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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by ravendays

  1. Thank you everyone. I'm on the downhill of this nasty chest cold. My port area hurt really bad day of on set of symptoms and the 1st day of the cold and after the congestion started to break up the port didnt hurt anymore. I guess from the inflammation of me coughing and congestation that it irritated poor lil Bandito somehow ;)

    Ahhh to breathe again is nice =) Thanks again!

  2. Was wondering if anyone on here has experience a chest cold or flu type illness after being banded and if it effected your port? My port was sore 3 days ago and I figured I over did it day before spring cleaning my house. Next day it was still sore. Then yesterday I had the "wont go away and I keep wanting to cough" experience. Today I woke up with fever and body aches. I would think they port isnt related to my lungs and chest cavaty area but honestly my legs are achey from this and they have no relation to my lungs....so I was wondering how everyone else was effected when sick? By the week im a month post op =)

  3. I have heard some bad things about the HCG diet but then again you'll hear "Bad things" about anything this days. I have a friend that started taking diet pills now after 6 months post op and 50 lbs down. She also has had a month long battle with Constipation due to not eating healthy enough. Guess what her daily splurge was? Vanilla shakes....you are 10 days post op? I'd highly recommend you wait until you are healed up a bit more and think a lot on this one splurge. If you can justify this, what else can you justify? Oreo Cookies w/ milk? Shoot I did pre-op...made since to me, the equalled each other out haha. Just remember why you did this surgery and if a milk shake is something your body needs for fuel.

    Best of luck to you both.

    Oh and OP I would suggest asking your doctor if the HCG diet is a health diet to start post op...good luck =)

  4. I didnt cheat but I found the loop hole. I preach "Too much of anything good can be bad" and I proved it. I had my Wongton and Im allowed soft mushies now. I wasnt starving when I ate but it was the 1st thing I had that tasted so dang good. I over ate. I wasnt paying attention and just kept eating. It was served in a large styrofoam cup so of course I should have divided a portion out, nope that would have made sense.

    Oye vey....2 weeks out, 1st mushy meal and already feel like a heffer again. Hoping I've learned my lesson. Just had to vent. Thanks for listening.

  5. I was told no neasporin but there is another type of ointment, i cant remember the names of the two they told me to pick from. Sorry wish I was more helpful then that. Sorry the incesions and that impression on you! My hubby helped me clean mine out for a couple days and everytime he put ointment on them I just made this awful face cuz I didnt think it be painless lol

  6. I dont have many friends to start of with just a hand full of really close friends and a couple family members. My bestie wasnt supportive until I explained to her I needed her support...she didnt have to like my decisions. She did some homework on the band and then got behind me 110% unfortunately she has a life mess and is pulling away to privately go crazy so that sucks but I get it. I had a co-worker that was my buddy tho and after he found out I had it done he told me that I didnt need it, wasnt obessed enough, and my dr should lose his license for doing surgery. I told him I did my homework, I am/was morbidly obese tho not by much and he hasnt talked to me since. I guess he lost his respect for me. I figure this will show me some true colors of people around me. Im sure my mother in law will jump on the "nay sayers" band wagon once I lose over 30 lbs. I hope your friend comes around. You really need a support team not a team who will make you think they are comparing themselves to you. Wishing you the best!

  7. wow that is so sad. Im sorry to hear about your dr's staff being so careless. Sounds like this lady forgot why she was hired. I would diffently make a complaint with the office supervisor about what happened and how upset you are over this. Maybe someone else can take over paperwork and work miracles. I really hope you can get this done in the time you needed =(

  8. you poor thing! I hope Monday you give that office a piece of your mind. You put faith in this doctor and they need to show more concern for you. I say you talk to you dr monday and tell him your complaints, if they go unheard is there away you can seek a new doctor for your after care? Also if things get too bad you need to get help before monday is the hospital an option for you? I hope things get better =(

  9. I had never actually realized this until you posted this. I had a similar feeling on the skin near my incisions. It kind of felt like the skin was a bit sensitive to the touch - not hot or warm - but when my clothing grazed it, it was, not exactly painful, but more irritating than anything. The sensitivity wasn't localized to the exact incision sites but more generalized with maybe a two or three inch diameter around each incision. My incisions weren't infected or anything and everything healed very well. I started putting a bit of baby oil on my tummy and it seemed to help. I noticed it was worse when I wore a tanktop under my shirt - like it was almost too much sensory contact for me to handle.

    It didn't last for long - maybe a week and then it was gone. I don't feel anything like that anymore.

    I hope it goes away soon. However, I would agree with the other posters - check in with your surgeon.

    This sounds more like what I was talking about. Its not near my incisions and actual those are almost all healed up and look good. Its like you described and about 2-3in away from my incesions. It started about 4 days ago and it doesnt hurt but is just really annoying and irritating. I was thinking maybe i needed lotion. I'll try baby oil. Thank you If it doesnt go away in a cpl days I will call the doc up =)

  10. I posted this 2 days ago (approx) and now I show I have never posted anything so I will try this again. I believe I have seen somewhere in these forums someone mention the sunburn feeling after post op. I was wondering if anyone else has felt this before and for how long after surgery.

    I am 11 days post op and the area of my lower abdomin and up to my belly button area on the side of the port my skin feels like its sunburned. Its sensitive to the touch of my shirt even. I was wondering if anyone else has felt this and if so for how long?

    Thanks for any kind of ideas or confirmation that my body isnt crazy lol :P

  11. OMG This is hilarious you posted this because I was just telling a friend of mine last night that I am still wrapping my head around the fact I have a band in my stomach and so I feel if I name it then I will feel like we can then move forward in our bonding expeirence! I just cant think of a name for mine. I feel its a female tho...:P

  12. I believe I have read somewhere in the forums before that a post op symptom that is common is the sunburn feeling of your skin. I have had this feeling now in my lower left abdominal area near and below my belly button and over by what I believe is the port site. I was wondering if someone can comfirm that this is normal and nothing to call my doc over and if it is...how much longer will i feel it. It's a lil nerve racking and since the muscle ache/pain has started to deminish quite a bit I was hoping this sensitive sunburn feeling would as well....

  13. Name, real or screen~ Becky / ravendays

    Age~ 28

    Weight on January 31st~ 193.2

    Goal Weight for February 28th~ 189.2

    Exercise Goal for February~ Increase walking to a mile a 5 times a week

    Dietary Goal for February~ Drink more water

    Personal Goal for February~ To get to know my Lap Band and become buddies =)

    Date Banded~ 1-29-11

    Total Weight Loss Since Banding~ 3.2 lbs

    Im probably not fair game here since im in my 1st week of banded. However I was a good girl and never strayed from my post op diet so I wanna put my lose in here ;) I know Im a day late so I will put yesterdays weight in not todays ;)

    Mondays weight = a -9.2 loss.


  14. Gotta a question. I tried to find a thread on it and didnt find one...

    I see all the different sizes of bands. What is taken in consideration for the size of the band that is used? I didnt discuss it with my Dr....I know the brand and was happy with that. I never thought much on it until I have seen others mention how big their band is and I realized mine is small in comparison. Just curious why the different sizes and what is taken into consideration for your size band....

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