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Tres Chic

LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Tres Chic

  1. Tres Chic

    getting banded in Feb?

    To those of you just getting ready to be banded I'm going to share my experience and hope you have the same: I had surgery at 12:30 p.m. and was home by 5:00 p.m. Slept like a baby on the meds they gave me at the clinic. The next day I was fine, no gas pain, or shoulder pain, so I took some of the Demerol just for fun! I'm back at work--life is good.
  2. Tres Chic

    gas pain?

    WALK as much as you can to keep the gas active. You can also try getting some Gasx strips. I was lucky. I didn't have any guess, or any post-op pain.
  3. Tres Chic

    Surgery on Wednesday

    Sounds like you're very prepared. Good luck. Keep us posted.
  4. Tres Chic

    Gained 4 pounds OVERNIGHT!

    Try not to weigh so often, I know it's hard and listen to me... I weigh about 5 times a day (LOL). "Scales are the Devils' vidio game".
  5. Tres Chic

    Gained 4 pounds OVERNIGHT!

    Did you check to see if your pillow was still there? Seriously, I've heard this is VERY normal until you get your fills adjusted properly.
  6. Tres Chic

    How will I do it????? :(

    Yep, concensus says, you need protein. Between my protein shakes (all 1/2 cup of it) and my hot consomme, I survived clear fluids.... Where's my t-shirt????
  7. :heh: Love your ticker, Lana!!
  8. Tres Chic

    Good luck, Astrotoes!!!

    Guess what everyone! In addition to getting banded and looking forward to a new life, I also found out on surgery day that I'm going to be a grandmother!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  9. Tres Chic

    Good luck, Astrotoes!!!

    Hey Yasmina! Did you fly home right after surgery or did you stay overnight in T.O.? Congrats on your surgery... I sailed through mine too.:clap2:
  10. Tres Chic

    February 2007 bandsters!

    Hope your team one, at least! Keep you eyes on the prize! :clap2:
  11. Tres Chic

    February 2007 bandsters!

    A quick update since my Feb 1/07 surgery. I only took the Demerol on Friday and no Gravol (or other anti-nauseant). I slept in the reclining chair for the first few nights so that I wasn't flat on my back. I'm working from home today and going back to work Wednesday. I wish you all such a peaceful journey.
  12. Tres Chic

    New Guy feeling Quilty...

    Hey Dave: No need to feel guilty. It's a personal choice. Besides, you're helping Dr. Ortiz buy a new car! Good luck.
  13. Tres Chic

    Good luck, Astrotoes!!!

    Hi Astrotoes: Good luck tomorrow. My surgery couldn't have gone better. I know you'll be fine.
  14. Tres Chic

    45 - 50% Weight Loss w/ Band?

    Have you considered coming to Canada to have the surgery done? It's $16,000, includes all fills and I'm sure they wouldn't discrimate because you asked some tough questions. Weight loss is personal, and there isn't a cookie-cutter formula. I'm shocked you were disqualified. Keep trying with other clinics. Where are you from?
  15. Tres Chic

    Good Luck, Tres Chic!!

    Thanks everyone for such good wishes. My surgery and recovery has been completely uneventful. I honestly haven't had a bad moment - no gas, or shoulder pain; very little discomfort. I even spent a few hours yesterday out looking for new houses! Have we heard from Yasmina yet?
  16. Tres Chic

    Strange question

    Sorry, it goes with the territory of losing weight. You'll likely feel cold more often warm.
  17. Tres Chic

    What's the ettiquette?

    I don't think it's imporant what we do to acknowledge someone, but that we do do someting. The emails seem fine with me.
  18. Tres Chic

    January Bandsters???

    I had shoulder pain when I had my gall bladder out...it was really uncomfortable. Feel better soon.
  19. Tres Chic

    January Bandsters???

    The painkillers didn't make me sick. If you have liquid pain meds, so much the better. They naste terrible crushed.
  20. Tres Chic

    January Bandsters???

    I slept from the time I got home hospital to the next morning. Other than a headache, I've been fine. I've been walking about as much as possible and so far, no gas either... BONUS! This has really been a walk in the park for me.
  21. Tres Chic

    February 2007 bandsters!

    I was banded Thursday, the 1st of February. No problems. I was 3 1/2 hours in the clinic from operating room to discharge. I don't have a single complaint. Hope it goes just as well for the rest of you.
  22. Tres Chic

    Good Luck, Tres Chic!!

    Hey, thanks everyone for all the well-wishes. This is Day 3 and I'm perfectly fine. A bit of a headache but no gas pain. The worst part is swallowing crushed pills!!!!
  23. Tres Chic

    Any one from Canada?


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