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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by Lmom1980

  1. Ana,

    It is funny that you mentioned internet rumors. You do not have your facts straight, and are spreading rumors. The Doctor in Ohio had done nearly 50 plications when his patient had the necrosis. At that time Dr Ortiz claimed that that had done nearly 200. Any Doctor can have complications and patients with weight loss failure. The difference that I see is that the Doctor in Ohio actually came on here and posted about his complication. The OCC sweeps any complications they might have under the rug. I know for a fact that they delete negative posts off of their forum.


    Best of luck in whatever revision you decide to do. I felt very discouraged many times with my progess, or lack of. I am 18 months post op and weight loss has been very slow. I have lost about 95 pounds since my pre-op diet, and I have about 20 more to go. I have finally made peace with my my choice for plication. The weight loss has been so slow, that not many people would ever assume I had WLS. So what if it takes me almost 2 years to reach my goal? As long as I can keep the weight off, I will consider it a success. I paid $9000. plus another $2000. in travel expences. Then I had some complications that I had to have fixed, and that cost me another $8000. That is a lot of money for me, but my husband said it is the best money he ever spent. Even if I never reach my goal. I feel and look so much better then I did 95 pounds ago.

  2. I signed up for a half marathon. It is still10 months away. I know I will be one of ths slower joggers to finish, but just the fact that I have decided to do this is a great feeling considering that I am an OFG (original fat girl)

  3. Hi, I am doing so much better then before. I was so messed up and dehydrated for the first three days post op, but I am doing better now. I saw doctor assistant yesterday, and she said two weeks liquids, two weeks soft. I had to have the dialated fundus cut out, and then part of my stomach restiched. So now I have a small section of my stomach with staples in it, and the rest plicated. My original doc and doc that fixed me spoke on the phone, and have different opinions on technique. Getting plication instead of sleeve it the biggest regret of my life.

  4. I was just coming on this forum to ask you what they planned to do LMom. I'm glad you were able to get surgery so soon. Hang in there! My plication was easy, but my GB surgery hit me like a ton of bricks. I have heard that it takes a year to recover from a surgery...so when we have two in a year or so, I'm sure it adds up. Take care of yourself and try to keep a positive attitude! (I know, it's hard)

    Thanks chow chows

    I really thought my pain was from my gallbladder too. Now, knowing my luck, I will recover from my second stomach surgery, and then need my gallbladder out. I know, that is not keeping a positive attitude...lol. I am feeling much better today, but this 2 nd surgery, has been harder then the first one for sure. I will keep you posted.

  5. I had my messed up plicated stomach fixed on Tuesday the 24th. The doc talked to my husband. Said everything went well. I got discharged about 5 hours post op. I was in pain. More pain then my original plication. I expected that though considering all that was needed to do to fix my plication. Unless my poor frazzled husband is forgetting something...nobody really told me what to eat or drink. The only discharge instructions either of us remember was regarding medicine and not lifting anything heavier then 10 pounds. I am not sure what I should or should not eat or drink. I have been playing it safe and only had Water, Gatorade, juice with Protein powder, and broth, oh and I had a little slim fast. I have lost 7 pounds since then. I know that is mostly from dehydration, and I will gain weight when I start eating again. The docs office called to check on me, and I didn't even think to ask about my diet because my baby was crying. The nurse at the hospital offered me crackers 2 times. I thought that was strange, and I declined. I don't have a desire to eat yet. Ok, I am crazy rambling now because I am feeling good from my pain meds how long before your docs told you to eat mushy food? Did your doctors tell you no more NSAIDS like Advil or Motrin after plication? Ok, sorry I am just going to call doctor tomorrow. Goodnight

  6. Regarding Docs not wanting patients to mingle.... I have not found this to be the case. Dr. Watkins has a yahoo chat group they invite you to so you can chat with other patients of his. It isn't very active, but it is there.

    Also, Dr, Cottom offered me to talk to a couple of his patients when I was first researching this.

    Another observation... I don't think the doctors I went to had WLS, but probably half of their support staff had.

  7. I had surgery on Tuesday. I feel like a truck hit me. Much worse then my original plication. Yesterday and Today, I was lucky to get maybe 50 oz of water/gatorade. trying to force myself to drink more so I don't end up back in the hospital from dehydration. I am happy that the problem was discovered, and now hopefully I will be free from that pain, and have that restricted feeling again. I just wish I had a crystal ball so I can look into the future two weeks from now, and see myself pain free, and satisfied on small meals. I barely paid off my original procedure, and now I am back in debt again, but I didn't really see what other choice I had. Thank heavens for my supportive and patient Husband.

  8. No, I would do vsg instead. I wish I could go back in time and change my mind. I have been relatively successful. I have lost about 75 of the 115 pounds that I need to lose. Even with that.... I would still tell anyone with more then 70 pounds to lose to have the vsg. I talked to a doc last week that said his plication patients do about the same as banders. His vsg patients lose more and keep it off longer. I know that once you hear about plication, it sounds so great, and you don't want to hear from people like me. I was in your shoes doing my research. I wish I had talked to someone 10 months out, but there just were not many plicaters out there at that time.

  9. I had my plication done by Watkins over 10 months ago. He and his staff are very kind. I had a good experience there. I was shocked at how little pain I had, and my scars are tiny.

    Sadly, I have not any restriction for a few months now. Turns out that I have a dilated fundus. I need to have is surgically fixed. This did not happen from over eating, so I am not sure why this happened. doctor said it was not my fault, things just happen. food sits in that pocket and causes me pain before it moves into the part of my stomach that is plicated still. I cant live like this much longer. It is so annoying.

    I honestly wish I just stayed in my home state and had the vertical sleeve gastrectomy.

    Watkins was nice enough, but I think I would make a different choice knowing what I know now.

  10. Thanks for the support and encouragement phat to fat. I am having a barium swallow by dr cottam on Wednesday. Best wishes on your recovery and getting back on track.

    I might try that Linda. I'll ask the doc I see on wednesday what his thoughts are on a liquid diet start over plan. I hope you can reach your goal before you lose that great restricted feeling. I had more like 120 to lose, so Even though I lost 80, I still have a way to go, and it is very hard for a food addict to lose weight when there is not any physical restriction.

  11. I remember when I was just a few weeks post plication, and my restriction was great. I also thought how wonderful plication was,and how anyone who said anything different must be doing something wrong. I am not saying that it is a bad surgery( I've lost about 80 pounds) I just think it will be interesting to hear what some of these newbies think in 7 or 8 months from now.

    The OCC has been doing this surgery for over 2 years now. Where are all of their before and after pics of These plication patients? I cant find any on their website or their many YouTube commercials. I cant find any before and after pics from plication. The occ boasts about their plication (money maker) success. I want to see and read about all their happy skinny patients. Where are you?

  12. Pre op..............-11

    Month one.........-16

    Month two.........-7

    Month three......-9

    Month four.........-7

    Month five.........-7

    Month six.......... -5

    Month seven.....-5

    Month eight.......-4

    Month nine........-3

    Month 10...........+2

    My positive thoughts: I am greatful for the weight I have lost so far. I feel. And look so much better. I am so much more active and energetic. I felt good restriction ( I was getting full on small amounts of food) for the first 3 month post plication. I want to lose about 35-40 more pounds, I feel like I will reach that within the next 6 months, and I am happily looking forward to that.

    My complaints:

    I don't have much restriction at all now at 10 month out, and have actually gained weight over the holidays. I have lost a lot of weight, but I have had to work so bleeping hard! I am on my treadmill ALL THE TIME. I also go the the gym. I still have to write everything that I eat down, count calories, and most days it is hard for me to stay at 1500 calories. I could easily eat 2000 or more calories a day, not because I sit around eating junk, but because I simply no not feel full on small amounts of food anymore. I think the only thing stopping me from gaining all my weight back is my own sheer determination. It was also be so sad for me to be the girl who had wls, and failed, and wasted $10k. I think plication got me on track, and helped be get my first 50 pounds off. From here on out my weight loss is 100 percent on my shoulders. I don't think I have a tool at all anymore. I wish I had done the regular sleeve. I am going to try to stay positive. I am going to be thankful that plication helped meget off that first 50 pounds so that I could start exercizing and developing healthy habits. I hope this helps someone who is considering plication. Typed on my iPad, please excuse all the mistakes.

  13. I have not had much restriction at all since about the 3 rd month out. I am very disappointed in plication. I wish I had done the vsg. I had my plication done by dr Watkins. I had a good experience there. Very kind and professional dr and staff. I hope plication works for all of you better then it has for me. Yes, I have lost about 70 pounds, but I have had to fight for every pound. I jog two miles a day about 4 days a week, a nd I also go to the gym 2 times a week. All of my cravings are back, and I pretty much hate myself. I struggle everyday still with food choices. I just thought WLS would help me feel more normal and more in control, but as I sit here in tears, I can tell you I feel like an epic failure. I don't feel normal or in control. I used to feel like I could reach my goal weight, I need to lose 40 more pounds. I dont know if I will ever get there. I need restriction, and I feel like my portions are about the same as they were before. It sucks!

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