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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by sunny70

  1. Hi-

    Your post caught my attention in that I was in SEVERE pain immediately following surgey under my left ribs. I thought it was gas/inflammation, so I walked often, took my prescribed pain meds and slept in the recliner. Day two of post op had me going to the ER the pain was so excruciating. No conclusion, more pain, more pain meds and another ER visit and the only conclusion that my surgeon could draw was that the instrument they use to lift the liver up "possibly tore the cartilage in my ribs". I am 3 months post surgery and while the pain has subsided it is still evident and seems to be more centered around my port site, May or may not help, but thought I would throw it out there. The office has gotten so busy they have lost sight of customer (patient) service and I am completely frustrated with it. There were several other problems I encountered, mostly with billing as I am a cash patient. I would consider another surgeon next time.

    Surgery: 3/11/11

    Weight Loss Institute of AZ

    Dr. John DeBarros

  2. Do you have fill in your band that was put in at the time of surgery? Find out and if so, have an unfill right away. Anyone that seems to have lasting pain like this after surgery, especially with breathing or being unable to keep food down, always seems to have fill put in at the time of surgery.

    Best wishes for a speedy recovery.

    No fill at time of surgery as my surgeon understands that the swelling needs to go down. He did double check for any air and found none.

    Thank you for responding and good wishes.

  3. I was banded 03/07/11. Right after surgery I had pain for several days in the area you are describing. Laying flat on my back seemed to help me. Sitting in a recliner or laying on my side made the pain worse. You mentioned that you are now eating soft foods. One thing my surgeon's office suggests is that I use a "baby fork and spoon" to eat with. That way I don't take too big of a bite. It is still soon after surgery and I think there's still a lot of swelling and it's easy to irritate the esophagus. I really hope you start feeling better soon.

    Thank you for responding. Yes, I do eat with baby utensils. It hurts worse to lay on my back and I can't lay on either side. I have a little less pain today, so I guess it's just going to take time.

  4. Hi-

    I was banded 3/11/11. I kept moving around following surgery to release the CO2. Two days post surgery i developed a gripping pain across my diaphragm that made breating difficult. Called surgeon who instructed me to go to ER. Once there, had chest x-ray, CAT scan and blood work--all negative. Went home and tried to keep moving to relieve pain. Ten days post surgery pain increased quickly while sitting on sofa. i got up and tried moving around. Called surgeon, went in for check. As he felt around my ribs he hit the "hot spot" He diagnosed costocondrtis saying everythng was fine with my band/port and that I must have strained myself sometime after surgery causing the swelling and inflammation of the cartilage between my ribs. He gave me a scrip for Flector pain patch. Came home put on a patch and called my chiropractor. Never any relief with patch. My chiro. used cold laser and muscle stimulator on my back. 1:30 this morning was about to doze off in recliner when I felt the wav of gripping pain. Went to ER, all tests still negative. On the chest x-ray it looks as if my band sits right under where my pain is. I still cannot take a deep breath and the gripping pain occurs randomly.

    I had stayed on my liqud Protein diet until I saw my surgeon this week who told me to graduate to mushies. I am consuming less than 500 calories/day. I am emotionally/mentally/physcally fatigued.

    Has anyone experienced anything like this?

    I am taking percocet for pain

  5. I was banded yesterday, and am having THE WORST time. The doctor said my liver was enormous, which I'm guessing means he had to beat the hell out of me during the operation. I'm in so much pain, my entire diaphram hurts so bad I am struggling to breathe. I did the liquid diet for 3 weeks, lost over 20 pounds... why then was my liver 'large'? He told me in such a disappointed and somewhat disgusted fashion.

    I'm sitting here tonight after the worst night of my life last night in the hospital with no sleep, in agony, wondering if this is all normal. I'm having trouble peeing, and I have 5 holes in my stomach, a bruise the size of an orange above my belly button, and I swear I can feel the band under the swollen lump above the giant bruise. I cough and it hurts like no other. I've had several surgeries in life, but this... has to be the worst. I feel so full of air that I might pop, it hurts so bad even into my back that I can't get comfortable.

    The nurses were superb at being bitches to me, and I got in trouble for being thirsty, and 'drinking to much'. HUH???? What the f*cking HELL!!!! She said I could displace the band if I drank too much. Are you kidding me? I've been sipping all day but feel so full that it's hard to do even that. I'm down right thirsty. I have no nausea though.. Thank God for small miracles. Is any of this normal? I'm in absolute AGONY....

    Do people really go get this done and pop out like some track star on steroids??? Cuz I feel like the shit on a shoe and am scared to death, not to mention exhausted from just breathing.

    Hi- It's 2:30 AM and I can't sleep either. I was banded yesterday and am "enjoying" the symptoms you are I keep telling myself "this too shall pass" and know hat it is worth it. Pain can have such an enormous impact on our psyche. Our bodies have been through so much and are letting us know that, and dealing wih it is all we can think off. The main difference between you and me is that I had wonderful surgeons and staff. No defeating comments, only encouragement, so I hope I can offer you just a litttle, if any. Walking has helped tremendously (even at 2:00 in the morning) and so has the gas-x strips. Are you taking anything for pain? One of the best things I do for thrist are sugar free popsicles. It instanly relieves my dry mouth as well as hydrates me--slowly-. I have a hard time not gulping when I feel so thirsty. My nurse did tell me NOT to lie down, even though I was looking forward to coming home after surgery and climbing in my clean sheets. I have tried the heating pad, but after a short while it seems more irritating than sooothing.

    I hope it helps to know you have support here on the forum. You have taken a heroic step to getting healthier, so never forget that. Ihad my gall bkladder out 15 years ago and have five additionl to the four I previously had. Thnak goodness I never plan on getting into a bikini, much to my husbands disappointment

  6. My surgery date is mar 11. my emotions are all over. I think i am more worried about things going wrong..band slippeage, flipped port. because i am a self pay and i can't just keep going in to fix if something goes wrong.

    Hi-We share the same surgery date as well as being self-pay. I have worried about the same things. Does your Dr. offer cash pay insurance called BLIS? It's "insurance" to cover in the event of any of the above occurrences.

    Do you have a pre-op diet to follow before surgery? I am on day 5 and so far so good.

    Good luck on your journey, Here's to thinner and healthier tomorrow's :D .

  7. Hello fellow friends- I just came to realization how my total life is going to change. My family is scared, my friends are pissed, and I know I'm totally going to change. The fam is supportive but scared. My friends are pissed because they say I look fine but they always make the jokes. Or maybe they are mad because they would rather send their money on beer, desert toys, and other useless crap. I never really sat down to think how my whole life is going to change. I have NEVER been thin, always chunky, husky, or fat. This idea reqlly freaks me out. I know this is a lot but need to get it out there... someone counsel me please...

    Hi! We share the same band-date. Change is hard sometimes, especially when it comes to something this big. I have been on the other (thinner) side and you are going to be SO happy. Not only are you going to look great but more importantly you will FEEL GREAT!!. I have hid behind my weight because I fear the unknown. I can tell you it will be a rebirth of sorts. Surround yourself with only positive things and people. You deserve this and all the good that follows. It may be like some who, when they give up a bad habit, find they have to move on to healthier relationships as well. A recovering alcoholic shouldn't hang around "friends" who hang out in bars. Whoever doesn't support you doesn't understand. Aside from your family being scared for you, embrace everyone who supports you. And give it time. This is a mental thing as much, if not more so, than a physical thing. Keep us posted!!:)

  8. I am sooooo happy to hear that this "syndrome" is a reality for others. I "binged" off and on last month with the same thoughts of never being able to eat those foods again!! Yes, it is about moderation, but a lot of things just aren't good for the body (i.e. caramel covered long johns, Cookies & cream ice cream, double chocolate cake) and those were the things I wanted to say good bye to once and for all. There are healthier alternatives and I am committed to making this happen.

    I decided to start easing into my 2 week Protein diet, adding a Protein Drink once then twice a day to make the transition easier. I can say that I aleady feel healthier, less sluggish and more in control with just this small step.

    Thanks for being willing to share as I was feeling ashamed for having these feelings. Now I can laugh about it.

  9. Hi-

    i am hoping to get some/several responses to how long others took off work following surgery.

    I know everyone is different, but I just wanted hear form others.

    I have scheduled 11 days off, including the day of surgery.

    I have no health issues ( other than obesity :) ) and 99 lbs to lose.

    Thank you in advance for your replies. :)

  10. I had my consult this morning. Met the Dr. (DeBarros of Phoenix), all forms signed and sealed..........................surgery scheduled for March 11. So excited!!! I feel very confident in the doctor (he and his patner, Dr. Orris, perform the surgery together) and the staff. I met EVERYONE in the office and have a lot to "digest" in the coming weeks.

    PCP for labs: 1/24/11

    EGB: 1/28/11

    Pre-op: 2/22/11

    Begin two week pre-op diet: 2/25/11

    BIG DAY 3/11/11 :D

    Watch Dr. DeBarros on Arizona Living today between 1 & 2. Great information.

  11. Hi and congratulations!! I won't get banded until March 10th but I am on the forum to learn as I go. Thank you for being willing to share your experiences (good and bad). I am afraid of many things and I just want to give you a BIG thumbs up for getting to this point. YOU CAN DO THIS! I don't know what it feels like to be where you're at, yet, but keep telling yourself "WAY TO GO!!" From what I've read it is very hard the first couple of weeks. Did your surgeon offer support groups? Stay in touch either way and we'll get through this.


  12. Hello from sunny AZ.

    I have just begun my journey with LapBand. I attended a seminar on Dec. 30 and was excited to learn more about the procedure.

    I have read some of the posts related to insurance req's and have decided that I am going it on my own. The insurance guidelines to qualify for coverage leave a very narrow window, kind of a catch 22. Basically I have to get a lot worse before my ins. would consider, not necessarily cover, the surgery. It will cost a lot more. but in the long run it is a better choice for me. I have had second thoughts like others. I have lost excess weight 3X over the past 15 years always with diet and exercise. Now that I'm older it is alot harder. I am ready to finally do something permanent.

    I have planned my surgery for the second week in March, since that is the first chance I have to take time off work.

    Good luck and thanks to all who share their personal journeys-


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