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Formerly Fluffy

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Posts posted by Formerly Fluffy

  1. No, I don't need to change my definition of anything! U don't know what MY definition of that is so don't be assuming!

    No...the band works because it puts pressure on the vagus nerves which tell the stomach to quit producing ghrelin, the hunger hormone. So when we eat, and have reached that sweet spot, what we're getting is appetite suppression that should last about 4 hours or so.

    You need to change your definition of full from "can't take another bite" to "content and no longer hungry". You may still be *able* to eat the same quantity you could pre-band, but without the driving hunger, you have a greater chance of putting that fork down...and that's what our job is.


  2. Some may not have a clue how it works. But if they don't they don't need to be selling the surgery. It's very unethical for the Drs. (and this is NOT all Drs.!) that know how ineffective this surgery is and continue to do it!

    Possibly two reasons. The first being that many of these surgeons don't have a clue how the band works. They're in it for the money. Period.

    When my surgeon uses the term 'restriction', he means that when the band is working (appetite suppression), I will be content with less.


  3. Because I have been observing this for over a year now. The facts speak! It hasn't workded for me. It hasn't worked for most ppl I know. It hasn't worked for most ppl that I have observed online. IT DOESN'T FREAKING WORK MOST OF THE TIME.

    *IF* it works for u..............then great. However it is NOT the case for most bandsters!

    how can you possibly know that it doesnt work for "most" people?? i mean, if youre saying its not working for you, then fine. if youre saying it hasnt worked for people you know or have seen, okay. but im just wondering what qualifies you to say that it doesnt work for most people.

  4. Yes I see that you are a believer. A lot of us were believers untill we reallized it didn't work! If u think it works for u that's great. For most of us...............it doesn't.

    I thought the same as you and I told my surgeon I wanted all the Fluid out (since it was causing phrenic nerve pain) and we were making plans to do a vertical sleeve. Within 24 hours of all the Fluid being taken out, I was ravenously hungry. I was reminded of what I dealt with prior to the band. Apparently, I've had some amount of help from the band since the day of surgery because I didn't notice when that hunger disappeared. A week after the unfill I went back in and they were only able to put 6cc in. Within *minutes* my ravenous hunger disappeared. I'm now a believer.

    I'm sorry, but I don't believe the band doesn't work for *most* people. I think, perhaps, the correct way of saying it is that the band does not live up to the *expectations* of many people but, yes, there are some it doesn't work for. Why that is, I'm in no position to judge.


  5. So true Maddie! Although I think all of us realize we need to eat better to work WITH the band. We did NOT spend all this money to do it ALL by ourselves! I hear all the time..............."the band is just a tool". Yes, that is true. But for some of us..............WE HAVE NO TOOL. IT JUST DOESN'T WORK!!! :-(

    Yeah, but you don't need a twenty thousand dollar band to to measure foods, count calories and wait 20 minutes to be full.. Same dif band or not--I believe that is the argument here --

  6. I wish...........but I don't think. :-( I have had my band 14 months and had 14 fills. I have followed band rules. I have given this more than a fair shot. It just does NOT work for most ppl.

    I hope u have better luck with it than I have!!!

    I don't know FF, but I hope we both are still on this forum in 6 months after getting our "restriction", have lost weight and are singing a different tune! You think?

  7. Well the band does NOT take away my hunger.........and I have noticed it does NOT for a lot of bandsters!!!

    To all of you that have a band that is working, I am very happy for you. However you need to realize that the band does not work for most ppl.

    I think this is something we need to keep saying over and over because the message is getting lost or misunderstood. Too many doctor's still talk about 'restriction' as only being able to eat 1/2 cup of food and being satisfied for 4 hours without emphasizing they aren't talking about physical restriction. Too many banders believe they're looking for the band to make them put the fork down and aren't listening at all to whether or not they're hungry.

    The band's job is to take away the abnormal hunger. Without the hunger driving us, we have a better chance of eating less at meals and not eating 24/7.


  8. I saw that. If restriction is irrelevent..............then why are all these bariatric Drs. saying that after a certain point with the fills that you will have "restriction" and will then be able to eat less and stay full longer???

    But it IS about restriction! That is why we got this surgery isn't it? To have restriction so we would fill up sooner and not eat as much and not be hungry all the time.

  9. Your serious? Really? You think wine is an acceptable drink during the post op liquid diet just b/c it is a liquid? ??

    Aw come on! Why don't u just have a Jack and diet coke?!

    I am on my post op liquid diet (on day 4 of 10).

    I have been having roughly 600 cals a day - Protein shakes / Water etc.

    Thoughts on me having a glass of wine? It's a liquid....not on the official list :).

    Sorry if this question has been asked a lot (I am new to the boards)

    Wine on day 4 post op - yes or no? :)

  10. Emma I am discouraged just like you. One thing I am not hearing in responses is concerning restriction. If u don't have restriction then it's just l ike trying to lose weight before we got the band. :-(

    Unfortunatly some ppl never reach restriction.

    So, this might sound strange.....but I believe that you need to take in some more calories. Change your calorie intake to about 1200....it sounds weird but trust me, it worked for me. Your body might be storing calories....maybe just add in an extra Protein shake. I went through the same thing, I couldn't understand the whole weight lose thing...as a matter of fact, I have been at another plateau for the last 2 months!! It is soooooo very frustrating!! I started a yoga class this week, so I am hoping that may help for me !! Good luck to you.....

  11. Your friends are 2 of the LUCKY ones. Most of the time.........from my observation........THE BAND DOES NOT WORK! :-(

    I paid cash for mine also and it has been a complete waste of money!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Emma, apparently we have to diet and count calories just like we would have to before getting the band. Certainly seems like the lap-band is a rip off doesn't it?

    I'm going to try to patiently wait and see if this twenty thousand dollar procedure starts to earn it's keep. Luckily I have 2 friends that have lost a ton of weight

    afterwards and right now that is the ONLY thing making me think that it must work, because the numerous posts about people not losing weight is definitely

    giving me doubts. I too, am eating significantly less than before but haven't lost since the liquid no calorie diet, in fact seem to be just gaining it back.

  12. It seems like I heard another former bandster mention this. When I see her again I will ask her about it and try to post if it's relevent.

    After several adjustments, I have finally gotten past the constant shoulder pain. I am taking a Migraine prevention medicine again but I am about to go on a glutten and casein free diet to see if that will help with the Migraines and some other issues. I need to be exercising more and I know that would help as well! I still love my band!

  13. Has anyone ever been lied to regarding the complications with the band?

    I was looking back at my lap-band journal to the notes I had taken when I was first looking at, and shortly after I got the band, and I feel like people were not exactly truthful, for instance, about complications.

    I feel like I need to vent a little and share the things that were told to me, 'cause I think it's unethical to misinform patients.

    1. I was told that it's really rare for bands to have to be removed, although I see a disturbing number of surgeries here, to remedy slippage, infection, kinks, port repositioning etc.

    2. When I asked about the port flipping, quite a few places said they'd never heard of it, and that the patients from whom I'd heard of this, must be mistaken.

    3. When I asked about the port sticking out when people lose their weight, my surgeon said that would not happen, but I've already seen pictures of people whose ports show.

    4. When I went to the fill doctor that my surgeon sent me, I asked if the doctor would be seeing me and they said yes, when I saw him in the hall and asked him a question, he said I could only be seen by his assistants, as I was a liability since my surgery was done by another doctor.

    5. When I was researching clinics to do the surgery, a representative from NWWLS in Everett sent me gristly pictures of a supposed counterfeit gastric band that had been put in by a Mexican doctor and removed at the NWWLS. I google image searched the name of the image and found 3 other websites for bariatric surgeons claiming they'd removed the same counterfeit band themselves. I wish I could find the picture... it was scary and unprofessional.

    Anyway, those are the things I was told that were a little misleading. Have you guys ever been told stuff like that?

    I was lied to also so I fully understand how u feel! I asked specific questions and they lied straight to my face!!!

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