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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by onebadkitty

  1. I'm 3 weeks post-op and tho I did lose some weight on the liquid part of my diet, since I have started mushies and now real food I haven't lost a pound. But.... from what I have read on here is that this first period of time (six weeks) it's all about healing, some people even gain weight after surgery. You won't see real steady weight loss until your filled and maybe a while until you get to your sweet spot. Keep your head up, you did the right thing for you. You just have to be patient with your body while it is healing. Have you been able to start walking? I'm going to start tomorrow, even if I have to go slow.

  2. To be honest I expected more from my 2 week appointment, I mean I had to drive 4 hours one way to get to it. I went in and got weighed and vitals done and put into the room to wait. The doctor came in and asked me how I was feeling, I said fine just hungry, lol. Asked me about my diet thus far. Told me that we could move up mushies a week if I wanted. He didn't examine me in any way, didn't ask me how my incisions were healing, nothing. Then I left, it was as simple as that. I am sure if there were any issues they would have been brought up there but there just wasn't so it was short and sweet.


  3. I literally had my consult with the surgeon on Thursday and by Tuesday I was approved. I was a BMI of 40 and 100 lbs over my ideal weight. No nutritionist, no 6 month diet and exercise regimen, nothing. The only thing I had a problem with is that part of my surgery was not covered because the anesthesiologist was not in the Tricare "family". Be sure to ask questions like that when you talk to the bariatric coordinator at your dotors office when he sets up the surgery.

  4. I was banded on 3/8 and I had gas pain for 3 or 4 days. You just gotta walk, walk, walk. They told me in the hospital that if you are watching tv to just get up everytime the commercial comes on and walk around the house. I'm not ready for anything more demanding yet. My pain settled in around my heart and in between my shoulder blades. It made it hard to breath, or even think! It does go away tho, walk!

  5. I drink Water, crystal and propel mixes added to water, coffee with sugar free Creamer, iced lipton tea with splenda so no cal or carbs either. Obviously my portion of milk a day, but I try to do that for Breakfast with a Protein Shake. I had a sip of a slushi the other day of my sons. It was way toooo sweet, I won't be doing that again. I was a Pepsi addict before they told me that my cholesterol and triglicerides were over the top, no more, and that's good because of the band too.

  6. I am no insurance expert, but when all the billing gets complete, the hospital (or whoever) may just have to "write off" that $2000. They have to stick to whatever deal they have with tricare. They have not told you that you owe $2000 or billed you directly, correct?

    No I haven't gotten a bill yet. I had just decided to check on my claims because I got an email saying they were ready. I have had that problem of the insurance not paying on a x-ray from and er visit because of a birthday or a social being wrong when they submitted payment. I just refused to pay, since it was DEF emergent I knew Tricare would eventually pay. I know now maybe I am freaking out before I need to, I just obviously didn't need the added unplanned expense. Though I KNOW if I was self pay it would be far greater than this amount and I should be thankful it is not more.

  7. It may be how Tricare was billed. For example, they don't pay for Nutritionists, even if they work for the surgeon. If you had a NUT who billed Tricare directly for services, it may be disallowed. You need to review the claim itself on the Tricare website - it will break down the specifics of the claim, so you can see what it was for. If it was billed in error, the surgeon's office needs to resubmit the bill with the right billing code. If it was billed correctly but is for a non-covered service, you may be stuck paying it. I have Tricare Prime, and I haven't paid for anything more than a few office visit copays and the overnight in the hospital. You need to look closer at things.

    Good luck!


    I bet the anesthesiologist isn't a Tricare provider, the claim was clearly a person's name and not a facility. I hope they are ok with payments cause they should have told me ahead of time. The admissions lady sat down with me and told me that I was good to go and didn't owe any charges prior to surgery that morning. When you are told there are no charges it seems wrong to then say that there are, so sry. This is certainly not what I wanted, but I am not unhappy I had the Lap Band done. Worrying about it right this second won't help anything is what my husband says.

    What are they gonna do? Come and take it out! LOL.

  8. My husband is active duty military, so we are on Tricare Prime so ALL of our care should be free to us as long as we are approved for services. I was called by the person approving my surgery and she only said that I was approved. The claim for my Dr. was paid in full at the price that he quoted me. While a claim to some other person was denied. I am going to assume that that person is the anesthesiologist that was there for my surgery. It wasn't for the hospital I don't think.

  9. I was called by Tricare to tell me that my surgery was approved, Yeah! I went in for the surgery at the hospital and they told me I was clear and didn't owe anything for the surgery there. I assumed they had gotten approval through Tricare as well. I went on TricareWest online and to check my claims and found that Tricare had denied a $2000 claim by the hospital. It says patient responsibility $2000! They said that I was approved. Has anyone got any experience with this? I am so worried, this was sooo not in the budget! What will happen?!

    Need advice please!

  10. Guys,

    Thank you all for your eagerness to support me its soo comforting to know i have help if i need it i really do appreciate it and fyi age does not matter to me at all friends are friends. Today has been actually a little bit better i took the top layer of bandages off and i just have the steri strips now im anxious to take a shower though, the gas bubbles still are driving me nuts im lucky i guess to say its not PAIN but its very uncomfortable. im not really sure how to IM people yet or send private messages lol so bear with me. The only thing i can say right now is its wonderful that i havent eaten anything solid now for 4 days and im NOT hungry. So...so far so good. Is there anyone in Mesa, or close that has been banded? That would be awesome but im soo thankful for you all for being here :)

    Hi, I'm not in Mesa but I am in Lake Havasu City, AZ and I drive through somtimes. I just got banded on the 8th and am also looking for someone to share in my journey. IM, emails, or phone calls... I'm available most of the time. I don't know how to IM either, lol. I actually got banded there in Phoenix by Dr. Simpson. I don't know about you but I am ravenous, I'm on all liquids for the first 3 weeks and I am starving all the time. I don't think that I ever really experienced true "hunger" the way that I am at this moment. Anyway, let me know if you want a friend.

    Lee Ann

  11. It will definitely get better. I had some gas pains after the surgery and Gas X strips and peppermint tea helped. If you're feeling tightness in your upper chest/shoulder area, try a heating pad that worked great for me.

    I had alot of gas and it did indeed feel like if I could just burp it would be all better. Since then (6 days) I am dying of hunger. I am following the full liquid diet to the fullest of my ability, but I am painfully hungry all the time.

  12. I was recently banded on 3/8/11!

    The day started pretty early, I had to be at the hospital at 530 am for a 7:30 am surgery time. I showed up and found that my son would not be able to even come into the hospital, even after surgery in my room. They took me in about 5:45 or 6am and the nurse immediately started asking a million questions. Then I gave a urine sample and was weighed. They gave me groovy socks and a giant gown, placed the massage cuffs on my legs. I then got a shot in my stomach for clotting, which really didn't hurt in the slightest. They started my IV and now it was time to wait. Then the OR nurse and the anesthesiologist, the doctor, and the assistan showed up with of course more questions. The assistant went ahead and scheduled all of my follow up appointments. My Hubby and Father-in-Law came in for some comic relief since I was so nervous I was starting to get scared. They helped out alot.

    Then they came in and wheeled me into the OR, by this time I was almost to buyers remorse stage, lol. The nurses were really kind and they helped calm me down. I was asked to scooch onto the table, had my arms strapped out to the side. When they put the mask on my face I noticed they had an aquarium scene on the light fixture on the celing. I thought that was pretty cool, took a deap breath and that was the last thing I rememberd until I woke up in recovery.

    I woke up with tears streaming down my face, I think I was sort of histerical for some reason. This seems to happen to me when I have surgery, as this was the second time I have woke up that way, lol.

    They took me into the recovery room, and I fought to get my eyes to work properly. I had to pee and they gave me a pan, which I was unable to use, I just had to go in the bathroom. AS soon as I could walk we did that. After I finally got back around, they had me walk to my room with a wheelchair to help keep me steady. I tell you I wasn't in any real pain from the incisions but the gas pain was excruciating. It seemed to settle around my heart and in the middle of my back between my shoulder blades. I felt like I was having a heart attack. Again other than that discomfort I didn't really hurt.

    At this time they told me to get some rest. My husband had to stay outside with the kids since they wouldn't allow my youngest into the hospital.

    I couldn't lay down, the pain from the gas in my chest was so bad I had to sit up and kind of bend over. I was so tired I kind of snoozed right there. Finally they came in and walked me down to the x-ray department for the barium swallw. This stuff was pink and it was NASTY. Take two good swallows and hold your breath, turn and repeat. I almost vomited right then, but I got it down and calmed my stomach.

    I went back to my room to wait for the results of the xray, I couldn't have anything to eat or drink until then. My mouth was so dry it felt like I had been licking carpet, so I had to keep swishing Water in my mouth. At this point I decided I was going to get rid of this gas, so I started walking up and down the corridors until my IV pump started beeping at me for a low battery. I was really determined to get this gas pain to stop.

    I started to get some discomfort in my belly so they brought me a shot of Morphine, and I tried to doze again, tho I really had to sit up to do it.

    When they finally brought me food it was Jello, broth, and crystal light. I got that down without any restriction at all, thank goodness!

    I had to wait until 3:30 to get out of there, and only then because we informed the doctor that my family was waiting outside in the parking lot for me to come out. They gave me some pain meds for the road since we had a 4 hour drive home. Funny thing, I would have thought that the meds would be liquid but they were just the regular capsuls broken in half. I have done pretty good, the first night I was actually able to sleep in my bed, tho it had to be on my right side. Because of the pressure from the gas in my chest I couldn't do it on my back, and the port was on the left. Since then I have had little discomfort with the exception of the port area. I do need to be a bit less vigorous around the house but I hope to be fully back on my feet in a few days.

  13. I am also on Tricare Prime-Remote. I had to have a psychological exam, a BMI of 40 or greater, and I had comorbidities. The doctor submited my paperwork on Friday and by Tuesday I was cleared for the surgery! I didn't have to show a history, do a diet or work out program. I was surprised at how little Tricare required compared to the other insurance companies. I guess that they figure that the health issues that would have outweigh the cost of surgery. I can't imagine them charging 47,000 for the surgery when the average is 16,000 to 20,000. Sounds like a doctor's office trying to rip off the insurance company.

  14. I can completely understand what you are going through since my surgery is scheduled for 2 days away! I am so nervous, scared and excited all at the same time. I know that loosing this weight is the best thing for me and my health. I want to be there for my children and grandchildren. At the rate I am going that just doesn't look probable. The closer I get the more scared I get! You can do this, it's for your health. Keep telling yourself that.

  15. I am doing lots of reading and haven't come up with a concrete portion or caloric intake. Every one seems to have a different plan. I just want to know how much most people comfortably eat at a sitting. Is it bad to get in more than 50 g of Protein a day? Should I be on a 700 cal diet, a 1000 cal, or What!? What counts as a serving, as how much? And what number carbs should I be shooting to stay under?

  16. I am getting banded on the 8th! I started trying to get this done in February of last year but I was transferring with my husband so my doctor said to wait until I got to my new duty station. Then I got here and the new doc blew me off with excuses about all the things that I would need to do to get the surgery. I eventually got a different doctor and asked her, she put it in right away and within a month I was approved for surgery.

    I didn't have to do all the jumping through hoops that alot of other do, so I got really paranoid that I thought my doctor was just rushing me to surgery. I have researched him and the band as much as I think possible at this point!

    My doctor didn't put me on an all liquid diet, and I found this forum where EVERYONE is on a liquid diet almost two weeks prior to surgery. So I started the diet with you guys it only seemed fair. Apparently at my weight I don't have to do it. I have to say that this is a challenge. I am the person that wakes up at midnight to eat. I know it's bad but I just couldn't control myself, learning to stop it now for sure. If I can't do this liquid diet how am I going to do the right things after I am banded? It's so close now I am seriously nervous to say the least, but excited as well. I hope that all these horror stories bypass me!

  17. HI,

    My dr. and nutrionist told me that lite jllo was a good source of protien and to start eating it from day three on but to make certain that I liquify it in my mouth before swollowing. When I learned that I had to take Vitamins, calicum and B12 I found liquid vitamins and B12 thin strips which made taking these supplements much easier that the Calcium. Hope this isi helpful.

    Does anyone know how to get that fish oil into their diet since the gel capsules are sooo big?

  18. I have my surgery on the 8th of March! I am so excited and nervous. I just got scheduled Tuesday and my doctor made no mention of a pre-op diet. Now I am getting a little nervous about that since everyone else seems to have one. They are all different too. I went ahead and got Soup, sf Jello, V8, broth, and why Protein Powder and am gonna start tomorrow on a liquid diet. I am going to call my doctor's office tomorrow and see if this was some oversite because he gave me a packet with lots of information about after surgery just not before. Didn't even tell me just liquids on the day before surgery! I did know that already though. I have over 100 lbs to lose and a goal of running a 5k without stopping in the next 2-3 months! Bring on the skinny!! LOL!

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