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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by ravendays

  1. I am scheduled to meet Dr Kuri day after tomorrow, Friday for my tests and Saturday for my surgery. Everyone around me has my nerves all over the place but in my heart everything will be okay. The complication I have hit (and only one so far) is that my best friend that was going to go with me is now extremly ill and cant be around me so I have made it possible (found babysitters and such) to have my hubby to go with me however he doesnt have a passport so he will drop me off at the border (where Dr Kuri's staff will pick me up and take me to the hospital and then to the hotel. They have advised in the morning they will pick me up and bring me to the hospital for surgery.) and then he will stay in a near by hotel until Saturday or Sunday when I am ready to be picked up at the border (which Kuri's staff will bring me back). So my nerves are because I have never had a surgery before and I wont know anyone there but I have heard such amazing things about his staff and how friendly they are plus other scheduled bandsters will be there for me to befriend =) I choose Dr Kuri because a co-worker of mine went to him and had such positive adventure and the follow up by his facilitators is great. For less then what I would pay for co-payment with my insurance, after jumping threw 6 months worth of hoops to be denied because I dont have any health complications YET due to my weight (but am border line on everything) my costs would cover the hotel night before, the surgery and all expenses associated with it, free fills for life, 2 nights extra stay to be closer to dr while recovering if I choose, and the Dr has performed now over 4,000 band surgeries and is very well known for his work. Im not worried about Mexico itself because I'm not planning on leaving the staff side unless Im at the hotel sleeping. I'm not going to go explore the country side while waiting for my surgery. I see it the same way as if I went to a large city like New York by myself...be safe as possible. So summed up....I did homework on Dr and got references, feel safe with that decision...and Im well educated on safe travel, feel safe there.....now to not fear the recovery so much and I will be set =) Good luck on whatever/whoever you decide just remember not to let what others believe effect your judgement. Do your homework, and choose what you feel comfortable doing. In the end if your nerves are goin to scare you enough that you need to be able to feel comfortable with your decision. =)
  2. got shopping done! Got what I think is everything I need for pre-op and post-op! Workin on being excited and not so scared...

  3. Hello vucarre, I am self pay however I will be getting my band in Mexico on the 30th. :thumbup: My BMI is 38 and my insurance wont cover it without me jumping threw 6 months to a year of hoops and in the end my co-pay would be $1,000 cheaper with insurance. To cut 6 months to a year out and all the headache, yeah I'll pay the $1,000 more. So I'm obessed but just not obessed enough. I have undiagnosed acid reflex problems (I just eat a lot of tums, gum, and drink a lot of milk) and Im sure I have high blood pressure but I havent found a dr that will stay in the small town I was from long enough to do a good physical with me and stay long enough to tell me what is goin on with me. I know I need to loss this weight...last I knew (3 yrs ago) I was borderline annemic, borderline high blood pressure, borderline diabetic....that was 35-40 lbs ago...yet the US doctor's and insurance companies want to wait to help until I'm beyond borderline and make sure I test positive for Diabetes, Annemia, High Blood Pressure, and who knows what else?
  4. ravendays

    Acid Reflux

    wow that doesnt sound so fun! I have seen some on here post about having hernia repairs while in surgery to be banded but I havent seen anyone post anything about getting GERD from the band. Then again, Im a newbie to all this so just because I havent heard of it, doesnt mean it cant or hasnt happened. I just hope it doesnt because I believe I may already have GERD and hoping I dont have to have anything else done during surgery other then the band....
  5. So I have time to think. This is a blessing yet a curse! I know I need time to think and wrap my head around the fact that in about 5 days I will be banded and on my way in post op and preparing myself for it. However, I am now wishing after reading everyone stories and them all having somewhere in them "but everyone is different" that I had a crystal ball so I know what to expect of myself. Will I be one that is in pain at level 8-10 for the next week after? Will I be one of the banded that regrets my decision, even if for a short time? Will I be able to be one of the banded that can walk out of the hospital same day? Be one that walking will solve most of my discomfort and in days I'll be full of yay's? In what will seem like no time be posting my weight loss on the forum? There is no way for me to know. I have always said "Human nature is to fear the unknown. With change comes unknown outcomes, therefore it is only natural for us to fear change." I need to heed my own advice...I know this is a change. I know this change is one that results from my inner most vulnerable state. I know my fear is from the change and the fear of the unknown. Unknown recovery, unknown results, and unknown how I will react mentally & emotionally to either. So I guess what I'm asking is, anyone else wish they had a crystal ball?
  6. ravendays

    Why are YOU Fat?

    Gee I'm stumped. I had a average childhoold. I lived I guess what you would qualify as a middle class family. Never starved (tho at times I would claim I was haha), no trauma that had me running to food to comfort me, was a fit child in a healthy weight class. When I think about when I started to gain weight it was after my 3 pregnancies I had in a row (when I say in a row I mean all two months apart...my kids b-days are 6/5/02, 6/11/03, 6/4/04). While I was pregnant I never ate completely healthy but never gained over the 25-30 lbs. After pregnancies I never thought much of it but I ate a lot of fast food. Anything fast and room temp or better was awesome while keeping up with my daughters. Now they are grown and since I have had to learn how to cook for myself. Considering by the time I was an adult to cook at home I was pregnant and rather go to Burger King, I didnt know how to cook, let alone cook healthy. I'm not an emotional eater, I dont eat non stop all day (sometimes Im lucky to eat more then one meal a day), I know what is healthy foods, excersise, etc. So I guess I am fat because of the lifestyle I have grown into since I became an adult. I am fat because I didnt realize what was happening until I found myself in over my head and now I cant seem to help myself. I can't wait for my band, my tool, my kick in the butt to help me....I have the knowledge, I have the power to make the change(s), and I believe once banded its only healthy from that point on =)
  7. ravendays

    New.. Just introducing myself.

    Welcome! I'm not banded yet myself but will be very soon. This website is full of information and hundreds (if not more) different view points with pros and cons and tons of expeirence. I have learned a lot on here in preparing me for my adventure. Some of it is intimidating and scary while some is refreshing and uplifiting. I have seen a lot of support on here from members and they are very resourcesful. Again welcome and good luck on your approval, I hope for you and your family you are approved!! :smile2:
  8. ravendays

    To band or not to band...

    I am scheduled to be banded the 30th of this month. Im still nervous and thinking, "has it really come to this." The end of every episode I have with myself it results to "yes its time." I feel like because Im in my late 20's that I should just be able to excersise and eat right and watch the weight come off. In my past it took a very long time but it did and I kept tryin threw the plateaus but I knew in my heart that my metabolism was fighting me. It was easy for me to lose the drive and motivation when my body was letting me down. After making my decision I sat down and wrote everything in my head on paper of why I want this surgery. What I see when I look in the mirror, the hardships my weight has put on me physically (from getting dressed, my heigene, my marriage, my activities with my daughters, etc) to mentally (no self esteem, uncomfortable in my own skin, lack of self respect, no confidence) and anytime I wonder "what am i thinking" I re-read the painful thoughts I wrote out. I hope you make the decision thats best for you and live with no regrets as much as I hope to do the same. I truely believe after the recovery period, i will be happy with the surgery. Im such a wuss tho so reading the recovery stories scares me =/
  9. ravendays

    The BIG secret!!

    :bananapowerslide: :iagree:
  10. ravendays

    my poor husband

    Oh Lord only knows how many times we'd be divorced if I didnt have thick skin. My husband really doesnt know tack and his filter from his brain to mouth wasnt ever fully developed from time of birth
  11. Hey ellenmarie I was cruising around on here and stumbled across your blog. Congrats on the smaller jeans! I am scheduled to be baned this next weekend and Im so stoked, nervous, scared, and now totally addicted to this website lol. I see your a dispatcher as well, so am I. It is diffently a career where fast eating and fast food is easy to have as a normal routine. Hope you are adapting well!

  12. ravendays

    my poor husband

    Aw hope his nerves calm a bit at least so you can relax. It's interesting how much of a "we" process it is for things like this and our loved ones. Hope he behaves for ya
  13. ravendays

    Losing TOO much weight!

    I discussed with my husband the changes that will occur once I'm banded and other people reacting to my weight loss was brought up. I told hubby I was afraid of family & friends thinking I should stop losing weight 50 lbs in because they are so used to seeing me 85 lbs over weight that 50 lbs less is a lot to them. I told him if he feels I should stop then to discuss it with me but to understand that losing 50 lbs doesnt put me even in the top of the healthy BMI for my height and age. I totally agree with you that being called anorexic. Any comment that is stating you are unhealthy (be it too skinny or too fat) is uncalled for. How can people say they care about someone when they are so obviously verbally assaulting them by saying such things. I understand they care but becareful of the accusations you make.
  14. ravendays

    When Can I

    :thumbsup: :thumbup:
  15. ravendays

    my poor husband

    This is hilarious because the other day my husband said something and I told my bestie I think my husband needs a mouth filter because his brain ok's him to say things that could result in me putting ice cubes on his side of the bed *evil giggle*.... My husband, brother in law, and myself were joking around about me talking to a guy friend of mine and my brother in law pops off with a sarcastic "Well you know she is about to get the Lapband done and is planning on losing all that weight"...My husband comes back with, "Doesnt mean she will cheat on me, it means she will be my artifical trophy wife"....My response "ARTIFICAL???? So I want be a real skinny healthy wife...no I'll be a fake? How the heck do you figure" Oh my ice trays are in the freezer full and about to be used!!!! lol But hey at least he knows I wont cheat on him hahaha
  16. ravendays

    The BIG secret!!

    As it is right now more people know then I would like about me getting this done. I have a job and a part time job and at both places is at least 1 person who has had it done, with great results and little to no complciations, yet I still heard negative feed back. Thankfully in both places are a few people who are greatly supporting me as well and that really helps. My immediate family knows and a few other family members that had to be told because the surgery & recovery time interfered with other family plans that were extremely important and I couldnt play the "sorry I work" card. I wouldnt have told the in-laws (all but one arent totally pro idea) but I have one that lives with us and has a big mouth so...they all know. Really quick I had to get thick skin because I wasnt just hearing the negative feed back cuz of surgery but also because I'm going to Mexico. So I just tell them the facts, results of my research, and end it with "Its my body, my mind, my soul, my decision. Thank you for worrying however I have done my homework and I have made up my mind and feel confident I am doing the right thing for me and my family". After that they can scoff all they want or support me...thats their decision. For the most part though I have noticed, I have more support then negativity I just need to tone out the negative ones and I'm fine =)
  17. ravendays

    January 2011 Bandsters !!!

    I go for my testing on Friday (29th) and banded on Saturday (30th). Oh I hope Im one of the lucky ones that has an easy recovery, out same day, and home laughing about all my nerves a few days post-op....oh please please please, be me! hahaha
  18. ravendays


    I think its a mandate for the dr's in the States to be strict and requirement at least 2 weeks of non-smoking before surgery that involves anesthesia (tho a year out I think is extreme and I reminds of life insurance policy requirements haha) due to the fact that you can get pneumonia. But I think if a doctor gives a green light to smoke no matter what, thats a red flag to me. If your doctor will still preform the surgery no matter your smoking status or amount I still think it's best to cut back as much as possible before surgery if you arent able to quit. The less you smoke the less risk of anything at all surgery related or not. Maybe the dr said not to quit unless your ready because he feels same way I do...if you dont want to quit and arent mentally and physically determined to not smoke, then you will continue justifying a cigarette. I say this as a person who has quit smoking for a year and a half and 6 months ago picked it back up and is trying to quit again.
  19. A week from this minute I should be at home after surgery recovering. Oh I feel the nerves!

  20. ravendays

    Tuesday's the Day!

    How exciting! Please keep us posted. And your daughter sounds like a sweetie <3
  21. Hi. I saw you were banded by Kuri on this month, was wondering how it went? I'm scheduled with him on the 30th =)

  22. ravendays

    Goin to Mexico to get banded!!

    I will be headed down to Tiajuana on early Friday morning to be banded on the 30th. I was referred by a co-worker that went to same surgeon I'm going to (Kuri) about 5 months ago. She has since gone back for a fill and I will be doing the same. Its about a 7 hr drive from where I live. I understand the scare, I'd be lieing if I didnt say I'm 100% not scared but honestly I'm not scared of the Mexico part or the doctor himself. I have heard nothing but good about him and his staff. I'm more scared because that I'll be one of the ones with lots of pain and not one to jump up and be ready to go for a jog haha. I dont think you are nuts. I have told family & a few friends where my surgery is at but for the most part its on a need to know basis because I'm fine and I dont need anyone un-nerving me this close and with my mind set. Good Luck!
  23. ravendays


    While Im not a nurse I do dispatch for an ambulance company =P and before that I was a 911 Central dispatcher for neighboring county sheriff's department. Public Service is the name of the game, where shift work is part of life, overtime is abundant, working holidays is usually a must, social lives are a bit absent at times, and family are always getting told "im sorry I wish I could but I gotta go into work tonight". I work graves for the most part and 12 hr shifts are long time to sit stationary. When you are unable to get breaks to leave property you are stuck with *drum roll please* delivery! I think they have it as a requirement that if its delivery it cant be healthy =) So expensive too! I was on the fluffy side coming into this career but I did tend to expand the fluffiness to a heff-ish state and now...full on heffer status =( I'm busy but never active....does jumping for the phone burn as many calories as a jumping jack? Just curious lol
  24. Aw you poor thing to get your lil band friend and to have to move and then have the dr bail, sounds like it was for the best if in the end you got a dr you seem to feel a bond with. I hope all is good and you find your sweet spot. Im not banded yet so I dont know much but I agree with the previous post that asked if doc looked to make sure placement is correct as well. Hate for them to take it out if in the end all you need as a few more fills and your sweet spot is nailed...that sweet spot sounds pretty amazing and I pray you find yours soon so you can spell your joy over these forums with "yay me's"
  25. ravendays


    I will do my best to explain. Top Left of your screen it should say "signed in as _________" with a drop arrow next to it. (click it) Go to "My Profile" (Click it) At top Right of your screen you will see where it says "edit my profile" (Click it) In the List on the left side you will see it says "Change Signature" (click it) Tah-Dah =)

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