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Status Updates posted by bellaloco

  1. Coach has the baby bag I want on sale for 70% off...it's gender neutral and I really might just have to buy it!

  2. Dear man selling your yellow Xterra on ksl...don't get all snippy about my inquiry...if the car is no longer available, take your ad down!

  3. #FromTheSkyDown...check it out if you can

  4. Are we sure Christmas is this week? I'm pretty certain it's still October

  5. Mardi Gras weekend, and we need to escape hermitville...what to do?

  6. just got selected to be a recipe tester for Terry Hope Romero, Vegan Nerdista Cookbookista's new cookbook...so excited!!!

  7. Looks like I can skip another season of DWTS...Ron will be so happy!

  8. It is really sad that someone has to lose their job right before Christmas, but I am so glad creepy 2nd floor food kiosk guy is gone!

  9. That saying "you are what you eat" holds true for me...I pretty much ate like garbage yesterday, and today I feel like complete crap!

  10. argh, so angry at myself...my tweezers vanished into thin air sometime after using them Saturday night. Not just the cheapo ones you get at the drug store, these are the greatest Tweezermans of all time. I've had them for nearly 10 years and never misplaced them once. Today is a very sad day :'(

  11. "The president's liberal friends in Hollywood are using animation to sell their agenda to children." Never mind the fact that the book "The Lorax" was written in the 70s. Why is there something wrong with taking care of where you live? I'm sure conservatives would have no problem with "The Butter Battle Book" being made into a film. Teaching our children about starting wars is ok, right?

  12. Yes, I am watching THS of LiLo...judge as you see fit!

  13. Happy Fat Tuesday everyone...enjoy that last day of indulgence!

  14. Too much sugarrrrrr

  15. I think I set a record at the DMV...less than 15 minutes. I have a valid ID with my "new" last name!

  16. Just barely discovered the love note Ron left for me on the bathroom mirror...I'm a lucky girl!

  17. "Jim's been looking at me kind of a lot all week. I would be creeped out by it, but it's nothing compared to the way Michael looks at me."

  18. Sitting next to the printer usually sucks...except when you have to manually feed letterhead, then it is quite convenient!

  19. I love Valentines Day. Even when I was single, I loved it! I find nothing wrong with celebrating a day of love...love of self, love of life, love of hobbies...whatever, or whoever you love, I hope you all enjoy your day!

  20. I need some green tomatoes...any suggestions on where I can find some this late in the season?

  21. Starting Kathy Freston's Quantum Wellness cleanse next week if anyone wants to join me...no animals, refined sugar, caffeine, alcohol, and gluten products for 21 days!

  22. I have decided I won't give up my ranch dressing for that inedible fat free crap...I'll just burn more calories at the gym tonight!

  23. I've been trying to not spend as much money on cosmetics, so I've been testing out some different brands. I've been able to swap out a few things, but nothing beats MAC...I will forever be in love with Studio Fix, Fluidline, and their awesome eye shadows that last all day!

  24. What's a Christmas Gram? I want one!

  25. I think I have some kind of stomach bug, which sucks enough by itself, but sucks infinitely more when you physically lack the ability to vomit...was that an overshare???

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