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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by Peaches78

  1. Thanks to Pres Obama my ins is changing and no longer will cover bariatric anything and I cannot afford fills and I'm nowhere near the green zone yet. I certainly don't know what I'm going to do. I do not work' date=' can't, can't get disability, the only income I have is alimony and with me paying for health ins and other medical bills I barely have enough to live on, that is why I live with my mom since my divorce, thank God I at least have a roof over my head. I'm heartbroken over this news. I'll be in debt up to my eyeballs and then some because I see him every month for a fill.[/quote']

    Hi.....I know you said this is due to healthcare reform but lots of companies are taking an opportunity to cut there spend on healthcare becaise of increased cost albeit some of it due to healthcare reform but I work in benefits and I can tell you that healthcare reform doesnt require it. My companies program still provides it and we are fully compliant with the requirements set out under the ACA/healthcare reformm

    It really stinks that the insurance compqny has chosen this path as good health is a way to "avod" future increased health expenses and its too bad many insurers dont see the value in that. I agree with some of the other posts, look into payment plans and even healthcare exchanges to see what prices and plans you would be eligible for.

    Best of luck to you!!!

  2. I have an appointment tomorrow but wasnt sure if anyone had experienced anything similar. Thanks for the advice.

    Well my doc said he thinks my band is too tight so he took out some Fluid and im on soft foods for the weekend to give things time to settle but he says if im still not eating well on monday to give a call and they will do another fluoroscopy to see if there is anything else going on or maybe I just need a little more removed.

  3. Hi,

    I have lost about 120 lbs with my band but started weight training with a lot of core. After 2 c-sections, lapband, gallbladder, and hernia repair surgeries my poor abdominal muscles have been through the ringer and were next to nothing!

    I haven't seen the scale move but I don't really pay too much attention to that but I can feel that my stomach is getting tighter as I can move my stomach muscles much better now than I have been in a long time. The downside to this has been that I am having trouble eating, especially after working out but even if I don't for a day at this point. I'm having trouble even drinking a Protein shake and need to drink it slowly so that it doesn't come back at me.

    I'm thinking that maybe the muscle building up underneath it all is putting pressure on my band and making it tighter but am not positive (its a theory!).

    Has anyone else ever experienced this and if so what did you do?


  4. I can't believe eeryone has had a fill and I haven't yet!:( Hopefully June 13th. Noticing I can eat alot more now in a short amount of time..... Who knows? Maybe only 1 fill will work for me? Guess we will soon find out.

    Don't feel bad Andytime08...... I didn't have my first fill until 6/8 (2.5cc) and then about 3 days later I could eat the kitchen sink if I wanted to :(. I just got my 2nd fill today (1cc) so hopefully that will provide some restriction for me because my will power is starting to fade after so long. I lost only 3 lbs since my first fill. Here's hoping that the 2nd fill will work for a bit!

    Good luck to us all :D

  5. Hi I had my banding 4-28-11. I was told to do 1-4 days Clear Liquids days5-6 full liquids. day 7 until I see doc blended,mushy food. I'm glad i'm not alone because even tho I fill up fast my hunger pains are crazy! So far everything goes down well just as long as I dont over eat. Even a few times i cheated like a couple of chips or a saltine cracker no problems as long as i chew chew chew. Today I'm craving a chef salad and chicken like crazy! I didn't think I would be so hungry. What gives? So I've been focusing on drinking a lot in between meals and eating really small meals even just 4 or 5 bites in beteween. to try to keep the hunger abay. Does anyone know if fat free refried Beans and guacomoly counts as mushy food. Someone please help! I just want something salty and satisfing.

    Yes.... refried beens and guacomole are on my mushy food diet :)

  6. 1- whats with all the hiccups?

    I didn't have hiccups..... can't comment on that one :)

    2- how long should i keep sipping Water, when to take start taking small amount?

    I only sipped Water for the first 2 days then I could drink it

    3- when can i start sleeping on my sides?

    I started sleeping on my side on about day 6 or 7 but still can't sleep on my tummy (and I'm really a tummy sleeper). However I didn't have stitches or staples my incisions were put back together with surgical glue (cool huh!).... its actually way better than the stitches or staples in my opinion as I've had both and the glue just comes off as the incisions heal!

    4- why do i feel like their is a small ballon passing down my tummy?

    I still have that feeling sometimes or feeling like my pants are too tight but they aren't (bloating I assume)... its probably because of the gas they use to inflate your stomach during surgery and since its not the normal kind it lingers for quite a bit.... I also had chest and left shoulder pains too

    5- The most important one is how will i know that my body accepts the band or time will tell?

    My best friend knows someone whose body rejected the band... it can happen but my surgeon tells me its rare. From what I know of the other persons experience you should know rather quickly.... within the first few months because it just never heals right if it isn't accepted.

    Hope this helps :)


  7. Hi -

    My doc said I could take my naproxin (anti-inflamatory) right after surgery..... he said the issue with it is really one of people who have gastric bypass and not the band due to the way the stomach processes it and that a portion of the stomach and intestine are removed for bypass patients with regard to erosion or something. I take 500mg 2x/day for a while because of tendonitis, arthritis and back issues I have already so I would think the doc wouldn't have an issue with you taking it for a few days.

    That's my 2cents :)


  8. No hell here yet.... my surgeon is not super strict on the post-op diet because he says if he is then people aren't going to follow it and they'll end up messing up and dissapointing themselves basically!

    Days 1 - 2: Clear Liquids

    Wk 1: Full Liquids

    Wk 2: Mushy Foods

    Wk 3: Soft & Mushy Foods

    Wk 4 and Beyond: Regular food (although he does caution to integrate slowly... 1 thing at a time to see how it is tolerated)

    I'm in mushy foods right now and moving to soft & mushy soon. I still haven't really had the same "feelings" as before... for example.... I don't feel hungry instead my stomach feels kind of gross instead when I am hungry and then when I feed it then it feels better :)

    Its kind of weird I know... does anyone else feel differently?


  9. Hi Megan,

    Welcome..... I'm sorry to hear you are having gas pain, I did as well. I was banded on 4/26 and I still continue to have inermittent gas pains in my shoulder, chest and lower stomach although they are much better than they were. Unfortunately my doctor told me that these can hang around for up to a week or so and as gross as it sounds you just have to "let it out" when it wants to come out and try walking as much as possible.

    Congratulations on getting banded!


  10. I was banded on 4/26..... I lost 16 lbs pre-op (3 weeks of shakes) and have lost another 4 lbs. since being banded.

    Today when I woke up was the first day I was really hungry since surgery..... I had some applesauce and about 1/4 of a scrambled egg and was satisfied. Today was the first day I actually had some soft/mushie food. Obviously I'm not eating much but I'm having shakes in between as well to get in the Protein.


  11. I was banded on the 26th as well and didn't start really feeling the gas pain until yesterday before that my back hurt so much I don't think I even noticed the gas pain!

    I did recall ever time I took a breath that my chest felt heavy but when I would sip or suck on ice chips I would burp and it felt better so I'm betting that was gas as well. Today I started feeling more gas discomfort so I've been getting up and moving around as much as I can. taking gasx strips and sitting up vs. laying down (it seems to help move it around).

    All-in-all the physical pain from the incisions is not as bad as having a c-section but its no walk in the part either. However, the additional pain from the gas and hernia repair really suck (pardon my french).

    The good news is that it does seem to get better each day. I'm 2 days post-op and its definetly better than it was yesterday.


  12. Hi everyone....

    Just wanted to let you know I had my surgery on Tuesday the 26th and came home on Wednesday the 27th. Surgery went well, they found a hiatal hernia that had to be repaired while they were in there.

    I have a bad back so that actually hurt worse after surgery because I hadn't been ablet o take my medicine for a week prior to the surgery but after the other medication wore off there was definetly pain and discomfort like I had been punched in the gut numerous times.

    Each day gets better and better with the pain and discomfort. How is everyone else doing?


  13. This is a terrific post.... There are so many things that I want to do which I have never been able to or at least not for a very long time. Although mine are not so adventurous but maybe those will come after I acheive some of my others!

    So here goes not in any particular order:

    1. Wear shorts again (without thighs rubbing or shorts riding up)
    2. Cross my legs
    3. Not feel winded after walking up stairs
    4. Have more energy
    5. Go on the roller coaster (or other amusement park rides) with my kids
    6. Have less back pain
    7. Feel more confidence
    8. Not be self concious with regard to being with my husband
    9. Not have my shirts be tight in the arms
    10. Not need the seatbelt extender when flying

    There are more I'm sure but this was my initial list! I can also sympathize with the tying shoes and having the tie be in the middle.... that's a good one too!


  14. Hi Spot!

    Glad you are feeling better..... I am not banded just yet but I plan to walk (both outside and on treadmill) and also use my yoga ball for stability and strength training. I can't use the ball the way you normally do yet (bad / weak back) but I can use it to increase my balance and posture (sitting on it at work) and also using my tension band to do some great excercises that I found on the lap-band website. Once I get that down I plan to add some free weights to tone my arms (I have awful spaghetti arms)!

    Someone had to bring up this topic at some point :D


  15. Hi Faith!

    I CAN NOT IMAGINE doing the liquid pre-op diet, not for one week, sure as heck not for three weeks. That's AMAZING that you haven't cheated once laugh.gif Must make you feel like you know you'll succeed after surgery, since you have shown such amazing self control!

    Thanks Rachel!

    I honestly was really super worried about it and I'm definetly NOT saying its easy but my family and friends have been really helpful. To tell you the truth I was petrified and wanted to scream when the doctor said I had to do it for 3 weeks.... I knew I'd have to do it for up to 3 weeks but I was hoping for somewhere in the middle. So I started trimming down in the month before I started to try and make it a little easier to manage (eating smaller portions, higher Protein foods, etc).

    I couldn't have done it this far without my husband and kids though. He is really great cooking dinner every day and trying to have it cleaned up before I get home so I don't have to see everyone eat. The kids have been great too, my son is so cute, he keeps me going by counting down the days and saying cute things like "mommy can eat real food again after she gets her belly fixed" and my daughter is very supportive, she was chubby most of her childhood and slimmed down recently so she has been helping as much as possible. My friends also text me to check in on me every few days.

    I'm not sure post op but I am hopeful that I will do good! That's why we are all here to help each other :rolleyes:

    Thanks again... I hope you have great success!!!


  16. Hi Rachel....

    Congrats on your daughter and the banding :rolleyes:

    I'm scheduled for 4/26 and just had my final pre-op appointment this past Monday..... at that point I was at the same as your starting weight for surgery. I'm on my 3rd week of pre-op liquids and (knock on wood) haven't cheated once! This will be a huge accomplishment for me if I make it the full 3 weeks :blink:

    I'm glad your banding went well (and you too Carol).... I hope I feel as good as the both of you afterward ;)

    You definetly came to the right forum.... the group here is terrific! There is a lot of support from everyone and its great to talk and read from people who have and maybe still have the same struggles you do!



  17. I just found this page today....wish I had seen it this time last week! :rolleyes:

    I had my surgery on Friday the 8th and I am feeling really good today. I had surgery at 9 in the morning and was home by around 2. I slept most of the day. I was in some pain, but nothing horrible, I just had a hard time sitting up from a laying down position. I needed my husband's help to hoist me up!

    I spent the weekend laying around resting, not very hungry, but eating yogurt and applesauce when I could. I actually went back to work Monday. I worked a half day Monday, and then a full day the past two days. I sit at a desk most of the day, and I think getting up and making myself "be presentable" has helped. My belly is still a little sore and I walk slowly, but other that that, feeling pretty good. I did not tell anyone at work that I had surgery, so I am "faking it till I make it!"

    I am on full liquids for the rest of the week, and I have found myself hungry the last two days. Looking forward to mushies this weekend!

    I did find a Protein shake that I really like....Unjury. I bought a container of the chocolate and mixed it with skim milk--tastes just like chocolate milk. No thick texture or funky aftertaste. After choking down the Bariatric Advantage shakes for the week before surgery--this unjury stuff is a gift from God! The other was like cake batter, which doesn't sound too bad until you try to live on it for a week!

    Looking forward to sharing our journeys together!!


    Hi Dianne,

    So you like the Unjury...... my nutritionist gave me a sample package to try but I'm on my pre-op liquids so I can't right now. Where did you get yours? I'm glad you are feeling better now, I too have an office job but my doctor told me to take the full 2 weeks off that he recommends so I told my work that I would work from home the 2nd week. I hope that my surgery goes well so that I can get back on my feet fairly quickly. I have a 6 year old and a 13 year old to keep up with!


  18. Spot,

    Glad to hear you mad it through ok! Everyone was a little worried here..... I'm sorry you had such troubles, here's hoping that it only gets better from here on out :)

    Like EmptyNest said.... we will be here to chat when you are feeling better!

    Warm wishes for a quick recovery and no more nausau for you from NH!!!!


  19. So basically I cant tell the truth... concerning the Gastric Bypass.. cuz the truth is I wont follow the rules. I never do. Never have. No matter what I tell myself I am doing or trying or will do... its never done, now is it. 20 years plus of failing MEANS Im not doing it.

    I eat when I can.. and i dont when I cant.

    I hoped the gastric bypass would make eating more impossible than the band does.

    BUt maybe thats not true.


    The restriction with bypass is SO different from the band. My whole family is big (as am I) and most of my aunts and uncles have had gastric bypass and failed at it. The band actually provides for more restriction when speaking of the "eating" aspect. You can def eat around the bypass, stretch your stomach back (which is not healthy) and now you have less intestine, etc to boot. My uncle is a perfect example, at first he lost weight because of the initial discomfort when eating after the bypass but after he healed he went right back to eating the same and gained it all back and then some.

    It is ok to get unfilled a little so you can eat more because you can't loose weight without eating enough calories, the body just won't allow it and you have to be eating healthier foods to provide the Protein that you need with it. I have not been banded yet (later this month) but there are people in my family who have had WLS and the doctors office I go through one has had gastric bypass and the other a band installed so I've hear many annectodal words of wisdom from both sides.

    My personal decision was the band because I don't like the idea of re-routing and cutting out my insides not to mention the special Vitamins and the lack of absorption from having less instestine afterward..... it just wasn't the choice for me.

    Hang tight! You can do it, you just need to start from scratch and get a little unfill, go back to shakes for a bit to calm everything down and get back on track..... someone else said in another post I read that that's the beauty of the band, its always there fore you when you get back on track!

    Good luck to you!!!!


  20. Thanks. I start Optifast shakes on the 13th and it'll run all the way until right before surgery (then it is nothing after midnight?). I think my mind is already wrapped around a new way of eating. I just went to my favorite casual dining spot as a bit of a send off. I usually get their big salad with double chicken and a large fry with ranch dressing (their ranch is insanely good). Today I got a 1/2 salad with no extra meat and small order of fries and could only eat half of each. No massively stuffed feeling and no guilt.

    Hi Jax

    I am on day 6 of my pre-op diet and not hungry at all. I am on Optifast w/water (6 shakes a day) and no solid food at all. I do hear that some people on pre-op are hungry but I think they are mostly on other programs (slim fast, Atkins shakes, etc). The best part of all is that they don't taste disgusting which I was eternally grateful for since I have to be on them for 3 weeks! I hope your pre-op diet goes well. I also started to change my way of eating before so that it would not be so dramatic. Good luck to you, I'm sure it will get "old" to drink each meal soon but now I know I can do it. I wish you the best, hopefully we can keep each other motivated since I hear this is one of the hardest parts.


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