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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by TracieR

  1. TracieR


    YAY! That is so exciting. Congratulations! It's all the little things that make such a difference. We are going on an airplane in January and I am so hoping I don't need a seatbelt extender - more excited about that than the actual vacation!!
  2. TracieR

    No Weight Loss....

    Yes - my first month or so my weight loss slowed way down. My experience was that I just kept at it and the weight started moving again. I took it one day at a time followed my doctors instructions and walked. Eventually the weight will start to come off. Good Luck to you!!
  3. TracieR

    Shopping for cloths.

    Congrats! Isn't it a great feeling? I bought a pair of pants size 18 (down from a 26) last week. Today I put them on and they are feeling a little baggy already! Maybe I should bring them back and get the 16. WOOHOO! Good Luck finding an outfit for the wedding!
  4. TracieR

    Yummy Fritatta

    Thanks for sharing! I'm going to try it!
  5. I just used the psychologist and nutritionist from NY Bariatric because of that exact reason. I used them for the clearance only and did not buy a package of visits. Unfortunately they don't take insurance and it was costly!
  6. TracieR

    Fitness as new addiction

    I have definitely transferred my food addiction to an exercise addiction! I am overjoyed by it. I agree that as long as it has not cut into other aspects of your life go for it! I find that it helps me with my stress levels as well as giving me much more energy in other aspects of my life. I have more energy to do fun things with my family and friends because of it. Definitely a win win for me! Who would've thought when we started this process that we would be worried about being addicted to exercise? Isn't that amazing?
  7. TracieR

    Lets get the party started....

    Welcome! This site is a great resource. The lap band is the best thing I have ever done for myself. I wish you all the best on your journey!
  8. TracieR

    Back on track...

    Over the last couple of weeks I have been slipping back to old habits. It all started because I got stuck and had to get a small unfill. I was sick for a few days before the unfill and was barely eating at all. When I went in for the unfill I had lost 12lbs since the beginning of October which is a great side effect of being sick. Ummm....not really because once you go back to eating it comes back fast. Add in Halloween, losing my grandmother and that time of the month all at the same time and I have been eating candy and junk everyday and didn't go the gym for 2 weeks. Well, now I am back to real life and went back to the gym Saturday morning and will go tonight! I ate pretty healthy today. A protein shake for breakfast, a piece of a zucchini fritatta for lunch and some almonds for a snack so far. I plan to have fish for dinner before the gym tonight. I am a planner. I need to have a plan to get anything done. Working full time, a 2 year old , a husband, a house, fitting in a work out leaves me overwhelmed if I don't have a plan for things. When I am going to workout, whats for dinner, work appointments, two years olds busy schedule . Sometimes its so much - I give credit to all you out there who get it all done with more kids and things going on. I am getting the hang of it but honestly it is so easy to let me fall by the wayside. I'm not going to do it anymore. I will be at the top of my list and my health will be one of my top priorities. So here I go back on the track.... wish me luck!!
  9. 10/29/11 - 268 Happy Halloween!! :bat:
  10. TracieR


    I received a fill on Oct. 6 - 3 weeks ago. I have been tight since then but able to get down solid Proteins as long as they aren't too dry. Been doing really well with my food choices, fluids and Vitamins. Yesterday I wasn't feeling well so I stayed home from work - couldn't pin point it - just run down extremely exhausted feeling. Ate something in the morning after I had my morning coffee that got stuck. Well it stayed stuck for a while and after I finally got it out I made myself a cup of hot Water with lemon and honey. I sipped that and yup stuck again. Again that came up and I tried some more liquids as the day went on everytime getting the stuck feeling. Well, finally I went to bed even though I still had the stuck feeling. Propped myself up on pillows and tried to sleep. I seemed to wake up every hour or so last night choking and having to throw up. It was a horrible night! This morning I tried to drink something hot and got the stuck feeling. I just got some cold water and same thing. I called my doctor this morning and made an appt for this afternoon. What do you think? Possibly a little virus? Or my band just finally got tighter after the fill? Do you get tighter weeks after a fill? I usually get tight around my period but that is not scheduled to appear until end of next week? Worst night with the band so far. Just when I think I got this thing down a new surprise.
  11. TracieR


    Thanks for your replies! My appointment was great. She pulled out some Fluid and kept it out for a minute or so and I actually felt whatever was lodged in there pass. It was such sweet relief! ahhh....She also took out the .5 fill I got last visit. I go back next week to see if I feel ok and to see if we want to put back the .5. I am taking it super easy and doing mushies today and tomorrow. Hope you all have a great weekend!
  12. TracieR

    In the beginning....

    Good Luck to you! I totally relate to everything in your post. I am now at the point where my life doesn't revolve around food anymore. I am 7 months out from surgery and it was the best thing I ever did for myself. I feel great physically and emotionally. I truly wish you the best!
  13. 10/22/11 - 269 Happy for the 1 lb loss! Had a crazy busy week at work and only made it to the gym twice, but better than never!
  14. My band has been pretty tight for the last couple of weeks after a fill. I've been doing a protein shake in the morning(click espresso protein powder instead of my coffee), chicken salad, chili, bean salad, or lentil soup for lunch and some kind of fish or chicken thighs for dinner. Make sure you take tiny bites and chew, chew, chew. If you do get stuck do liquids the following day and then mushies before going back to solids. I also do a protein bar or shake again in the evening if I get hungry.
  15. I've been going back and forth, up and down the last month. I can finally say 100lbs is gone from my life never to be seen again! WOOHOO!! I have really worked hard. Exercised consistently. Listened to my Doctor. Keep looking forward and never look back. I don't beat myself up for the occasional slip up just start new with every meal. I weigh myself everyday but only record it weekly. When it is the same for a couple of days I know I have to switch it up (food and exercise) and I try hard not to get upset by the number. I have been successful with that. I need to weigh myself daily. It is a check in for me and it works. I know that is not right for everyone though, just what worked for me. I have really tried to stay positive through this journey. I look ahead to what new things I can try as I lose weight. I really want to go ziplining and skydiving! I want to have another baby. I want to shop in a regular store and not plus size. I want to cross my legs. I am so excited for what's to come in my life. Seven months ago I took the first step to living a happy and healthy life. While it has also been the most emotional and difficult journey I have ever been on, at the end of the day I love every second of my new life. I am so happy!
  16. TracieR

    Mouth Hunger

    I have the same problem especially the night eating. I don't call it mouth hunger though, mine is definitely head hunger! It is a constant battle for me. I make sure I have lots of things on hand to be able to eat to curb the craving. Sometimes I just force myself to go to bed so I don't eat! The band definitely does not alter what you crave, that is all you. It does alter what you are able to physically eat. That is different for everyone. The no good slider foods still go right down - no problem for me. Ice cream, chocolate chips, m&ms are no problem for me to eat. I choose not to though. When I was having real issues with the night eating I stopped all sugar. Sugar begets more sugar! I now stay away from all sugar and that helps my cravings tremendously. I literally mourned food for the first month or so after surgery. It was a very emotional process for me. I pushed through and took it day by day and have been successful so far.
  17. I make the chicken salad myself with low fat mayo. Store bought has way too many calories for me! If I make chili I usually use turkey just less fat. I do buy the small chili from Wendy's sometimes for lunch at work and it goes down fine. Both seem to go down fine for me but everyone is different!
  18. TracieR

    negatives all around....

    Sorry you have to go through that! I hate when people have to make some else feel bad in order to make themself feel better..Selfish Ignorant people suck!
  19. TracieR


    It is unfortunate that a lot of the posts on here are negative but it is just people that are looking for tips, motivation or trying not to feel alone. There is a Lap Band Success Stories thread on here too! I tend to stick to that when I need some motivation. My experience with the band has been positive. Sometimes I get stuck at the same weight for a couple of weeks and I just keep at it until I see the scale move. If I look back over those times, I can usually see what I have done wrong - slacked on working out, made bad choices with food or just needed to switch up exercise and food choices. I know that is not everyone's experience though. I keep at it everyday -that is what the band has given me. Instead of giving up the band has been a great tool in allowing me to start over with good/healthy choices everyday! Keep positive and I'm sure you will do great!
  20. That was so fun to read! I know exactly how you feel - I feel awesome too! About the bones, I "found" a bunch too! LOL! Good for you! You look fabulous!
  21. I did a lot of ricotta with sauce and melted mozzarella - basically pasta-less lasagna, refried beans with melted cheese, turkey chili, scrambled eggs with cheese, and chicken salad.
  22. TracieR

    Personal trainer

    I started with a trainer about 2 months after surgery. It was the best thing I did. He pushed me to do things I would never have thought. He came to my friends house 3 nights a week to begin with and we split the cost. I did that for 5 months. I just recently switched to going to the gym and started using the trainer there. The gym is great too. I love the trainer I have now too. I've been lucky to "click" with both of my trainers and really feel like we are on the same page. The trainer has definitely kept me on track and made working out not so overwhelming. It is definitely an investment but in my opinion totally worth it if you can swing it financially! Good Luck!!!
  23. I've been experiencing some hair loss for the last few months. For me it is just breakage, I see all the broken pieces and my hair feels thinner. I've spoken with my doctor who recommended upping my Protein and taking Biotin. She said most likely it is just my body's reaction to the rapid weight loss and my hair will grow back. I've been religiously taking 5,000mg biotin for almost 2 months now. I haven't really noticed a difference. So I'm wondering, did taking biotin help you? Any other recommendations that did work? Thanks in advance!
  24. TracieR

    one month and 12 days to go... I have some ???

    1. Sometimes I can - sometimes not! Depends on how tight I am. 2. Mind didn't fade Everyone is different though! 3. I tell everyone that asks. I haven't had any negative feedback. (to my face anyway ) 4. YES! Follow what your doctor says and exercise! You will do great! 5. I've read there is a low profile port - don't know too much about it though 6. I'm sorry to say that I can't do chicken breast. Again, everyone is different though. I eat a lot of seafood now. 7. I think so...my band limits the amount of food I can eat so I think it won't let me overeat and put the weight back. But you have keep up with your after care (fills, diet, exercise) 8. The alcohol will slow your weight loss. I count calories, so you could save your calories for it. I say whatever works for you 9. I started with centrum chewables and now take a regular multi vitamin. I have no problem swallowing any pills now. 10. I started out a 46 DDD and now am a 42 D. Unfortunately they are kind of saggy! YUCK! Oh well, I'll eventually have to get a boob job! I have had a very positive experience. The exercise has helped me the most. Good for the mind, body and spirit! Good Luck to you!
  25. Thanks for the tip of the Just the cheese cheddar Snacks. I got them in the mail on Friday and they helped me over the weekend curb my carb cravings. Those little snacks are just salty cheesy goodness! YUM! Thanks again!

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