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LAP-BAND Patients
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Status Updates posted by mandyMO

  1. I was reading one your things you wrote on the 200+ to loose what a inspiration! I just got banded dec 29th and I've already lost 56 lbs down to 384! How much weight have you lost so far?

  2. I'm thinking its time for a fill

  3. I'm thinking its time for a fill

  4. I've been sick for 3 days with bronchitis ! im ready to start excercising again but atleast i've lost 3 more lbs! im starting to feel better but i'll be glad to stop coughing!

  5. im starting to get depressed because the scale hasnt moved in 2 weeks and i go back to the doctor next week ! what am i doing wrong? ive had weights back to my excercise ! i dont know what to do =(

  6. is there any southwest missouri or all of missouri banders out there?

  7. ive hit a plateau on my weightloss just when im almost there with one of my goals! so how do i get it jump started again?

  8. ive rolled right in to twoderville usa today woo hoo! i havent the 200 hundreds in 9 yrs ! Next stop onderland=D

  9. oh my gosh im a week over due for a fill ! i had to rerschdule my appointment because had schduled it the same day as my daughters appointment! i can defintley tell i need one ! im really hungry in the evening after ive ate dinner! tuesday can not come quick enough!" I NEED RESTRICTION PLEASE"

  10. ok im doing really well with my weight loss but i have a addiction i cant break! I get it from my mother ! i am addicted to cheese ive have been. since my surgery i have cut down to low fat cheese but i still almost eat it at every meal. I know cheese can be a good thing and i know it can be a bad. Any other cheese lovers?

  11. Ok now I just seen that you was banded! Congrats!

  12. RESTRICTION is the name Loosing weight is the Game! Got to love restriction!

  13. So i havent been on in awhile but i finally am down 200lbs gone forever ! Thank you Jesus

  14. So i havent been on in awhile but i finally am down 200lbs gone forever ! Thank you Jesus

  15. so i think things are looking up again! starting to lose again woohoo.

  16. Sorry cut off to soon! do you have a clotting problems?

  17. Thank you so much! I was wondering did you start loosing weight really fast after your first fill? Because I have already from tues till today 3lbs. And your video is awesome! What a inspiration you are.

  18. Thanks for your input on what I wrote on the fill! I was suppose to have it last week but because of this silly snow I had to reschedule. I will keep everybody posted! Thank you!

  19. Today is my bandiversary ! im so excited cause its been the best journey ive been on!

  20. today was a good day for me i havent been to watch a movie in 2 yrs the last time i went i had to squeeze into the seat and i about broke it and i felt so uncomfortable i felt like people were staring at me ! Today i went and i was able to cross my legs and had plenty of room ! its those little things that matter

  21. today was a good day for me i havent been to watch a movie in 2 yrs the last time i went i had to squeeze into the seat and i about broke it and i felt so uncomfortable i felt like people were staring at me ! Today i went and i was able to cross my legs and had plenty of room ! its those little things that matter

  22. Welcome jenifer to lapband talk!

  23. well for the 1st time i had to have a little unfill this last week ! Nothing was going down except water eww hate that feeling of being to tight but im better now and ive got just the right amount of restriction.

  24. well my bandaversiary is in days and its been a amazing journey so far i have had to have 3 unfills but all in all amazing and i got my life back have more to lose so better get back in the saddle this year with excercising ! planning on picking it up a bit starting zumba and planning on a 5k thats one of my main goals for this year to start running! hope everyone has a happy new year!

  25. well my bandaversiary is in days and its been a amazing journey so far i have had to have 3 unfills but all in all amazing and i got my life back have more to lose so better get back in the saddle this year with excercising ! planning on picking it up a bit starting zumba and planning on a 5k thats one of my main goals for this year to start running! hope everyone has a happy new year!

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