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Posts posted by laladotdot

  1. I am so glad to read everyone's thoughts here ... I am scheduled to my surgery this Saturday and my doctor only requires 24 hours clear liquids before surgery, so i was worried why others have to go on more stringent diets, etc. ..... am glad to hear that there are many of you out there that also were instructed to to clear liquids for 24 hour prior to surgery .. this puts my mind at ease! As you can imagine, I am getting a tad nervous .... Not sure what my BMI is but I am very overweight and just looking forward to beginning a new phase of my life and getting healthy so I can live a long life as I should be able to ....

    Thanks everyone for all your words of wisdom!

    I was also not required to go on a pre op diet. I had clear liquids the day before and I had to drink 2 bottles of Mag Citrate to "clean me out". My surgery went great and I had no problems. As far as the pre-op diet goes... it is to shrink your liver, if you have a fatty liver, because the liver is in the way of your stomach and during surgery they have to kinda pick it up and move it out of the way, to cut your tummy out, so its just a lot safer if your liver is smaller, fewer surgical risks. Im sure you will do great! Good luck!!

  2. I was sleeved on Aug 24th. sugar free Ice cream was on my list of diet options from my surgeon, so therefor I ate it...but very little! I mixed it with skim milk and made it like soft serve, and I ate only about 1/4 c. I was extremely full afterwards. I think everyone is different and the tolerance of everyone's sleeve is going to be different! I have seen so many different post op diets on here so I can see how you could want to see if anyone else has tried it! I also LOVE the sugar free Jello pudding in dulce de leche..its awesome! i can eat maybe 1/2 of them, they are only 60 calories and really good! But they dont have any nutrients in them like the other greek yogurt recipies you have been given! Good luck girlie! Just keep your head up and dont get discouraged! :rolleyes:

  3. Thanks so much for the encouragement everyone! I am so glad to knowI am not the only one feeling like this and struggling! I will try to drink a Protein Shake in order to substitute for my lack of calories. I ate about a half of scrambled egg this morning for Breakfast and it felt fine, no nausea or anything! So I guess in a little bit I will try to drink a shake, but right now I am just way to full to try it!! I hope everyone has a good rest of the week! I am headed back to work tomorrow(7p to 7a) I hope it goes ok!! And I hope I can stay awake, as I feel so drained!!!! ugh!blink.gif

  4. I was sleeved Aug 24th, I am 2 weeks post op. I feel "fine" with the exception of being tired all of the time, which I feel like is from not taking in enough calories for energy. My surgeons nurse told me I was supposed to try to start planning my meals and get 350 calories/meal. I am no where near that amount of calories. I may eat 1 ounce of tuna and 1 ounce of applesauce for a meal....and this is all I can eat, how do I get 350 calories from that??? They also say not to rely on my Protein Shakes, try to eat my protein....but I am not getting enough Protein in without them! ALSO....this Fluid intake...I am no where near getting enough fluid in...I am probably gettin in half of the required amount of fluid a day! Tomorrow I start soft foods, maybe it will get better, I hope it does, I go back to work Thursday...Im a nurse and work 12 hour shifts, so I cant imagine feeling this wore out at work! Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!

  5. I also gained about 5 lbs before my surgery! I think I had the "last meal syndrome" and felt like I had to eat everything I wanted because I wasn't going to be able to eat it again! I was still approved for my surgery! I had it on Aug 24th so I am still recovering, and on my full liquid stage. Everyone says you will be able to eat your favorite foods again, so just try your hardest to stick to your diet if your doctor put you on one(my doc did not require me to lose any weight pre op, luckily). Good luck! It will come quick!rolleyes.gif

  6. I put a package of splenda in my Isopure and that helped some. Of course, I'm a bit of a splenda junkie, so it may have been that too. The first 3 weeks were REALLY hard for me. I had horrible pain in my left side, and it was days before I could even get up off of the bed on my own. I went back to my surgeon on day 4 to have my drain removed and barely made it from the parking garage to the elevator! My boyfriend thought he was going to have to carry me back out of the building! But, I'm 6 weeks post op now, and amazed!!!! I've lost 55 pounds (18 were pre op) and am down from a size 24/26 to an 18/20. I can't believe it happened so fast. I've not been sick at all, and my left side pain finally went away by the end of my 3rd week. Everyone has said it get's better, and it really does! Wishing you the best of luck!

    WOW! Sounds like you did have it rough! I didn't have a drain, and I am able to get up on my own now. I was sleeved the 24th. Congrats on your weight loss, that is amazing! I hope to do as well as you are doing!!

  7. wondering one is right. you just need to stay hydrated. dont worry about the Protein for now. after a few days when you are feeling better then try a little at a time. it will get easier....keep up the walking walking walking. it helps sooooo much. the medicine cup is a great thing to use for sipping all of your required liquids. if you make sure to sip one of those down every 10 minutes while you are awake then after you have done that all day you have drank 1 gallon of liquids. good luck to you on a fast and safe recovery!

    Thanks so much! I am feeling a lot better today! I just said forget the isopure! I started my full liquids and drank my first powders?utm_source=BariatricPal&utm_medium=Affiliate&utm_campaign=CommentLink" target="_ad" data-id="1" >unjury protien shake this morning, it went down just fine! I am getting around just fine in my house, and can get up on my own now! I may try to go for a short walk this evening!

  8. Thanks so much for the input everyone! I really appreciate it! I have not tried the Isopure today,just the clear liquids,and they go down A LOT easier! Its just hard to convince my fiance that its ok to just concentrate on liquids for now,since the doc said to start isopure, he is trying his best to make sure I drink it! I may try to advance to full liquids in the morning! :)

  9. Well, I was sleeved at 8 am Aug 24th. I felt ok afterwards, just sore! Then on post op day 1(yesterday), I went down for my gastrograffin test (to make sure I didnt have a leak) It was good, no leaks or obstructions! So I was started on Apple juice and Water, which was making me very nauseated,so my nurse gave me a high dose of Phenergan and it knocked me out completely, therefor I wasnt able to sip at all, and had to stay an extra night, I was also very very sore and struggled getting in and out of bed:( But I guess an extra night is better than getting dehydrated and going back to the hospital! So, I came home today! I can get my juice mixed with water down ok..Ive eaten a popsicle, BUT my Isopure is another story! I cant handle that at all! The smell and the taste of it alone make me very nauseated, I threw up for the first time tonight after trying to get in my required amount, Im thinking I probably drank it too fast cause I wanted to get it over with! I am going to start my full liquids Sat night, so hopefully I will be able to do better with my Protein. Any suggestions from you experienced sleevers on ways to make getting protein down any easier??

  10. The day has finally arrived! I am geting sleeved at 8 in the morning! I have to be there at 6:30 for pre-op! I have had 2 bottles of mag citrate today, which was AWFUL! I have been on Clear Liquids all day( thank God my Dr didnt require this of me for 2 weeks, I'd of died!) So, I just want to know what to expect when I wake up from surgery and the few days following. I'm a nurse, so I know about the surgical and recovery part...but how will I feel, what will help me any do's and dont's? Does anyone have any tips on getting in the required amount of Water and Protein? That is my major concern! Thanks in advance for your help!!!rolleyes.gif

  11. Ok, so...I have a surgery date of Aug 24th. My surgeon has not required me to lose any weight or to go on any kind of pre-op diet. So, therefor in my mind I am eating everything I want......feeling kinda like its the last time I will be able to eat like a normal person! Am I the only one that had been experiencing this??? I mean in my mind, I know I need to be focusing on cutting carbs, eating my Protein first, not drinking while eating,chewing my food 20 times, eating SLOW and so on and so fourth. Am I alone in doing this?? I hear of most people being on pre op liquid diets, but since I didnt have to, I just wanted to enjoy my food for the last couple of weeks! Do I need to just stop now????wink.gif

  12. My surgery date is Aug 24th! I'd do it tomorrow if I could! I'm MORE than ready! The only thing that concerns me is once I start to eat solid foods, being able to eat slowly enough and not drink with my food! I better start practicing now!!! Good luck everyone!!biggrin.gif

  13. I am getting pretty close to finding out my surgery date, I just finished my 6 month program on July 14th :) So hopefully in the next couple of weeks, I should have a surgery date!! My question for those of you that have been sleeved, is do any of you have a good toning work out you could give me? I'd like one that would target all of the muscle groups if possible! I'm really wanting to tone up to avoid any loose skin!!!

    Thanks for any tips!!! :D

  14. I had my surgery on January 13 by Dr. Aceves. I am 5'8" and started at 232 lbs and I am 56 years old. I had been a yo-yo dieter for as long as I can remember and recall my mother telling me in third grade that if I didn't stop eating so much we would have to shop in the "Chubby Girls" section of the stores. You can imagine what that did for a 9 year-old's self-esteem. Anyway, I bounced up and down between size 10-14 in my 20's and 30's. I was diagnosed with MS when I was 28 and sometimes it was difficult to find the energy to exercise, but I love to run and tried to do as much as I could when I was in remission. Divorce, a long MS relapse, and menopause led to a gain of 60 lbs over and above the pounds that crept on quietly. I initially thought I wanted the Band, but did a little investigating and discovered the complication rates. I came across a description of the sleeve and knew it was for me--why did I need a huge stomach that clamored to be constantly filled when I could have a tiny dwarf stomach?

    Now it is six months later and I am 61 lbs. lighter. This has been the easiest weight loss I have ever achieved. I eat what I like, which is Protein. I seem to have lost my taste for sweets, as on the few times I have tried them they have not tasted good and I threw them away after one bite. I have never been a fan of vegetables but I love fruit and incorporate it into my diet while keeping track of the carbs. I originally set my goal to lose 82 lbs, which would put me squarely in the middle of a "normal" BMI, but honestly, this weight loss is pretty easy so I may just keep going down to the 140's, where I have not been for 25 years and which would put me at the lower end of normal. We will see.

    WOW..that is awesome! Congrats! You are doing great! I can't wait to be 6 months post-op! I hope I lose my taste for sweets, its my downfall for sure blink.gif Keep up the good work!!!

  15. Congratuions on completing your 6th month diet! Now you get the really good news soon, right?

    Questions to ask surgeon:

    If you have not asked already. How many sleeves have you done? What is your experience in barriatrics? What size bougie will you be using? What complications have your patients experienced right after surgery? What are the top three things I can do to make my sleeve a success? Will I be meeting with a nutritionist after surgery or do I have free access to a NUT in surgeons office to ensure successful new diet and changes? Who do I call after surgery with general questions? What kind of ongoing support is offered? Does office recommend certain suppliments? What is your preop diet/length of preop diet? How long will I be hospital or is this an outpatient surgery? (I was an outpaient for VSG and had no catheder/pain pump/drain/nurses prodding me) Do I see an internal medicine doc for follow up (your own doctor) or do you seen surgeon? Does office have a written sleeve guideline plan with what to expect? (I have several that I have collected, send me a private message if you want me to email to you)

    Never tried unjury, although I read a lot of people who liked the Unjury chicken broth. My taste buds really changed after surgery and everything was way to sweet for me. Could not choke down fruity or chocolate/vanilla protien shakes. After surgery, more important that you keep hydrated with electrolyes than worry about Protein.

    Good luck and read up on this site since there is mostly good advice provided.

    Thanks so much yall! I really appreciate all of the info! Its super helpful!!

  16. Well....this Thursday July14,2011 is the last day of my 6 month program, I was told by my nurse and dietician that I have met all requirements and done everything expected of me in order to be approved for my surgery, so I anticipate being approved and having a surgery date in the next few weeks rolleyes.gifI am going to have to go back to my surgeon for my final consultation appointment, is there anything I need to ask him before I have surgery?? Also what Protein Drink do yall think are best?? I have read about Unjury, are they good? I am getting nervous about the immediate post op diet and being able to get enough Water and Protein in! Any advice is GREATLY appreciated! I am so thankful for this site, it is truly a blessing to be able to get feedback and advice from people going through the same thing you are!

  17. Hi, I was close to youre size. I'm 38 and my skin is fairly decent. I did have a baby 4 years ago that really stretched me out, but for the most part, I'm relatively o.k. I will be looking into tucks in about a year I think. Also, the only area I'm concerned about is right under my armpits. My hubby said he can tell my skin is tightening up. Hope this helps =)

  18. Hi! I am new to this web site, and this is my first post, so I am not exactly sure how everything works! I am one week from being finished with my 6 month supervised diet, so time is winding down for me on my surgery date! I am excited and nervous all at the same time! My big question is how much loose skin am I going to have??? I am 30 yrs old, 5'4 and weigh 230, I wear size 18 clothes...the loose skin thing is really going to bother me! Is there anyone out there that was close to my size that could tell me about their skin after having the sleeve done???

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