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Posts posted by lil

  1. Hi sorry I havent posted for a while busy in work exams coming up and general family and extended family eating my time

    |I was defilled in belfast on 28th March having lost 18 lb in the previous 3 weeks being severely dehydrated and unable to eat anything - now I wish i was still like that I have put back on 3 lbs and seem to have little or no restriction again I had 1 ml added on the 7th march and just 1/2ml taken out on 28th - how do we find that sweet spot I was being so good and now i am being tempted again where is my will power it was so much better when i DIDNT HAVE A CHOICE


    oops sorry switched caps lock without noticing!

    Jerome wanted me to have an exray when I saw him on the 28th this was aranged for me and i got an appointment in the Beacon last friday I had the exray done I got a bill for 120 in the post yesterday - surely I Dont have to pay for that again input would be good - hubby went to educo training today for consultation with a personal trainer - 6 wk programme 3 intensive training sessions a week €546 inclding a bag load of Tony quinn shakes Vitamins and supplements anyone any experience of this programme -

    talk later - i just poured myself a glass of red wine i somehow feel i deserve it tonight its been a very tough week and im feeling very sorry for myself.

    Sorry Loriha just realised I missed u:ohmy: How are you feeling now? Did you get the result of the xray yet? If it makes u feel any better i put back 5 of the 9 1/2lbs I lost when I was overfilled, its bound to happen when you cant drink fluids even, the minute you eat and drink your gonna put some back. I'm just glad I still kept some off and feel better.

    Just hope this tiny feel will do the trick and not have me overfilled again:unsure:

  2. Hi girls haven't been on in ages. Had my refill 2day with Chris Deprez, gave me a little less than 1/4 he was very nice, got a funny feeling from him that Chris de Bruyne isnt coming over like ACS are making out but I may be wrong:rolleyes:. He certainly knew his stuff, very professional. The queue was ridiculous I was 2 hours in there (about 1/2 hour of it was talking after my fill). Met some lovely girls there. One lady was up from Northern Ireland, she was due to see Jerome in Belfast 2day but got a phonecall to say he had been struck off and was no longer dealing with ACS patients:eek: so she'd to come to Dublin instead.

    I asked Chris Deprez when he'd be back in Ireland and he said in about 6 weeks:ohmy: ACS told me there would be someone here once a week so not sure what the set up is.

    Allure: we havent spoken before congrats on your wedding and your baby news

    Roe: it may take a few days for the fill to kick in, mine took 3 days last time then I was overfilled:eek:

    Lindsey: really sorry about your op you must be gutted

    Gerri: well done on the weightloss, aren't you the privileged one getting a phone call from Kim:tongue:

    PrincessLK: I was in ACS this morning wat time were you there, maybe we were there together

    Ailbhe: well done dropping a size

    Elsie: hang in there for your fill

    Think thats everyone:huh2: keep up the good work ladies

  3. Well I am very flippin pissed off . They havent contacted me and im on the list. Its a bit late now for me to get a fill this close to the wedding. I hope them at ACS are reading this coz I cant be arsed ringing them again. They can ring me. Im going to book one for after the wedding. Thats if they have any appointments. Their customer service leaves alot to be desired. ^_^:cursing::confused::cursing:

    Hi Alesha when I rang and gave my name she said oh yeah your on my list haven't got down to you yet so I said what list and she said she'd a list of everyone she had to contact....sounded like it was a very long list:rolleyes: When is the wedding?? You want to be able to eat at it so I wouldn't get a fill too near it if I were you:ohmy: plus you want to be able to enjoy your honeymoon. If it was me I'd leave it till afterwards and enjoy myself:shades_smile:

  4. I was told there would be someone available for a defill!!!! But not sure whether I trust that or not!! The girl I spoke to didn't seem to have much info at all. She just kept saying all she knew was that there would be 2 nurses there on Thursday and Friday and had no more info! So we shoud all be conservative about the amount of fill we get I think!

    Dead right Coco and Holly you don't want to end up like me a few weeks ago:eek: The guy who de-filled me is on call all the time maybe thats who they're talking about:scared2: I swore I wasn't getting another fill after last time but I'm gonna get a small tweak........if not will be the size of an elephant:crying: Looks like I'm the only one in on Friday

  5. Hi everyone I also got an appointment for a fill for next Friday. The girl said she had me on a list of people she's contacting offering fills so if you haven't heard yet I'm sure she'll get to you. She said Chris De Bruyne is the surgeon and he'll probably be here once a month but there will be 2 bariatric nurses here every week doing fills. Have to say I'm relieved now. I'm gonna just get 1/4 or even 1/2 a 1/4 whatever that is:confused: don't want to get overfilled again:eek: I definitely need a tiny fill can eat anything at the minute and with my hols coming up in June I really want to shift the rest of this weight:mad2: Anyone else in Fitzwilliam on Friday???

  6. Hi folks, got an email last night from ACS think it was from Fitzwilliam with an appointment for a fill next Thursday the 18th at 2.30pm. They hope the phone lines are fixed today. I'm so pleased to have an appointment hopefully it won't be cancelled.

    Thats great Gerri thanks for letting us know

  7. Hi Lil, I emailed Fitzwilliam yesterday evening and Owenstown this pm, no reply from either. I just phoned Belfast, spoke to nice lady who said that Fitzwilliam and Owenstown are having problems with their phones (maybe didn't pay bills!) and hope to have them sorted soon. Hopefully that will happen.

    Thanks Gerri hope thats all it is:huh2:

  8. Hi, just a quick question, I have been trying to contacdt ACS last night and today, Fitzwilliam and Owenstown both lines constantly engaged tried Galway just out of curiosity and its engaged all the time too... has anyone had contact from ACS or been able to contact them today?? I'm getting paranoid.

    Hi Gerri I tried all the numbers too out of curiosity after reading your message and they are all engaged. That is very worrying, have you tried emailing them? I know a few people heard from them yesterday or the day before. Hope to God nothing else is going on we should be worried about:eek:

    Just tried Belfast and it was ringing the number is 048 90421616 if you want to try there and see if they know whats going on

  9. Hi all,

    Beginning to feel ACS don't like me, I didn't get the letter about the take over and I haven't been contacted about the fills in Dublin! I wouldn't have known had I not just logged on. Just tried phoning but engaged, probably good for me to take a deep breath before I speak to someone.

    Hi Gerri if it makes you feel any better I wasn't contacted about the fills in Dublin either:huh2: and I was defilled last week by them!! I'd say they're only contacting people who were looking for a fill. Good news though isnt it:thumbup:

  10. Hello everyone I had a 1/2 ml fill last Friday and was fine Friday, Saturday and Sunday but on Monday the band became very tight. I am very restricted at the minute and I'm just wondering has anyone else experienced this and if so how long did it last. I'm only on fluids at the minute. If it settles in a few days I'll stick it out but if not will have to have a defill again. Wonder wat the story with ACS is in a case like this with Jerome not back in the country for 3 weeks:ohmy: I cant ring ACS at the minute cause I'm in work but will do when I get home


    Hi Roe and Skinny didn't want to have to type this again this is the post about being over-restricted. I couldn't even keep Water down. I lost 9 1/2lb from Friday to Wednesday but put some back on as soon as I got fluids into me:crying: I'm finding it very hard at the minute as I'm back to where I was before I had the 1/2ml and could eat a horse:eek: but really trying and keeping a food diary

  11. Hi Everyone

    Lil: I might have missed a post. What happened with the overfill. Did ACS get back to you? Did they organise a defill or did you go to the your GP/Hospital?

    Hi Elsie thanks for asking after me have sent you a PM:thumbup:

    Love Lil xxx

  12. Hey Lil,

    Its cool isn't it.:cool: Now we can have threads dedicated to particular topics and we will be able to keep track of all conversations much easier.

    Glad to hear that you are up and about yourself after your little incident last week.:lol:! It is so easy to be overfilled thats why its recommended that we are close to our fill providers for at least two weeks post fill. With new people setting up all the time hopefully we have a fill provider thats not too far away from any of us in the near future. Take care.:purplebananna:

    Thanks Coco yeah it was horrific alright. Thats what I was afraid of all along and it happened to me again:eek: I only asked for 1/4ml but he decided to give me 1/2 the 1/4 would definitely have been enough. I'm back to where I was before now but wouldn't dare go back up for another fill at the minute. I'm just trying to be really good and I've started keeping a food diary which is really helping. Hope your right about having a fill provider nearby for us soon

    Love Lil xx

  13. Hi Every

    I'm in better humour today, finally the swelling post-lipo seems to be shifting and I'm down 4-5 lbs, only 7 lbs to my (first ) goal of BMI 25 now, thank the Lord.

    All the best


    Hi Ellen well done on the weight loss your doing brill. I replied to your PM thanks for asking after me. Wow that surgeon certainly did well for herself after such a rocky start didn't she fair play to her. Keep up the good work

    Love Lil xx

  14. Hi Nikki welcome back and congrats on the arrival of baby Kai (beautiful name:smile:). Can't imagine what you went through finding out you were pregnant after having the band I think I'd die:crying: but you have a beautiful baby boy now. I was banded January 2007 and am getting there slowly, its very frustrating but as you say we'll all get there in the end. Keep posting, dont know whats happening to the thread but very few are posting lately:huh2: Luv Lil xxx

  15. Thanks Lil,

    Thats interesting reading. I like the bit about weight loss stopping after 2 weeks, thats exactly what happened to me even though I was still not eating close to what I did before. I know its normal but still hard to accept. It will start moving again!!


    Hi Elsie yeah I thought it was very good too, explains alot about whats happening to us

  16. I found this post on another thread and thought you might find it interesting:

    Be prepared this is a long one. I found this post on Wlsinfo.org and thought that you guys might benefit from the words of wisdom contained within. This is a girl called Delly from Manchester, she was banded last April.... I hope that it brings some comfort to those who are feeling frustrated and the certain knowledge that fills will provide them with the restriction and therefore results that we expect and crave.......

    It saddens me to read of so many bandsters feeling despondent in the early months of being banded, even brandishing themselves failures! frown.gif

    When I was conducting my research it became apparent to me very quickly that there appeared to be a pattern with bandsters, I admit not everyone fit the pattern but it appeared like a very strong trend to me.

    For most a pre-op diet is recommended and consequently most enjoy some weight loss, then in the 7-10 days following surgery another good weight loss is usually enjoyed as restriction is felt due to stomach swelling after the op. Some 3lbs some as high as 16lbs – all depending I suspect on our starting weight and pre-band eating habits. Most people seem to get their appetite back by 2 weeks post op so and weight loss consequently either seems to grind to a halt or even we regain some of the weight we lost. Yes there are the very disciplined/lucky or maybe the higher starting BMI’s who continue to lose after 2 weeks but they appear in the minority to me?

    So in most cases we have 4 more weeks to wait for our first fill (some NHS patients have 10 more weeks to wait) Its all very well for the dieticians to give us a post op diet to follow but lets be honest here whilst it’s a fantastic plan of course to eat as healthily as possible lets not forget that its continuous diets that got us fat in the first place. I have been on a diet for over 20 years and I don’t know about anyone else but I just got FATTER!mad.gif

    I read of members joining WW or SW and if that works for them that’s fabulous but for me I have done WW etc more than 20 times and if it worked for me, if I could be a success on a diet then I wouldn’t have ever considered WLS! Long term success with a band stems from reduced quantity and satiety training not doing another diet!

    So we have to get through these 4-10 weeks whilst waiting for our first fill without feeling like a failure –that’s not easy I know because I'm currently going through it, yes I'm eating a lot less than I ever ate pre-op but obviously not enough to continue losing as I'm still at the same weight I was 1 week post-op. I'm not disappointed though as this is EXACTLY what I expected and it’s what everyone should EXPECT! If your expectations are realistic then you won’t be frustrated when things don’t go according to some weight loss plan you have hatched that had you in a size 10 by Christmas! LOL biggrin.gif

    At last the day comes for our first fill we have been waiting for it like Christmas morning but again we must be patient as the very large majority of bandsters don’t feel adequate restriction after their first fill. We mustn’t feel despondent we must accept and fully grasp the concept that most bandsters don’t reach their “sweet spot” until their 3rd, 4th or 5th fill. If you’re having private fills this gets you to approximately 4 or 5 months post-op, if you’re having NHS fills this could be as much as 12 months post-op.

    Then of course you have to allow time to lose the weight, lets just say this could take another 12-18 months so before you know it your goal weight is 2 years away. This seems like an inordinate amount of time to wait but the statistics show that 18 months - 2 years is the average time to goal so there is little point expecting to reach goal before then and if we do then whoopee dooo darrr that’s a great bonus but if we are average or a little longer than average that’s whooooppeee doo darrr too because I bet it sure took a lot longer than 2 years to gain all that excess weight in the first place so what’s the rush?

    It’s not a race with a band it’s more of a marathon but we will all reach the finish line, happier, healthier and most importantly lighter!!!

  17. Hello everyone saw this on another thread and thought it was very interesting I never knew this before. Its from a US thread so alot of the medication doesn't relate to us in Ireland.

    There are several non-prescription and prescription medications that you should not take unless you receive permission and instruction from us in how to take them. Among the medications in this category are all arthritis medications, aspirin, and aspirin- containing products, including many cold medications. Alka Seltzer®, BC powders®, Goody powders®, Bufferin®, Ascriptin®, and many other medications that contain aspirin or salicylate compounds are prohibited. These can greatly irritate your stomach pouch and cause a number of serious problems. You should also avoid taking Nuprin®, Advil®, Aleve®, ibuprofen, or other over-the-counter arthritis pain or menstrual cramp medications. If you have any questions about whether a prescription medication or a non prescription medication contains aspirin or other stomach-irritating compounds, check with your doctor or pharmacist. Do not take any of these medications unless you have first spoken with your surgeon or someone from the bariatric surgery team for permission and instructions on how an exception might be made in your case.

  18. hi girls , terry here. Got word back from the surgeon in Prague she said i need a Tummy Tuck and Lipo on my love handles because i hadnt got elasticity in my skin. She has the 10 of June available but the only problem is i have to stay between 7 to 10 days. I could do 7 at a push but not 10 . 2400 for the tummy tuck and 600 for the lipo , 500 for 2 people for 10 nights in an apartment next door. 150 for 2 flights. Over all not a bad price . I am very nervous as its all so real now . talk later ...terry

    Wow thats cheap fair play to you, I'd be very nervous too but it'll be worth it when you see the end result:thumbup:

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