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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by mandyMO

  1. Good for you .. You look amazing i have lost 31 pounds since jan ive stalled dont know why for about three weeks today is hard for me to eat im hoping to lose 50 more pounds getting lil upset the scale has yet to move in weeks

    You are doing so good congrats on the 31 lbs!! Don't you just love those stalls <_< i've had several myself its irratating but we get through them lol !!! Thank you so much its been hard but ive made it through

  2. 2 1/2 years ago I had hit my all time high of 442 lbs ! My health was terrible i set and watch my life go by , I missed out on alot of my children's life because I couldnt play with them and do the things a mother is here to do for there children I had let this happen to me and gradually my family was watching me die! So I had prayed hard about this i didnt want to live this life I had been living and missing out on things that were so precious to me!!!! In April of 2010 I took the step and started the process to get the lapband went through the 8 long month process and then finally had it done on Dec. 29th 2010 ! I done so well with it and had succeeded with it and had lost a tremendous amount of weight i was getting my life back to where it should be I was starting to feel better in my own skin again and to top it all off I could run and play with my children but in april of 2012 I started having issues and it seem like it was one right after another first I had a slight slip then in may I found out I was going to have a baby and ended up having a miscarriage then in june I ended up in the hospital with blood clots in my lungs and then in aug I had a major slip and had to have my band removed I had a rough rough year but the lord got me through this !! Then in sept I decided to have the gastric sleeve done and then on dec 17th I finally had it done At first I didnt know what the heck I was thinking cause I hit some rough Patches folks but let me just say I don't regret getting the lapband but if I knew then what I do now I would of had the sleeve done first !! I have enjoyed my sleeve so much its the best decision I'd ever made!!!! Right before I had my band removed I had lost a total of 193 lbs then after I had it removed I had gained a total of 38 lbs since I had the sleeve done Ive lost total of 50lbs a all around total weight loss of "205" lbs yeahhhhhh!!!!! Ive still got a ways to go but what i have lost ive gained more in other ways



  3. Along with other reconstructive surgery Momma's gonna have to get some new boobs cause I use to have bigger boobs but I don't have no boobs no more and its sad cause I use to be purky and im 33 yrs old and there's no purk here anymore more like 80 yr old woman and it really bothers me bad really bad ! My husband doesnt care but when I mention i'm gonna get some new boobs he likes the idea lol ! But between my arms , stomach , hips legs and boobs has anyone ever had all of that done or getting it all done ?????? It's not so much my stomach that bothers me but its my legs, arms and boobs that really bother me because ive got my stomach covered up!!!!!

  4. I learned my lesson today its been a very stressful 2 weeks But it hasnt affected my eatting ive been doing fine with that ! Today I have two very sick children and we also had a fire in our home and had to call the FD! We are ok very shook up but anyways all I have just eaten once today for Breakfast and thats it i had to take my children to the dr this afternoon but my nerves were completely shot and I was needing some caffeine which I usually just drink a small cup of coffee a day with diet hot chocolate mix mixed in it well stupid me stopped to get the girls something to eat at mcd's and thought I'll get a no fat mocha knowing it has alot of suger in it and I watch my sugar intake every day well guess what got drank and I had a dumping episode well lesson learned set there and take it because your the dumby that chose to drink it so you suffer the after math from it ! Headache racing heart and nausa! I will never do that again knowing better!!!!!!!

  5. I'm at a stall to it's frustrating but pretty normal ! I had my surgery on the 17th of dec Ive been on a stall for almost 2 weeks now and it is annoying the heck out of me !!! I talked to my nut yesterday and she told me it's because i'm not getting the calories in like i need or the Water but that said yesterday i tried getting more in and it made me sicker then a dog . I have been doing 900 or just a little less and she said to go up to 1200 thats hard and Ive tried getting the water in but thats whats been hard also i am getting between 64-80 of Protein so at least im doing something right ! praying that the scale starts moving again soon

  6. I went for my 4 week post op visit and I didnt know about the three week stall and I talked to the PA about my weight loss stall and she told me that I wasnt losing because I was eating too few calories. She told me I had to eat at least 1000 calories a day. I managed it for a few days, but I am back down to about 850. I am getting all the Protein in, but its just so hard to get those calories right now. I am trying, but some days I don't get there, but I do get my protein in.

    I managed to get a little over a 1000 and i feel so full and I hate that filling !

  7. So I'm 4 weeks post op and yes I'm on a 3 week stall which I hate but i understand ! Well today I talked t my NUT and i'm just getting a little under or just right at 900 calories in a day and Ive tried getting my Water in but i'm just not getting it all in ! My Protein ive had no problem actually I'm 64 +++ ! Well today she tells me I need to raise my calorie intake to 1200 ive tried and i just can't and she said Ive got to get that water in that's why ive got a stall any suggestions???????

  8. Hi everyone,

    Monday wll be week 4 for all of us. I am still bleeding from 1 of my incisions. Is anyone else? My doctor cauterized it Thursday but it seems to be bleeding alot more now.

    I'm not having a issue with bleeding but I've had 2 busted stitches under the skin and it hurts so bad on my right side it doubles me over I've took Tylenol none stop I finally took ibprofen today cause Tylenol doesn't last long enough! Do they know why your incision continues to bleed?

  9. Congrats on your weightloss your doing so good! This cracked me up because when I got my drivers lisence renewed I was still very heavy so when i told them my weight I know they wanted to start busting up laughing and i could see it in there eyes there thinking "REALLY LADY???" lol

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