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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by pinknsassyemt

  1. I was banded on 6/13 and weighed in at 216... I have been on full liq/mushies, with restriction and only 700 calorie a day intake and my weight hasn't changed.. I am kinda freaking... My doctor said its normal, but someone please reassure me!!!
  2. pinknsassyemt

    10 days post op, same weight...

    Thanks everyone... The scales moving...DOWN, I met with my dietician, im getting as close to 1200 cals a day a vast improvement from 600 a day, and I was able to start walking... Had a nsv this morning, ive had a total of 18 lbs.lost pre/post op and put on my pandora and it slipped right down to my knuckles...at least my wrists are gettin skinny haha... Anyhow thanks for the support sometimes u just need to hear it from someone else!
  3. pinknsassyemt

    10 days post op, same weight...

    So, a lot of people have said I should push for at least 1000 calories a day, that at 700 my body is in starvation mode... can anyone offer me what their "peak" calorie intake is?
  4. I had my last pre op dinner last night @ Saganos, a local fav Hibiatchi grill... I ate filet and shrimp, noodles, rice, veggies and soup, and I enjoyed every bite and chew through the entire meal. It was so strange for me to realize that I won't be able to even fathom eating 1/10 of what I ate last night. As I sit and sip on my optifast today, I am eager and excited but my brain is in even higher overdrive. Its going to become more real as your date gets near, trust me I never ever thought the day would get here... and here I am. I am a strong believer that "Nothing taste better than skinny and healthy feels."
  5. Hey I am in Durand, my procedure is Monday in Lansing @ Sparrow.. Wish you all the best!!!
  6. My biggest "sad" moment is all my scrubs. I am a scrub "*****" and have about 30 sets, all top of the line, newest styles and @ 25.00 a piece. I am hoping to find someone to donate them too, but I don't want to offend anyone by asking if they want them.. So... I am going to use this post.. if there are any medical professionals that need 2x, XL scrubs send me a message and as I shrink out of them I will send them on their way.
  7. pinknsassyemt

    Full on Panic Mode

    Unfortunatly not my case... My BMI has to be above 40 for them to pay.
  8. I have told everyone about my up coming procedure. I guess I wouldn't be so apt to do so if I didn't feel that all my relationships were very supportive, and honestly if someone hadn't been so open and honest with me, I probably wouldn't know about the surgery. In my opinon I am proud of my choice, and am willing to share it with everyone. I have no shame in getting out the snowblower vs shoveling the 300 yard drive way the hard way so to speak. I am still going to be cold, its still hard work, but why wouldn't you use the best tools to achieve health. Would you hire a carpenter if he only used a hand saw and hammer to build your house which would add at least 3-4 weeks longer to your project, as to the guy who had the latest tools and could provide you the same, if not better results in 2 days? Good Luck to everyone.
  9. pinknsassyemt

    Full on Panic Mode

    I am 8 days from my banding, and let me tell you I am freaking out and second guessing myself everyday. By the end of the day, I realize I am doing the right thing, and then wake up again with questions. It happens, its a life long commitment, and lifestyle change. My starting BMI was 41.9, and without trying and no preop diet so far I have dropped down to 40.2. I have to try and maintain my weight until surgery because my insurance can deny payment for a BMI under 40. So I am FREAKING OUT and again, it makes me second guess my decision. I have managed to drop 10 lbs or so in 2 weeks without even trying, why do I need this band. I need this because in 2 weeks that 10 lbs will show its ugly face again. Be strong, and believe in yourself its the best advice I can offer.
  10. pinknsassyemt

    My first NSV

    AWESOME! I am pretty lucky my encouragment for the band was.. I tested pre-diabetic, I however no need for meds or anything... It has to be liberating and a money saver! Congrats
  11. pinknsassyemt

    Any june 2011 Banders???

    I was supposed to do a 26 day optifast... Its been knocked down to 4 days cause of my borderline BMI... 40.8 as of today... My insurance reserves the right to deny payment if my BMI is under 40.
  12. pinknsassyemt

    Any june 2011 Banders???

    I am starting to get the anxious, kid going to Disney feelings. I am 23 days away from my band, with tons of exciting stuff passing time quickly. How is everyone keeping the calm? I randomly just wanna scream
  13. pinknsassyemt

    Any june 2011 Banders???

    SOOOOOO I was supposed to start my 26 day preopreative diet yesterday.. Optifast.. HOWEVER... when I weighed in at the doctors, my BMI was 41.6, I have about 10 lbs to play with and my particular insurance can deny payment below 40.... SO my preop diet will be 4 days of optifast before surgery, that is it! SCORE, I am so excited. Don't get me wrong I was looking forward to the weight loss and starting yesterday but it is going to save me almost 500.00!!! I am not going to complain about that So excited for everyone... here we go! I am 25 days away from my new life!
  14. pinknsassyemt

    Looking for June 2011 Bandits!

    I just ate my last real food...26 day preop starts tomorrow!!!!!! Wow... I cant believe it!
  15. Ok... So I am starting to panic! Thursday starts my 26 day pre-operative diet of Optifast. Someone asked me yesterday what happens if I lose to much weight during the pre-operative phase?!?!? Uhhhh I dunno!!!! I never asked! I will be doing the optifast program for the full 26 days leading up to my surgery, which will consist of 6 products per day, grand total of 800 calories a day.... My BMI is 41.0... YIKES.. Any suggestions on A. How to make it through this 26 days of hell, and B. What about the weight loss?
  16. pinknsassyemt

    Any june 2011 Banders???

    26 days of optifast products only for my preop... I start Friday morning... Im last mealing things banders have said were no goes.... Popcorn, eggs, and ice cream because its my favorite slider food!
  17. I met my boyfriend mid process... a perfect situation where I might want to hide what I was doing... But this is how I looked at it.. and the outcome, take it as you will. I was completely honest and upfront about my procedure, where I was in the process and why I was having the surgery. Just as I have been with EVERYONE I expected support from or wanted support from. I feel that I have spent so much of my life lying to myself about my weight issue, that it was time to make a WHOLE LIFE change.. be honest and upfront, and most of all be proud that I was making a change to better myself. My boyfriend (aside from my best friend and mother) has been my biggest support person, taking time off from work, offering to help with anything I might need. Telling me how PROUD he is that I am doing this for myself, and my daughter, and even making some changes in his own habits. These women your expecting to jump in and help deserve honesty.. think about how betrayed they might feel in 3 months when you come clean? This is just my take on it, be open and honest and your going to get more long term solid support than if you hide and lie. Good Luck to you!
  18. pinknsassyemt

    26 Day Pre-OP?!?!?!

    I know right?!??!?!?! I don't have a choice either, I work at a hospital and our hospital "owns" the insurance I have... Therefore, it is the only program covered... I call it (with no offense) Fat Camp... It has been a rough road, but right now I feel like I am just being cheated... I am ok with 2 weeks... but 4 ??? and it HAS TO BE Optifast ... Ugh
  19. pinknsassyemt

    Any june 2011 Banders???

    June 14th! I start my pre op diet in 4 days.. I am getting so EXCITED.. Good luck to everyone.. I am sure we will all be talking a lot more as our dates get closer
  20. pinknsassyemt

    26 Day Pre-OP?!?!?!

    I HAVE NO IDEA!!!! It seems amazingly stupid to me, in my opinion its to soak me for 136.00 a week for 4 weeks... There is no way I need 4 weeks of Optifast before a Lap Band... I am 5'2 @ 228lbs... however this is how my program works so I have to follow it. Someone did tell me that there is a chance they won't make me do all 4 weeks, however the coordinator said different.... So starting Thursday I will have weekly meetings, and optifast support groups until surgery... anyone else think I might be getting "soaked"?
  21. pinknsassyemt

    26 Day Pre-OP?!?!?!

    Thanks, I was just concerned because they mentioned weighing me the day of surgery and so on, and my nutritionist/behaviorist and everyone has mentioned and "encouraged" me not to lose weight. I haven't spent much time with them all since my "consultation" so maybe it was just to get to that point. I appreciate ur input!
  22. pinknsassyemt

    Looking for June 2011 Bandits!

    I am getting banded June 14th! A simple 37 days!!! I start my 4 week pre-operative Optifast on May 19th, so I am getting really excited counting down my days of eating! Hope to enjoy this journey with everyone to the very fullest.
  23. So through this journey, I have focused on my health and the positives of WLS. I haven't felt that it was for vanity, I mean come on I would be lying if I said I wasn't looking forward to struting a small size infront of a few ex husbands... haha But today, for the first time I found myself momentarily ashamed... Disgusted at myself, and distraught over my decision... I sat at my desk, choking down my "shake" wishing and longing for a Milky Way to be quite frank, as I over hear a group of nurses... NURSES standing at my desk talking about WLS. Of course, being on the "Band Wagon" so to speak, I listen... "People that have weight loss surgery are just lazy, if they spent half the time and effort they put into surgery they would just lose the weight." "Obesity isn't a disease, its called being lazy and wanting attention." All of this coming from a group of women that probably never broke the 130lb mark. It didn't register in my head immediatly.. It took about 30 minutes for it to really hit me on my way home.. SERIOUSLY U THINK IF I WANTED ATTENTION I WOULD CHOSE NEGATIVE FATTY ATTENTION??? WTF... I will admit this.. I cried... a lot on my way home tonight, wondering what other people say or think of me.. While this wasn't a direct insult to me, I sure as hell am taking it that way. Am I just being lazy, were all my weight loss attempts just not enough, did I not dedicate myself enough... I have been very open and honest about my journey... sharing and educating as much as I can.. I even found myself this morning asking myself as I read some blogs and post on this lapband support site.. Why would people hide this, and make it this HUGE secret??? It is such an amazing gift... Well my friends these SKINNY BITCHES I work with have given me that reason.. I however am not going to stop.. I am going to continue to be open and honest, and quite frankly next time I overhear their conversation I will speak up, and kindly ask them to move their conversation away from the "fat lazy wls chick". Good night my friends, and thanks for letting me vent off a little... P.S. We r just waiting on a date.. should be getting one soon!
  24. pinknsassyemt

    I cried for the first time...

    HAHAHA Well sad thing is, it was just them talking in general.. they know NOTHING about my decision.. its not even a floor I would normally work on.. What is SAD is our Bari floor is right across the hall, and a lot of families and patients take it as a "short" cut to the cafe or elevators, so anyone could have been a Bari patient walking by hearing this... I decided this morning to let their manager know about their "open forum" and that it could be potentially harmful to someones feelings!
  25. pinknsassyemt


    I am 2 months no smoking for the process.. and I was sent for a Cotinine (Nicotine) urine/blood test this morning.. I had to prove smoke free before they will schedule my surgery... So yes... they can test!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
