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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by bronnie70

  1. bronnie70

    Melbourne Chat Thread!!!!

    Morning fee and everyone... i have to go to work and its going to be so hot. Because of my internal airconditioning system as i call it awaiting a re-modeling ( excess body weight needs to go), the heat and i dont agree at all. Bring on that lapbanding i say!!
  2. bronnie70

    Melbourne Chat Thread!!!!

    end of the day.... you made a decision, went thru with it and now you are fitter and healthier. maybe they are just jeolous. I stand up and applaud anyone who has had it done and it the months to come i'll stand and applaud myself.
  3. bronnie70

    Melbourne Chat Thread!!!!

    Now that i have decided to have lapbanding in one way i think im preaching about it at work and basically everywhere i go. I got into an indepth conversation with a colleague about lapbanding. She is about 162cm tall about 130kg. She seemed really interested. I told her what she needed to do ie referral to Dr Nottle then ring his surgery for an appointment. I then saw her a week later and asked if she had done it... her reply.... ah no!!! im going to try cutting down calories first and eating healthy. mmmmm... ive known her for about 5 years only to see her loose a bit of weight and pile on more. We cant get others to have the lapbanding done as its a sole choice but i believe you need to be the right kind of person and have determination which alot of people dont. I personally cant wait to be banded..... bring it on!!!
  4. bronnie70

    Melbourne Chat Thread!!!!

    great idea r/e putting the link for the heralsun. Im not quite computer literate enough to know how to do things like that.
  5. bronnie70

    Hi there - how's your summer going?

    Hi all.... I suggest you all have a look at the Heraldsun on the internet today as there is a big thumbs up on lapbanding. The article will have many rushing to find out more.....i expect there maybe an increase to this site.
  6. bronnie70

    DR Nottle

    Hi All... I was just reading the heraldsun newspaper and it had a big thumbs up for lapbanding and stated approx. 115 patients Australia wide are booked in weekly to have the procedure. We are not alone..........and they recommend a great deal more need to have it done. It also said the immense health benefits as we all know. A great deal of people will read the Healdsun today and undoubtably be on that phone finding out more or booking into get a referral from their local GP. Well.... we have already taken that step and now are just waiting... to me it seems our journey is really going to move along much quicker than those who havernt made the decision yet. If you get a chance i suggest you read the Victorian Healdsun online. It also shows a comedian that has lost 50kg since last april (wow!!!)
  7. bronnie70

    DR Nottle

    Hi loretta.... great to have another person on board for support. I hope i dont have to have the sleep test. Does Dr Nottle or the physician decide that??? The physician im seeing is a Dr Tran in spotswwod as the one in werribee is fully booked out for months and i cant wait. Yeh... maybe no optifast for me. Did you have any blood tests or just the sleep studies?? Im booked in the see Dr Nottle on 12/2 and ive booked in the see the dietican and physician on 14/2. Can i ask your BMI.
  8. bronnie70

    Question for Bronnie

    my BMI is 38 so im hopeing that will get me out of the Optifast gang!!!
  9. bronnie70

    DR Nottle

    Hi... i hope i dont have optifast but ive been told that dr nottle requests it these days. i maybe lucky and he says dont worry doing it... i live in hope!!!
  10. bronnie70

    DR Nottle

    Hi all... does/did everyone have to go on Optifast pre-op?? What weight loss have people had whilst taking it??
  11. bronnie70

    Question for Bronnie

    Optifast and i didnt agree... i went on optifast for about 16 days about a year ago. after about a week i noticed excessive hair loss. I was just having the shakes and nothing else. At the end of the 16 days the hair loss was getting really scary and people were noticing. So..... i went to my local GP who contacted the manufacturer of Optifast. They stated that this side effect was rare but possible. So..... no matter what.... i will not go on optifast. My hair remains very thin. Remember mine was proably a one of case... i didnt do what i was suppose to... I had the 3 shakes a day and no vegies etc.... this is my daily lesson... if your going to do something, stick to the rules!!!!
  12. bronnie70

    Question for Bronnie

    If you feel like your going to need something then reductil maybe the way to go. Its worth getting them just in case. I dont even know if Dr Nottle does the pre-op diet thing??
  13. bronnie70

    DR Nottle

    wow suzannah.... your on the liquid diet. Not long now and you'll be giving me post-op talks.
  14. bronnie70

    DR Nottle

    well im hopeful he doesnt have to see me twice. im sure organized and one step ahead of him ie already booked in to see dietician and physician two days after seeing him and had blood tests today so will take results with me when available and hopefully he doesnt ask for me to repeat them.
  15. bronnie70

    Question for Bronnie

    hi Girls.... there are a few over the counter... i think Xantrax is okay and can be purchased from the chemist at about $39.95 for 60 tablets. I cant see how the appetite suppressants could harm you but maybe best to consult another health professional ie the surgeons office
  16. bronnie70

    DR Nottle

    i just sent you a private message
  17. bronnie70

    DR Nottle

    Hi Kaylene... yep, my kids are driving me nuts too. If a political party banned school holidays id vote for them!!! Can i ask why you are seeing Dr Nottle for a second time?? I thought it was only a one off visit. I have my initial consultation on 12th February in williamstown and then have already booked myself in on 14 feb to see a physician (Dr Tran) in spotswood ( the one in werribee had a waiting list of quite a few months). I am also seeing the dietician on 14 feb. Duromine... cant say ive heard of anyone else having to go on it prior to Lap Banding. Did Dr Nottle suggest you go on it?? I think your on the waiting list from your inital visit with dr Nottle but it maybe wise to ask him or his receptionist. Also... i dont believe one gets in first if fitter. If you have problems such as sleep apnea there maybe a delay. We are all in the same boat... overweight ( I hate that word obese)and unhappy.
  18. bronnie70

    Aussie Roll Call

    I read Dr Nottles website and i agree that its very informative. Any queation patients have i imagine they can just ask on the initial consult day. I have a work collegue that i only found out last evening is going to have the op too but hasnt even booked in for a consult yet. Im going to give her this site as i dont believe she has done very much research and you are all so helpful. I was 90% sure of getting it done and then i came upon this site and now im 100%.
  19. bronnie70

    DR Nottle

    i didnt realize just how many people have had or consider Lap Banding... yesterday, i went to work and i decided to tell a few work collegues that i was going to have the procedure. Then one girl said... really, me too. She is going to see Dr Nottle too but at this stage hasnt made the appointment for her first consult. Does anyone know the approx. waiting time for the op when you compare those going private to those going public?? Im going private but i believe she's going public
  20. bronnie70

    Aussie Roll Call

    Hello... even without attending an information session, I believe im up to date and now have the knowledge behind me to go ahead with the op. Im not sure Dr Nottle even offers info sessions at his clinics.
  21. bronnie70

    Hair Loss

    Hi all... I havernt been banded yet but hopefully i will be around the end of february. About 8 months back i went on Optifast for 3 weeks and then noticed my hair falling out at the roots. It has not regrown so i have very very thin hair. Thankfully my surgeon doesnt make his patients go on Optifast pre- banding.
  22. Hi april160 and welcome. I too have not been banded yet but hope to be late february/ early march. You could have a point r/e the gallbladder but it should have been the first thing any GP would have queried and hopefully sent Simmah for an ultrasound. Hopefully we will here shortly from Simmah to see what the problem was....
  23. bronnie70

    Aussie Roll Call

    hi...funny story...I am a nurse and was at work in approx august 2006 and began to get in a discussion with a patient about weight. She then progressed to tell me she use to way 150kg. i couldnt believe it as this lady weighed 65kg on admission for an unrelated minor procedure. I was amazed. I then started asking questions and she gave me Dr Nottles name and i went from there. I have not attended any info nights etc and most of the info i have obtained is from the internet. I had heard dr nottles name is passing in the medical field and had only heard positive things.
  24. bronnie70

    Just checking in

    thanks so much. im sure i'll need advise, support etc just before the op and definately after
  25. bronnie70

    Aussie Roll Call

    Susannah.... dont be scared. Im sure everything will be fine. Easy for me to say... im sure i'll be pooping my dacks when i actually have an op date. Not sure if you read my posts today but im hopeing for a late Feb op so i wont be too fare behind you.

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