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Sara Alberts

LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by Sara Alberts

  1. Thank you so much for the stories and advice. It's always nice to hear from other people who have gone through it.

    All of those concerns are normal but If you are a meat and potatoes gal then you should be fine. food tolerance does not seem to be a "one size fits all" feature of the band. And as your restriction changes so will your tolerances. And as time goes by, you will learn to read your restriction to determine what you can eat today. I start the day off tight and loosen up as the day goes on. Sometimes I can eat bread with dinner other times I feel tight and don't even try, I would never try bread in the morning and it is "iffy at lunch time.

    But keep in mind what one person can't tolerate another might. You will find that the foods that aren't easy are no longer as enjoyable most times so you don't even want them. Several veggies are not easy for me, raw chewy stringy veggies are no-no's for me. Celery, Broccoli (stems), brussels sprouts are out. I had my worst stuck episode on watermelon, believe it or not, and though my tolerance changes with my restriction, I just can not bring myself to try it again. I also don't eat much lettuce; not because I can't get it down but because it sits in the pouch so long for me, it tends to get all slimy and bad and I belch up this nasty "old lettuce" taste, yuk!. Much of the other fruits and veggies I can eat but some are a little more uncomfortable than others.

    I think juice is fine as long as it is a good quality juice. Because fruits and veggies can be rough and I am tight in the morning I have fruit juices or smoothies or yogurt for breakfast. I choose the healthy stuff without added sugar or preservatives and I don't see what is wrong with that. It is nutritious and it fills me up, 1/2 bottle of Odwalla juice (1 serving) or especially satisfying and tasty is 1/2 bottle (1 serving) Naked juice smoothie, a good breakfast for me. And I feel like with a small serving of veggies or fruit for lunch and a serving of fruit and a serving of veggie for dinner along I am getting enough Vitamins along with all of my Protein which I think is important for good health.

    I guess your tastes do change. I was never much of a fish eater pre-band but I remember for several months to a year after banding I would have savage cravings for it. I don't know why but I could have eaten it every day. I don't have those cravings as often now but I do enjoy fish more than I did before banding. Of all the meats I crave chicken most now whereas pre-banding my favorite was red meat. I used to be a Pasta addict but I can take it or leave it now.

  2. I have heard that my taste will most likely change anyway. I'm a big meat and carb kind of girl right now. I like most meats, but chicken and beef are my favorites. Fruits, I do like fruits, a lot....and bread of any kind. I usually get my daily vegetable servings from V-8 fusions and while I know that's not the best, it's what I can do right now. I am just afraid that I will fall off the wagon and not do as well as I am hoping I will. I am excited, but scared as well.

    There will likely be some things you will not be able to eat but I am sure you will be able to find acceptable foods that you can tolerate. There is nothing that I am "not allowed" to eat just things that are hard for me to tolerate a lot of the time and junk food that we all need to avoid. When cooked properly, I can eat chicken, beef, pork, fish, most veggies (my veggies need to be cooked though), most fruits and even bread sometimes. What sort of food do you eat now?

  3. I have also hear that your taste changes a bit after surgery. My mother had gastric bypass a few years ago and her taste changed completely. For me, it's not about the taste of the vegetables so much as the texture. I have some serious issues with textures of things. I hope that I can tolerate chicken post surgery/recovery. chicken is a big staple of my diet right now. Good idea with the raw veggies, too. I am trying to re-introduce myself to veggies one at a time, so this may help. thank you!

    It's not that I don't like Fish (which I do eat more of now), Beef or Pork; but I really prefer chicken. Some people have trouble with Chicken breast but I don't. There must be some veggies that you like. I eat most of mine raw: romaine lettuce (make chicken sandwich wraps), baby carrots, Sugar Snap Peas (in the pod), sweet potato.

  4. Hey everyone. I am hoping to get my surgery date in the next month. I just realized how scary and difficult this is going to be for me. I have been going through the approval process for about a year now and until now, I was so excited and anxious to get it and be ready for a new life. I just had my last nutrition appointment and realized that I may have some serious trouble after the surgery. I am a very very picky eater. I don't like fish, vegetables, and a lot of other things they suggest they eat I don't know what I'm going to do, and was hoping someone on here could give me some suggestions.

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