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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Reesh

  1. Reesh

    Christian Bandsters

    Hi brothers & sisters, I am so thankful to find this forum for family in Christ to pray for one another and give support. I love all the other sites as well, I have met some wonderful people and God is definitely the One who gets all the praise and glory for bringing me to this site. It's here that I learn about living one day at a time with this tool that God has used to help me get my life back in perspective. I've been walking with the Lord come this May it will be 26yrs. I came from a Jewish home and God revealed Himself to me just by my asking Him if he was real to show me and He did the very next day and my life has never been the same. As for the band, I was banded March 20, 2007 and have lost 25lbs, my scars are healed and I feel great. Slowly but surely, I will be getting rid of all my meds, no more diabetes, no more sleep apnea, no more high blood cholesterol and no more back pain and I will finally be able to share this as a testimony of His undying love and mercy in my life. I've read all the posts and I just want to say for me I don't get into debate over my relationship with the Lord because like some have said I remember where I was before the Lord came in my life and what I have found is the best testimony is to be an example of His love, His mercy & His compassion toward others and always remember WWJD. I hope I can be that way to all of you!!! God bless each of you and 360 I hope you recover quickly as I did!!! :clap2:
  2. Hi Deanna, I was in the same boat as you babe...I am on diabetic meds, and about 6 other meds. My doc said I didn't need to take my meds for the 1st month because I was on liquids for 2 weeks and then mushies for the 3rd week so now I'm in my 4th week and what I have been doing is putting them in my Protein drinks, apple sauce works good or s/f pudding. As for the CPAP, I am on that darn thing as well and was told by one of my drs that I probably won't get off of it til I hit 165lbs...but I have heard differently from people online that once they lost between 50-75lbs they were able to get rid of it. One thing I can say is my sugar has been great and my PCP told me to monitor my sugars and then decide whether to take meds or not - so far, I have been only taking 1 pill - half dosage. I hope yr monitoring yrself because you don't want yr sugar to be too low if yr not eating. I'm here if you need help :help:
  3. Reesh

    March '07 Bandsters Union

    Hi everyone, I can finally eat FOOD...but what's weird is I'm not hungry - I had my surgery March 20th and have lost 24lbs so far. :clap2: I go next Friday for an adjustment, not exactly sure what this is but I hope it doesn't cost me anything. My dr. is not in my insurance plan so I'm a bit nervous about costs esp. since I'm not working - I've been looking for work for months and had no bites as yet. I went from 307 to 284 and it's not quite 1 month yet. I also went from size 3X tops to size 22-24 and my pants are size 30. As you can see most of my xtra meat is on the bottom half :biggrin1: I'm really glad I had this surgery...my only problem that I'm facing is not getting enough water in and exercise. I have sciatica and my back and legs always hurt me - I need motivation - :help: Any help u can offer will be greatly appreciated and any ideas for dinner will be great!!! Good luck to all who have past the 1 month mark!!!! Reesh
  4. Reesh

    Dr. Nusbaum

    Hi, I live down the shore and came all the way up to have Dr. Nusbaum do my surgery - my daughter's co-worker had it done - she is a nurse and did all the research on him and I have to admit he is great!!! I had my surgery March 20th and have lost 24lbs so far. The only discomfort I had lasted about 7 days - I had gas pains in my chest but the meds I had in the hospital and what I brought home helped tremendously. My scars are small and are already healed. My only concern is he doesn't take my health insurance and I'm just worried about how much the fills are going to cost me out of pocket. From what I understand, you will not only get a bill from him, but you will also get a bill from the Radiologist and from the facility where it's being done. I didn't have to do a pre-op diet but I would recommend getting yrself ready at least one week before with Protein drinks so that you know which ones you'll like. The first week I had nothing but 4oz jello/breakfast, 4oz crystalite/lunch and 4oz broth/dinner and an ice pop for snack - believe it or not, I wasn't hungry at all. The 2nd week I added Protein Drinks, yogurt, pudding. The 3rd week was the mushie week, I added eggs, mashed potatoes (I didn't eat much of that, I want to stay away from the carbs), oatmeal....and now I'm on solids and I can eat just about anything....BUT, you need to realize this is not a fix, you have to retrain yrself to eat properly. No more ice cream, or sugars, candy is a no-no, you need to learn how to eat healthy and there is so much information on this site that will help you. Down here there are no support groups so LapBandTalk.com has become my support group. If you want to know anything else, pls email me at rlfoti@aol.com. Good Luck!!!:clap2:
  5. Reesh

    JulieNYC's bandiversary

    Congratulations!!! That is so awesome, you lost a great deal of weight in 1 year. Thank you for your advice and giving me hope that I too can get to the point where you are at taking it one day at a time and not putting too much expectations on myself. :clap2:
  6. Reesh

    Need more protein

    I found something that helps with the protein and the water intake - I purchased Isopure Zero Carb - no sugar, 40gms of protein in a 20oz bottle. It comes in different flavors, grape, berry, punch, & apple. You can purchase it at GNC for $3.99. It is a little pricey but worth it!
  7. Hi Gina, THe first week my diet consisted of 4oz jello/breakfast, 4oz crystalite/lunch and 4oz broth/dinner and I had to drink at least 48oz of Water in between - that was only the 1st week. 2nd week came the Protein drinks and more calories. 3rd week was mushie stage, added eggs, yogurt, pudding. And now the 4th week is finally here and I can eat FOOD!!! Don't worry you'll be fine, just take one day at a time. We've all been there, were concerned just like you, but we made it thru and best of all lost some pounds along the way. Keep up the good work :clap2: Reesh
  8. I just had my surgery on the 20th March and like you I have diabetes II. I am on Metformin (large pill - which I crush) and Starlix (which I haven't taken) and Avandia (small pill - which I swallow). The first 2 weeks I was on liquids and soft foods and my sugar was the best it had ever been without meds 86-120. But this week I am on mushies and I'm eating fish, and eggs and I noticed my sugars went up. I believe it's because my body is adjusting to the changes. My sugar went up for the past 2 days to the 180's so I decided to take my meds just to be on the safe side. My doctor told me if my sugars were too low with the meds to discontinue them, so that's what I'm doing. Just check with yr pharmacist to make sure they can be crushed and maybe they might come in a liquid form. Don't worry soon enough we'll be off our meds!!! Good Luck on yr surgery, you will be fine!!!:clap2:
  9. Reesh

    Marchies In April

    Me too....I had my first bite of real food today...I made myself Talapia with roasted tomatoes and garlic...yummy. I'll have to try yr tuna salad tomorrow. I was told by a friend today that I need to make my portion smaller since I had one fillet.
  10. Reesh

    Marchies In April

    I had my surgery on March 20th and have since lost 15lbs and feel great. I have to say I'm very glad it's past especially those gas pains which were right smack in the center of my chest - felt like I was having a heart attack. I have to move my butt and start exercising, that's the one thing I hate doing but know that it's a must. My only problem that I'm still facing is loose bowels, yuck! Doc says that will change once I start eating more substantial meals. I am now in the mushie stage and tonight I'm having talapia, yahoo.....can't wait to eat some fish. I'm eating enough Protein but need to drink more Water. __________________ Surgery date: 3/20/07 Beginning Wt: 307 Current Wt: 292 Goal: 160 Dr: Dr. Nusbaum/Livingston
  11. Reesh

    Marchies In April

    I was banded on March 20th and my port is on the bottom right side, it's a pretty small incision. I'm going for my 1st fill April 26th.:clap2:
  12. Reesh

    March '07 Bandsters Union

    Hi, I had my surgery on March 20th and feel great...I was surprised that I'm doing so good. I did have some pretty nasty gas pains in the middle of my chest but the pain meds really helped and now they're finally gone. I'm glad I'm past the 1st week - I don't want to look at Jello, broth or crystalite for a while. I'm now on blended soups, cottage cheese, oatmeal, puddings, baby Cereal & vegies and yogurt, can't wait for next week - mushies stage. I went for my follow-up on Monday and after a week I lost 5lbs. I go for my 1st fill the end of April, looking forward to that. I would say my only problem I'm facing now is getting enough Water in and I still have loose stools and that's driving me crazy!!!!! Reesh .....WE CAN DO IT!!!:welldoneclap:
  13. Reesh

    in pain

    That is where the gas is escaping to....I have had that as well and it feels as if yr having a heart attack. This will pass....use yr heating pad and take yr gasX pills. According to my dr this is normal.
  14. I am post-op 5 days and still having some chest pain but it has moved into my neck and left shoulder and back - I used a heating pad on it tonite and made it feel better.I'm going for my follow-up visit tomorrow and will speak to my doctor. Hope you feel better!
  15. Reesh

    March 2007 Bandsters

    Hi SnowAngel, Don't be scared....it wasn't that bad. Yes, you will have some gas pains but in 3 or 4 days they will subside. I had my surgery last Tuesday and was out all day yesterday with my son shopping. The only discomfort I have is the gas pains but as I said it's getting easier each day. Just think about Tuesday....surgery will be behind you and your new journey will be ahead. I'll be praying for you......Reesh
  16. Reesh

    Gas pains

    Hi Berry, I had my surgery on Tuesday, March 20th and like you am experiencing alot of gas but mine is in my chest area and it feels like I'm having a heart attack, it takes my breath away and hurts. What I do is when I feel it coming on, I hold a pillow close to my stomach and chest and it seems to take the pressure off. I was also taking the pain meds the dr. prescribed as of yesterday and today I'm taking Tylenol liquid x-strength. Walking is a definite- that is what you need to do. Walk around your house at least once every hour if you can't go out yet. This will pass and each day it will get less and less.....You are on the right road to recovery.....Reesh:)
  17. I was banded on Tuesday and know exactly how you feel but was told by a nurse to drink tea because the warmth makes the gas go down and out instead of up and stuck in your chest like I was experiencing and it works. Hope you feel better.... Reesh
  18. Reesh

    Post-Op Protein

    Be careful with the Slimfast as it has alot of sugar in it.
  19. Reesh

    March 2007 Bandsters

    Hi, I just wanted to let you know I had my surgery March 20th...yippee it's behind me now and now I can get rid of this weight forever!!!!!
  20. Reesh

    March 2007 Bandsters

    I had my surgery 4 days ago and am feeling pretty good - everything went well in the hospital - for about 2 days I had alot of gas pains in my chest and each day it is getting better - I think by Monday it should all be gone. I don't know why I thought the pouch held 4oz of food, boy was I surprised when they told me it was only 1oz. So my diet for this week consisted of 4oz jello for breakfast, 4oz crystallite for lunch, 4oz broth for dinner and a sugar free popsicle for snack and water in between. I am doing well except for the crystallite - it's giving me diarrhea so I have to figure out what I can take instead of it. Other than that I feel great. Infact I went to the boardwalk with my son today, and shopping as well. So anyone who has the jitters, there's nothing to worry about...everything is going to be okay and we're all on our way to being transformed!!! Reesh:clap2:
  21. Reesh

    Definitely need encouragement

    I was just banded on Tuesday, March 20th, and have been reading almost everything on this site and have to thank you Jack because you always encourage me. Reesh
  22. Reesh

    March 2007 Bandsters

    Linda, you better ask your doctor about using advil, I was told absolutely not to use advil or anything with ibuprophen because it will burn your stomach. Use tylenol extra strength if you must. Reesh
  23. Reesh

    March 2007 Bandsters

    Hi, my date is March 20th as well and I also was not instructed to do a pre-op diet but have been using "design" protein drink, it's not bad - you can get it at GNC. Good Luck!!! Reesh
  24. Reesh

    March '07 Bandsters Union

    Hi there, I'm finally scheduled for March 20th after 3 delays. I can't wait til March 21st . WE CAN DO IT!!!! Reesh
  25. Hello everyone, My date has been postponed twice and I am praying that my date will be the 20th, just have to get clearance from my primary dr. They had found 2 spots on my right lung - my brother is a dr. and wanted me to have a petscan (that's a catscan with radioactive material injected in you) to make sure it wasn't cancerous - my pulmonary dr. is not concerned and has given me the go ahead. My surgeon, Dr. Nussbaum in NJ scheduled me for March 20th, so pray for me please that this date is the final date - I was supposed to have the surgery in January. I think I must have gained about 20lbs since then, eating as if each day was my "last supper". My dr. didn't give me a preop diet, but I'm going to start with the Protein drinks on my own to get me started so I won't have any carb withdrawals after surgery. Good luck to everyone who is going in for their surgery and I'll be in touch once I have mine. Reesh:clap2:

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
