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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by whitemountainmagic

  1. Yes!

    I completely understand! I do the same thing....in fact that hormonal swing is probably directly related to all my wieght gain previously and it is keeping me from losing now too. I love my band, but it does not keep me from Ben and Jerry's chocolate fudge Ice Cream!

    I made my husband promise me, that no matter how much I beg....do not get it for me!

    I have not lost any weight in months because I keep giving into these hormone swings.....I found something that works now, so I just have to stick to it....two weeks before my period, I start my high Protein Shakes and drink only them. By the time the hormone swing kicks in, I am probably in ketosis and I don't have any cravings...give it a shot and see what you think. I use the CHIKE shakes, I buy them on line. These are what I used pre operatively.

    Good Luck!

  2. Yolanda~~

    Here is a few things that worked for me. I was also very discouraged because like you my greatest loss was during the pre op diet. So try to do a pretty high protien diet, really cut back the carbs. Secondly make sure you are looking at your caloric intake..writing down etc. For me, I couldn't do more than 1200 cal a day. Remember this band is only a tool, you still have to do the other "smart eating" stuff to make it work.

    Good Luck


  3. Vita~~

    Sometimes postoperatively you will run a low grade temperature if you are not doing good breathing exercises....make sure you are taking good deep breaths at least 10 every hour while you are awake, and if you can cough. This moves all the secretions up and out of your lungs that could cause a postoperative pnuemonia. I hope this helps!

    hello, I had surgery 1/20/11, and starting that night, I started running a fever. They ran test and everything came back ok, so they let me come home. Sense then I've been running a low grade temp, the highest it's been is 99.5 sense I've been home, and it still scares me. I have no other problems or leekage, Does anyone else have this problem? I'm just concerned, and a little scared.....please help me with any advice you may have...thanks in advance!!!!

  4. Hi Everyone~~

    I am so thankful for a forum to talk to so many people! I was banded on Jan 27th, my surgeon assured me I would be discharged home within a few hours on liquid tylenol.......no such luck! I had a terrible time in recovery, stayed for six hours while they tried to stabilize my blood pressure...I was in so much pain post op, but they could not give me anything becuase my BP was so low.....I feel like I am a good two days behind on recovery, still having alot of gas pain and burning in the left upper abdomen....I was told I could go back to work within four days....no way that is going to happen! I was just wondering when everyone started to have relief from the post op pain and gas pains?...Thanks

  5. This is quite a phenomenon that most girls can attribute alot of weight gain to over many years. I talked with my Psychiatrist about this and she told me that when your estrogen and testosterone levels change in your body, it signals a decrease in serotonin levels(this is a mood stablizing chemical) and causes you to crave foods to replenish serotonin. I don't know how to fix this, but just knowing it helps me. You can also take an antidepressant to help it, in fact prozac now makes a pill that you take only the week prior to your menstration.

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