microwave to melt)

    1 cup oats

    1 scoop Protein powder

    5 packets splenda

    Stir together, form into balls and cool in refrigerator.

    Made some of these but found the "oats" did not go down well even though they get soft in the refrig after a while. So I remade the balls with two scoops of Protein Powder ( I used Jay Robb Unflavored 26 grams Protein per scoop and no carbs) and no oats and these are great.

    Thinking I should have used the chocolate flavor and added to the peanutbutter like Reeses.

    Well at least the protein powder is going to some use as I am unable to stomach the shakes. And the peanut butter is a protein too! Just a thought for those like me having trouble getting any protein down right now. (I am 4 weeks out).

  9. Mashed potatoes with gravy was my first "real food." Then I had deviled eggs...heaven!

    Im curious, after you went thru the different phases and was finally able to eat solid foods again, what did you eat? Im 6 days post op and pretty hungry and can't wait till i can eat eggs :) But i know i can't go crazy when im able to eat regular foods. So what did you eat that kept your calorie intake low?


  10. My husband was with me the first day, but I didn't need him after that. I was pretty much drugged and slept most fo the day anyway.

    I went for my pre-op earlier this week, and I was kind of surprised when the surgeon said I would need someone with me all the time for the first 3-4 days after I get home from the hospital. Did any/all of you feel it necessary to have someone with you for that long?

  11. I had trouble too....squat on the floor in the bathroom with a cup under you. Just stay there til you get a little drop, then keep repeating. Eventually I went, it just took a couple of hours of doing this back and forth. It sucked! Sorry you are having trouble too!

    Sorry for tmi. Had surgery yesterday and could not pee so they put in catheter. Took it out this morning and still can't go. Help?

  12. Hey Kelly,

    when I was pregnant, I had this happen a lot. They hurt!! I discovered that I was low in magnesium, and started eating avocados...totally helped! Also, I found out that if I ate too much lunch meat I would also get them...I think it's something to do with the nitrites in the meat. If I ate Subway, I got leg cramps. I still do. Try the avocado, and good luck!!


    For the past month, I have been having (3 and in the middle of the night) charlie horses in my left calf. I NEVER had them in my life pre-op and I was reading that lack of sodium, potassium, magnesium or Calcium can cause this and also dehydration.

    I drink like a fish, so I really do not think it is dehydration, I take calcium and lots of it. I am worried that I may have a deficiency of some sort.

    Anyone else have these? I am eating a banana now for potassium.


  13. Lee, I know what you mean! It's really mean, however, to make us drink that horrible drink as the first taste of liquid in 24 hours though...lol

    Wow on the leak test while still open. That's awesome! I had the drink test the next day but I was waiting anxiously for it. I wasn't allowed an ice chip until that test was over. I've never had a drier 24 hours in my life! My mouth felt like I'd been licking the sandy dessert.

    It's exciting to read how great everyone is doing!!

  14. Hey Chef,

    Are you still on Clear liquids? Are you able to drink your Protein shake at all? I hope the dizziness goes away quickly. I had a little in the hospital, but not since I've been home.


    That test was horrid!

    I could barely stand, and to think about drinking...

    Thankful they laid the table back- I was near fainting...

    as for SSF. staff- I was never treated better, even on a vacation...

    the nurses were great, the Dr. was awesome! I had a followup with Dr. Le.

    he was great in answering questions.

    now to get over the hump... I get very dizzy when I stand up, nearly fainted this morning...

    I am drinking, I also added Protein Water in this morn to see if that helps...

  15. Hey Baby,

    It sounds like you are doing great! My first couple days back to work have been crazy, but my energy level hasn't been bad. I've been tired at night, and went to bed by 9 last night, but it's to be expected since I'm up at 5:30am. Today was better, but I know I'll crash early again. Coming back at three weeks was actually pretty okay for me so far, so I can't complain. I'm able to eat a little more, and I bring my lunch to work with me, but I did forget it yesterday so I had to run to Raley's and grab some lunch meat and string cheese.

    I weighed myself at the end of my first week and had lost 15 pounds! I was stoked!! I've lost 24 pounds so far since surgery, and 39 total since October which really makes me happy. You are close behind me!!

    Dargar- How was your 1st day back at work? I really hope u werent too wiped out.

    Oval- thats great 21 lbs. I will be glad when I start seeing the weight come off.Hello All,

    I have been on this journey for over 2 yrs and I have finally arrived to the losers bench. I was sleeved last Wed the 22nd and was released Fri the 24th. The Dr's and nurses were great with the exception of the Radiology Dr but that's another story. I did call the manager of Radiology and made a complaint. She said she takes this very seriously especially since my stay there was great with the exception of him. He said he will inform the Chief of Radiology and will go from there :D I will not let that jerk rain on my parade. My favorite nurse was ERNIE I was sleeved by Dr Alami. With the assistance with Dr Le they did the 1 incision thru the belly button. I was a lil nauseated after surgery but that all went away once they discontinued the morphine. I appreciate Dr Alami making SURE I was ok to go home. I didnt mind staying the extra day. I am doing and moving around great that I was able to attend a concert on Sat at a small intimate venue. It was kind of weird that my table was sipping on wine while I was sipping on Water. NO REGRETS! It didnt not bother me at all. I also went to church on Sunday and was able to wear heels with my flip flops close by :P . I stopped the Tylenol on Sunday and I am doing fine. I am able to get in 45-50 gram of Protein in a day. I just really need to improve on my water intake. I am only able to take in about 24oz a day. I need to do better. Its still a trip to me on how little I can eat. I try to go for things high in protein because they say that can prevent your hair from shedding :o I have no craving so far and it doesnt bother me when my kids are cooking. I hope it stays that way. My surgeon told me not to weigh myself until my appt with him on the 5th :blink: I will try to comply :unsure:

  16. Hey Baby,

    I felt great my first week with the exception of the gas pains and of course the pain from the incisions. The second week was must worse for me. I ended up with a bladder infection (frrom the catheter) that turned into a kidney infection, and also was feeling this intense pressure/pain when I ate anything. Turns out the pressure/pain was due to swelling that had not gone down yet. Thankfully, the gas pains went away after about a week, but they were very uncomfortable until they did! It'll get better, don't worry! :)

    Hey Dargar,

    If I can just get rid of this gas it will be great. I stop drinking the premixed Protein Drinks and replaced it with powder and silk milk to see if that will help with the gas. I been walking and getting around but this gas will not budge. I went to a concert last night. I have my pain meds on hand but I was fine. It was at a small venue and we had reserve seating. Today I got up and went to church. I feel pretty good but would feel even better if this bloating feeling pass.

    Let me know how you do going back to work tomorrow. I would imagne having more time off. I'm up at 6am moving around but by the time 10am rolls around I'm tired and need a nap. I nap a couple of times a day.... Hopefully I am ready to go back to work on July 18th or I will need more time. I would hate to go back to work to have to go back out on disability again. What I cant understand is they gave lap band patients 4-6 weeks off and that is a less invasive surgery. Dr Alami said after the 10th day I will be bored at home. ( I doubt that seriously) But we will see. He said the time allotted off is mainly you getting use to eating with your sleeve. I just hope I have the energy to go back on the 18th

  17. Sing, how are you feeling?

    It's official.... surgery is postponed. :(

    I've had a cold for the past week and my asthma is only a problem when I'm sick. I finally talked to Dr Alami today and he postponed my surgery to July 20. I can't believe I'm back to being 4 weeks from surgery! It's better than getting pneumonia or blood clots or whatever other complications I'd be subject to.... I just hate that its so far out still.

    Babysista- I'll be thinking of you tomorrow...

  18. Wow, I don't remember the name of the radiologist who did my upper G.I. but it was a woman and she was very nice. Sorry you had such a bad experience. What a jerk! I had a great experience with the nurses too. They were really attentive and incredibly nice. I'm really glad you are doing so well! The gas was the worst for me, but keep walking and it will go away faster. Keep me posted on your progress, okay? I go back to work tomorrow, so we'll see how I do. My surgery was June 6th so I've been off going on three weeks. It feels like three days....lol

    Hey Dargar,

    I was at SSF Kaiser. The Radiology Dr was a jerk and that's speaking nicely about him. His name was Dr Duh (go figure) I will be writing a complaint about his bed side manner. This entire journey they have explained to us how important it is after surgery to sip sip sip. Well when I went down the next morning for my GI scan he wanted me to take these big gulps.It wasnt really what he wanted me to do its how HE SAID IT!!!.. I was already nausious and having stomach cramps. He wasnt polite or considerate that I just had surgery the day before. When I was standing there with the cup in my hand waiting for him to tell me to drink he said you are going to have to hold that cup in your other hand. After a couple of swallows he said let me see how much juice is in your cup. I showed him. He said NO!!! you are going to have to take bigger gulps than that. I said look I am nausious and my stomach is cramping but I did it any way. My stomach started cramping really bad. I clinched my stomach and said its painful my stomach is cramping. Then he tried to be nice.. Oh and when he was watching the screen he yelled at the Radiology Tech. I told the tech I was reporting him and he said please do because he's rude. I also told Dr Alami. Monday morning I wll be calling down there to complain. Other than that the staff there was wonderful. My favorite nurse was Ely who prep me for surgery, Ernie, Annie and Moreen who were my day and night nurses. Ernie shined above all of them. He was a sweetheart. Dr Alami was great..... He did the one incision with me. He went thru the belly button. I also have one small incision right below my breast.The day after surgery he came by and checked on me 3 times. He kept me in the hospital for 2 nights but that was fine with me. Im glad he made sure everything was ok before he released me from the hospital. I have a little discomfort but I thought it would be waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyy worst than this. I will be glad when the gas leaves me and the cramping stops but other than that, its getting better each day.

  19. Thanks for the input everyone. I was never much of a salt person either, although the foods I ate were probably plenty salty anyway. It just seems much more intense right now, but hopefully it will pass! I made it to phase III foods...yes!

    I just asked about this at my 6 month check up. I never salted anything prior to surgery and now I am like a salt addict. The nut said that it is common for taste buds to change and that may be why I am wanting salt. She also said that people always assume when they crave salt that it means there is a deficiency. She says that is not true. She was worried about how salt can increase your blood pressure? I think that it was. But as long as my labs are good and I am not having any issues then she is not worried about it. Curious to know what others hear regarding salt though.

  20. You know, I didn't include my husband in on the classes or the appointments, not because he wouldn't have come, but mainly because I didn't think to include him. I think it's a great idea for your spouse to come with you. The more he knows, the better a support system you'll have!

    Yes, I did the "Weight loss surgery: preparing for success overview class" at Santa Rosa before my doctor referred me to Richmond. Then after they got my referral I attended the "Bariatric Surgery Program Orientation" at Richmond. I did both alone. Now I'm scheduled for the "Bariatric Lifestyle Class" at Richmond and so I'm wondering if that's a good one for him to attend. Also, should he come with me to my first appointment with my surgeon?



  21. Was your nutrition class incorporated into the orientation or is it separate? That might be a good class for him to attend. That way he will know the ins and outs of what you can eat after surgery. It's still a shock for my husband when I tell him that veggies don't matter right now...it's all about Protein...lol I had two orientations also. One here in Santa Rosa where I live, and the official one at South San Francisco. Did you do the unofficial orientation or the official one?

    Me again! Ok, so I attended orientation alone. What appointment from here on out should I bring my husband to? Should he come to the Lifestyles class and the surgeon appointment? I swear he's read through my binder more times than I have and he has it memorized! Anyway, he wants to be more involved and now I'm kicking myself for not bringing him to orientation and I don't want to miss any more opportunities for him to be involved.



  22. Hi Everyone,

    So I am craving salt! It's insane, but all I want is salt. Has anyone else had this happen? I'm a little over two weeks post op. Today, I mashed up some potatoes, and poured on the salt. I think i'm drinking so much and eating so little that my sodium levels are no doubt a little low. I have my phone appointment with Dr. Alami today, and I'm hoping he moves me to Phase III....wish me luck. :)

  23. Hey Sunshine!

    Welcome! Best of luck to you during the process :) My name is Darlene and I am two weeks post op :)

    Hello everybody!!! Sunshine here I'm brand new to this forum and at the beginning stages of WLS!! I just got my referral from my Dr here in Sacramento and am waiting for Richmond Kaiser to call me for my orientation date!! I'm really excited and have read so many of your stories and so many of them make me feel that much more comfortable about having the surgery done!!!! CANT WAIT!!!!

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