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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by hopetolose

  1. hopetolose

    At The Casino!

    A glass of white wine is always a good choice
  2. hopetolose

    Wow U Eat That!?

    I like it carolinagirl!!! If you didn't read the disclaimer before hand... Guess what... Patient fault....
  3. hopetolose

    My Cop Costume!

    Wow, you look awesome!!! U rocked it!!! I wish I was younger to dress like that again... :-)
  4. hopetolose

    Wow U Eat That!?

    Msmacchi and futurebandster.
  5. hopetolose

    Wow U Eat That!?

    It's weird how you changed your tune so quickly on your feeling of the band... You posted just at the end if May on your second anniversary that "life is good"... I researched, I know what the consequence could be and I still chose to do this. People ask me all the time if im gonna take it out, I just tell them "not till I have a problem with it". I have come to terms that eventually it will need some kind of maintenance or removal. But I have every intention of keeping up with my doctor and taking care of it so that day will be very far away if ever... and the other lady who works for the doctor that did lapband... You do not sound like you knew anything about taking care of you or your band... To let your self become almost anorexic so that you can barely walk means u needed psychotic help and still need some now.... It sounds like you are just spouting off what ever your employer wants you to hear
  6. hopetolose

    Today Is 1 Year!!

    Wow, if I wasn't married and much older... you look awesome!!! congrats
  7. Its meant to kinda get you reaquanted with your band. It will get you off slider foods and get you back to eating Proteins and drinking Water like we all should. It is suppose to kinda reposition your band and make it feel like it is working again like it is suppose to. Like I said I have not tried it, but that is what it says on the website. It is kinda like a shortened post op phase. Hope that answers your questions
  8. I hear ya, im still trying to decide if I want to try Really hard and get down to a size 8. I've been stuck at this weight for close to 9 months and I've tried a couple of times to get down the last 5 to 10 lbs. I have been debating on doing the 5 day test to see what it would do for me. I should just buck down and get it done. Good job on making it this far. I also hear u on the Fritos, damn things...
  9. I agree with Elcee, both can do havoc on your band. But then again it can get tight for absolutely no reason also. They can be very temperamental for no reason. You will get used to it and begin to accept it for what it is.
  10. I knew you could do it!!! You are doing awesome. You haven't gotten your first fill yet? Get one when you are able cause it will make it so much more easier. Im so happy for you!!!!
  11. hopetolose

    Sorry To Complain

    im sorry you are feeling so bad. It's so hard in the beginning and alot of it is all in your head. I know it was for me. Once you can get a fix on your head hunger it will get easier. Call your doctor. They need to be there for you and help you thru this. good luck
  12. hopetolose

    Stopping By To Say Hello

    we have missed you!! you do look very handsome. I agree on this being much easier than other weight loss plans I have been on. I have never lost 70 lbs before and have been able to maintain it for any length of time. My two year won't be till April, but I am maintaining without to much problems as of yet, so I hope to continue that. Congrats again!!
  13. hopetolose

    I Feel Alone...

    I know it's really hard, but try and cut out all soda. I was a heavy diet soda drinker. 2~3 32 oz drinks per day. I started cutting back to nothing two weeks before my surgery and now I am going on 19 months with out any carbonated drinks whatsoever. I think that has been a big factor in my weight loss.
  14. I went into a store today to try on a sweater that the lady had to get down cause it was up high. She asked me if I wanted a small or medium. Wow, don't know if I will ever get used to that I am a medium, let alone someone sizing me up as a medium (or a small). I am still about 5 lbs from goal and have been for several months now, but I am at my goal of a size 8/10. So I am not that concerned with the 5 lbs. Will I ever get used to those kinds of compliments and how long do I get to claim them as nsv's?
  15. hopetolose

    How Long Am I Allowed To Claim Nsv's?

    Thanks!! It's funny how just a couple of words ( that the sales person probably didn't even realize) that someone can say can mean so much. I really wanted to say back to her, thanks, I just lost 70+ lbs to get to this point... But then would start the rush of questions of how I did it and all that. Sometimes just don't want to go there :-)
  16. hopetolose

    Its My 1 Year Bandaversary! 60 Pounds Lost

    60 is awesome. I was at about that at my 1 year. You are 60 pounds lighter!!!! Take it and enjoy it and start working on your 2 nd year. Congrats!!!!!
  17. hopetolose

    The Dumping Stage, Smh

    I don't believe there is a dumping stage with the Lapband. That is more with bypass. Something about when you eat sweets. Don't know that much about as I have never had it happen.
  18. hopetolose

    I Am Finally In Onederland :)

    woohoo. I remember that day fondly!! Such a great feeling. And a bonus that you didn't even know it and 8 extra pounds to boot. double woohoo
  19. I didn't even tell my husband until I had decided and scheduled the surgery. It was my decision and mine alone. It is my body and because the risk was so low on the surgery part, I didn't feel like he would need to have a final say. He was fine with it and is happy that I am happier with my body. He was one that was happy either way fat or skinny... But since he is only your boyfriend at this point, he really doesn't have say at all. JMO goodluck!!
  20. hopetolose

    Follow Up Care

    YES, very crucial. You will notice a difference on the posts and how people are using the band and their success and how they are cared for after surgery. It's a huge part of success. I went and saw my surgeons office almost every 6 weeks for the first 6 months and then about every 8 weeks after that. Now that I am pretty much at goal, I will only see him every year, unless I think I want a fill or have an issue. But even at goal, you need to get it checked out to keep it from having problems in the future. That's just common sense.
  21. hopetolose

    What Your Non-Health Reason?

    I wanted to jump in and let you know all these are possible... I was doing this list 19 months ago and I am living the possibilities now. I am shopping at regular stores and loving it. I sit in plane seats and don't feel like im gonna take out the person next to me with a part of my body. I can breath when I walk and climb stairs. I can tie my shoes in the middle now. I can wear jeans and feel comfortable in them all day instead of wanting to take them off after 15 minutes. the list goes on... the only thing I can't do is do the bikini, but I don't look to shabby in a one piece :-) keep up the great work everyone, you WILL get there!!!!
  22. hopetolose

    How Do People Do This!?

    Yes, I cannot drink right after eating. it really hurts. Like the water will sit right on top of the food and feels like it is stuck.
  23. hopetolose

    Learn From My $16,000 Mistake

    It's funny how you stated that you lost 20 lbs in the first month ONLY by eating very little. Which is the whole purpose of the Lapland by the way. And then after that you didn't lose anymore because all u ate was slider foods. In your first paragraph alone, u just stated why you were unsuccessful. If you were truly to tight even sliders would be hard to go down. If you can get sliders down, you can get some kind of Protein down, even if you have to blend it. When I go out to eat, I usually just order Soup or a salad just in case. I have been out to eat and had to go the bathroom very quickly. It's not the end of the world. Im sorry but it just seems like you didn't do what you needed to do with the band and you are blaming it for failing. I don't know your whole story, but from what you posted, this is just my opinion and you have yours. Im not really feeling very supportive since you seen like you have already given up on the band and are telling a whole bunch of people that could really use it and take care of it not to get it and maybe save their lives. That's what I don't like about your opinion... sorry
  24. I was never put on the spot to lose a certain amount of weight by a certain time frame. That is a bit unrealistic since everyone loses at a different pace and different ways. For the first six months I was very diligent about what I are and how much I are and did very little exercise. But I lost a majority of my weight during that time and alot would be within a week after each of my fills. But that I lose differently that others might. So you will have to find out how you lose weight the best way and then be willing to change and work with it when you hit plateaus. This is going to be a work in progress but you will find your groove and you will find out how to use your band to make it work for you.
  25. I was a happy fat person and now I am a happy skinnier person. I feel and act the same way as I did before. I have same money problems, marriage problems, kid problems. Not that much has changed except that I eat alot less, I can fit into way cuter clothes, my feet and knees don't hurt as much (but I am 46, so I can't rid of all the aches and pains, but they are alot better than before). This is a life altering event, but only to a certain extent. You only have to change what you want to change. The first few weeks you are healing and any type if surgery can make you and your body feel like it's the end of the world. but that will go away and then you need to decide how you want to make this work for you and not let it take over who you are. I am conscious if my band everyday every meal, but that is because I don't want to make a mistake and abuse it. I don't make healthy choices all the time, but I make smart choices where I can't hurt my band. I don't overeat and I try and stay away from stuff that will get stuck. you will feel better as u move along and get used to it being a part of you. good.luck

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