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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Jmr314

  1. Jmr314

    My Lap Band Slipped

    Staciw123, they do x-ray with barium, they make you drink and watch it go down. And they also take a still x-ray.
  2. Hi all, I was banded 1/6/2011 I am down 25 pounds I just had my 2 nd. Fill today, I am also going April 1st for an X-ray to make sure all is well because I had the stomach virus 2x so they want to make sure the vomiting did not cause a slip!! 1 to 2 pounds weight loss a week they told me is good after your first fill hopefully I'll be in the 2 pound this time last fill I was 1 pound a week on the nose. Did anyone have a slip I am a bit worried. I'll keep you updated!!
  3. Hello all,I was banded 1/6/11 had my first fill 2/18/11 so far I lost 20 pounds and counting!!I am exercising everyday and joined a gym on Monday I also take zumba class on Tuesday's started that 3 weeks ago :-) glad everyone is good keep in touch people !!!
  4. It gets a little better each day!! I was banded 1/6/2011 and my swollen just started to go down , I have no pain only sometimes in my port area.
  5. Hello wonder, I was wondering that myself and did not get many replies on it, I will tell you I had my surgery 1/6/2011 and just today it started to go down. I was huge especially after I ate or drank anything,it's been 3 weeks for me so hang in there and walking helped I started yesterday on my treadmill but I was walking before that and walking and drinking tons of water and gasx after I eat helps also :-) hope that helps!!!
  6. Hello all, I was banded 1/6/11 I am going for my first fill feb. 18 th. I heard some drs. Use x-rays with fills I don't know if mine does or not I would assume X-ray is better? Can you tell me what getting a fill feels like. And how long in between do you wait .
  7. I was banded 1/6/2011, my gas pains are gone but can anyone tell me when the stomach swelling goes down? It seems when I eat or drink it swells even more. It is so uncomfortable.
  8. My pain got better each day, I did take the pain meds. for 3 days,that helped.I do notice even today after I eat or drink I swell up and my belly button incision hurts a little. I just hope this swollen goes down.
  9. I have the belly button and 3 very small scars , I was banded 1/6/2011 but I am still very swollen I thought by now it would go down can anyone tell me when it starts to go down?
  10. Hello, I was banded on 1/6/11 and my swollen stomach is still there it went down allittle but now when I " eat" my stomach gets huge I tried gas x etc...Has this happen to anyone else? And does it go down? I called my dr. Office they said give it a week and call back as long as I am not in pain but I told them only where my port is it's sore. They said that's normal. But I just am worried that when I start eating normal next week about the swollen stomach it's very uncomfortable. And I lost around 18/20 pounds and you can't even tell I look pregnant. Well please post if this happen to you!! Thank you.
  11. Yes eating very little and slow I am 2 weeks post op today!!!I thought the swollen would be gone by now.
  12. Jmr314

    First fill question.

    Thank you al!!!
  13. I was banded 1/6/11 I lost 18 pounds so far but my stomach is huge, still swollen pretty bad, can someone please tell me when it goes away!! I am already 11days post op. I thought it would go down by now it went a little but not much. Please any advice will help
  14. Jmr314

    Just band

    Pain in your shoulders probably the gas they use it moves around, all drs. Different are you allowed to eat soft foods yet? I have to do 2weeks liquids. It's probably the bread " stuck " your stomach. Is swollen needs time to heal b4 you can eat, Try sipping pineapple juice that can sometimes help with " stuck" foods. Well good luck hope you feel better!!! ,
  15. Maybe you should have had more facts before you did the surgery, your lucky you did not vomit the vomiting in early stages after surgery is what can cause slippage.If your that freaked call your drs. Office and explain your concerns and be honest with them on what you ate. I am sure your fine just get back on your drs. food plan.
  16. When were you banded? I was banded 1/6/2011 I am 8 days post op I was told 2 weeks liquid,clear broth,diet jello, week 3 I can start yogurt soup ( egg drop, split pea)week 4 I can do mushy foods eggs etc. You have to ask yourself Why would you go through the trouble of surgery to come out and eat a big Mac of all things?? So you slipped up if I were you from here on out follow your drs. Food plan if you start to vomit you coul slip your band this band is a tool you have to work with it not against it !! Well good luck to you .
  17. Jmr314

    January 2011 Banders

    Congrats!!! It will get a little better each day, I am 8 days post op and I am still swollen but the pain is almost nothing just itchy, my strips just fell off today except in my belly button. I am still on liquid diet, I am hungry but counting the days till I can start mushy foods ..
  18. Jmr314

    January 2011 Banders

    Hello, I was also banded 1/6/2011 I was told by my dr.s that I need to do full liquids for 14 days then I can start on mushy foods. Also they told me never skip the shakes because you need the protein. Week 4 they said I can start to eat regular foods start soft and move on from there. Right now I am good doing the shakes,jello,chicken broth ,water and diet snapple once in awhile. I am countaing the days till I can eat :-) but I know my nutronist stressed PROTEIN , I think you should still do your shakes. Your lucky they letting you do mashed pototes already, I am not allowed til next week :-/ well anyway glad we have the same band date now we can chat!!! Best of luck to you!!!
  19. Today,6 days post op I am getting hungry !!!!! Starved actually and for some crazy reason the strawberry shakes which I loved pre op they don't go down well I like the chocolate better, weird how that changed I am also tied of chicken broth :-/ I can't wat to start eating!!!! I am counting the days I can start Jan 21!!! I can do this, I can do this, I can do this LOL
  20. Jmr314

    Hey everyone im new to this

    Hi Hanna , I just got banded 5 days ago. Are you exercising ? Maybe talk to your dr. Office maybe they can help , I think you should try to be strong give it more time. My brother is also banded 5 years now and it took him awhile to reach his goal but he has Kept it off four years!!! This takes time could be the foods your eating maybe to much throughout the day or something as simple as that. :-/ I know you must be frustrated just give it time you did this surgery for a reason don't give up and please talk to your dr. I know they can help.
  21. So hello all, I am Jennifer i was banded Jan 6,2011 I went to the dr. Today for a check up, I drove myself yay!! I am starting to feel more like myself, I am 5 days post op ,he said all looks good , I am still swollen he said that will go down in time!! I just can't wait to start to eat Something anything!!! I have a 2 week liquid then on to yogurt and soup and mashed stuff!! I am counting the days lol hope everyone else is doing good :-) I am glad I found this forum it really helps!!!
  22. I am done did the surgery :-) all went well I feel more like myself today!! Went to see dr. All looking good!! I am 5 days post op! Also the cpap machine it helped, believe it or not you will actually feel good with it after surgery :-x lol
  23. Mary, call your dr. Office let them know your concerns!! I was banded Jan. 6 th. I am doing ok a bit swollen tho. But as far as pain today I am fine went to my dr. And all is going well I even drove there :-) , I would at least give them a call!!! Feel better and good luck.

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