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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Grateful_Love

  1. Grateful_Love


    I am a therapist, and so I speak with some bias, so take what I say as you wish. I am all for cognitive behavioral theory, humanist and holistic approaches. I also have a food addiction. I also have a mood disorder. I also take a mood stabilizer. And I also take a low grade low dose anti-depressant. And I also would not be alive without them. I also SEE a therapist and have for several years. Again--I advocate for holistic approaches. It is a mind/body wellness that we have to strive for. I have seen clients that are anti meds, and I have seen clients who choose to opt for meds instead of therapy. Clinically speaking, from my experience, it truly is a mixed bag. But for some, there is no way I could get through/make a treatment plan/address issues if they weren't compliant with their medications. For some, it opens them up to see their vulnerabilities--and without that "opening" or "lifting" of the mood through medication, therapy would be all for naught. It's a willingness to learn about yourself, be self aware, and take notes, so to speak, of set backs and successes and when and how they came about. To me, it doesn't matter to me how you approach the journey--just that you use the tool box available to make it not quite such a rickety ride. ✌️
  2. Pretzel rods dipped in uncooked brownie batter (minus the egg)!! It became a staple for period cravings!! I can't remember the last time I ate it, but I remember getting a college room mate hooked! And of course she's the size of one of my thighs lol.
  3. Grateful_Love


    I'm interested in this as well, because one of the main reasons I'm having surgery is to improve fertility. My husband and I have been trying for like 2 years now. It's frustrating and hard. My surgeons office says 12-18 months. I am worried about getting pregnant too soon, bc I'm anti birth control at this point (I'm convinced it messed me up and that's why I can't get pregnant now--this might be completely false, but it's my thoughts). And condoms..are helpful, I guess. But it's going to be SUPER weird to use them after 6 years lolol. But yeah---anyone get prego after the sleeve? How soon after? How did everything go?
  4. Grateful_Love

    Ive realized a few things after surgery

    I was JUST thinking about this. I'm getting ready to go out and get supplies because I don't have many days off between now and my surgery. And I was thinking..."well should I get ricotta and re-fried Beans?" And I vetoed that idea. I can get that stuff AFTER my weeks of clear Protein, full protein. And if all else fails i can send hubby out to get it if I'm not feeling better. I know myself. I know that I'm often adventurous and risky. I don't wanna give myself annnnyyyy reason to stray from doctors orders because I'll bet I'll say, "I'm great!" And "what's a teensy taste of refried beans gonna do?" Nope. Not this time brain!!
  5. Grateful_Love

    Why is my picture turned sideways?

    Alex, you're too sweet! I just can't even handle how adorable!
  6. Grateful_Love

    How old are/were you?

    I'm 29 and I'm scheduled for my sleeve in 2 weeks
  7. I am not on Facebook. Not for any particular reason really..I just deactivated it a year ago and haven't felt compelled to activate it again. I have told my husband and one friend who was/is in process. I say "was/is" because she gained around 10 pounds in her 4th month of supervised diet docs. I know she wants it, but I'm not sure if she's ready yet..just because she's not been very wordy about it and has kind of stand-offish when I talk about mine coming up. I told work that I have a hernia and an ulcer--i don't. But I'm taking paid time off so I don't have to provide much more than that. I have just started super cleaning--I do it when I'm anxious. It'll help me relax when I'm recovering at home. This whole process sort of just ...closed up on me. It felt like for everrr when I was going through the motions, but now that it's all said and (almost) done it's freaking me out a bit. I plan to stock up on broth and Popsicles and my Vitamins and Protein of course. I have just shy of two weeks.
  8. Grateful_Love

    March 2015 Surgery!

    My surgery is march 3!! I'm meeting with the surgeon to sign final consents tmw. And he will probably tell me to start the liquid diet. I'm scared of that too! But it's gonna be worth it I hope everyone's surgery is successful and that we all come out okay. Cause I am legit terrified lol
  9. Grateful_Love


    I'm interested in this as well. My surgery day is coming up and I have been putting chocolate Protein powder in my coffee and it's been..okay..but not great. But it helps getting my brain ready for it, so it's better than nothing. I'm posting to subscribe. Does anyone do anything awesome with their decaf? Lol.
  10. Another march 3rd here. I go tomorrow to sign consents with the surgeon and the anesthesiologist. It's becoming so real it's terrifying. They will probably have me start on liquids after tmw, too. I hope we all do okay!! I've been just posting here and there while I've been on here so I'm hoping that I can find a good "group" for support after surgery. I have my husband, but I feel like he just doesn't get it completely yet. I also feel like I need to tell my parents, but I haven't yet. ...I'm scared to tell them.
  11. I quit smoking in October 2014, started back up in December, but vaped for the most part. I have surgery in two weeks and I'm vaping no nicotine. It's so hard. Losing weight for the 6 month diet was def easier. I'm hoping that 2 weeks is enough to get all the gunk out. I def feel better vaping than I do smoking. There's just a certain "feel" that a cigarette has. Getting good vape equipment helps, but I'm not certain that it is any "better." There's just not enough conclusive stidies out there. (Which is an entirely different topic).
  12. Grateful_Love

    Keeping weight loss surgery a secret

    My husband and one close friend knows. I'm waiting to schedule now. I told my boss that I'm having a stomach ulcer repair and a hernia repair. I haven't been with my company a full year yet so I will be using personal, sick, and vacation time. Im not going into detail because I don't want to be watched like a hawk, I don't want to hear the negativity about it later if I don't lose miraculous amounts of weight, and I don't feel like it's anyone's business. Because frankly, everyone has an opinion and I get a little sassy when I feel challenged or judged and I don't want to ruin relationships with my coworkers defending myself. All I need to do is schedule and then play the waiting game and no one knows a thing except my husband, and a friend who is going through the process with me.
  13. Grateful_Love

    Letting go of my armour

    I've been thinking of getting a sewing machine because I do really love some of my clothes. Maybe just an alteration here or there
  14. I know this isn't technically surgery related, but..in hopes to keep my hands busy and salvage some of my favorite clothes (I spent a ton on them since they all had to be plus size) I was hoping to get a sewing machine. While I'm crafty and can read directions pretty well, I haven't used a sewing machine since like 8th grade sewing class...which is about 15 years ago at this point. Anybody else dabble with sewing? I'm willing to invest, but it has to be something easy to learn on. Thanks guys!
  15. Grateful_Love

    Keeping it a secret? Anyone else

    I initially only read the first response from Seahawk. But you others are right. It truly is no ones business, just mine. I just hate that I don't feel open about it. I'm usually such a open book
  16. Grateful_Love

    Keeping it a secret? Anyone else

    I do not have a hernia repair..but that's likely what I'll tell them, too. Or something along those lines I just feel awful lying. I'm afraid it will make my recovery time longer cause karma is a bad bleotch.
  17. Grateful_Love


    Girl! I just got approved on Monday and my husband and friend are the only two that know and OMG their poor ears. I'm telling work that I need a month off tmw and then I'm scheduling and I am beyoooond excited. And terrified. But mostly excited!! Hooray for you!! I hope you go first so you can tell us how good you feel and what extra things to pack!! Congratulations!!
  18. Grateful_Love

    Hating that I told my friends from college

    Blondie--that's the plan. I've been great and stealthy for the last 6 months so I'm sure I can keep it together for another 6 at least. I'm not worried about work so much. A lady on here (hi shiz!) gave me the full rundown on HIPPA so I could literally say I'm having brain surgery and they can't pull the documents without a court order. So I'll say an ulcer/hernia and that will be that for work. I do kinda feel a little bad for not telling my close friend who's going to be working in my office tho. But..you know what? None of her business, really. And if I thought she'd be supportive I would have kept talking the first time I mentioned it to her. Such as life I guess.
  19. I just read through allllll of these and they were hysterical! I just finished my six month diet doc and I'm approved and waiting to schedule my sleeve. For the last six months I've been eating healthy at work, and I've been going walking and trying to prepare and portion and not eat and drink together etc. I've lost about 30lbs. I work in an office with about 20 others..and most of us are in our 20's. Everyone likes to go out for drinks and we often get fast good because it's a 24/7 agency. A coworker was going to go out for Wendy's and everyone was making their lists of what they wanted. Someone asked me what I wanted and before I could say "no, thank you," another girl WHO IS TINY TINY TINY spoke for me and said something along the lines of "she's been eating rabbit food for the last month--I don't think she wants anything." Granted, she was being funny/joking, and we have a great work relationship, in my opinion. But WHAT? Annnnnddd why is this tiny little princess snot paying attention to my carrot sticks anyways!!? I politely said my food was in the fridge and that I was okay, thanked them anyway. I'm NEVER speechless and in that moment I literally had no words. My mouth probably dropped. And this and precisely this is why I'm not telling a soul at work about my surgery.
  20. Grateful_Love

    I have PCOS...

    Thank you guys. This gives me hope that one day I'll have a baby, too.
  21. Grateful_Love

    Keeping it a secret? Anyone else

    My husband knows, and one friend, who is supposed to be doing it with me but gained in her supervised weigh-ins, so will def take longer/may flake on the idea all together. Now I'm approved. I have to talk to work about time off so I can schedule and I'm going to be as vague as possible about that. My problem is that a close friend (a bridesmaid in my wedding type close--super close) recently started a job in my office. She will see that I'm off for x amount of days and ask why and I don't know what I'll say to her, honestly. The reason I haven't told her anything already is because one time when I was in the very beginning, I told her I had thought about surgery and she immediately shot me down and said "you don't need that, that's for people like 150 plus over weight" (which I am). Since that encounter, I decided not to utter one single peep to her and I haven't--but now I'll have to tell her something. Ugh. I haven't even told my mom or my dad! Literally--just my husband and my friend (who I'm now paranoid will let it slip to some mutual friend and blahhhhhh, I hate this.) I wish I COULD be honest with everyone. I just do not have the time, nor the energy, to defend something that I've already made my mind up about. This should not be this hard!!
  22. Grateful_Love

    Hating that I told my friends from college

    My husband knows, and one friend, who is supposed to be doing it with me but gained in her supervised weigh-ins, so will def take longer/may flake on the idea all together. Now I'm approved. I have to talk to work about time off so I can schedule and I'm going to be as vague as possible about that. My problem is that a close friend (a bridesmaid in my wedding type close--super close) recently started a job in my office. She will see that I'm off for x amount of days and ask why and I don't know what I'll say to her, honestly. The reason I haven't told her anything already is because one time when I was in the very beginning, I told her I had thought about surgery and she immediately shot me down and said "you don't need that, that's for people like 150 plus over weight" (which I am). Since that encounter, I decided not to utter one single peep to her and I haven't--but now I'll have to tell her something. Ugh. I haven't even told my mom or my dad! Literally--just my husband and my friend (who I'm now paranoid will let it slip to some mutual friend and blahhhhhh, I hate this.) I wish I COULD be honest with everyone. I just do not have the time, nor the energy, to defend something that I've already made my mind up about. This should not be this hard!!
  23. Grateful_Love

    Sewing machines

    Thanks everyone I'll hunt for used--although I've had little luck so far. If anything, I'll hand my money over to Walmart, hope for the best, and if I break it in 30 days I'll take it back. Haha I WILL need something to keep my hands busy for sure. I'm also a former smoker--so I've been using 0 nicotine vape cigarettes but I'm giving that up, too. And, for a fat girl, I've always had a knack for finding quirky style pieces on the racks of goodwill. I'm a little old at heart that way, but I keep telling my husband "they are perfectly good clothes," as I take up HIS side of the closet, too. I'll keep you guys posted!
  24. Grateful_Love

    Craving really bad food!

    I'm waiting to schedule my date, but this is a fear I have, too. Since I've been relatively strict on my pre-op diet, I have been having strange food dreams lol. Once I had a dream that I was at a carnival and everyone around me was eating cotton candy and I was held hostage by a clown and couldn't eat anything. It freaked me out so bad. Good thing I'm re-connecting to my dear old therapist! Haha
  25. Grateful_Love

    You’re fat…but not fat enough

    I've heard of people using weights in their pockets and wearing the heaviest clothes they could. Not advising this, but I've heard it. I've also heard of people wearing weights even if they did qualify, to ensure they could lose the x pounds in the 6 month period. Cheaters, I say! But whatever works I guess.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
