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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by TracieR

  1. Yes. Sometimes the fill can take a couple of weeks to really "kick in". Also, I get tighter around my time of the month.
  2. I weigh in everyday and record it on Thursday. I don't obsess about the number except for on Thursday! It helps keep me accountable and tells me if I need to change up my eating or work out routine. Works for me so far!
  3. TracieR

    It Happened

    Yeah it is not a fun feeling! I find that there are certain things that no matter how slow I go or how small my pieces are I get stuck on them anyway, like chicken breast. Also, sometimes my band is tighter around that time of the month, in the morning and when I am stressed. I just go slow and learn something new all the time! Good Luck!
  4. I had surgery with Dr. Garber. I am 100% happy with them! I have not had the experience where I have to push them for things. Everything pre-op and post-op has gone great. I had my first appt in December and had surgery in March. Everything went very smoothly. Since my 1 week postop I have not seen Dr. Garber, I personally don't have an issue with that, I feel that I can see him if I need to. He also answers emails pretty quickly. I see the PA's - Donna and Irina. I am very happy with them. I feel they take the time to answer my questions and accomodate my needs with no problems. The office is super busy and you usually have a pretty long wait. Overall I have had a very positive experience with Dr. Garber and the staff. Choosing a doctor is a very personal decision and I can only share my own experience so far. Best of luck to you!
  5. Just got a small unfill. Was up all night with reflux. I feel so much better! From now on only .25cc fills....

  6. TracieR


    I had to stop reading for a while in the beginning because of the negativity but I try to remember people come here that are having issues or have questions. It is hard to do sometimes. I love my band too! YAY!
  7. This is what I had done when I had a stress echo: You will have several electrodes (small, sticky patches) placed on your chest and a baseline electrocardiogram (ECG) will be done. The Echocardiography Technologist will first perform an echocardiogram at rest. To do this, a small device called a transducer is held against your chest with ultrasound gel while you lie on your left side with your left arm up. Next, you will be asked to walk on a treadmill. The average walking time is 6 to 10 minutes. Your blood pressure and ECG will be recorded several times throughout this test. The treadmill will start slowly and then gradually increase speed and incline. You will continue walking until you are either too tired to continue, you have reached your target heart rate or the Cardiologist or his/her designee has obtained adequate information. You will be asked to report any symptoms such as chest pain or shortness of breath. The test may be stopped if you experience these symptoms. Immediately after you have finished walking on the treadmill, the final echocardiogram will be done. Again, you will lie on your left side while the transducer is placed on your chest to record pictures.
  8. 3rd time this week I made it to the gym before 6am. I am shocked! GO ME!!!

  9. TracieR

    lost restricion?

    It sounds like you need a fill! Call you doctor if you want to be sure. Good Luck!
  10. TracieR

    Terrible Mood....

    I was an emotional wreck the first month or so. I was mourning food and learning how to deal with stress/life without food as my comfort. Take it one day at a time! You seem to be on the right track....keep doing what you are doing and the weight will start coming off again! Good Luck!
  11. TracieR

    Reviews? Thoughts?

    I love your lists of motivations! I feel the same way, i just want to be healthy. I enjoyed reading your blog and will be following it. Keep up the good work!
  12. I hope your follow up with doctor goes well! Feel better!
  13. Made it through the 5:45 Spin Class. Bring on the day!

  14. TracieR

    Banded 6/8/2011

    Welcome Stacie! The forums have helped me write out my feelings sometimes instead of eating them! Hope they can help you too.
  15. TracieR

    How long before you could work?

    I had surgery on a Tuesday and returned to work the following Monday. I was a little tired at the end of the day but not too bad.
  16. I remember my first weight loss "class" when I was in fourth grade!! UGH! I have heard "You have such a pretty face" my whole life. I started my journey at 371lbs only 8 months ago and I have already lost 110lbs. I haven't been this weight in forever and I feel awesome! Sometimes I forget I'm still fat because I feel so good!!!
  17. Last week was my 8 month bandiversary. Why did I wait so long to have the lap-band? It has really been the best thing I have ever done for myself. My lap-band is my built in will power. Always with me. Always reminding me to make good food choices. I wanted to share some of my positive outcomes so far... Justin Bieber weighs 110lbs. I have lost Justin Bieber!!! I am working out regularly. I can make it through an hour kick ass spin class with out taking a break and I love it! I have more energy to play with my son. (I went down the slide at the park and went on the swings!) My whole family is eating healthier. I have learned what a real portion looks like. I can fit in any restaurant booth. If I eat slowly, pay attention to what I’m doing and chew my food really well, then I can still eat my favorite foods. (The funny thing is those foods aren’t as important to me anymore.) I went from a tight size 26/28/3X/4X to a loose 18/20/1x. I do not wear elastic waist pants anymore. My shoe size went from an 11W to a 10. I am putting myself first for the first time ever and I am able to take BETTER care of the people and things I care about. I'm saving money - eating less, eating out less, and less money on fad diets etc. I'm not missing out on anything. I try new things all the time. I am so happy! I truly wish that everyone can experience all the wonderful things that I have in the last 8 months. Who knew that in less than a year my life could be so different? I can't wait to see what happens next! Have a great day!
  18. TracieR

    2 and 1/2 months banded...Status report

    Great news! I'm glad to see you are doing better. Best wishes for continued success!
  19. TracieR


    That is so awesome! I was so excited when I was able to see the difference in myself in photos. It makes it so real. CONGRATULATIONS!!!
  20. Sounds pretty normal to me. My gas pains lasted a while, a couple of weeks. Mostly pain in my shoulder from the gas. It did subside but I still get it now if I overeat! Congrats and Good Luck to you!
  21. TracieR

    I love my lap-band!

    I have had 4 fills and one small unfill so far. I have been lucky and received restriction from my first fill. It has absolutely kept me from overeating. It has not kept me from over eating slider foods like ice cream, crunchy carbs and chocolate, though. I work really hard to make good choices. I do not eat rice, Pasta or any breads. I probably could but I have convinced myself that I cannot and have chosen to stay away. I also work out 4-5 days per week. I am really able to eat anything I want - just small amounts. I eat slowly and chew, chew, chew.
  22. I had a really hard time in the beginning. I just stopped bringing drinks to the table with me. It definitely helped. I also use my timer on my phone to make sure that I wait enough time to drink. I am really bad at getting my fluids in. I keep a Water bottle with me at all times and drink a lot watered down crystal light, decaf iced tea, and decaf coffee. It works for me. Also, once I got restriction I physically cannot not drink while I eat. It gives me a painful stuck feeling. You can do it!! Once you get used to it you won't even miss it! Good Luck!
  23. I just made this last week. Zucchini Rollups. They were delicious! http://theworldaccordingtoeggface.blogspot.com/2008/05/who-needs-pasta-pasta-less-manicotti.html I actually thought it would be a great replacement for the lasagna we usually have for Thanksgiving.
  24. TracieR

    Is it just me or.....

    I felt that way too in the beginning....I had to stop reading for a while. Now I am 8 months out and 110lbs gone. I watch my calories and exercise and the weight comes off. Stay positive! It will come off!
  25. I know I've seen this blog linked on the forums several times but thought I would throw it out there for any newbies looking for recipes. I use it all the time to get ideas. I love the "Day in my Pouch" posts. Tons of great bento box ideas - use these all the time for lunch at work recipes. Also tons of protein shake recipes - I especially like the "Click" espresso protein shake recipes. I have officially replaced my morning coffee with a "Click" latte or shake using her recipes. Check it out --> http://theworldaccordingtoeggface.blogspot.com/ I hope this helps someone else!! Have a great day!

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