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Everything posted by xxm4ndaaxx

  1. hi, im amanda. im 23 years old, at the doctors today i weighed 286. i have a 2 1/2 year old son. he's the main reason im doing this. i want to be able to play with him without tiring within the first 5 minutes.. i also want to live to watch him grow up. i can also feel my health deteriorating, i have trouble breathing, not sleeping well, have GERD, and constant back pain. ive been doing the research the past few months, called my insurance company ( i have horizon nj health, with medicaid)..they gave me a list of doctors, i researched them. and now my first consultation is feb 25th. with dr samuel wasser in willingboro, nj has anyone else dealt with nj medicaid/horizon? do they have any requirments to get the surgery okayed?
  2. xxm4ndaaxx


    From the album: me

  3. xxm4ndaaxx


  4. xxm4ndaaxx

    Just For June 2011. Fill In The Blank!

    It has been 7 months since my surgery on june 7th 2011 and have lost 107lbs. I currently weigh 189 and have 49 pounds left to reach my final goal of 140.
  5. xxm4ndaaxx

    *NEW* June Sleevers Master List

    june 7th here!
  6. started at 296. as of today im 189 :-D just recently started exercising. i went from a 28w pants, and im currently in a 12/14 juniors pants (depending on brand), shirts i started at a xxlmens.. now my shirts all range from small-large in ladies lol. i pretty much eat what i want at this point, there are some foods that arent my friend though, like ground beef and lettuce. yay!
  7. xxm4ndaaxx


    im still pre-op, have one more doctors office weigh in at the end of this month, and then we submit to insurance. how come it seems like EVERYONE knows someone that had some kind of WLS, and gained it all back?! thats the first thing people say when they find out im getting surgery. "oh, well, i know someone that had -insert surgery here, its a diff one every time-, and they gained it all back within a few months of getting down to goal". its like NOONE knows anyone that was successful, and i know thats not true, ive spent a good amount of time lurking on here and OH, and it seems like the success rate is fine. and ive already made my decision on VSG, im not changing my mind in anyway.. but im getting frustrated... my moms even betting on my long term failure... my brother is getting married august '12. so shes on a massive diet for that, but shes doing it "the right way" as she puts it. she said i can do what i want, and she'll support me in that way, but she thinks im being stupid by not just dieting and exercising... exact quote here "you probably will end up being much smaller than me at the wedding, but im willing to bet you 100$ that youll be back to where you are now in 2013" i was like gee thanks ma.. i guess i should start making plans for my $100 :-D maybe some pretty new clothes ok well im done ranting and raving for now.. im just wondering where all these people are that regained it all are at? since everyone seems to know at least one of them. ugh
  8. hey, i had surgery a week from yesterday... everything had been going fine until dinnertime last night, i had soup, itdidnt sit right....didnt throw up, just got really naseaus/uneasy..and had to lay down... since then every time ive tried to have anything other then water and protein shakes(jello, broth, runny mashed potatoes), ive been gettin super naseaus... anyone have any idea what could have set this off all of a sudden? also as of this moning ive been having pain in my lower right stomach area, about 3 inches below/3 inches to the right of my larger incision... it just feels achy if im walkin around, but hurts pretty bad if i prss it or bend over, and is completely gone if im laying down... it just started today...any idea?? thanks so much
  9. It went good... Im still a little sore at the bigger incision, and ive got some serious gas lol, but im doing good hahaha Had a pretty rough weekend my "friends" that were supposed to be over for emotional support were chowing down on all my old favorites right in front of me..ugh, but I kept telling myself that im gonna be thin and beautiful, n theyre gonna be 600lbs if they keep up their pattern :-p
  10. im in camden county! my surgery is june 7th w/ dr wasser in willingboro
  11. xxm4ndaaxx

    500 lb mom-vent

    yea that was it.. .i understand why they wanted her to lose the weight, although the show thats on now they just did RNY on a 900lb lady.... i didnt like how they kept calling the surgery the 'easy fix'..which everyone on here knows is not the case...i want to see a follow up too though because she wasnt doing so good on the losing 100lb and obviously wasnt taking the whole thing serious
  12. xxm4ndaaxx

    500 lb mom-vent

    just got done watching a show called 500 pound mom on TLC.... this lady is 606 lbs, and needs to lose 106 lbs to get WLS... what irked the hell out of me, is that they kept saying that she needed to loose 106 lbs to get "quick fix surgery" ....last i checked it wasnt a quick fix. ergg.. .just makes more people think we are all taking the easy way out >.<
  13. xxm4ndaaxx


    just got off the phone with the patient coordinator.. i got approved surgery June 7th! eeek!
  14. xxm4ndaaxx


    thanks everyone! im still in shock, i didnt expect to be approved AND have a date just a week from submitting. ESP with medicaid as an insurance, i thought theyd take their time haha. its all becoming real now.. oy so excited to join the losers bench!!! :Dancing_wub:
  15. i was just wondering how long people had to wait to get a response from insurance.. we submitted to insurance friday. i have horizon nj health(which is a *** for medicaid). i meet all the requirements, and have done all the appointments required. also, once you got insurance okay, did u get scheduled for surgery right away, or was there a delay of any kind? thanks
  16. finally done all my insurance requirements as of yesterday..saw my nasty old primary doctor, and he gave me crap still, but i just kept telling myself this would be the last time i saw his rude self. so i brought that paper over to my surgeons office, and the patient coordinator said she was going to start working on the packet to send over to horizon. yayyyy i hope my insurance doesnt give me any problems. :-D
  17. dont have a date yet, but i was wondering if they make you remove acrylic nails for surgery? i have them now, and im due for a nail refil soon. but if i have to have em off for surgery anyway, im not gonna waste the money, and im just gonna let them start popping off. thanks
  18. xxm4ndaaxx

    acrylic nails?

    thanks so much.. guess its time to let these things go for a while :-/ im gonna have fun adjusting to not having them, its been 3 years with them. haha :willy_nilly:
  19. i watched it too, i was getting a little irratated at the one lady that was a purger, and i think she needs to find a new career..i wouldnt want someone who binges and purges, to be a counselor on eating disorders.. but i guess we'll see how she does with treatment. hah i dont think any of the surgeries are fool-proof... all i keep hearing is that theyre a 'tool', and they showed the one lady that had rny eating all kinds of crap.. so i guess thats why hers failed :-p and 10lbs in 2 weeks, thats great! whats the normal avg. like 1-2lbs per week? and congrats on breaking under 200.. i cant wait till i can say the same! n this is my last chance effort too, im still preop, but heres to hoping that we're successful in this :biggrin:
  20. was curious if anyone has been able to have someone in their family stay overnight with them at hospital? i dont have adate yet, but my mom has already made it clear that she wants to be there with me for surgery and such, but her going home and coming back every day isnt really an option. the hospital is about an hour away from our house, and she doesnt have a license. so she would be getting dropped off with me the day of surgery...ill definitly ask my doctor when i see him again, but i was just wondering if anyone on here had someone with them the whole time. thankkss
  21. so i have my 2nd weigh in today at 345 at my primary doc. im not looking forward to it because i know i havent lost any weight.. i went to a cardiologist appt on monday and was the same..so i guess im happy i havent really gained, but my doctor is a prick. he yells at me and tears me apart for being obese. like he doesnt seem to get that i already realize im fat, and the heath risks that being fat have..hellooo thats why im getting surgery. my last appt with him he went on a rant about how hes suprised im still alive with all this weight on.. when all my other specialists are more optimistic, and tell me theyre suprised how overall healthy i am for being overweight, and that theyre so happy im deciding to do this before i have problems. im definitly getting a new pcp after surgery is all done, but i dont want to cause any insurance delays by changing doctors. but ive put this appointment off until the last day possible (need it in march, and theyre closed tomorrow), because hes either going to make me cry, or cause me to throw things at him. im also going today cause im sick, sore throat, headache.. the only reason im slightly concerned is cause im coughing up a lot of dark mucus, and i want to make sure its not bronchitis...so im hoping that hes distracted with this, and maybe forgets to yell at me. sorry i just needed to vent a little :myscared:
  22. thats everyone for the responses, im deff going to change docs after i get surgery and whatnot, and probably will report him, depending how he does the next time i go there. in case anyone was wondering, yesterdays appt went well, i actually lost 5 lbs! so he left me alone on that, although he was huffing and puffing while filling out the paper to send to insurance.. but me being sick distracted him. he was busy b!tching at me for not coming to see him sooner for being sick, when the symptoms really only got bad the night before and theyre not open all night so im not really sure what he expected me to do. but whatever, the cough can be fixed with some anti-biotics n cough meds. one more weigh in end of april and then we submit to insurance :-D
  23. id love a copy too! abyars87@gmail.com thanks so much
  24. how do i go about reporting him?my brother had suggested the same thing, but i thought he was just messing around about being able to. and thanks so much for the well wishes

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