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Posts posted by BlueEyedBaby

  1. Okay to add a little about teaching. Our school is really trying to make the steps to getting kids to know how to learn. Nothing I teach these kids is going to help them in the future. No one cares how many protons there are in a Cesium atom and no one will ever use stoichiometry (big hug for anyone that knows what that is!) but what they will need to know is to "learn how to learn" I actually gave my kids a dot-to-dot picture this morning and told them that my job was to give them the dots. It is the basic information that they need to get a general picture, but it was there job to draw the lines to create the whole picture. It got to some of them and others will always think they should be coddled.

    As for student behaviors I taught in Las Vegas for the 1st year and I have seen it all. Riots (encouraged by teachers!), drug deals in my classroom (told not to say anything cause it could get me killed), had a student arrested for quadruple homicide in my classroom, kids peeing in sinks (secretary didn't get a sub to cover my class for 1 period!). I have seen it all. So behavior wise I am at a dream school, motivation wise...Different story.

    Well I may not be around tomorrow. Didn't want my mommy to worry! Get to spend the day with BF...but no partying. He drinks occasionally but nope I didn't get the partying gene!!!

    Off to bowling!!!

    Stoichiometry- I faintly remember this from chemistry 20 yrs ago but don't exactly remember what it is. Has something to do with calculating the equations?? :w00t:

  2. Ever wanna just sit back and lurk? I have worked so hard this week that I just could not muster up the energy to do any more than work, lurk and sleep. Yes, I am a nurse but not in the traditional sense of the word. I am a corporate educator for a local hospital, so I guess you could say that I am also a teacher. And I have taught, trained and lectured so much this week that I had literally lost my voice by yesterday. And my throat still hurts. I have gone through a whole box of Sucrets (sp?) and whole pack of cough drops.

    Karri-I posted a very much used "remedy" that we use in the hospital frequently for Constipation. I used to fix it for my friend who had gastric bypass and she swears that when nothing else works, this does. It is a very simple remedy. Mix approx 2oz of Milk of Magnesia and approx 4oz of Prune juice and heat in the microwave to a very warm temp (not hot) and drink it. Doesn't tast as bad as it sounds but it works great.

    Ok..I am now out of energy..TTYL

  3. Hey guys...just lurking. Not much going on...

    Ruby-So sorry you've been sick. Sounds like that flu that has been going around. It's bad here. They closed our church school down for a few days because of it.

    Holiday? What holiday? You mean ppl actually get President's day off? I just thought that was an excuse for the furniture stores and car dealerships to have sales. I have never gotten this holiday off. Even the city goverments here still worked. Interesting...

    Well, the only news I have on my end is I lost 1 lb as of this morning...and AF is visiting so it is probably even more (positive thinking here). Yay!! One more plateau defeated. Janet, do I remember you saying that you had hit your first plateau recently? Man, that must be nice. I hit a plateau every time I loose. I loose a pound or 2 then plateau, then loose 3 then plateau, then...well, you get the idea.

    My 2 cents on housekeeping. I HATE IT!! That's why I have a couple housekeepers routinely. But I have always hated housekeeping. And even before I could afford housekeepers and had to do my own, I was still fat. I used to have such a complex about hating to clean house. I mean, what kind of woman was I? I was a true failure because I could not keep my house clean. But then one day I asked myself, where is it written that I have to enjoy cleaning just because I was a female? And why should I be wasting my time on something I truely hated? That's the day I picked up the phone and called a housekeeper and have had one since. Now, I do a bit of straightening up, and a few loads of dishes and I enjoy doing laundry, and I will clean out closets etc from time to time, but they do the majority of the heavy cleaning. For instance, I have a brand new Rainbow vacuum cleaner that I have never tried to use myself. But I do have a few rooms that I clean. My house is too big for the ladies to be able to clean every room but they do clean the rooms that are in use daily. And it's all ok. Cool thing is, my little sister is exactly like me. She would rather spend the day playing with and teaching her kids, so as soon as the housekeepers finish with my house they go to hers:biggrin:

    Ok for someone who had nothing to say, I have said a whole lot.

    Oh, before I forget, Lynette, I have missed you. It was great to hear from you!!! I sure hope you drop in from time to time. And I do hate to hear about your troubles. Problems seem to be multiplying for everyone lately. :( But we have missed and care about you!

    Nite ya'll~~~~~~

  4. I had a tough food episode today... DH fixed me a 1/2 mug of pea Soup for lunch. I was talking on the phone to DIL and only half paying attention. He decided the soup wasn't enough and heated up a leftover chicken thigh for me. So when I got off the phone I decided to eat the chicken first. I don't know if I ate it too fast or what, but I thought I was going to die for about an hour. I think I chewed up about 6 papaya tablets trying to get it to go down. It was the closest I've come to PBing. Just a little old chicken thigh, no skin or anything. So the pea soup sat!


    Tell me about these papaya tablets.....?

  5. Good Morning Gang

    ..... - but what really struck me is how many people don't post anymore - Lynnette - OMG she posted all the time along with Chim & Dini - Laurend Kathybad, Sunny - we have lost alot of people..

    Well, got a busy day - so I need to get started - will ck back later when I have more time.


    Hey Janet, are there not email's attached to the posts of the MIA's? Anyone ever thought of emailing these guys? I remember Lynnette well and really wander what happened to her....

    Good Morning All!! I hope everyone felt loved yesterday. My DH was sweet and that's not usual for him, so maybe he is turning a page too!

    Went out for crab legs last night! They were divine!!!! I love crab legs. I had a big (well...big for me) salad with cukes and lettuce and cottage cheese. I hadn't had salad because my nutritionist said that it was one of those things people stick on. I don't know...it was great. I want more!! I was really getting tired of green Beans and broccoli so salad will be a welcome addition to my repertoire. I looked up the nutrition stuff on crab legs and then told DH he was going to have to feed me those things more often! I know the butter isn't the best but if I plan my day for it, it won't kill me. They are so low cal high Protein that I think I may want them weekly! Again...this surgery is getting really expensive :o)

    My neck is still bothering me a bit. Not enough to go see a doc but enough that it's giving me a headache. I'm going to try to walk at lunch though. If that 10 minutes doesn't hurt I'll go back to another half hour after work. Funny thing. Someone somewhere else responded to the "don't have time" excuse that I'm ALWAYS using that on the weekends we have a LOT more time.....and to use it. A light bulb came on. of COURSE I could work out on the weekends. Why didn't I think of that? Sheesh! Now I have two days with NO excuses. I only have to find 2-3 during the week.

    Okay...back to work. Brought my 13 year old with me today. He's going to think I don't do anything all day. Have a good one all!

    Steph hon, this is just the nurse in me with some major concern about your fall and continued pain, esp. when you talk about pain in your neck. Don't mean to scare you but there are certain types of vertebral (spine bone) fractures of the neck that cause just a minor amt of pain but can even be fatal with just one wrong move. I have seen it happen. If I were you, I believe I would rather be safe than sorry and go have that neck and head x-rayed. And if your doc seems to be blowing you off, go to the ER. Like I have said, it is hard to even make any recommendations over this computer medium but I am concerned and don't usually mess with a fall that involves the head and neck. Better safe than sorry, dear.

    Hey Everybody,

    I haven't been on in a couple of days. I am reading quickly before I leave from work.

    Karri - I printed your lesson, I'll read it at home.

    Janet - Size? I can't see my feet, I buy the biggest double D I can find. Your first plateau? You are very lucky. The last 20lbs is going to be the hardest.

    My scale finally started moving again!! It's about freakin time. You know if you don't eat any fat, it's gonna stop up the plumbing. And that reminds me....

    On our Wed. night news, we always have Weight Loss Wed. Well last Wed. they had 5 doctors who all agreed that studies have proven Omega 3's enhance weight loss. Make sure you are getting your fish oil daily. It is also good for heart and joints. I bought some emulsified liquid mint flavor FO at Whole Foods. It ain't bad. It reminds me of the Cod Liver Oil tablets my Mom used to make me take.

    Steph - You fell on your head. OMG, OMG, that's freaking terrifying. I sometimes imagine what I would do if I fell. Like remember how we could just fall when we were younger, no problem, like when we went skating. Well I won't skake now, I terrified to fall. OMG, I hope you feel better. I'm shaking just thinking about it. I also have the back rolls,always did, big freakin love handles. I loathe them. It's the part of my body I HATE the most. I squeeze them and wish I could pull them off.

    Phyl - Glad to here your Aunt's doing better.

    Well, I'm leaving work now.

    Oh, I forgot. I have a huge hole dug in my yard. I bought an above ground 12x24 pool. I'm getting a guy to put it in the ground sticking out 16 inches. We have to build a deck around it. He's putting it in Mon. I have waited 20 years for this. My husband always said no way. Well now I make the bucks, I want it, I paid someone to do it, and if DH don't like I really don't care.

    I like your attitude, girl :Dancing_wub::thumbup: I may just have to borrow some of that spunk the next time I get a hankering to put a pool in. :Dancing_wub:

    Ok, I had an interesting, (would you call it a NSV?), today. I was driving home from work today when I remembered that I had not eaten lunch and I didn't even realize it, and I was not really hungry either. First time I have ever missed lunch and did not know it. I think I will consider that a step in the right direction, mentally. What do you all think? :cool2:

    Of course, the missed lunch could be contributed to some major stress today. And not just at work. My DH called me at work to inform me that he was just laid off from work. :biggrin: :thumbup: :lol: I knew there was a chance of downsizing but was not totally expecting this. And money is tight enough as it is....

    Ok, deep breath...:hurt:

  6. Hey guys...just popping in to lurk and say "Hey" before hitting the hay. Long days and even longer evenings. Work all day then straight to church for the evening (having special youth services and I do multi-media), then home and to bed. So much for exercise this week:frown:. Kinda hard to find time to exercise when one is running from 6am till 10pm. Glad every week is not like this. I am already whooped....:thumbup:

    OK, truely did not mean for this to turn into a whine...

    Bedtime for this little gray duck...

  7. Frustated and Janet- I am with you on the maintenance issue. I also don't have a clue on how to maintain weight. I had actually gone down to 181 and now am back up again to 185. Partly because I am so constipated ( sorry TMI :biggrin:), today I took 5 MOM tablets and still nothing. I don't know what to do. Have tried Benefiber too and nothing. I might have to ask my dr. for a prescription. But anyways no way I am getting an unfill., I can see how that would lead to big time weight re-gain. Boy, this is all such a great learning experience!

    OK, CeCe, being a nurse I have to put a disclaimer on this and say that this is what we give patients in the hospital with that problem, and this is what I gave my BFF when she had her GBP and got impacted, and IT WORKS WELL!! Since I am not a doctor I can not prescribe.

    That being said, you have to make your own decision on what to take. So...

    this is a very easy mixture that is not bad tasting and usually works well. We mix about 4oz of very WARM prune juice and 8oz of MOM liquid. Something about this mixture really works. Please note that the prune juice has to be very warm (don't burn your tongue, not hot) And, I would never give this to anyone unless they are VERY constipated....

    Sorry guys...just the nurse in me....and I don't even see that as TMI. Us nurses are so jaded to these type conversations. LOL, we really do sit and and talk about BM's and Blood while we eat. I am a program director for a huge Nursing Convention we put on every year here and all the directors meet at different restraunts around the area every month to plan out what we are going to do. I don't remember the exact gist of the conversation but it had to do with blood gushing. I just happened to look up at the table next to us and the ppl there were staring at us with gaping mouths and turning green. OMG, we didn't even think anything about it. :wink2::eek:

  8. I agree why would someone act like a contorsonist just to put a stupid bra on..

    :Dancing_chief::lol:ROFL, Well, I'm no contortionist but I have never put my bra on any way but to hook it from behind. I have never hooked it in the front and turned it around. Put arms in first, bend forward and settle "the girls" in and reach behind and hook. Simple :Dancing_wub::lol:

    Good Range of Motion exercise!!





    Here is a wonderfully sinful desert made with cottage cheese:

    1-Lg. Box Fat-free Cottage Cheese

    1-Reg. size Container sugar-free Cool Whip

    1-Reg. size box sugar-free orange Jello (or other fruity flavor)

    1-Lg can Mandrin oranges drained (or fruit cocktail or other favorite fruit)

    Mix Cottage cheese and thawed Cool Whip, pour in powder Jello (do not "fix" jello just pour the powder in), and mix. Last drain fruit well (squish the liquid out well) and mix in. Put in refrig for a couple hours to let the jello melt and mix the flavor. Mmmmmm....this stuff is wonderful.

    This is one of my favorite Desserts of all times.

    That's it for me guys. It's 11:30 here and past my bedtime...see ya'll tomorrow :wink2:

  9. I am sorry to hear your Aunt is so ill. I'll keep possitive thoughts for her o.k.?

    Buffalo is not too far from where I live, we have very similar weather to them there. I live on Georgian Bay/Lake Huron, just 1 1/2 hrs north of Toronto.

    Cool Peaches, I've been to Lake Huron. My "X" was from Huron/Sandusky Ohio area. It's about 8 hrs north from here. So I guess I was standing across the lake from you.:smile2:

  10. This morning i would type a word and it would take forever to show up - but right now - it's ok for me...

    OK so did you have t tornado at your house this morning - I haven't watched the news today so I don't know whats going on in the world or was it just high winds -or a bad dream

    Just REAL high winds (70mph gusts) all day.

  11. :eek:

    I think that I possibly just spent the worst day of my life since I was banded. I am totally done with birthdays. THEY SUCK!! To start, DH woke me up at 8am for church. On the way there, he says "oh yeah, I forgot.....happy birthday." About an hour after getting home from church, youngest gets up, comes downstairs and says...."happy birthday. you have to wait for your present." Then she left. Then about an hour later my son calls and says "hqppy birthday. What are your plans?" Then he calls back an hour or so later and says he is heded out to Ann Arbor. I let him talk to my DH and I heard him say, "I don't think your mother wants to go out to dinner>" DUH!! I told him that hey, it's my birthday. I'm not cooking. Even if it's McDonalds, I'm not cooking. Then my son says he'll see me sometime soon and hangs up. It is time to go to bed here. DH comes upstairs and asks me if I would like goulash for dinner. Again DUH. I told him I wasn't hungry. A little while later after not being able to fall asleep, I got up, got my shoes and coat on and braved the 0 degree temps and went to Mickey D's.........all by myself for my birthday dinner. Ordered my first BigMac since my surgery and what happens? Eat half of it and then spend the next half hour sliming. Should have thrown the rest out, but no, I brought it home. Tried eating the rest of it later and slimed again. THAT WILL TEACH ME. Then my mom calls and tells me she didn't get out to get me a card (well she's 86, I can forgive that). Then my oldest daughter calls and after I vented to her, she had my three year old grandson call me and say Happy birthday....I love you." Then DH had the gall to ask me if I had really wanted to go out to dinner. DUH. Only talked about where I wanted to go for a week. I told him that some acknowedgement would have been nice...........maybe a birthday kiss or hug. Nope, nothing. Anyway, that was my birthday.............TOMORROW IS ANOTHER DAY. THANK GOD ! ! ! :w00t: i WILL CHECK BACK IN TOMORROW. hOPEFULLY IT WILL BE BETTER.

    Gosh Kari, Your DH sounds like mine...Sure they aint brothers? I'm so sorry you had such a crummy birthday.:)


    :glare::cake:HAPPY BIRTHDAY:cake::present:

    anyway from another band sister :thumbup:

  12. Okay, gang, I told you I needed new bras, right?? I just didn't know how bad! Went to Penney's today looking for front hook, no wire bras. Found one style, didn't care for it, didn't know what size I needed, couldn't find anyone to help me!! So I left and went down four stores to Lane Bryant... can't remember who suggested that. Maybe it was Janet. Anyway, I found an actual living, breathing sales person in by the "intimate apparel" and asked her is she was the "bra lady". She said she was and asked me what I was looking for. I told her and she said Lane Bryant has discontinued their front hook bras but she thought I could find them at Kohl's. So I told her it's impossible to find anyone to help you in any of the department stores these days and I have no clue what size I need. So she measured me and said I measured for a 42D!! I laughed and told her I thought I was wearing about a 52D!! Actually, it was probably a 48D. All the bras I have are so old you can't read the size any more but I know they range from 48D-52D. At any rate, I was shocked at the 42D!! So I decided to try on some of their bras even though they were not front hook. So I found a style I really liked and found I actually COULD reach around and hook them (arthritis in my shoulders and previous rotator cuff surgery on one had kept me from doing that). AND, they were having a sale... buy one and the 2nd is 1/2 price. So I decided I'd buy FOUR!! Then she told me that if I spent $75 then she'd give me a coupon for another $25 off! The four bras came to more than that, so I picked out matching undies!! Okay... I know... I"m 64 yrs old!! But I got one bra that is white with red hearts all over it, and matching undies, one black & white striped w/black undies, one grey, one pink, each with matching undies. And one more extra pr of undies and all five of them were basically FREE!! I am SO HAPPY!! I have four new bras & five undies and they are all really cool colors!! AND THEY FIT!! Also found 2 prs of jeans at a yard sale for 50 cents!

    12_3_121.gif 10_1_26.gif 12_3_120.gif

    Ahhh Phyl, that is totally awesome!!!! I just LOVE sexy undies. Not a real fan of LB but maybe I'll try them again. Esp. since I am in a more normal size. They used to not carry my size but I may luck out now. :thumbup:

    I am so jealous of all you guys. Size 10? Must be nice. :glare: I was barely a size 10 at 108lbs. I have a true hourglass figure. As big at the bottom as I am at the top and a waist that requires me to tailor all my bottoms so the waist isn't sticking out and 2 sizes too big. But I am still in a 16 cause of these wide hips. Bleh:thumbdown:

    I can't wait till I get to goal. 70 lbs to go....

    Off subject, I woke up this am terrified out of my brain. As many of you know, I was in Pensacola, Fl during all the hurricanes that hit there a few years ago. Now this eastern Tn gal had never been through such high winds before and needless to say, the hurricanes had a profound effect on me. So this morning I wake to the sound of wind blowing so hard that my pipes in the house were rattling and just as I was waking up I thought I was in the middle of another hurricane. By the time I got my eyes open, I was in a stance ready to make a dive for the closet. The worse thing about the hurricanes (during the storm, not after) were the tornado's spinning off of the storm about every 15 minutes. Talk about PTSD.

    Well guys, sure sounds like everyone had a great weekend. Happy loosing :)

    OK...what's up with the site? My stuff won't post..:eek:



  13. I just went over to the PICTURES page... your befores and afters look amazing...!!!!

    How do I accomplish the Colage effect... haven't figured that one out yet!!:thumbup:

    Hey Peaches,

    Not Steph, but I can tell you how I do it. I use MS Powerpoint. You can put all your pics where you want and add any titles or captions where you want them.

    Hey all of the rest of you LOSERS :D

    Hope everyone is having a WONDERFUL weekend. I have done absolutely nothing this weekend at all and it has actually been kinda nice to just hang around the house here. Started to get on the treadmill earlier today but after less than 1 minute, I was very abruptly reminded that I had not taken my heart medicine yet and by the time I got around to taking it and giving it time to kick in, I had talked myself out of treadmilling. I know, I know, shamey, shamey. But I needed a "mental day off" To just relax and not worry about anything.

    Interestingly, as tight as my band was last fill (and I do mean TIGHT), I am nowhere near as restricted as I was. I still have enough restriction to remind me the band is there but I have really been able to get food and Water down well lately. Kinda scarry....:thumbdown:

  14. Ok, so it's been a while and I owe a huge apology to you Janet for not logging on to wish you a Happy Birthday!! I hope you had a great day (even though you couldn't eat). :eek:

    So, here are my NSV's I've been wanting to share with you all. One is that I have two pairs of size 22 jeans that I can now get off and on without unbuttoning or unzipping them. It makes me laugh when I have people telling me that I need to buy new clothes. I've been waiting to buy new clothes until I'm completely out of plus, and I'm pretty sure I'm getting awful close. My problem with pants and stuff is that I carry most of my weight between my stomach and thighs. :eek: Oh well, it's all going away slowly but surely. :frown: I feel like the marshmallow "wo"man when I wear my winter coat, but I absolutely refuse to buy a new one this year. Also, I'm getting excited because I have about 30 pounds to go, and my hubby and I are going to start to take action to have a family. I'm super excited and know with the weight loss that pregnancy is going to so much safer because of this. :huh2:

    Well, I'm down to 214 (started at 268) and I thought I'd be under 200 by now, but oh well. It's not happening as fast as I'd like it to be, but it's still moving in the right direction.

    I've attached a picture montage and the big picture in the middle is of me from tonight. I forgot to take pics for my 6 month, so here's the 7 month. Hopefully it's not too big and if it is, I'm sorry, but I think we are close to the end of a page, so it shouldn't be on for long. The only reason that the Vegas pic is on here is because I have the same sweater on and I can't believe the difference in how it fits and even that's starting to get big and it's only an XL. I shouldn't have been wearing it back then, but I thought it was cute, and think it's even cuter now. :huh2:

    I really love my band family here and even though I'm not good at posting, I do read all the time and love hearing of your successes and trials because I'm having the same ones!!j

    Hopefully it won't be as long between posts.


    Nichole-You look awesome!!!!! Don't forget to post those great pictures on the Picture Brag Thread :eek:

    Phyl; congrats on the W/L that is awesome... and I am glad you rewarded yourself with new sweats... we need positive reinforcements like that..

    Janet, Ruby, Blueyes and everybody else... here's a cute little joke for the day!

    I ate 1000 cals today... yeah, still resticted so far(?)

    Menopause Jewellery

    My husband, being unhappy with my mood swings,

    bought me a mood ring the other day so he would be

    able to monitor my moods.

    We've discovered that when I'm in a good mood, it

    turns green. When I'm in a bad mood, it leaves a

    BIG f*&k@#g red mark on his forehead.

    Maybe next time he'll buy me a diamond. Dumbass

    Peaches-:eek::lol::):lol: That was hilarious. And just my kind of joke. I loved it.

    Speaking of bra's. Now ladies, I would give anything in the world to be back in a D. Try finding 38DDD bra's. How in the world can a person loose 60+ lbs and NOT LOOSE AN INCH at the top? And I am not bragging. I am quite frustrated about that. Although hubbie is tickled pink, I am ready to get rid of these things. I have gotten to the point where I really envy the flat women. I would give anything in the world to trade these saggy things for some flatness. Ok, sorry...probably TMI but just a rant....please forgive:rolleyes:

    And you guys are right...THIS IS THE BEST SUPPORT GROUP, BAR NONE.

  15. Well, since I am "allergic" to caffeine, it's really not a problem for me.

    Do you know how few diet, caffeine free sodas there are out there? Got to the point that I just quit drinking soda altogether cause I was tired of drinking the same things. So I was off sodas long before surgery.

    But I am the daring one and just had to try a sip a while back. Blew my belly up till I thought it was gonna pop and made me sick as a dog. Don't have to worry about me cheating on that one.

    My doc is one that says no more soda...ever again.

  16. Morning everyone,

    I had a rough day yesterday. I felt awful the whole day. Sunday night I woke 3 times choking on my saliva and ended up sleep semi-upright on the couch so as not to disturb my hubby. Yesterday all I could get down was 2 cups of hot tea and a cup of carrot and ginger Soup. I had to force myself to drink the tea and it did make me feel better for an hour or so each time, but then I got nauseous all over again.

    I've been burping like stupid since my fill on Friday. :eek: I'm probably a little too restricted, but I only got .25cc put in and I'm afraid if I get even a little taken out it will push me to the other end of the scale and I won't lose any weight at all. :huh2:

    But I need to get more food and liquids into me as soon as I can or my metabolism will come to a grinding halt. And I don't want that! The only trouble is, I'm not hungry. Being ill yesterday has really put me off any kind of food. Maybe I need to try more soup but even the thought of a creamy soup makes me want to barf. As does thinking about the consistency of my usual Protein Shakes. Geez Louise these appetite mood swings are driving me round the bend.

    The good news is, I've lost 6lbs since Friday, but my official weigh in isn't until Sat so it could go up again by then. Whoever the fools are that say WLS is the easy way out needs to get their head examined! Or I'll knock it off for them! :angry: I'm in a grumpy mood today. :mad:

    Ruby, That sounds exactly like what I went through with my last fill. And I mean exactly. I lost 6 lbs in 5 days and by day 5 I was starting to worry about dehydration. I told myself that if something didn't change over the weekend I was going to swallow my pride and call for an unfill. I got .6ml in my band and that was the largest fill I had had at one time. But on Sat (day 6) I had loosened up enough to get a good amount of soup in and then by a few days later I was getting food down, although in small amts. I still have problems with the burps and nearly aspirating at night but if I dont eat so close to bedtime it isn't too bad. I also have a wedge that I sleep on if I am having problems. I would recommend buying a bed wedge for anyone who has problems choking at night. Hang in there for a few days and see if you don't loosen up. But the again, I am still very tight and some ppl don't like to be this tight. I kinda like it. Really keeps me in check.

    Janet - have fun at your group. I have been wanting to start one up and I have noticed quite a few newbies here that are from Michigan. Maybe I can start something. I'll meet up in Chicago. It's only a four hour drive for me. We spent a lot of time there when my granddaughter was transplanted. I love it there.

    Steph- What do you teach? Only six kids? is it a private school or what?

    Okay, I have a problem here and am not quite sure what to do so I'm going to ask your opinion. First off, I have sleep apnea and use a C-pap machine at night. I mentioned earlier here that I have discovered I drool pretty bad. Someone here mentioned that they were choking on saliva at night, so I said, okay, that is probably it. Now, the past few mornings, I've been waking up burping. A lot. It stops when I turn the machine off. Is this the band? Or is it happening because I've lost weight and the air setting is now too high? Will getting too much air cause problems with the band? Then, should I call my primary care doctor or should I call the sleep clinic? I'm not sure what to do. ANY IDEAS??



    Sounds like your settings need adjusting. Just like medications, as we loose weight all of these medical crutches that we have depended upon for so long either become obsolete or need to be decreased. I have came off of all my medications except for 2 and those 2 I will never be able to stop. I am on a thyroid med and a heart (not bp) pill. The last time I went to my PCP, he said "just out of curiosity, lets do a TSH (thyroid test). Well, mine was so low it nearly did not register at all. The office called me in a panic saying to not take anymore of my present dose, that they had called me in a lower dose and to go pick it up immediately. And I caught my cardiologist in the hallway the other day and told her that I could not take my night pill because it slowed my heart down too much at night and dropped my BP out the bottom. So she actually changed my type of med altogether. So I would recommend calling your PCP and ask them what the process is for you to get your settings adjusted. You know, it is a possibility that you may actually come off of that C-PAP machine. :confused:

    Hey guys, I just checked out the Progress Pic site and you all are looking "MOVALUS". Ok the rest of you slackers, lets see some before and after pics :tt1:

    Chicago huh? Hubby has a new job and won't get to take vacation till sometime in September so I am afraid I may not make it. But then again...I could come without him, huh? :wink2:

  17. Gulfport/Biloxi area was much worse. They took the direct hit and were basically wiped off the map. New Orleans flooded because the levies broke. The area of New Orleans where tourist go, the French Quarter, was not majorly damaged. It did not flood. The experience of Katrina was surreal. It was horrific, unimaginable. When we go down the main highway through town, you look out over the city and you can still see the waterlines on things and you can tell that as far as you can see everything was under at least 4 feet of Water. The house we were at yesterday flooded 4 feet, and that water stayed for 2 weeks.

    Oh but how I do remember...:frown: Katrina hit us pretty hard in Pensacola too. Still did not have my house fixed from Ivan. Ceilings were falling in around us and boy was I praying that we wouldn't get a direct hit from Katrina. It would have finished destroying our house. Went for days afterwards not hearing from hubby's uncle and aunt. They lived only blocks from the gulf and it totally destroyed their house and then when they got it built back, finally, within just a couple months it burned to the ground. When we went for a visit in Dec., they took us over to see the progress on their new house. Ppl forget so quickly but don't realize that there are people that are still living in small campers down there... Sorry guys...don't mean to be a downer. These storms just did something to me and I will never be the same again. I mean, how can you truely describe the devistation. No matter what they show on TV, they can never really show even close to how bad it really is. Wow, I'm gonna stop there because I could really get going on this :frown:

    OMG OMG OMG OMG! I AM OVERWEIGHT! So it would take a morbidly obese person to understand how excited I am to only be overweight. I just fixed my ticker and noticed that my BMI is below 30, so I went to check to see where that fell on the table and OMG! I AM OVERWEIGHT! :):success1::clap::party::hurray::rolleyes2::Banane48: :wink2::woot::Banane22:

    Maybe I went a little overboard but I won't ever be at the tipping point between obese and overweight again, so I had to celebrate!

    WTG Karri...That is awesome:biggrin:

    I'm still stuck at 185 (by my scale which means at least +5 on docs). I want to cry but I'm not going to. I need to refocus on all the good because there is a bunch of good from losing this weight. I'm going to focus on water and low cal foods this week and hopefully things will start moving. I'm not getting my hopes up though. Fill next Monday and maybe that will jumpstart something.

    Stephanie, Now this is probably gonna sound crazy. Even I thought it was until I tried it and it REALLY WORKS. So now when I get stuck for at least a week on a certain weight, I do this.


    Don't dig in and try to decrease any more than you are. Eat as much as you can tolerate for a day or 2 (now, I did not say over do it. Don't ever push your band to the limit, just eat to a tolerable level)

    I know it sounds nuts but when I got to thinking about it, it really made sense. See, I am a nurse and I just can't settle for doing something, I have to know why. So I will pass on this bit of wisdom. When we decrease our calories too much our bodies start thinking that we are starving so they go into starvation mode. The good Lord made our bodies to survive no matter what. So when they think we are starving, then they go into the starvation mode. In otherwords, they shut our metabolism down totally. So the less you eat, the less your metabolism and when you try to decrease calories even more, your body shuts down more. The only way to boost it out of that mode is to trick it into thinking that you are no longer going to starve to death and it will restart our metabolisms. Try it. I have hit this plateau thing at least 3 times lately and sure enough, when I start thinking about it, I am no where near to getting enough calories in so I increase my calories for a couple days and "boom" there goes 3 lbs instantly. It's kinda funny, I sometimes think "I just know I have gained as much as I have eaten lately" but sure enough I am very surprised to find that I have lost every time.

    I guess I am a bit different in how I eat. I do not measure, count calories or anything like that. I eat when I am hungry and only until I feel full. Whether that be a cup or a couple bites. I do make healthy choices and to be honest, I prefer the healthier foods. (Except chocolate is my downfall...and boy does that go down good)

    Well, it's off to bed for me...you guys have a great one..

  18. hey, i am from Kingsport, and I am waiting to see Dr. Hodge for my procedure....anything you can tell me will be awesome....i am nervous but feel like with some information i will relax a little...i know my insurance has a minimum 6mo. wait with wt loss before it will proceed, but that is all i know...what did you think of Dr. Hodge? thanks nay

    Hi nayray :)

    Dr Hodge is totally awesome!! Of the 2 in that office, you have chosen the right one. Wouldn't give you a plug nickle for the other one. I am an RN and work with these guys so not only am I a patient, but I am also a co-worker of them. Needless to say, I get the inside scoop for sure:biggrin:

    Good luck and email me or pm me if you need to. I would be glad to talk to you more.

  19. i live near Knoxville TN. My doc was Dr. Michael Hodge with Johnson City Surgical group of Johnson City,TN. My surgery was on 11/27/07 and my first fill wil be 01/23/08. Good luck everyone!

    Hi Bullpen!!!

    As you can probably see from my siggy below, I also go to Dr. Michael Hodge. Isn't he awesome?

    I am from Kingsport and have now had 3 fills and boy am I tight :) But the weight loss is great and I wouldn't complain for nothing.

    I LOVE MY BAND!!!!

  20. Ok, DH gave me this idea. He asked me how to find everyones progress pics and were they all in one place. I told him that you had to scroll through everyone's post to find them here and there. I kinda figured that we are now getting to the "bragging point" with our weight loss and will be seeing many "Then and Now" pics. So I decided to start a thread so everyone could post their pics and we could see them easily all at once. You can always come in here and announce that you have posted new pictures to the thread.

    So what do you all think? Do you think we will use it?

    I know Phyl and Janet have posted pics recently. Would you all mind reposting in that thread?

    If no one thinks it's a good idea or it doesn't get used, I could always delete it.

    The thread is called Progress Picture Brag Thread if you want to check it out.

  21. I would love to see a thread with all of our progress pictures on it so I will be the first. DH gave me the idea. I was on Lucky #7's reading and he asked me where everyone's progress pics were and I said, "Well, you have to scroll through the posts to find them" Which is kinda hard to do so I decided to start a new thread for progress pics and here it is.

    I will start with mine.

    Pic on left is 072608, just before surgery...............................................Pic on right is 012708, 6 mos. later


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