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Posts posted by pneal

  1. Blunt is good. This is a support site right? Maybe some people need a different kind of way of support. I'm no guru on people's thoughts or means of feeling support, but i do know personally that if i fall, i get right back up. Keep in mind, eating for me personally is an addiction like alcoholism or drug abuse. food was mine. Have a good one !

    I do like your post, but would like to add that many of us got to where we were pre-surgery by living in denial, and thinking that a little of this or that doesn't really matter. And, many of us have been encouraged to live in denial by loved ones who tell us that we can have "just a little bit", or "you're not fat".

    And, I see people posting on the internet who get upset if someone has the gall to disagree with something they've done. Like they only want to read "That's okay", "You'll be fine." Anyone who replies differently is considered unsupportive.

    We just had the majority of a major organ cut off, and unfortunately, we still need to use it while it recovers. If the doctor says to eat a certain type of food, we should be doing just that. To do anything else is to be out of control just like how we got this way in the first place.

    So, I do think we can be supportive, yet blunt. Sometimes blunt is needed. I, for one, am not offended by blunt. Bring on the blunt!

  2. My burger bite was me trying to say that me being a year out already it didnt harm me. It also didnt make me feel good either. I was super sensitive to a lot of foods the first 6 months post op. And I still am. Your body will let you know that you feel like crap. And today a year later, my MIND, let's my body know that. I feel like my sleeve was intense physical therapy for not only my weight, but mind as well. I've given in to a bunch of cravings. I'm 90 pounds down and very proud of it! Exceeded my goal. Went from a size 18/20 to a size 2.

    This is an interesting thread. The immediate post op time period isn't a time for cheating for sure. But I know I have made choices in the past months that were mistakes.

    This may be a bunny trail, but, the word cheating is one I have issues with. Anyone reading or read Beck Diet Solution? It talks about mistakes versus cheating. I think the majority of folks in here who talk about cheating on their post op diets make mistakes, they don't cheat. In all likelihood, a few bites too much or the wrong thing are not going to be the undoing of our sleeve. But when we attach words like cheating to it, there is such a message of immorality and failure to it..I dunno.

    I guess apart from the extreme posts like eating a burger and popcorn a couple of days post op, I'd rather see us encourage each other in getting back to doing the right thing. Many many of us got here because of emotional eating and black and white thinking, so I'd rather us offer each other support to do the right behaviors.

    While we did have extreme surgery, for many of us the ability to be perfectly compliant doesn't magically occur just because we had the surgery. Maybe I shouldn't have been approved, dunno, but I think I am doing a helluva lot better, even with mistakes, now, than preop!!

  3. Thanks Lissa! I'm definately rocking it! One year later and a new me. I was super anal about tracking food/carbs/calories at first. Then I got into my own groove. Honestly, there wasnt any other option! I've tried every diet on earth...jenny, ww, Atkins, south beach, zone, you name it. I dont eat the junk food all the time, but i do crave it still. For the most part, i take the bun off and eat the "guts". I'm not a lame ad for VSG, but a year out, i never thought id be where im at. Stupid stahls, hair thinning (now growing back out) i'm a year out as of yesterday. I've lost 90+#'s. Mentally, my mind has changed about food. Your body will definately let you know. I used to think about missing my junk food. Now, mentally, my body is trained to eat lighter now! And after yesterdays old "menu" tasting......i'm still at my goal weight. If ww, or any of that food "helped" me in the past, i wouldnt have got my surgery. So, what I'm trying to say, cravings always will be there. Yes, it's not good to give in. My mental outlook on food definately changed! Your system will definately let you know.

  4. not to sound like a villiage idiot. Or an expert of any sort........but, today is my 1 year "surgiversary" and I used to eat 2 double cheeseburgers, a jumbo fry, and a 6 piece chicken Mcnugget's from McDonald's..........and still be hungry........today, I went to Mc'Donald's, ordered my old "usual" took a bite of it all....including 2 of the same cheeseburgers....."celebration" ???? ..that was at noon. It's now it's 9PM.....I'll live, felt like crap for a minute, reminded me how much I DON'T WANT TO EAT IT AGAIN,.....but the craving has definately faded. I'll live and be fine. I've totally cheated. But your body will let you know. And to me.....that the best reliability! jus'sayin'

  5. not to sound like a villiage idiot. Or an expert of any sort........but, today is my 1 year "surgiversary" and I used to eat 2 double cheeseburgers, a jumbo fry, and a 6 piece chicken Mcnugget's from McDonald's..........and still be hungry........today, I went to Mc'Donald's, ordered my old "usual" took a bite of it all....including 2 of the same cheeseburgers....."celebration" ???? ..that was at noon. It's now it's 9PM.....I'll live, felt like crap for a minute, reminded me how much I DON'T WANT TO EAT IT AGAIN,.....but the craving has definately faded. I'll live and be fine. I've totally cheated. But your body will let you know. And to me.....that the best reliability! jus'sayin'

  6. Hi, I was close to youre size. I'm 38 and my skin is fairly decent. I did have a baby 4 years ago that really stretched me out, but for the most part, I'm relatively o.k. I will be looking into tucks in about a year I think. Also, the only area I'm concerned about is right under my armpits. My hubby said he can tell my skin is tightening up. Hope this helps =)

  7. Yes, my pain was more about a week and a half after surgery. Just as you described. It finally went away, but it was annoying! When I took deep breaths I could feel the pain. From under my ribs to my shoulder blades. The doctor told me its because of the C02 from when they perform the surgery. They need to pump you up to get some space in there to move around.

  8. Hi Amanda! Well, I do it 3 times a day. The pic comes out HUGE when you click it. The one on my right side is almost faded. The bigger two on the left are definately smaller and lighter in color than they were. The scar dimple above my belly button was actually from when I had a belly button piercing..HAHAHA...ya, my fat girl body thought I could pull that one off...FAIL! I always kept it hidden so it never healed well =(....

    Mederma is expensive, but I'm still on the same tube since my scars healed about 2 weeks after surgery in January!

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