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Everything posted by SFOTraveler

  1. SFOTraveler

    It's official........

    Congrats!!!! That is an amazing accomplishment!
  2. SFOTraveler

    You know you lost weight when

    I LOVE this thread!!!! I am literally sitting here smiling. Congrats to EVERYONE. We did it!!! I identified with quite a few, particularly feeling my bones rub and having to put a pillow between my legs in bed. For me I'd say: Being complimented a TON. Showing people a picture of the "old" me and having them say "OMG I cannot believe that is you!". Trying on a size small and having it fit. Thinking a size of clothing will never fit me and then finding out it does, or is even too big! Having someone call me "thin". You stop worrying about weight restrictions for floating objects (rafts, boats, kayaks... all of which I would have never attempted) Your stretchy size xxl workout pants literally fall off. Shoes don't fit anymore You have plenty of room in an airplane seat
  3. **** edited to include some pics! Hi there friends! I hope this post finds you well. Last time I posted I showed a pic of me in that gorgeous Alfred Angelo size 8 wedding dress. Sigh. I couldn't afford that dress. BUT I ENDED UP WITH SOMETHING BETTER!!!! hehe Here is our wedding fusion video PREVIEW! (make sure to play the sound with it!!) I can't believe this is only a sample of the one we will receive.. it's awesome!!! Standard pics can be viewed on my photog's website. Barb is amazing! All photos are courtesy of Y Studio Photography up close details union square photo shoot Papparazzi! I felt like a movie star To date, I have lost 95 lbs, which just absolutely blows my mind. Seriously... holy guac! I am down to a size 8 or 10 depending. Also, we leave for our honeymoon on Monday and we will be headed to Hawaii! This is the first time in about 12 years that I will be comfortable wearing a bikini. I have some yucky skin, but nothing too crazy. I bought a "mom bikini" and my husband told me he liked the skimpy one better! I was shocked bc I figured more coverage was better. I wrote a blog post today with pics from my day of surgery v. me now.... if you are interested, please feel free to check it out! I had a lot of fun writing it My Long Sleeved Story xoxo
  4. SFOTraveler

    Loss of friends

    i lost more friends after having kids (none of my friends have kids or are married), then I did after surgery. In fact 100% of my friends and fam have been supportive and seem thrilled for me.
  5. SFOTraveler

    Wedding Dress REVEAL!

    Thank you all again! And Birdlady, you betcha you can look like I do in 8 months!!! Focus on sticking with the plan and changing your life. Congrats on your sleeve!!!
  6. SFOTraveler

    Wedding Dress REVEAL!

    thank you all! I feel great these days!
  7. SFOTraveler

    How do you see the world?

    I feel compelled to tell them about my surgery and offer them info. I literally have to stop myself and remind myself that it is none of my business. I also wonder if they are the kind of person who is lik e"im big and beautiful" or if they want to be skinny. Overall though, I am sad for them because being severely overweight/obese sucked for me.... I can't imagine it being fun for them.
  8. I am getting married July 30. We didn't have a long engagment, so as soon as I got engaged I went and bought a wedding dress, size 14. Back then I thought that was pretty good because wedding dresses run very small, and at that point I was a size 14/16 in clothes.... so I figured I'd lose some weight, possibly have to take it in, but it'd be fine. Well, I was having wedding dress remorse (it was "blush" aka pink) and decided to pop into a small dress shop on my way home from work. The woman asked me what size I am and I told her probably a 12 or 14 depending on the style. She looked at me and said "Are you sure? You don't look like a 12/14". So I just let her grab a bunch of dresses for my to try on. I FIT IN A SIZE 8!!!!!!!!!! Granted it was a corset back and pretty snug, but OMG. I walked out of that shop with the BIGGEST smile. And a problem.... I was trying to find a cheap dress to replace my pink one. Well, I went to the shop where I got the pink dress and explained my situation to the saleswoman who was SO nice. She let me do an even exchange and the dress fits me so I don't have to pay for many alterations! Never in a million years did I think I would be wearing a size 8, mermaid style dress (I had always gone for a-line bigger stuff that flatters big hips!). Here is a pic in my original size 8 inspiration dress.... although it is gorgeous I couldn't afford it But I got something similar
  9. WOOHOO!!!! I totally cannot wait for that NSV also... my DH is super skinny (150) so I am dreaming of the day that I can say the same! Congrats!
  10. Thank you all for the compliments... it feels pretty darn amazing to say my wedding dress is a size 8!!!! I am still a 12 in street clothes so it is weird in a fantastic way ; ) I will definitely post wedding pics (the wedding is july 30). I hope to lose 10lbs between now and then... wish me luck!
  11. SFOTraveler

    Cleaning Out the Closet

    Yay for skinny clothes!!!! I had 3 (yes THREE) bins full of clothes. It was amazing sliding right into them! And now I have a new problem.... I am skinnier than my skinny clothes! OMG. Never ever thought I would see the day ; )
  12. OMG I saw your post on the other board and after looking at this pic.... YOU LOOK AMAZING!!!! Keep it up!!!
  13. First o f all congrats! You have achieved some amazing weight loss!!!! Second, what you are experiencing is pretty common from what I understand. And I did go through a bout of it a few months ago but now I am reveling in the fact that I can fit into things I never thought I could (or cannot remember!). I had someone say to me "you're a skinny minnie now!" and that comment really threw me for a loop. A) I have NEVER EVER thought of myself as skinny, and although I am happy with my looks at the moment I certainly wouldn't call myself skinny.... so maybe yes my mind is warped also??? Either way I feel 100% better so that's what I try to focus on!
  14. SFOTraveler

    Loss, stall, loss, stall

    I agree with Tiff, but also just try to keep things in perspective. It's a marathon, not a sprint And also, losing/maintaining is going to be life long. I lost 15lbs last month which for me is AMAZING, and I haven't lost much thus far.... I don't know if I am being lazy or my body is tired.... but either way I am just trying to promise myself I will be better today/tomorrow and I will not give up! I was just thinking about how amazing I feel, and I am not even at goal yet! Keep up the good work and also work in exercise!!!
  15. SFOTraveler

    Itchy Incisions

    Totally normal. I swore one of mine was infected... went to the doc and nope. Just the healing process
  16. You look awesome! Congrats on the weightloss. And I know we all hate the "pretty face" thing, but you really do have a beautiful face!
  17. SFOTraveler

    I did the Shimmy Shimmy Shake!!!

    Congrats and I would HIGHLY recommend buying some 14s and 12s because you will not be a 16 for long I PROMISE!!!
  18. SFOTraveler

    SIXES!!!!!!!!!! I GOT EM ON!!!!!!

    that is AMAZING!!! congrats girlie!
  19. Mine just became noticeable to me very recently I blame myself though for not being on top of my vitamin intake. Gonna get on the ball on this and also up my protein more!!
  20. SFOTraveler

    JUST CURIOUS....6 months out!

    I will be 6 months out on June 28 and I have lost somewhere around 75lbs. HOWEVER, I had slowed down considerably and my doc prescribed something to help the weight come off. I have been on it for a month and let'sjust say it definitely works. So... yeah, I kind of feel like I am "cheating" but I'm just glad the weight is still coming off! I also think that your success is determined a lot by how closely you stick to plan. I know that I do not follow it to a tee and thus, my weightloss had slowed down. Also, exercise and Water are key!
  21. SFOTraveler

    How will my legs look?

    I am definitely pear shaped and in the past have lost my stomach first, then boobs, then minimal on the legs. Since surgery I have lost weight SOOOOO differently!!! I still have size D boobs (started with a DD) after nearly 70 lbs. And I am extremely pleased with how my thighs have shrunk. I dont know if its protein or what but I love it! (oh and my backfat is ALMOST gone! Can't wait for that day! lol)
  22. SFOTraveler

    WTF do I wear to this wedding?!

    I had no idea that forever 21 even had a plus size section... i stopped shopping there right after HS because I was in an XL there and normal sizes everywhere else... depressing! lol
  23. SFOTraveler

    I was feeling down so I needed to do this...

    holy moly those are some fantastic pictures!!!! You have come so far... (by now you reached goal so, woohoo!).
  24. SFOTraveler


    THAT IS AWESOME!!! Congratulations!!!!
  25. Right now I feel the same as you do about being "off the wagon". I am doing well, but falling into old habits and they are NOT ones that I want to keep! I just try to do better every day.... the biggest issue for me is stress eating. My life has been super stressful lately and I do notice that I have stretched my sleeve somewhat because I can definitely eat more now So.... I just keep telling myself not to screw up this surgery which is a tool that I have been blessed with! Good luck and let's get back on track!

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