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Cliff N.

LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Cliff N.

  1. Cliff N.

    March Madness Challenge

    cliff n. weigh in, 3/07/2011.........255.0 lbs, down 4lbs
  2. Cliff N.

    March Madness Challenge

    Name, real or screen~ Cliff n. Age~ 43 Weight on February 28th~ 259lbs Goal Weight for March 31st~ 245 Exercise Goal for March~ walking more miles and lifting, when i can i drive a tractor trailer over the road, try to make more time for myself. Dietary Goal for March~just keep on doing what im doing, measure and eat high protein foods 4oz meals. Personal Goal for March~to knock off the weight, and train hard, and stay healthy. Date Banded~1/27/2011 Total Weight Loss Since Banding~ 36lbs
  3. Cliff N.

    Am I eating too much?

  4. i was banded on 01/27/11, i personally think you are eating to much calories way to soon, i was at the surgeons office today and was going to have my first fill on Friday, but they canceled that do to i was losing weight fast!!!. but i told them how little i was eating and surprisingly they said if it's working go for it... i eat 3 times a day and try to eat 4oz ''try''... but when i start back to work i will be having some fruit in between meal, right now i eat around 500 to 700 calories if im lucky and log everything i eat and drink im 6' 2'' currently 260 lbs!!! good luck and keep your head up!!!!!
  5. that is awesome, i hope you enjoyed your special day!!!
  6. congratulation on the weight loss, so did you lose over 100 lbs in a year?? if so that is awesome!!!!! Happy Birthday, and keep up the goodwork!!
  7. I had a inactive thyroid and they put me on SYNTHROID to speed it up....funny thing i didn't find out to the 2 weeks post-opt diet i had this problem.... so with the post-opt diet i started at 313 lbs, and the day of the surgery i was 295 lbs. and i was banded on 01/27/2011 and just got home from my 4 week check up and weighed in today at 260 lbs. total 53 lbs in 6 weeks..i would say it has helped me!!!!!!
  8. Cliff N.

    weight loss

    i was told by surgeon and nutritionist, to eat only 3 meals a day and only 4oz at a time.. i have no fills at this time..im empty!!! even in all the seminars and support groups i went to said 4 oz meals 3 times a day!!! so im doing my best to do what they say.. and sometimes i don't want to eat.... very strange for me..lol..some days i eat less then that!! yea there was a earlier post from me, on the weight i lost and how much i eat at a time!!
  9. Cliff N.

    weight loss

    Heather can you give me an ideal what you eat in one day to equal 1200 calories, im just trying to figure out how in the heck are people eating the much..im only about 600 to 700 a day if that and i log everything i put in my mouth........ Breakfast= 1/4 cup of egg beater 1= 2oz turkey sausage mild 1= 2oz turkey sausage regular 1.5 carbs, 28 Protein, 265 calories, Lunch= 2 servings of tuna fish that's one can, 1 broccoli spear 4 carbs, 29 protein,131 calories Dinner= 4 oz deer meat 1 broccoli spear 4 carbs, 28 protein, 216 calories Snack= sugar free Popsicle 3 carbs, 0 protein, 12 calories TOTAL= Carbs=12.5, Protein=85, Calories=636, now someday i eat more refried Beans then other days for more carbs but try not to exceed 4oz meals!!!!!
  10. Cliff N.

    weight loss

    i was banded on 1/27/11, did the pre-opt diet starting on 1/13/11 and weighed 313 on the 13th, day of surgery 291 lbs. as of Saturday 1/19/11 = 265.4 lbs.. total 47lbs i stick to 3, 4oz, meals and don't cheat and only walk a mile a day!!!!
  11. WOW... very interesting i was at my PCP on Friday with the same concerns, and showed him the bumps and rash i had to. and his reply was did i CHANGE MULTIVITAMINS, and yes i did, i had to switch to a chewables for the band. he said i could be having a ALLERGIC reaction to the vitamin's it's very common. so im going to keep an eye on it for a while and see what happen. right now i take the Walmart Flintstone Brand, or is there something better i could take??
  12. i don't think anyone told this person to put anything on there incision, people and i were referring to put the lotion/cremes on the rash only.. alot of us have gotten those rash bumps and they itchy like crazy........
  13. Cliff N.

    Weight Loss Surgery Cookbook for Dummies

    the only problem with these cook book and recipes, known of the are for the average person, alot of ingredients, not something you can just through together!!! and one of the chefs for the dummies book has a website..i believe its www.chefdave.org
  14. just put some Benadryl jel for itching relief on the rash, and take some vitamin E jel capsules and swallow them great for itching relief.!!! let your incisions breathe!!
  15. Cliff N.

    I can eat EVRYTHING

    i love a good cat fight...lol...... but LOSER and LOSING are two different things....i don't think anyone called anyone a LOSER!!!!:lol:
  16. Cliff N.

    One year out movie I made...

    great job and a awesome video..way to gooooo!!!!
  17. Cliff N.

    Still hungry

    i really think everybody is different..with that being said, i been banded going on three weeks. i am going in for my first fill on the 25th, right now i have know restrictions at all, but in the morning i have non fat plain yogurt with 1 scoop of pure whey protein powder, and 1 tbs of wheat germ, around 8am, my next meal might be @ 2pm a can of tuna... I HAVE TO FORCE MYSELF TO EAT DINNER..that's all im saying is everyone is different.. b4 the ban i could eat that horse. not now....good luck and watch the portion sizes...4oz
  18. VERY WELL SAID^^^^ let the body heal, Don't let your Stomach control your mind, let your Mind control your appetite!!!!
  19. i kind of went through that faze too, come to find out it the pouch was filling up, and was effecting the hernia that they had to repair and pressing on the hernia, and made it feel like i was having a heart attack!!!
  20. Cliff N.

    Weight Loss Surgery Cookbook for Dummies

    there are several great books out......all at Amazon.com shipping is free for orders over $25.00 1) eating well after weight loss surgery (alot of great food ideals) $11.53 2) recipes for life after weight loss surgery. $12.22 3) weight loss surgery cookbook for dummies. $12.09 4)The Complete Idiot's Guide to Eating Well After Weight Loss Surgery.....$12.89
  21. Cliff N.

    Sugar Free Gum

    my Doc & surgeon, said to stay away from alcohol sugar..soo i do!!!
  22. i believe Hellman's has a low fat mayo. i tried it at a party not bad!!! just a thought. package content..... http://www.hellmanns.us/products/nutritional_info/NutritionInfo.aspx?ProdId=REDUCEDFAT
  23. Cliff N.

    Food Diary

    first off i am no expert by know means... i would keep the yogurt and cottage cheese...BUT i would switch them to NON FAT, and only have 1/2 cup=4oz, also it gives you a good source of calcium,and get rid of the dark chicken meat = fat, go with white meat leaner and healthier, and only have a 1/2 cup of your servings, beans and nuts.... like i said im no expert here, but good luck
  24. this site is getting so aggravating, very slow, i did switch to the mobile version and seemed to work better, boring colors..lol....i will switch back today and down lowd ad blocker to firefox and see if that works.. but right now very slow and frustrating ... thanks cliff
  25. Cliff N.

    Vegetarians and Vegans

    i love meat, but i found this to be a interesting topic, with some neat ideals........

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
