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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by GoSetReady

  1. I had my first fill yesturday. I have a 10 ml band and my doctor put in 2.5 ml's. I was really hoping for a better result but still feel that everything goes right down, and my goal for fullness and lack of hunger is not what I had hoped for. My next appointment is not for another 6 weeks but I am going to call to see if he would be willing to see me again sooner. dry.gif. I know it's a "process" but I was really hopeful about continuing my journey at this point with a successful first fill.

    My doc allows fills every 4 weeks. It seems that his office has appointments 5 weeks out though. UGH I have a 10cc band and was filled with 4cc the first fill and 0.75cc on the 4th. After the first fill I lost 10lbs but only during the week of liquids. Once I started on solids I maintained. I have lost 3lbs since Thursdays on liquids again. It is so hard to follow his recommendation of 1 week of liquids following fills but I have to admit when I see the scale go down it's worth it. Do you use myfitnesspal to document your calorie intake and exercise? This helps keep me honest with what I'm putting into my mouth. When I don't record what I'm eating I tend to eat really unhealthy. Also, exercise speeds things up. I understand your disappointment with the pace of things. You want to get the ball rolling. I'd give it 2 weeks and then call and see if you can't get in any earlier.

  2. Tricare is actually one of the easiest to deal with because their requrements are so specific. If you meet the requirements, you'll get approved. If you don't meet the requirements, you won't get approved. There is no middle ground. The only time I've ever heard of someone being denied by Tricare is if they either don't meet the requirements, or if the paperwork gets messed up. (But once it gets straightened out, the person gets approved, if they meet the requirements.) In my case, I had my approval within three business days of submittal.

    The biggest reason Tricare isn't accepted by a lot of doctor's offices is because they won't pay for highly inflated billings. In the case of my surgery, the hospital and surgeon's office billed Tricare more than $75000 for my surgery. Tricare paid them $12000. The medical office has to be willing to accept what Tricare pays, and many of them don't want to do that.


    Hey Dave,

    I've noticed you are really active on this site. I wanted to give you the link to the new requirements so you could pass it on. It was approved on 2/14 and went into effect on 3/?/2011. Here it is: http://federalregister.gov/a/2011-3207 I've noticed Tricare hasn't updated their website with this correct info. Might help someone get approved who is having difficulty.



  3. I just found out yesterday that tricare denied my lap band surgery. I am so sad and I don't know where to go from here. I sent in a letter of appeal yesterday as well, to try to get the ball rolling there. I really really wanted to have my surgery asap. I am over 100lbs but just barely and I have high chonlesterol and a long history of diabetes in my family but so far I don't have it yet. I wanted to avoid getting any sicker than I am already. Any advice on how to get them to approve me? I just feel like someone knock the wind out of my sails.

    I hope your appeal goes through. I understand your frustration. The requirements through Tricare changed on 2/14/11 to the following:

    Check out the Federal Registrar to see if this may help your case. I spoke with the Tricare director in WA and was told the change was effective 2/14 but Tricare reps might not know about the change for a few months.


    Show citation box (A) Payment for bariatric surgical procedures is determined by the requirements specified in paragraph (g)(15) of this section, and as defined in § 199.2(B) of this part.Show citation box

    (B) Covered bariatric surgical procedures are payable only when the patient has completed growth (18 years of age or documentation of completion of bone growth) and has met one of the following selection criteria:Show citation box

    (1) The patient has a BMI that is equal to or exceeds 40 kg/m 2 and has previously been unsuccessful with medical treatment for obesity.Show citation box

    (2) The patient has a BMI of 35 to 39.9 kg/m [2] , has at least one high-risk co-morbid condition associated with morbid obesity, and has previously been unsuccessful with medical treatment for obesity.

  4. Congrats to all on your progress. I was banded on May 19th. I have lost 14lbs thus far. I didn't have any major pain after surgery I took Motrin and Tylenol for the first 4-5 days. I will go in for my first fill the week of July 4th. I have been walking/jogging for a few weeks now. I hope everyone is doing well and I hope to keep in touch. Blogging has helped me stay focused and accountable. Check out my blog: http://realitylapband.blogspot.com/

  5. I was on mushys 7 days post-op.

    I've read several posts of people going through the phases much quicker than I am. My surgeon is in the UK. I think he may be more cautious than need be. I'm also giving myself blood thinner shots for 14 days and have to wear TED hose (compression stockings) for 6 weeks to prevent clots. Strange thing is I didn't have to do the pre-op diet. Go figure. I can't wait to progress to mushies but, I'm going to follow Dr's orders.

  6. I was banded on May 19th. Yay - I hear the thunderous applause. The problem I'm having is too few calories. The MOST I've been able to get in a day is 644. I'm not meeting my Protein goal either. I have been using muscle milk but I have to break it up over 3 x a day because I hate it. I have used Special K Protein Shake with 2 tbs of reduced sugar jif. I'm eating my Soups -broths. I'm supposed to be on a liquid diet for 4 weeks post-op. It is killing me!!!!! I'm not getting my Water in either. I'm thinking things will settle down and I'll feel like having more. I'm very tired and at times don't want to get up to make anything. Anyone else having trouble 6 days post op feeling like eating? Thanks for the help.

  7. Congrats on finally getting it done! Hope you have a speedy recovery!! A single incison is awesome-is that the REALIZE Band? Part of me is wishing I researched it more and went withthe single incision too! If it's a single incision then what about the port-is that a separate incision? You'll be looking great-just in time for summer!!:)

    It was the Lap Band. I lucked out. It it one single incision above my belly button about an inch long. I've seen the pictures of other patients scars and was impressed at how much they fade.

  8. It sounds like you are doing just wonderful! Don't worry about the pain in the shoulder, that is probably just gas and will go away. You are so on your way to a wonderful journey and I'm very excited for you! Take advantage of the first several months because that is when you will lose a lot of weight!

    Have a safe journey home and good luck with your new band!! :rolleyes:

    Thanks so much for your words of encouragement. This is harder than I thought it was going to be. Reality slapped me in the face with a lap band. Geez LOL I'm going to make this band work for me. Just need to get through this liquid phase. Again thanks.

  9. I was banded just yesterday, and did very well. I am in very little band from incision and such. But I seem to belch constantly, just like I drank a big swig of soda or something. After I belch yu would think I would feel better but I don't it is like I can feel a bubble go down my back and it hurts. Anyone know what this is all about? Since coming home today I am drinking very little cause it seems to hurt so much. Thanks, MIchele


    We have the same bandivarsary. LOL I was banded on the 19 too. Today is the first day I feel somewhat back to normal. I feel like the walking really helps with the gas pain. Also after I had a bowel movement (sorry if tmi) I felt tons better. We'll have to stay in contact and exchange war stories. Hope you feel better.


  10. All went well. I was so nervous for nothing. I got into the surgical suite, got my IV and the next thing I know I woke up in recovery. I was in pain initially. They gave me 4mg of Morphine and then sent me back up to my room. Since then I've had Tylenol only. The only complaint I have is I'm an American in the UK and they don't do things the same here. Instead of giving me liquid Tylenol - they gave me these tablets like Alka-selzer that dissolve in Water and the nurse gave me tons of water with it. It was at the same time they brought me broth and a cup of juice. I had to drink the nasty Tylenol drink for sure and was unable to consume anything else. I just have to say that is a feeling I've never felt before. I was repulsed by even thinking of taking another drink. Wow!!! My pain is very little discomfort at the port site ( I was lucky and only had 1 incision) and mild discomfort in my left shoulder. Like I pulled something. I'm staying in the hospital until Sat the 21st which is another UK thing I guess. I'm ready to go home now although I feel really tired. Thanks for all the well wishes. I'm interested in hearing everyone's stories. So glad I went through with it.

  11. Hello All - Today is the day and I'm freaking out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This is what I've wanted for soo sooo long. I fought long and hard to get here. How can I be having 2nd thoughts? I thought I'd list a few of my reasons. If you could add to them I'd appreciate it. I'm going to do this wish me luck.

    1. Health

    2. Better quality of life

    3. Able to play with the kids without getting winded

    4. I can't do it alone - always gain the weight back

    5. For ME!

  12. My time is almost upon me. I'm scheduled to be banded on May 19th. I'm very nervous but excited too. If anyone else is scheduled around the same time I'd love to have a support group online. I'm going to take the dreaded full size photo today and measurements. One of the bloggers I read stated she wished she would have measured herself. So ... good luck to all. I'll share my experience next week. Add me as a friend.

  13. I'm being banded May 19th at London's Princess Grace Hospital. I'm very excited yet nervous. My surgeon isn't requiring the pre-op diet so I'm interested in what you are consuming. Will this be the same liquid diet you'll consume after the surgery? I think I will be on Clear Liquids for 2 weeks post op, mushy x 1 week and than regular. I'd really love to have an example of a typical day of the clear liquids. Does anyone know of a site that lists foods approved for the lap band diet post op? My husband is in the US Air Force stationed in the UK. I think that they are a little more relaxed on the pre-op diet here. I'm a little concerned that I should be stocking up on food before hand but have no idea. I was told I would see the nutritionist before discharge. It seems to be go with the flow attitude over here. Hard for my type A personality. Anyway ... any help would be appreciated.

    On a side note: How do you get that ticker?

  14. It looks like patience paid off :) My surgery is set for May 10th! I won't be an April bandster, but I'm SO happy to have a surgery date. I am definitely starting to get nervous, but I think this is the best option for me ;)

    Annie - Congrats! I'll be a May bandster too. My surgery is set for the 19th. I just found out today. We were in Italy on vacay and I couldn't call to find out. I'm nervous too but so ready. You'll have to give me the low down on your pre/post-op experience. All advice is welcome. Congrats again.

  15. I believe on the Fed Register site they have a contact person. You might call her. I'm afraid I will be in the same boat as you. Stay with it. Are they aware of the change and that it was to go in affect on 3/16 not in the next couple of months? Good luck!

    Have talked to everyone I can think of to call with Tricare and Helthnet and it is still not implemented. They are hoping in the next couple of months. I have been denied under the old plan but fit into the new rules. Wish they would hurry .

  16. Thanks Dave! I'm Tricare Prime Remote Overseas. I don't think this is going to be an easy process. I'm kind of a pioneer in the UK. LOL

    Glad you got your referral. If you're a Tricare Prime person, make sure the surgeon they refer you to accepts Tricare for the surgery. I got mis-referred twice before finding a surgeon who does the surgery under Tricare Prime. Once I had the right surgeon, approval was a snap.

    Good luck!


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